400 Word Essay Examples

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1052 essay samples found

Should the Federal Minimum Wage be Increased

Through times like the Great Depression, World War 1, and World War 2, Americans have gone through the most terrifying economic downfall any nation could face. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Should the Federal Minimum Wage be Increased” Get custom essay During this troubling times, increased poverty and lack of jobs […]

Pages: 1 Words: 405 Topics: Government, Minimum Wage

Should Understudies Wear School Garbs?

A couple of oblivious obedience school formal attire are the most ideal approach while discussing a young person’s tutoring. Others envision that it impedes the young person’s attitude and should not be compelled on kids. Regardless of evaluation, the use of school outfits in the current schools has been a genuine subject among gatekeepers and […]

Pages: 1 Words: 406 Topics: School, School Uniforms
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Siddhartha Demonstrates an Eastern Pantheistic Monism

Siddhartha wants to find wisdom as a monk. He leaves his family and travels with Govinda to learn from wise monks who are in the forest over time Siddhartha dislikes the teachings and wants to learn more on his own. So he leaves Govinda behind who stays and learns from Gotama the buddha in the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 389 Topics: Buddhism, Enlightenment, Hinduism, Meditation, Siddhartha, Spirituality

Signs a Woman is Cheating on You 

Women do cheat, by the way, actually, they are much better at it than men. Women are like a Ph.D. in cheating as compared to men. As an example of what a particular woman did with a guy she was cheating with, she would save his name in her phone with a women’s name, such […]

Pages: 1 Words: 431 Topics: Cognitive Psychology, Psychological Egoism, Sexuality

Single-Payer Health Insurance

Running head: The va healthcare system 1 Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Single-Payer Health Insurance” Get custom essay The va healthcare system 8 The VA Healthcare System: Is It Really a Model for Single-payer Health Insurance in the U.S.? Alexandria Watson Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi HCAD 5312 The VA […]

Pages: 1 Words: 430 Topics: Caring In Nursing, Health Care, Health Care Reform

Slavery and Freedom in America: Edmund S. Morgan

The question over how the republic was dedicated to liberty for all while also being involved witha system of labor that denied human liberty on such a massive scale. He focused his study on Virginia, the largest state by population, size, power and influence, and slave numbers.Morgan began with a look at Elizabethan Britain that […]

Pages: 2 Words: 466 Topics: America, British Empire, Crimes Against Humanity, Freedom, Racism, Slavery, Social Issues, United States

SNS Major Problem for Cyber Bullying

Use of SNS is probably the major cause for cyber bullying, especially facebook. When you interact with people on facebook, you can inadvertently expose your personal information to someone you don’t want. Also, it is likely that your location information will be exposed because it tells you where you posted on your wall. Additionally, rumors […]

Pages: 1 Words: 429 Topics: Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction

Soccer Bus Transport Service

Ready to play the new transportation game of 2018 that will proffer you to become an expert driver. Soccer players are waiting for a pick and drop service. Go and provide them a top class transport service. Your duty is to pick the players from a hotel and drop them in football stadium with full […]

Pages: 1 Words: 422 Topics: Soccer, Traffic, Vehicles

Social Media Can Lead to Cyber Bullying

People use social media instead of going outside. It can be even worse by people getting cyber bullied, and depression. Even if people provided too much information you can have people eventually find out where you live and stalk you. Also, there are weird people in this world and they may even claim to be […]

Pages: 1 Words: 441 Topics: Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction, Social Media

Social Media Impact

Social Media Impact Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Social Media Impact” Get custom essay Social media! What a huge word. When it comes to social media, a lot of different thoughts will pop into your head; good ones and bad ones. These platforms are getting famous in an unbelievable speed. Every […]

Pages: 1 Words: 437 Topics: Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction, Social Media

Social Media Like a New Trend

Social media is conceived as an internet-based form of communication, where individuals create profiles in order to engage and stay connected with the world. Recently, the use of social media has increased and is considered an essential part of today’s society. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, SnapChat or any other platform, it has captured […]

Pages: 1 Words: 391 Topics: Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction, Social Media

Social Media with Internet Addiction

One of the largest ways that the advancement of technology can be an avenue to depression or anxiety is social media. Social Media has grown exponentially to every corner of the world. In 2015, over 90% of teens in the US had used social media in some way. That’s nearly 36 million teens! Social media […]

Pages: 1 Words: 425 Topics: Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction

Social Media “Perfect” Standard

    There has been a point in someone’s life where they did not feel good enough. Everyone experiences not having the perfect body image, the perfect grades, or the popularity. Based off of a newsletter named “Healthline” they discovered that over 350 million people in the United States suffer from depression. One thing that […]

Pages: 2 Words: 458 Topics: Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction, Social Media

Social Oppression of Women Theme in Trifles

What are the “trifles” that the men ignore but the women notice? Author shows us stereotypical men whose words and actions shows us they egotistical, thoughtless, self-important, and condescending personalities. And kind and carrying women that have strong sense of female intuition. One of those trifles we can see when Hale states that John Wright […]

Pages: 1 Words: 374 Topics: Oppression, Trifles

Socrates Believes Suicide is Wrong

One of the entities Socrates has in mind is our human souls. He believes that our mind and bodies are two separate things and we should look forward to death. He argues that once your body is dead, your soul is separated from your body. Socrates believes suicide is wrong and when we are born, […]

Pages: 1 Words: 411 Topics: Mental Health, Suicide, Suicide Prevention

Socratic Method: Praiseworthy of Unexamined Life

From made by Plato to the perspectives of Socrates, the significance of significant worth has been battled and wrangled by the savvies. Socrates accepted that esteem was fantastic and found a general not all that terrible; thusly each man is set up for finding uncommon. Exceptional exists as satisfaction, controlled by what we respect most. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 451 Topics: Philosophy Of Education, Socrates, Socratic Method

Software Blue Bubbles Pet Shop Database

1. 0Introduction 1. 1Historical Perspective Bubbles Pet Shop was opened on the month of May 2000 by Dr. Anthony Chua Villar D. V. M. The said pet shop is situated along Gonzales Street in Candelaria, Quezon. Bubbles Pet Shop offers a wide array of pets that you would acquire, like fishes, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea […]

Pages: 1 Words: 437 Topics: Pet

Software Defined Networking Migration Best Practices

Dr. Perigo, Migration into Software-defined Network from the traditional network is a challenging task. Before migrating to SDN there are some considerations should be evaluated. Some of the considerations [1] are: Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Software Defined Networking Migration Best Practices” Get custom essay Evaluation of SDN solutions: To explore […]

Pages: 1 Words: 398 Topics: Migration, Social Networking, Software

Solar System

In this paper, I will describe the principal characteristics of our solar system’s terrestrial planets. I will discuss briefly the mechanics of the formation of these planets and their relationship with each other. In so, I will be focusing on how the Earth is unique. M. Williams describes the terrestrial planets like this “All terrestrial […]

Pages: 1 Words: 438 Topics: Solar System, Terrestrial Planets

Solution to the Homelessness

Homelessness is a serious problem in the United States. It takes whoever it wants to, from the oldest of elders to the youngest of children. In fact, 1 out of 30 students in public schools in the United States are homeless. That’s nearly 2.5 million children. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on […]

Pages: 1 Words: 428 Topics: Children, Homelessness, Poverty, Social Issues

Southern Gothic in a Rose for Emily

Southern Gothic. A genre within Gothic literature with many presences of irrational, horrific, and transgressive thoughts. In the short story A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is a strong example of what Southern Gothic literature is. In A Rose for Emily, the story is about the life of Emily Grierson, telling about the death […]

Pages: 1 Words: 395 Topics: A Rose For Emily, Fiction

Sovereignty in the Wife of Bath

In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Prologue of The Wife of Baths Tale, he makes use of irony in this tale when writing a story on something that went completely against the morals and beliefs of the fourteenth century. The main character, the wife of Bath, is one of his most argued characters. It can be argued […]

Pages: 2 Words: 460 Topics: Sovereignty, Wife of Bath

Space Exploration is a Noble Cause

Every kid has thought about being an astronaut, floating in space and playing around, but many people think that space exploration is something that we should not do, and point our money to something more useful such as poverty in the United States. Man has always been interested about space. From when we landed the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 428 Topics: Astronomy, Flight, Mars, Outer Space, Space, Space Exploration

Special People in my Life

Rachel Johnson Sept. 3, 2010 Most people would just mention their mom as the person who has greatly impacted their lives, but I would say my father as well affected my existence too before and after his death. Those two people mean everything to me, and without them and God of course I would surely […]

Pages: 1 Words: 408 Topics: Behavior Modification, Learning

Speech Outline

Topic: Karma General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the principle of karma. Central Idea Statement: I am explaining the definition, practice and history of karma. I. Karma is based off of Newton’s third law of motion, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. ” A. Every time […]

Pages: 1 Words: 394 Topics: Karma, Reincarnation

Sporty Fun in the Sun

Barbados can boast a huge array of sports in addition to cricket, watersports, and motorsports. Golf at our beautiful golf courses, horse racing at the historic Garrison Savannah Track where the Sandy Lane Golf Cup takes place in early March, as well as Sailing with the Regatta in January attracting not only competitors but followers […]

Pages: 1 Words: 411 Topics: A Raisin in the Sun, Individualism, Recreation

Stars Program

College courses can be very expensive and time consuming for students. A student budget can be very tight. The Statewide transfer and Articulation Reporting System know as STARS can be very helpful. The articulation agreement between colleges and universities are guaranteed to help students. The system is easy and every course is transferrable. STARS can […]

Pages: 1 Words: 373 Topics: Contract, Learning

Static or Dynamic?

Some may say Mme. Loisel of “The Necklace” is a dynamic character. But to argue this opinion, there are many reasons why Mme. Loisel is in fact, a static character. Guy de Maupassant skillfully develops the character of Mme. Loisel in “The Necklace” with an unvarying nature by her thoughts and words. Maupassant begins to […]

Pages: 1 Words: 371 Topics: The Necklace

Stealing of Music

Music has been around for thousands of years, present in every culture to some degree. It can be expressful, resonating with people as an artform with open interpretations, layers of storytelling, technical creativity, and emotions across many genres. However, some musicians have been exposed as thieves, stealing structures of music from earlier artists. Where can […]

Pages: 1 Words: 400 Topics: Copyright, Human Nature, Mass Media, Plagiarism

STEM in my Future Career

Becoming a high school English teacher, preferably for freshmen, is my second career choice. The following skills are recommended for becoming a high school English teacher: the ability to build strong relationships, excellent communication skills, the ability to model, subject knowledge, and a good sense of humor. In order to become a good teacher, I […]

Pages: 1 Words: 435 Topics: Future, My Future
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