300 Word Essay Examples

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394 essay samples found

Selection Criteria – STAR Aprroach

Proven ability to work collaboratively within a team environment As a chairman of the Young Farmers Club in my high school, it was my duty to organize club members for weekly meetings and various projects that were at hand. I used to chair a team of 50 members on every Wednesday meeting throughout my final […]

Pages: 1 Words: 273 Topics: Behavior Modification, Leadership, Learning, Team

Senator William Alden Smith

Senator William Alden Smith led an investigation lasting from April 19 to May 25, 1912. During this investigation, more than 80 people were interviewed and the United States and Britain were questioned. One witness in the United States inquiry was Second Officer Charles Lightoller. On the stand Lightoller defended Captain Smith’s refusal to slow down […]

Pages: 1 Words: 316 Topics: Titanic
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Seventh President of the United States – Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson the seventh president of the united states and one of the most controversial president. Andrew Jackson had become popular in 1812 when he led the British to succeed against the battle of New Orleans. Many thought Andrew was a great military leader which led to suggestions of him running for the presidency. Throughout […]

Pages: 1 Words: 341 Topics: Andrew Jackson, United States

Sexism in the United States

We have seen the inequalities between women and men especially in recent years. We have been separated by the pay gap, pink tax, and the general idea that women are perceived as less capable, or weaker even than men. This idea of sexism has to start somewhere though. It starts at the very beginning of […]

Pages: 1 Words: 357 Topics: Gender, Gender Inequality, Sex, Sexism, Social Issues, Social Status, United States

Sexual Re-Victimization and Increase of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Sexual Re-victimization and increase in the chance of alcohol and substance abuse Purpose of study: awareness of sexual re-victimization This topic is important for social work practice because it has been proven that revictimized sexual assault victims are more likely to engage in alcohol and drug use. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay […]

Pages: 1 Words: 362 Topics: Abuse, Alcohol, Confidentiality, Medical Ethics, Privacy, Substance Abuse

Sharon M. Draper

Mrs. Freeman Honors English 10 23 September 2010 Book Report: November Blues My book is November Blues written by Sharon M. Draper. It was published in 2007, also by Sharon M. Draper. I obtained this book from the high school library. In the book November Blues the main characters are all kids and they’re names […]

Pages: 1 Words: 314 Topics: Character

Short Overview of the Gold Rush

Introduction                The gold rush began on January 24, 1848. Gold was found by james.w.marshall. James found the gold in sutter’s mill ,California. When people found out there was gold they immediately went to california because people were hungry for gold. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Short Overview of the Gold […]

Pages: 1 Words: 292 Topics: California, Gold Rush

Should Military Women be Allowed in Combat?

Issue: Should Military Women be Allowed in Combat? Background: From 1775-1917, women were only aloud to be laundresses, nurses, cooks, and part of administrations. Within the last two years of WWI women were finally permitted to join the military. During 1917 and 1918, around 23,000 women joined as nurses, translators, phone operators, and other support […]

Pages: 1 Words: 313 Topics: International Security, Military, War

Siblings Relation and Video Games

Many hypotheses were posed as a part of this article. The authors made the hypothesis that if siblings played video games together, this would lead to more affection between siblings and less conflict. Siblings are be working together and interacting when they play video games together. They also guessed that if siblings played violent video […]

Pages: 1 Words: 359 Topics: Sibling, Video, Video Games

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is a 1962 environmental science book that follows Carson’s research on the environmental effects of the use of pesticides, focusing on pesticides that carried the chemical DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) that had been administered through aerial spraying, meant to diminish insect populations in 1950’s and early 1960’s. The book served Carson’s argument […]

Pages: 1 Words: 357 Topics: Environmental Issues, Environmental Science, Natural Environment, Nature, Pesticide, Silent Spring

Sir Isaac Newton – Mathematician and English Physicist

Sir Isaac Newton was a well-known mathematician and English physicist. He made discoveries in the areas of optics, physics, and mathematics. These discoveries led to modern physical optics, modern physics, and calculus. Newton’s book, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathmatica, was a very important work in the history of modern science (Westfall). Don't use plagiarized sources. Get […]

Pages: 1 Words: 299 Topics: Isaac Newton, Light

Sleep Deprivation Causes Productivity Loss

Our world is constantly innovating and moving forward. This is true in all fields of work and learning. There are many different ideas on how we might do this faster or better. One is that sleep deprivation causes productivity loss and can be dangerous. Not necessary Some people have argued that this does not have […]

Pages: 1 Words: 340 Topics: Determinants Of Health, Sleep Deprivation, Sleep

Social Media Essay Online PDF

Analysis of Children’s Television Introduction The amount of violent images in movies is staggering. Unfortunately, many children are exposed to these violent scenes on a daily basis as they watch and play the video games. Prime time television is also not without its share of blame in this issue (Parents Television Council, 2006). Even more […]

Pages: 1 Words: 358 Topics: Bullying, Children, Influence, Interpersonal Relationships, Social Issues, Social Media, Social Psychology, Violence

Social Networking: Financial Transactions Online

The Risks When Using Electronic Communication Devices Lack of privacy and security, spam, forged or altered email messages, identity of sender can be disguised or difficult to be traced, messages forwarded without permission, careless posting of personal information can be misused or converted, visits to websites deemed inappropriate. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom […]

Pages: 1 Words: 281 Topics: Social Networking

Social Problem of Homelessness in the USA

It has been a financial and social concern that has influenced the lives of many individuals from different backgrounds, including kids, families, the mentally ill, veterans, and the elderly. Martin, (2018). States homelessness is said to be the state of not having a stable, or regular residence (207). Which involves moving around between different types […]

Pages: 1 Words: 286 Topics: Homelessness, Social Issues, Social Psychology

Solution for the Tragedy of the Common

One solution that can be offered to prevent the overall tragedy of the commons, is to use “education” as a means to an end. Education is what allows for us to evolve our understanding of what is right and wrong. It helps us to establish our moral identity, and by establishing a universal environmental moral identity, […]

Pages: 1 Words: 360 Topics: Community, Economic Inequality, Tragedy

Sonny’s Blues Assignment

In Sonny’s Blues, author James Baldwin portrays the ways in which two brothers can be completely different – both socially and economically. The narrator, who is the older brother, was able to assimilate, rising beyond the constraints and obstacles that lay in front of him. Alternatively, his younger brother Sonny remains trapped and misunderstood by […]

Pages: 1 Words: 345 Topics: Critical Theory, Harlem Renaissance, Oppression, Sonny's Blues, United States

Sophocles Play Oedipus Rex

Sophocles was a very clever man when it came to tragedies. in Oedipus Rex he created a strong intelligent hero. However just like in most tragedies his pride leads to his unfortunate downfall. Oedipus Rex is one of his most famous plays which teaches lessons and religious views. The three major themes of this play […]

Pages: 1 Words: 360 Topics: Hero, Oedipus Rex, Tragedy, Tragic Hero

Speech Analysis Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation was an impacting speech that affected the course of the world’s history. This speech to the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives was a striking response towards the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Empire. President Roosevelt had been a senator in the New […]

Pages: 1 Words: 358 Topics: Analysis, Pearl Harbor

Speed Race Benelli and QJ Compete in the International Motorbike Arena

What are the fundamental cultural differences that may impede success after the acquisition? Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Speed Race Benelli and QJ Compete in the International Motorbike Arena” Get custom essay The acquisition will result in the Russian company being dismantled, and the machinery that they own will be transferred […]

Pages: 1 Words: 325 Topics: Behavior Modification, Communication, Employment, Learning

Speed: Marketing and High Medium Low

Assignment 2: – 21-Speed Gizmos: Break-even and marketing profitability. By Rohit Pratap Singh Questions: Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Speed: Marketing and High Medium Low” Get custom essay Gizmos selling price at each suggested retail price? Ans:- |Retail Price |$124. 95 |$99. 95 |$74. 95 | |Selling Price |$87. 47 |$69. […]

Pages: 1 Words: 274 Topics: Microeconomics, Tax

Statement of Purpose

 Medicine I am currently a senior student studying Medicine at the Medical University of the Americas (MUA). I am expected to be graduating in October 2017 as a doctor of medicine. I can proudly say that I have been one of the highest ranked students in my class. I believe I have gained the requisite […]

Pages: 1 Words: 298 Topics: Behavior Modification, Communication, Health Care, Learning, Medical School, Nonverbal Communication, Physician

Stem Cells and Reverse the Aging Process

To delay or perhaps, reverse aging is a topic that occupies the mind of many researchers. Stem cells are tools that help study aging because : they divide and renewing themselves for long periods,they differentiate into different cell types as they are initially unspecialized. These cells are immortal, they do however decrease in functioning as […]

Pages: 1 Words: 368 Topics: Biotechnology, Stem Cell

Stephen King the Dead Zone

What The Future Holds While Stephen King has rightfully garnered a reputation as a horror writer, some of his best fiction revolves around stories of everyday humanity affected by elements of the supernatural, such as the Dead Zone. After awakening from a five-year coma, John Smith has come back from the ether with a clairvoyance […]

Pages: 1 Words: 334 Topics: Reputation, Stephen King

Stories Review by James Baldwin

Humanity is being classified as a human being and possessing qualities that are considered human. The authors Flannery O’ Conner and James Baldwin show how the characters possess certain traits. Baldwin writes about the problems of inequality and how African Americans were treated. This brought on the civil rights movement. Baldwin’s writing emphasizes that during […]

Pages: 1 Words: 356 Topics: American Literature, Human, James Baldwin, United States

Strength and Weakness

My strengths in English would have to be grammar, spelling, and writing persuasively. I became good at grammar in the 4th grade because my language arts teacher took off a grade every two grammar mistakes we made which enforced us to perfect grammar. For spelling I became good at that since the first grade, my […]

Pages: 1 Words: 276 Topics: Communication, Human Communication, Language, Semiotics

Strengths and Weaknesses

A. Strengths & Weaknesses Regarding my education, my strengths are determination, good communication skills and having an open mind. These strengths will help me achieve my goal of becoming a dental hygienist by keeping me focused, staying in touch with my fellow classmates & finding new ways to learn. My weaknesses are Tunnel Vision, procrastination […]

Pages: 1 Words: 276 Topics: Behavior Modification, Communication, Epistemology, Goal, Learning, Motivation

Student Apathy

One of the hardest things I had to deal with in my first year of teaching was student apathy. I could not understand why students would rather take a zero than to complete their work. During the course of the year, I incorporated three strategies to help me and the students combat this problem. I […]

Pages: 1 Words: 297 Topics: Behavior Modification, Communication, Learning, Pedagogy, Student

Superman as my Favorite Superhero

Do you like superheroes? If you are like most American, you probably do. Why are we obsessed with superheroes? Well I am going to tell you about my favorite superhero Superman. Do you like superman as much as I do? Well, if no do you like another superhero? I like superman because he can fly […]

Pages: 1 Words: 356 Topics: Superhero

Survey Design

Public attitudes are influential when it comes to crime and punishment related to sex offenders. Most of the evidence in the survey has suggested out that public attitudes towards sex offenders are often complex, which is partly due to lack of sophisticated measures which are used to capture different dimensions of the offenders attitudes and […]

Pages: 1 Words: 362 Topics: Attitude, Crime, Criminology, Design, Deviance, Social Issues, Social Psychology, Stereotypes, Survey
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