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1633 essay samples found

Analyzing the Pros and Cons of the US-Mexico Border Wall: a Multifaceted Perspective

There have many controversial talks about the Mexican- United state border after the running of president Trump main campaign to build a wall. The United States’ southern border with Mexico is 1,933 miles long, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the tip of South Texas. Due to the rise of undocumented immigration, there’s been many […]

Pages: 2 Words: 526 Topics: Donald Trump, Illegal Immigration, Mexico

Anarchists were Given a Trial in Court

The textbook says that “On May 3, 1886, violence erupted at the McCormick Reaper Works plant, where farm equipment was made” (Shi and Tindall 595). Union and non-union workers began to fight with each other. The police came, shots were fired, and two strikers were killed. This was only the start of the onslaught of […]

Pages: 2 Words: 473 Topics: Death Penalty, Human Rights, Punishment
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Ancient Egypt Trade

Ancient Egypt was one of the earliest, but most advanced, civilizations. But even they had to trade to get everything they needed. Egyptians traded many things, with different people, and in varying ways. Trade started in Mesopotamia and Egypt is very close to Mesopotamia. Because of this, both of them became trade partners. Not many […]

Pages: 2 Words: 564 Topics: Ancient Egypt, Trade

Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Ancient egyptian civilization lasted for more than 3000 years and showed an incredible amount of continuity. The Egyptians themselves referred to their history in the relation to the ruler of the time. A vast amount of Egyptian imagery, especially royal imagery that was governed. The Egyptians were aware of their consistency, which they viewed as […]

Pages: 2 Words: 513 Topics: Ancient Egypt, Civilization, Time

Ancient Egyptian Culture

Introduction It was once the home of the very famous King Tutankhamen, also known as King Tut. Ancient Egypt was an amazing place With many great customs and routines. For example, imagine you are in ancient Egypt. You walk around in light, white, simple clothes. You trudge on to your clay pots that hold the […]

Pages: 2 Words: 472 Topics: Ancient Egypt, Clothing, Cooking, Cuisine, Food And Drink, Hobby, Vegetable

Ancient Egyptian Military

Tools/weapons used In the Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods the weapons used were mainly maces (a heavy club typically having a metal head or spikes), daggers, or spears. Other weapons like the bow and arrow, and more. Most of the Egyptian army were infantrymen or Foot-soldiers, there were horse-drawn chariots, but no cavalry. Don't use […]

Pages: 2 Words: 543 Topics: Ancient Egypt, Military

Ancient Egyptian Table Etiquette

Egyptian table etiquette might not seem like a very interesting topic, but once you learn about their etiquette you will be happy ours is not like theirs was back then. Egyptians didn’t use silverware because sand would stick to the metal. When they use their fingers, sand would stick to their fingers, but not as […]

Pages: 2 Words: 495 Topics: Ancient Egypt, Etiquette, Food And Drink

Ancient History and Europe

The Persians, Romans, and Greeks are remembered in the contemporary society for their influence in Westernization. The Greeks have significant achievements in architecture, sports, arts, and theater. The Persians have major contributions towards the aspect of democracy in the modern societies. The Roman Republic components of government are also evident in modern-day societies. This paper […]

Pages: 2 Words: 476 Topics: Ancient Greece, Human Rights, Roman Empire

Andrew Carnegie: Industrialist and Philanthropist

Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-born American industrialist who drew a fortune in the steel industry in the early 1870s. Carnegie worked in a Pittsburgh cotton factory as a boy before he was offered a position as Division Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1859. Andrew Carnegie, while working for the railroad, invested in multiple iron […]

Pages: 2 Words: 544 Topics: Andrew Carnegie, Labor

Andrew Jackson – Presidency, Job & Accomplishments

Before being involved with politics, Andrew Jackson was a wealthy Tennessee lawyer. By 1812, he started to be more involved with politics when war started between the US and Great Britain called the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson purchased “The Hermitage” in 1804. During that, he owned nine slaves. As the years go by, Andrew […]

Pages: 2 Words: 501 Topics: Andrew Jackson, Government, Job, United States

Andrew Jackson Background

Jackson was the seventh president of the United States of America. He was president from 1829 to 1837. While running for presidency he ran as a representative for the common man. Andrew Jackson became a lawyer he then went on to become a Tennessee representative and later on served on the senate. Andrew Jackson was […]

Pages: 2 Words: 476 Topics: Andrew Jackson, Government, United States

Ang Maharlika

Types of Food Menus in RestaurantI want to do this! What’s This? A Menu is a restaurant’s face to the world. knife fork and menu image by Warren Millar from Fotolia. com Different restaurants offer different cuisines, customs and price ranges as well as different menu styles. A menu is the most visible and most […]

Pages: 2 Words: 564 Topics: Cooking, Cuisine, Food And Drink, Food Industry, Restaurant

Animal Farm: Descriptions and Analysis

Animal Farm was written soon after George Orwell resigned from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in 1943, while he worked as the literary editor for the Tribune, in London. He had not written a novel during the three years he was with the BBC and was having an extremely hard time writing at all, with […]

Pages: 2 Words: 530 Topics: Analysis, Animal Farm, George Orwell

Animal Farm: Symbols

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a book based off of the Russian Revolution. Orwell tells the story by placing symbolism on a farm. During the book, there is clear symbolism of the revolution within each chapter, which comes with much drama on the farm. The abuse of power on Animal Farm causes pigs stealing […]

Pages: 2 Words: 503 Topics: Animal Farm, George Orwell

Animal Husbandry Proves to Produce Far Worse Results than Vegetable Production

Over the past decades, American dietary patterns have shifted towards eating healthier foods. The Pew Research Center commented on this trend in a report, stating that the majority of Americans are paying more attention to eating nutritious foods today compared with 20 years ago and think that, on most days, they should be eating healthier […]

Pages: 2 Words: 534 Topics: Food Industry, Natural Environment

Animal Testing in the Makeup Industry

Your makeup is pretty did you know it was tested on an animal. Animal cruelty is known to be one of the most controversial topics around the world. With there being thousands of opinions on this issue, with the cosmetic industry being number one using animal cruelty more than anyone. Many people today dont understand […]

Pages: 2 Words: 513 Topics: Animal Testing, Cosmetics, Cruelty To Animals

Animals are Basically the Back Bone of the Human Race

With the use of the chimpanzees and orangutans in the medical field, doctors will be able to better test the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical drugs that they create. Because of the fact that these particular primates have a very close similar genetic makeup to humans, means that they are the best candidate. Rats are by […]

Pages: 2 Words: 505 Topics: Animal Rights, Animal Testing, Animals, Morality, Race

Anne’s Transformation in the Diary of A.Frank

In the Diary of Anne Frank, we get to see Anne change from a child to a woman during her two years in hiding at the Secret Annex. Anne matured mentally and grew in knowledge during her time in hiding. Her difficult situation was made more complex by her puberty. She had difficult relationships with […]

Pages: 2 Words: 530 Topics: Anne Frank, Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Social Psychology

Anthrozoology – Cat

The human and animal bond is a mutual beneficial thing between both parties. There is also a major called ¨anthrozoology¨ which focuses mainly on the relationships and interactions between humans and animals. Anthrozoology mainly focuses on hominids and primates, an animal such as a chimpanzee. Animals help humans learn the importance of responsibility, loyalty, empathy, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 514 Topics: Cat


Introduction Anti-aircraft is used particularly in defense against aircraft or intended in attacking aircraft. According to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), anti-aircraft is planned to nullify or decrease the usefulness of unfriendly air action. Anti-air composed of the ground as well as air-based gun systems, beam systems, and barrage balloons. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get […]

Pages: 2 Words: 549 Topics: Aviation, Military, War


Anti-slavery is when a person or group are opposed to the act of slavery. Abolition is the abolishment or the act of putting an end to slavery altogether and all at once. There were people and groups that had different ideas about what was the most effective way to end slavery. This is the reason […]

Pages: 2 Words: 529 Topics: Christianity, Crimes Against Humanity, Slavery

Anti-Slavery Civil War

Ibn Fattoumas journey is a journey that partakes in the unimaginable struggles of both existential and intellectual levels as the character attempts to determine the meaning of life in relation to him himself. The Journey of Ibn Fattouma revolves around the findings of a well organized society with freedom of religion while also partaking in […]

Pages: 2 Words: 550 Topics: Civil War, Human Rights, Justice

Antigone is from Ancient Times

Though the play “Antigone,” is from ancient times, it possess many modern elements. The struggles displayed in the play have survived time and are still relevant today. A popular conflict we see in both “Antigone” and modern day life is the issue of civil disobedience. In the play, we are first introduced to Antigone and […]

Pages: 2 Words: 506 Topics: Antigone

Anyone Can be a Hero Today

Legends of today lie in ones convictions. It doesn’t take super powers to be a Hero. The normal acknowledgment of legends in our everyday lives can be anybody beginning from the firemen, police, military, rescue vehicle teams, instructors, specialists, guardians and the sky is the limit from there. An individual can’t be viewed as a […]

Pages: 2 Words: 513 Topics: Chivalry, Courage, Hero, Human Nature

Apple Inc.: Vision and Mission Statement

Apple Inc.’s success as one of the most recognized and trusted businesses in the world is built upon its vision and mission statements. Since it was founded on April 1, 1976, the organization has become a pioneer in incorporating change, cutting-edge technology, and aesthetically pleasing design. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on […]

Pages: 2 Words: 520 Topics: Apple Inc, Mission Statement, Smartphone

Apple Pay is Attempting to Take over the Banking Industry

Apple Pay is a method of payment that is used on iPhones and is quickly gaining popularity as the years pass. This is making banks worried that they may lose customer loyalty and that Apple may top them. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Apple Pay is Attempting to Take over the […]

Pages: 2 Words: 527 Topics: Apple Inc, Bank, Mobile Banking

Are Pit Bulls Evil or Just Simply Misunderstood

Pit bulls have been the discussion of the decade. People have been outraged by what seems to be ‘purposeful” attacks on owners and even complete strangers. The real question is, are pit bulls evil or just simply misunderstood? This has become a huge issue because, if determined to be evil, plans to terminate the breed […]

Pages: 2 Words: 552 Topics: Should Pit Bulls Be Banned

Are Self-help Books Really Helpful

It is difficult to find in our times someone who has not read or heard about a self-help book. Approximately 2000 new books of this category are published annually, and this industry is growing year after year, especially in times of crisis. This type of reading has become a world that expands more and more, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 483 Topics: Book, Concept, Motivation, Reality

Are Suicide Bombers Suicidal?

Suicide bombers kill themselves everyday for unexplainable reasons it seems like. Is that really what is going on though? Actually it’s not there’s a lot more going on then people think. They don’t just do it because it’s fun most of the time they do it for their culture or religion and other cases they […]

Pages: 2 Words: 538 Topics: Suicide, Terrorism

Arguments Behind Ethical Relativism

The discussions presented by James Rachel on the issue of cultural relativity and the ethical relativity is the premise that different cultures have different moral codes that guide given actions of individuals. In that sense, variations in the morality from one culture to another provides space to assert that right or wrong is a matter […]

Pages: 2 Words: 560 Topics: Epistemology, Logic, Morality, Reasoning, Stereotypes, Truth
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