500 Word Essay Examples

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1633 essay samples found

The Main Protagonist of the Call of the Wild

Buck is a St.Bernard mix who lived on an estate in Santa Clara, California, owned by Judge Miller. But one day one of the gardeners named Manuel takes Buck and sells him to a dog trader. Were the trader put Buck in a crate for four days on a train to Seattle. When he gets […]

Pages: 2 Words: 535 Topics: Call Of The Wild, Pet

The Management of NAS Babies

Neonatal abstinence syndrome is a huge problem of concern at a global level. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “The Management of NAS Babies” Get custom essay Life course perspective NAS affects the infant in a long-term pattern. Starting with neurodevelopmental disorders. Very less has been discovered regarding the association between NAS […]

Pages: 2 Words: 549 Topics: Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Drugs
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The Many Forms of Human Trafficking

All over the globe human trafficking has been in existence for thousands of years, it is the act of an illegal practices that transports men, women, and children from one country or area to another. (Rutgers University Campus Coalition Against Trafficking) Human trafficking is not only an issue in the United States, but also all […]

Pages: 2 Words: 506 Topics: Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Organized Crime, Sex Trafficking, Social Issues, Violence

The Mental Health of Prisoners

This article is important because it focuses on psychological changes, social problems solving, and effects that males experience while in prison. The pains of imprisonment have grown over decades causing prisoners to undergo harsh conditions, along with facing many different problematic situations to survive in prison. The article mentioned how many males who are incarcerated […]

Pages: 2 Words: 546 Topics: Abnormal Psychology, Anxiety, Clinical Psychology, Mental Disorder, Mental Health, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Prison

The Mental Prevalence of Conspiracy Theories

Humanity has perpetually been captivated by the undiscovered mysteries of the world and even reached into the obscure notorious to find a fitting truth. For hundreds of years, a few people known as conspiracy theorists have challenged what is stated only to speculate by taking a distinctive perspective from an acquired material. Don't use plagiarized […]

Pages: 2 Words: 557 Topics: America, World History

The Military Sexual-Assault Problem

Sexual assault has been an issue throughout the Army for a long time. It seems that with every passing year the number of sexual assaults increase within the organization, causing further concern for the morale and the safety of the troops. Regardless of the zero-tolerance policy and the multitude of trainings and briefs given on […]

Pages: 2 Words: 552 Topics: Abuse, Crime, Injustice, Justice, Military, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault In The Military, Social Issues

The Miscarriage of Justice

Our “professed” criminal justice system has never operated to provide “justice” to the poor and powerless among us. Year after year, hundreds of individuals get wrongfully convicted as an outcome of criminal proceedings that are embedded in the miscarriage of justice. Wrongful Conviction is when someone who is innocent is convicted of a crime for […]

Pages: 2 Words: 563 Topics: Death Penalty, Human Rights, Justice, Miscarriage Of Justice, Punishment

The most Famous Explorer in the World

Christopher Columbus was an very important man through the role he played in our history. Columbus was a smart young man whose accomplishments soon led to the the discovery of the Americas. Columbus isn’t originally from the Americas. His life was full of adventures and exploration. Columbus is one of the most famous explorers in […]

Pages: 2 Words: 472 Topics: Christopher Columbus

The most Important Artist in Music History

He was, in the end, precisely what he promised and struggled to be: the most important artist in music history. If there had been any doubt, criticism, and misunderstanding, it ended on the afternoon of June 25th, 2009, when his death news arrived. Throughout his life, he has 5 Grammy Awards, 10 Lifetime Achievement, and […]

Pages: 2 Words: 500 Topics: American Music, Michael Jackson

The Negative Effects in the Hospitality Industry

The negative affect of trends in the leisure industry. In the following essay, the researcher will be concentrating on the negative affects which arise when following the trend in the hospitality industry, in particular online bookings versus the gold old travel agency. Over the years, it can clearly be seen that a trend towards online […]

Pages: 2 Words: 476 Topics: Travel

The Net Neutrality Laws

Kang In early March of 2018, an email service called Tutanota was unavailable for customers of Comcast. Once customers tried to connect to Tutanota with a different ISP (Internet Service Provider) it seemed to work. Consumers began to speculate, and as they thought Comcast had blocked traffic through the site, breaking the net neutrality laws. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 557 Topics: Communication, Cyberspace, Monopoly, Net Neutrality

The Novel Things Fall Apart

Chinua Achebe wrote the novel Things Fall Apart to show the Igbo culture and the effect of colonization on it from an Africans point of view. Throughout the novel, the themes of masculinity vs. feminism and weak vs. strong were developed with regards to a clansman named Okonkwo. Pre-colonial Okonkwo was a wealthy clansman who […]

Pages: 2 Words: 528 Topics: Novel, Things Fall Apart

The other Side of the Grass Poverty in America

Homelessness in the US is higher than its been in decades, and assistance from the government seems to be getting weaker. The Federal and State governments must do more to reduce the rates of homelessness or its only going to get worse. In 2017 appropriately 17 out of 10,000 people were experiencing homelessness on any […]

Pages: 2 Words: 546 Topics: America, Poverty, Poverty In America

The Outsiders: PonyBoy Character Traits

S.E. Hinton is one of the best known American authors. She has written many novels, none of which are as famous as her young adult novel, The Outsiders. This story is novel about a young man’s struggle to survive in a world filled with gangs, violence, and poverty. PonyBoy the narrator is a fourteen year […]

Pages: 2 Words: 512 Topics: Character, The Outsiders

The Pain from Flooding

One farmer in Sidney, Iowa, Dustin Sheldon, is feeling the damage caused by the flooding in the Midwest this spring. He estimates his family farm has lost about $1 million in damages from the floods. Sheldon says that in his county alone, there is roughly $7 million worth of grain stuck in grain bins that […]

Pages: 2 Words: 517 Topics: Disasters, Natural Hazards, Pain

The Performance of Brian Setzer and his Sixteen Piece Orchestra with Bob Dylan

On Monday February 15th Brian Setzer and also his 16-piece band, rolled into Grand Rapids, Michigan. I just was among the fortunate ones that were able to see him do with tale Bob Dylan. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “The Performance of Brian Setzer and his Sixteen Piece Orchestra with Bob […]

Pages: 2 Words: 509 Topics: American Music, Bob Dylan, Orchestra

The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay: the Life of Secrecy

In the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, secrecy greatly affected Dorian Gray and the weakness his mind had caused a tragic downfall. Dorian Gray was an innocent, beautiful, handsome young man who sold his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influences changed him from an innocents into an evil person who blames others for […]

Pages: 2 Words: 556 Topics: Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Plague Called “Human Beings”

I want you to close your eye and imagine the world before humans. What’s the first thing you think about? Is it dinosaurs? is it a green planet with no buildings? Or does your attention go beyond the plants and animals? Maybe your mind went somewhere more technical like to the layers of the earth’s […]

Pages: 2 Words: 518 Topics: Animal Rights, Animal Testing, Morality

The Plentiful Profits of Physical Education

Although society is making leaps of technological advancements never before thought possible, the physical activity of the population is steadily declining. As a result of the ever-increasing demand of capable employees in the workforce, individuals are spending more and more time seated in a 5-by-5-foot office cubicle. Now, more than ever, Physical Education has become […]

Pages: 2 Words: 509 Topics: Determinants Of Health, Exercise, Physical Education

The Policy of the First Amendment

The first amendment conducts to citizens, while many believe that it guarantees them a limit of freedom. We get stuck in an unlawful situations, which forces us to know what our rights are. This is a hotly debated topic that often divides opinions. The first amendment is often discussed yet rarely understood. These rights includes […]

Pages: 2 Words: 545 Topics: First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Government, Human Rights, Policy, Rights, Social Issues, Virtue

The Portrayal of James Baldwin’s Religious Views

Religion is a focus point of Baldwin’s literature. The purpose of this paper is to expose the negative influences within the Pentecostal church on societal norms. My research paper will highlight the longstanding conflicts that have impacted the Black Community such as the ideologies of Christianity, the framework of Christianity, and racial injustice. Within my […]

Pages: 2 Words: 556 Topics: Christianity

The Positive Influence of Others

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you a good person is the greatest accomplishment. Adolescents face various kinds of problems these days, which highly impact their decisions. Peer pressure is one of the major problems of our society for which people have misconceptions, that it leads to negative results. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 502 Topics: Academic Achievement, Adolescence, Clinical Psychology, Motivation, Neuroscience, Peer Group, Peer Pressure

The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness is a movie that goes in depth into horrific acts of terror, violence, and war. Throughout the movie you hear from survivors and victims of such acts. I can appreciate the magnitude of this film, after traveling to Belfast and seeing first-hand the clash of the two religious parties. The anger […]

Pages: 2 Words: 558 Topics: Forgiveness, Violence

The Presentation of Mr. Hyde’s Transformation in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a Novel by Robert Louis Stevenson

Stevenson uses many different language techniques and devices in order to present the transformation of Mr Hyde. Stevenson uses detailed description to present Hyde for the first time to Dr Lanyon. Although Stevenson doesn’t directly state that it is Hyde, through his vivid description we are able to identify the person as Mr Hyde. Throughout […]

Pages: 2 Words: 528 Topics: American Literature, Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, Fiction

The Primary Goal of the Jim Crow Laws – Segregation

In the North, some states allowed blacks to have a privilege to vote for president in the election. Some states required blacks to own property to vote, schools and neighborhoods were segregated, and businesses displayed whites only signs(History). African Americans still could not go to white schools or live in the same neighborhoods as whites. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 552 Topics: Critical Theory, Government, Human Rights, Jim Crow Laws, Justice, Social Issues, United States

The Principle of Utility

In John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism, he describes and explains the principle of utility and its importance to morality. Mills also breaks down the difference between direct and indirect normative utilitarianism. Bernard William’s piece Critiques on Utilitarianism shows a different side of the idea providing a different valuable perspective. I will be exploring Mill’s view and […]

Pages: 2 Words: 558 Topics: Happiness, Ignorance, John Stuart Mill, Morality, Stereotypes, Utilitarianism

The Pro Life Abortion

My purpose in speaking today is to inform my audience about abortion Central Idea (a.k.a. Take-Away Message or Thesis) Abortion rates are rising. I am here to inform you about the topic with statistics, the different types of abortion, common views ,and reasons why women may decide to abort. Attention-getting opening How much do you […]

Pages: 2 Words: 523 Topics: Abortion, Health Care, Public Health

The Problem of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying began with the onset of availability of technology and social media websites. According to Kids Health, “Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person” (“Cyberbullying”). This can encompass anything from sending mean or derogatory text messages repeatedly, to posting untrue or hurtful posts on social platforms. Some common […]

Pages: 2 Words: 486 Topics: Bullying, Clinical Psychology, Cyber Bullying, Depression, Social Issues, Social Psychology

The Problems of the Prohibition Era: Organized Crime

When Prohibition took effect on January 17, 1920, and banned the manufacture, transport, and sale of alcoholic beverages thousands of formerly legal saloons and bars across the country closed down. This angered many people; the supply and the demand for the illegal alcohol was going up, so people known as bootleggers have decided to go […]

Pages: 2 Words: 494 Topics: Al Capone, Alcohol, Crime, Gangster, Organized Crime, Problems, Prohibition
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