Essays on Sex Education


Who teaches? Where do they get taught? How much is too much? And a thousand more questions about instructing our children, not teenagers that is right, our children, about sex. In our world today, our little ten and eleven-year-old girls need to be taught sex education.

Research Paper on Sex Education

Why? Because at these ages, they are experimenting with sex, getting pregnant, and unsafe sex. The question is where they are going to learn what they need to know about sex. Some hookers on the street, next door divorcee time three, or an aged person that sex was taught that it was a duty of the wife, and she should never want to have sex with her husband. We as adults have a serious decision these days with our children learning about SEX.

Argumentative Essay Examples on Sex Education

What are the differences between Sex education and sexual socialization? Let’s talk about sex education. It is a process, a program that teaches knowledge and skill, and it helps to influence individuals in how the body develops with language as well as knowledge.

Thesis Statement for Sex Education

Literacy is about more than just learning facts and identifying symbols; it teaches skills needed to combine knowledge in a meaningful way, as well as allows one to express ideas, make sound decisions, and solve problems (Ronny A Shtarkshall, John S Santelli, & Jennifer S Hirsch. (2007) “Research on sex education suggests that effective programs should promote sexual literacy-going beyond dispensing knowledge to include the development of personal and social skills by promoting sexual literacy” (Ronny A Shtarkshall, John S Santelli, & Jennifer S Hirsch. (2007).

Sex education programs will contribute to psychosocial development throughout adolescence into adulthood. When Sexual literacy is absent, it can be the source of many health and social hazard, which could lead to STDs and unintended pregnancy. Well, I can see why some people are in favor of sex education programs in the school (Ronny A Shtarkshall, John S Santelli, & Jennifer S Hirsch. (2007). However, we still need to that sexual socialization is different from that of sex education. It is a process in which adolescence will acquire an understanding of ideas, beliefs, and values that are taught and handed down using shared cultural symbols, meanings, and codes of conduct.

The Ideal Approach to Sex Education: A Comprehensive Dialogue

Socialization is just teaching from the parent’s point of view. These are the morals and values that your ancestors have handed down from one generation to another. How to behave in public, during social gatherings. Home is where babies and children are taught by their parents their most deeply held values (which they may or may not be shared by mainstream society). Parents start teaching their children from a very early age, throughout childhood, exposing them to messages about modesty, nudity, and privacy, including gender-specific public conduct, a private affection between parents; this is instruction by visually see their parents be affectionate to each other (Ronny A Shtarkshall, John S Santelli, & Jennifer S Hirsch. (2007).

“Parental responses to infant masturbation, displays of physical affection between parents, and the instruction children receive about appropriate physical contact with others influence children’s understanding of their own sexuality.” (Ronny A Shtarkshall, John S Santelli, & Jennifer S Hirsch. (2007). Having discussions with your children about the difference between the sex’s (Male, Female) responses to the sexual language that is used by the child. Responding to sex language is used to help shape the child’s awareness of their own sexuality.

Overwhelming Support for Sex Education: Thesis Statement

Parents reinforce their values and behavioral expectation. This be expressed through messages and actions. This early instruction to children is an essential form of early sexual socialization, and they are not considered part of formal sex education. I know it is a little crazy; some parent does not teach their kids anything about socialization, and most parents don’t know how to talk to their kids about sex and their bodies (Ronny A Shtarkshall, John S Santelli, & Jennifer S Hirsch. (2007).

A survey taken in 2004 found overwhelming evidence that there was a need for sex education in schools. The survey was of parents of middle school and high school students in the United States. Furthermore, this survey showed that 95% believed that it was very or somewhat important that sex education be taught in schools, only 7% did not want it to be taught, 28% of the parent supported a comprehensive approach emphasizing abstinence, and only 15% wanted abstinence–only sex education (Sexuality talk, 2015).

I do not understand why both sex education and sexual socialization cannot be taught. I was raised in two different towns; the one was deeply religious, close family net, and approved of friends by my parents. Parents had to meet our friends’ parents before we could stay the night. This small town had more than their number of pregnancies and teenagers having sex out of wedlock. The church would take their pregnant, unmarried teen and shame them in front of the whole church. This causes nothing more than children running amuck (Sexuality Talk, 2015). The second town I was raised in was quite a bit bigger.

People in the community kept to themselves; they did not come and tell you what their kids did or if there was a boy at your home before mom got home. It seems like we had it has been; well, let me tell you, my mother was very well-tuned into what was going on and what had gone on. She was strict, she did not have body shame, she sat down, and we talked about everything from friends to sex and our bodies. She did this from time to time as our bodies it another hormone change. It was different from the way she was raised, and she still taught morals and values, public, home, and table etiquette.


I believe that sexuality should be taught in schools treating social and family values with respect and professionally. Promoting dialogue between adolescents and adults. This done in classrooms, educators should be able to investigate the difference between our culture and beliefs. Allowing sexual values with parents in religious, cultural, and social organizations while providing the skills, training, and factual information that all adolescents need. I honestly believe our adolescence will understand and make better decisions concerning their sex and sexuality.

Every adolescent should be able to have a conversation with their medical doctor about contraception, any other problem they are having, and even the changes to their bodies. Being considerably more open with our kids will really make a difference with our children. Our children are our future; we talk about giving them all the tools they need to be successful. Well, we should give they should also be taught the health of their bodies and how to respect themselves and another person sexually.

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