Gun Control Essays and Papers

Research Paper FAQ

Where does gun control work?

Gun control works in countries with proper gun laws. When observed globally, countries with zero tolerance for gun violence are UK, Germany, Japan, and Australia. Unfortunately, in almost every country, some tragic event was the reason for stricter laws on gun ownership and other gun control laws. Some of the most stringent gun laws have New York, Massachusetts, California, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Hawaii in the US. Those countries are the proof the rules work as they have the lowest gun death in the States.

Can gun control reduce crime?

Gun control laws can reduce crime, and many arguments support that view. When there are more firearms and handguns in circulation, there will be more violent crimes. When guns are taken away, the number of violent crimes is reduced. Keeping guns away from criminals will decrease violent crime. If a person owns a gun, the chances of that person being killed are higher.

How gun control affects society?

Gun violence has many adverse effects on society, creating mental health issues caused by fear, trauma, and constant stress. Additionally, gun violence is associated with lower home values, credit scores, and more. With gun control, the negative effect would disappear. As a result, residents in specific neighborhoods would be able to live more quality life.

Who supports gun control?

More than 60% of Americans support much stricter gun control laws. On the other hand, more than 25% of people oppose harsher laws. The support is lower among Republicans (around 50%), while it is higher among independents (almost 60 %) and Democrats (nearly 85 %).

Are gun control laws effective?

Yes, gun control laws are considered effective. The main goal of the control is to prevent those who want to harm others or themselves from having easy access to guns. For that reason, running a background check on the buyer would be a great place to start, even though around 40% of sales do not go through it.

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