Andrew Jackson Background

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Jackson was the seventh president of the United States of America. He was president from 1829 to 1837. While running for presidency he ran as a representative for the common man. Andrew Jackson became a lawyer he then went on to become a Tennessee representative and later on served on the senate. Andrew Jackson was a major general in the war of 1812 and became a hero when he defeated the British at New Orleans. This and his other military triumphs led to many suggesting Jackson running for president. He later went on to defeat John Adams in the election of 1828. Andrew Jackson was the first president since Washington that had served an apprenticeship in public life and did not have any experience in the conduct of foreign policies.

Jackson was also the first president that was born in poverty, which made him popular with the common man because they felt he would represent them and that they could relate to him. He later went on to become one of largest landholders in Tennessee. Many saw Jackson as the founder of the modern democratic party and the embodiment of democracy. When it came to addressing an issue Andrew Jackson would address it the same way he would as a commander. Jackson had made it very clear that he would be the master of his administration. He was a very strong-willed and decisive president. This lead to him getting the nickname King Andrew I. Jackson was inaugurated March 4th,1829. Not long after his inauguration he began to replace some officials with his friends, this was known as the spoils system. In 1833 Andrew Jackson had resolved the nullification crisis. He kept South Carolina from seceding and was able to do so without having to enforce the Force Bill and was able to resolve the crisis with a Compromise tariff. During his presidency Jackson had substantially increased the United States' trade. This was through agreements with Great Britain and treaties that settled claims, which then lead to more trade with several european countries, asian and south american nations.

American exports went up seventy percent and american imports increased by two hundred fifty percent during Jackson's term. In 1829 Georgia had spread its jurisdiction to about 9,000,000 acres. Within that jurisdiction was the cherokee land. The supreme courts had ruled against Georgia taking the land from and Jackson had done nothing to restrain Georgia from forcing the Natives to leave. In 1830 Jackson signed the Indian Removal, which let him negotiate the relocation of Native Americans to federal territory west of the Mississippi River. Though this was voluntary in theory, it forced tens of thousands of Native Americans to be forced from their native lands. This was known as the Trail of Tears. During their journey the Natives had suffered from exposure, and starvation. Thousands would die before reaching their destinations. In 1832 Andrew Jackson was reelected.

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Andrew Jackson Background. (2019, Jul 11). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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