400 Word Essay Examples

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1052 essay samples found

The Subject of Plastic Surgery

There are many stances on the subject of plastic surgery, even more so when it comes to teens and plastic surgery. There are many things to consider, what type of surgery? There are many kinds of different plastic surgeries ranging from cosmetic to medically necessary. Other concerns would be age, state of mind, reason for […]

Pages: 1 Words: 413 Topics: Plastic Surgery

The Symbolic Speech of the Tinkers in the Tinker V. Des Moines Case

The case I will be discussing is the Tinker v. Des Moines case. This case has to do with John and also Mary Beth Tinker that participated in public institution in Des Moines, Iowa in 1965. Their institution did not permit students to wear armbands to oppose the Vietnam Battle. Nevertheless, the Tinkers made a […]

Pages: 1 Words: 423 Topics: Human Rights, Justice, Tinker V Des Moines, United States
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The Theme of Freedom and Childhood in Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre From her trials during childhood with her abusive Aunt and relatives, to her time at Lowood, her affection for Mr. Rochester, and her teaching and encounters with the Rivers. Jane learns many valuable and worthwhile lessons throughout the book. From childhood Jane was forthright, and slowly she learned how to stand up for […]

Pages: 2 Words: 455 Topics: Childhood, Freedom, Jane Eyre

The Unattainable American Dream a Story by John Steinbeck

It demonstrates how unachievable the American dream was throughout the story. Lennie and George are two mean migrating to a new farm , due to Lennie cause some trouble in the farm they used to work at and to fulfill a dream. They arrive and start to do their job, Curley the boss son is […]

Pages: 1 Words: 413 Topics: American Dream, American Literature, John Steinbeck, Of Mice And Men

The Utilization of Quetiapine in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Quetiapine, also known for the trade name Seroquel and chemical name 2-[2-(4-dibenzo [b,f] [1,4]thiazepin-11-yl-1-piperazinyl)ethoxy]-ethanol fumarate, is an atypical antipsychotic, currently prescribed as a form of treatment for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. Quetiapine originally became available for treatment in 1997 in the United States and is still presently used as a form of first-line treatment […]

Pages: 1 Words: 387 Topics: Abnormal Psychology, Bipolar Disorder, Clinical Psychology, Drugs, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Pharmacology

The Witchcraft Trial

The witchcraft trials began in Europe during 1550. During this time, Europe had split into two camps, the Protestant and the Catholic. The idea of witches came about because of the economic hardships, spiritual disorder and overall fear from the people when Europe split. During this chaotic time, people were fearful and did not have […]

Pages: 1 Words: 426 Topics: Witchcraft

The Wonder of Transcendentalism

In Economy, Thoreau discusses not only the practical aspects of a man’s life but also his spiritual nature. In the passage, “”One day…”” he uses the comparison of the striped snake to remind man’s current degradation, while simultaneously allowing hope for an ultimate spiritual awakening. It is fascinating to note that the animal he chooses […]

Pages: 1 Words: 395 Topics: Henry David Thoreau, Human, Transcendentalism

The Yuma Territorial Prison

The Yuma Territorial Prison has greatly impacted the community of Yuma. The utilization of the prison was expected to catch the numerous criminals of the time and keep them inside the jail. However, there were issues such as an excessive number of criminals inside the prison. Changes had to be made due to prisoners getting […]

Pages: 2 Words: 458 Topics: Death Penalty, Human Rights, Prison, Punishment

Theme of Religion in Persepolis

Persepolis, an autobiography of Marjane Satrapi’s, uses the manifestation of graphic novel to depict the Iranian revolution through her own eyes. Marjane’s experiences consist of wars, revolution, rebellion, culture clashes and social classes, which mostly derive from the Islamic Republic and the fundamentalists. The theme of religion in Persepolis displays the constraint of women’s freedom, […]

Pages: 1 Words: 448 Topics: Government, Persepolis, Social Issues

Themes Used Within Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The epic poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written by an adept, anonymous author in the mid to late fourteenth century, is a classic amongst the literary world. It is a story that resides in a medieval setting and procures the classic subject matter of good and evil. The poem contains several themes and […]

Pages: 1 Words: 443 Topics: Knight, Sir Gawain and The Green Knight

Theories of Leadership

AMERICAN HISTORY A special skill for a particular situation is a factor that is considered to be one of the greatest determinants of leadership in comparison to the other listed factors. In our case leadership can be referred to as both a research area as well as a practical skill which surrounds the ability the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 379 Topics: Behavior Modification, Epistemology, Leadership, Neuroscience, Social Psychology

There Will Come Soft Rains Analysis

“There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,…” is a line from Sara Teasdale’s poem “There Will Come Soft Rains”,a poem that is included in the short story that has the very same title, by Ray Bradbury. The poem is placed in the shor Though they share a name, does that mean […]

Pages: 1 Words: 437 Topics: Analysis, Arts, Poem, Ray Bradbury, Writing

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

In the novel things fall apart by chinua achebe. Nwoye is a character who is discouraged by his father. The main details of nwoye are, he’s lazy he doesn’t like the rules or cultural of the village his father calls him a female cause he doesn’t like to go hunting and do things on top […]

Pages: 1 Words: 381 Topics: Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Thomas Alva Edison – a Man of Practical Genius

Thomas Edison came from humble beginnings. As he stepped off the boat that brought him from Boston and took his first step in New York, he had only one small bag and a single dollar in his possession. The only shelter that he could find was in a battery room of a company on Wall […]

Pages: 1 Words: 424 Topics: Thomas Edison

Thomas Jefferson is a Great President

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) is best remembered as a great president and as the author of the Declaration of Independence. He was also famous for founding the Democratic Party. He was an architect and designed the Virginia Capitol building, most of the buildings for the University of Virginia, and his home Monticello. Don't use plagiarized sources. […]

Pages: 1 Words: 378 Topics: Government, Thomas Jefferson, United States

Thoreau’s Practice of Transcendental Self-Reliance: Living Simply, Opposing Materialism, and Defying Authority

Henry David Thoreau was an American poet, author, advocate, and transcendentalist. He wrote many famous essays like Walden and Civil Disobedience. Like other followers of the transcendentalist movement, Thoreau stressed the importance of religion, philosophy, and ideology in one’s life. He felt that a person lived a good life by following his conscience and instincts. […]

Pages: 1 Words: 449 Topics: Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau

Three Waves of Feminism Focus on the Role of Women in Society

The women’s movement was a socially diverse movement, that sought out equal rights, opportunities, and greater personal freedom for women. There are three waves of feminism that focus on women’s roles in society. The first wave of the late 19th century and early 20th centuries aimed attention on women’s legal rights for equal opportunities, education, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 461 Topics: Feminism, Me Too Movement, Role of Women

Tips for Choose Best Student Visa Consultant in Pakistan

Like the majority of the striving Pakistani trainees, if you have actually comprised your mind to study abroad, the very best alternative is to get the assistance of a trainee visa expert in Pakistan. This choice is useful in various methods. You can look for required details as which nation has the very best organization? […]

Pages: 1 Words: 444 Topics: Expert, International Student, Pakistan, Student, Studying Abroad

To a Daughter Leaving Home

The American poet Linda Pastan published ‘To a Daughter Leaving Home’ in her 1998 collection Carnival Evening. The form of the poem is crucial here- the one long sentence, made up of several clauses, represents the different stages of the bicycle lesson and hence the growing up process. And, as with many memories of family, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 458 Topics: Childhood, Human Development

To what Extent is Beowulf a Hero

An amazing hero like Beowulf, is someone who puts themselves in serious danger for others by doing awesome deeds of strength. An example of that, is that Beowulf fought the monster that terrorizes the Danes and despites happiness, Grendel without weapons. Furthermore, not only he is a hero because he gives the glory to God, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 466 Topics: Beowulf, Grendel, Hero

Tone in Beloved Novel

Many times, movies and novels vary greatly in terms of what ideas are presented and what literary devices are used. One major literary device used in Beloved is tone, which is portrayed very differently between the movie and the novel. In Beloved, Toni Morrison incorporates an ominous and suspenseful tone in order to illustrate the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 427 Topics: Beloved, Fiction, Novel

Toxic Love and Suicide

Ever since Cathy was born Edgar doesn’t want her exploring the outside world because it is dangerous as we have seen previously. Not only does this quote show a lot about the character of Cathy but also the tendency of teenagers to contain a mind that “wonders” The author’s purpose of including this wonder of […]

Pages: 1 Words: 418 Topics: Love, Suicide, Suicide Prevention, Teenage Suicide

Transcendentalism in “Dead Poets Society”

Transcendentalism is shown when Mr Keating teaches at Walton, the private school that the boys attend. The young men attend a very strict school and their teacher gives them a new perspective on everything. The sense of nature, and simplicity and individuality are presented in the Dead Poets Society and are all portrayed by Emerson […]

Pages: 1 Words: 409 Topics: Transcendentalism

Triumph or Tragedy of Treaty of Versailles

Furthermore, another fundamental cause for why the Treaty of Versailles must be directly considered as a tragedy is due to the fact that the 14 points or peace terms that were implemented by the United States president Woodrow Wilson within the peaceful negotiations made to end WWI were contradicted. As although the Treaty of versailles […]

Pages: 2 Words: 467 Topics: Foreign Policy, Global Politics, Government, International Relations, Treaty of Versailles

Trump and Zucker are Codependent on each other

In the article written for the New York Times Magazine, Donald Trump and his presidency has been giving sole responsibility for the saving the 24 hour news station, CNN. Had Trump lost the election, CNN would probably have returned to its previously scheduled struggle for survival. Instead, it has become more central to the national […]

Pages: 1 Words: 411 Topics: Donald Trump

Trump on the Environment

The agency, then under the control of Scott Pruitt, removed information it had held since 1997, but stated it as a temporary measure. More than a year later, the section seems to have been taken down altogether. According to a Newsweek article from earlier this month, more than 80 URLs have been removed from the […]

Pages: 2 Words: 461 Topics: Environmental Impact, Global Warming, Political

Tuesdays with Morrie: Symbolism

“In the novel, Tuesdays with morrie, there are many important things that symbolize Morries life. Some of these are waves, his bed, food and the hibiscus plant outside his window. The waves represent his fear and understading of death, his bed represents the acceptance of his death, the food represents the time when he was […]

Pages: 1 Words: 408 Topics: Tuesdays With Morrie

Turning Digital Marketing into a Profit Center

  How do we plan and execute, measure and analyze our digital marketing strategy and campaigns?   Picture this… Your boss asks you about next year’s digital marketing objectives. What are you going to say?   “Well, we looked at last year’s campaigns and they all look amazing. We increased engagement in our websites by […]

Pages: 1 Words: 445 Topics: Digital Marketing, Marketing Plan, Marketing Strategy

Two Main Causes of Street Crime in Cambodia

Street crime is considered to be a common theft act that usually happens in many countries around the world. In Cambodia, on the other hand, street crime is one among many other different kinds of crime that remain a concern to city dwellers and local residents. It is seen that crime in Cambodia is reported […]

Pages: 1 Words: 446 Topics: Cambodia, Crime, Criminal Law, Substance Abuse

U.S. has not Banned Animal Testing

The European Union, India, and Israel has proudly banned to sell any product that has been tested on animals. Unfortunately the U.S. has not banned animal testing, but what we can do is to stop buying products that are tested on animals and will progressively go away. Animal testing is unnecessary, cruel, and should end […]

Pages: 1 Words: 430 Topics: Animal Rights, Animal Testing, Morality
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