400 Word Essay Examples

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1052 essay samples found

Breakfast Club: Major Themes

The major theme recurring in the movie is that appearances tend to cover up someone’s true personality and that there is more than meets the eye to anyone, no matter how stereotypical they look or act on the outside. A good example (among many) of this would be of the character of Claire, who does […]

Pages: 2 Words: 457 Topics: Breakfast Club, Breakfast

Breastfeeding in Focus: Analyzing the Multifaceted Experience of New Mothers

Every year, approximately 4 million babies are born in the United States. This means that every year, approximately 8 million breasts are swollen with Mother Nature’s own ambrosia, ready to start our children down the path to a healthy and well-adjusted life. Having a child is the most natural thing in the world to most […]

Pages: 1 Words: 429 Topics: Breastfeeding, Childhood, Children, Family, Human Development, Mother, Public Health
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Bridgeton Case and Industries

Bridgeton Case Bridgeton Industries is faced with a difficult decision. Manifolds have been their most profitable product but based off of their recently developed classifications for products it has fallen to the lowest class. The lowest class is then designated to be outsourced. There are many implications for the decision to stop making manifolds. If […]

Pages: 2 Words: 461

Broken Eggs

The painting Broken eggs was created by Jean-Baptise Greuze in 1760 and suggests the beginning of the different direction in the art of painting. His work, free of fantasy, introduces new realism – the realism of daily life. French painting during 18th century was dominated by the Rococo style that was aristocratic in nature, sensual […]

Pages: 1 Words: 383 Topics: Arts, Painting, Realism, Visual Arts

Brutus Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar

What the characters do in the play? Multiplicity is one of the most important elements of a successful business. They are the people who do the work for them to the fullest extent. The writer chooses the people who best suit these roles and any mistake in this character negatively affects the entire work. Today […]

Pages: 2 Words: 453 Topics: Hero, Julius Caesar, Tragic Hero

Butterfly Life Cycle

The existence pattern of a butterfly is likely quite possibly the most lovely and stunning cycles in nature. The four phases of butterflies going through delightful flying creepy crawlies are pretty much as intriguing as the brilliant shadings and examples of the different butterfly’s quills. The four phases are as per the following. Egg, caterpillar, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 455 Topics: Animals, Insect, Life, Nature

Career in Mechanical Engineering

 Mechanical engineering is a engineering where they design, research, build, develop, and test mechanical and sensors and devices, engines, including tools, and machines. Mechanical engineering work as services, research and development, manufacturing industries, and the federal government. They invented things like Wheel and Axle, Windmills Began to Replace Manpower, Pulleys Make Lifting Things Easy, Pulleys […]

Pages: 1 Words: 376 Topics: Machine, Mechanical Engineering

Caring of Transgender and Gender-Variant Youth

A Nurse’s Guide In Caring for Transgender and Gender-Variant Youth Abstract Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Caring of Transgender and Gender-Variant Youth” Get custom essay With the increasing number of transgender youth and families who seek medical care, they often initially turn to their primary care provider, pediatrician or nurse practitioner […]

Pages: 2 Words: 452 Topics: Gender, Health Care, Transgender, Youth

Casual Drug Users should be Taken out and Shot

    The Just Say No campaign led to the emergence of initiatives such as the Drug Abuse Resistance Education otherwise known as D.A.R.E, and other teen programs as more parents became distressed about their children getting into drugs. D.A.R.E. even adopted the Just Say No slogan as its mantra. Academic institutions all over America […]

Pages: 1 Words: 405 Topics: Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Drugs

Casual Sex Regret

The authors of this study were interested in what influences casual sex regret. They specifically wanted to know what thing predicted an increase or decrease in regret of casual sex and how those predictors varied by gender. Previous literature has pointed to multiple reasons for individuals regretting casual sex. The authors of this article analyze […]

Pages: 2 Words: 455 Topics: Human Communication, Regret, Sex

Catastrophic Mexico City Earthquakes

Specific purpose: inform my audience on the dangers of an earthquake and what to do in case of one. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Catastrophic Mexico City Earthquakes” Get custom essay Speech thesis: Due to the recent catastrophic events such as the Mexico City earthquakes, it is important to inform ourselves […]

Pages: 1 Words: 423 Topics: Earthquake, Mexico

Celebrities and their Responsibility as Role Models

To start off, fame, wealth, glory, and stardom never comes by itself. There is a tremendous burden that is brought upon by idiosyncrasy and a watchful attitude. Those responsible for promoting these negative trends are the people who fail to live up to these standards of a role model; they fail to set a good […]

Pages: 2 Words: 464 Topics: Celebrity, Responsibility, Role Model

Cell Phone is Greatest Invention

Cell phones can be arguably one of the greatest inventions of this century, they connect the world in ways never thought possible. Everyone has a cell phone and weather it goes off while driving due to a message, social media, or a phone call, it can take someone’s attention away from the road for a […]

Pages: 1 Words: 409 Topics: Attention, Cell Phone, Driving, Invention, Safety, Telephone

Cell Phones should be in Schools

Almost 95% of Students have cell phones(school of education, 2019). Cell phones should be allowed in schools because they would be very useful for learning,(Kolb,2008), cell phones can be used for emergencies(Shaw, 2009), also cell phones could help a schools budget(Norris and Soloway, 2009). Cell Phones should be allowed in schools. Don't use plagiarized sources. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 454 Topics: American Education, Telephone

Censorship in Academia

Historically, institutions of higher-education have been a bastion for free speech and the exploration of ideas. Academia should be a community where ideas can be openly discussed and criticized. However, this element of academia is being threatened. In recent years some topics have become off limits because they are considered distressing, offensive, or controversial. Some […]

Pages: 1 Words: 399 Topics: Censorship, Freedom of Speech

Censorship Policies as a Way to Stop Cyber Bullying

Social Media and Our First Amendment: Censorship Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Censorship Policies as a Way to Stop Cyber Bullying” Get custom essay Today, the world has become a global village due to various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and search engines such as Google. Through these […]

Pages: 1 Words: 411 Topics: Bullying, Censorship, Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction

Challenges Facing Today’s Generation

Some of the challenges that occur in every generation are bullying and drug and alcohol abuse. People bully others because they feel bad and make others feel the same. Today a lot of people smoke and even more smoked in the 1900’s. There were even advertisements about cigarettes as well! One of the challenges unique […]

Pages: 1 Words: 440 Topics: Abnormal Psychology, Cyber Bullying, Generation, Social Psychology, Violence

Character Reference Letter Alejandro Preciado

  I am writing on behalf of Alejandro Preciado. As Alejandro’s sister, I have known him his entire life. Alejandro has always displayed and proven to have an honest, responsible, and hardworking character. In general, Alejandro, an engineer, is known for his dedicated worker and family oriented. As a reliable and conscientious member of society, […]

Pages: 1 Words: 400 Topics: Character, Cognition, Human Nature, Risk

Che Guevara is Widely Known Latin American Revolutionary Leader

Throughout Latin American history, there have been a large amount of revolutionary leaders. Some are exceptionally famous such as Simon Bolivar, and Francisco de Miranda, but none of those are as well known as, none other than Ernesto Guevara, or Che Guevara. Che Guevara is one of the most, if not the most iconic Latin […]

Pages: 2 Words: 467 Topics: Leadership

Chimpanzees and Orangutans are Help Researchers

Primates are able to help scientist put two and two together to be able to fully understand how the human body and mind work. In the same article by UC Davis, it also proclaims that “95 percent of the lab animals in scientific and medical research are rats and mice [and that] just half of […]

Pages: 1 Words: 445 Topics: Animal Rights, Animal Testing, Morality

China Civil War

The uprise in China from a poor and horrible economic country that had very little money and so on. To a major economic power within a time span of twenty-eight years is often described by people as one of the greatest success stories in these present times. It all started with the Ming dynasty, Chinese […]

Pages: 1 Words: 432 Topics: China, Civil War, Human Rights, Justice

Chris’ History in into the Wild

Chris McCandless’ death sparked an uproar in popularity all over the nation. In the novel Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, the author tried to unveil Chris’ history and purpose for going into the wild. The audience learns the backstory of Chris and get to know about how memorable Chris’ personality was to the individuals […]

Pages: 1 Words: 424 Topics: Into The Wild

Christopher Columbus Sailed

On October 12, 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed to Asia and ran into a new country called the New World. Columbus brought over many different things to the New World. He brought smallpoxs and sugarcane. When he arrived there was another illness syphilis. Smallpox, sugarcane, and syphilis could the greatest impact of the Columbian Exchange. Don't […]

Pages: 1 Words: 392 Topics: Christopher Columbus, Columbian Exchange

City Life and Country Life

Everything in this world has its own benefits and negative marks. Nothing is amazing in this world. Flawlessness is just the advantage of God. In this way, town life and country life enjoy their own benefits and drawbacks. Wares, joys, scenes, diversion and entertainment that one finds in urban areas are not accessible in the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 416 Topics: Social Inequality, Social Issue, Urban Planning

Civil Disobedience Research

In 2014 there was an umbrella revolution going on in Hong Kong. More than a thousand protesters remained in the downtown on Monday night after days of confrontations with police that observers fear could spark more great violence. Many Hong Kong residents young and old, rich and poor have peacefully occupied important thoroughfares across the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 440 Topics: Activism, China, Civil Disobedience, Government, Hong Kong, Political Ideologies, Social Movements

Civil Rights for Mexicans

It is impossible to discuss the history of the battle for civil rights for Hispanics without including Black Americans. Minorites of all backgrounds had to band together in order to fight back against the white man’s system of oppression. The battle for civil rights in the south, particularly in the state of Texas, is often […]

Pages: 2 Words: 465 Topics: Abuse, Civil Rights Movement, Critical Theory, Human Rights, Justice, Racism, Texas

Civil Rights Movement School

During this time Filipinos were starting to challenge Mexican immigrant workers. The challenge is also known as, the Wildcats. The Wildcats with an organizational strike dedicated too challenging the Mexican immigrant workers. However, many Mexican immigrant workers try to demand the Filipinos for any possible chance of receiving a higher wage increase, but the Filipinos […]

Pages: 2 Words: 464 Topics: Civil Rights Movement, Human activities, Immigration, School

Civil War is Still very Much Alive

In Confederates in the Attic, award winning, author Tony Horwitz travels through the lower South, visiting historical Confederate landmarks. On this journey he interviews the locals that he encounters about their connection to the Civil War and their thoughts of its effect on present-day America. Horwitz sectionalized the book by certain places, deciding to explain […]

Pages: 2 Words: 451 Topics: Civil War, Human Rights, Justice

Climate Change Example Water

It’s a natural resource for mostly everything that needs to survive or use for hygiene. Time passes and us humans have used water over a billion of years and as that time passes, the earth and climate changes. Let’s time travel to the future. Humans now use water to wash things in these loud machines […]

Pages: 1 Words: 423 Topics: Climate Change, Nature, Ocean, Water

Climate Change in Pakistan

How many projects Pakistan adopted for climate change and how many changes have Pakistan brought for the betterment of climate change? According to your point of view, these projects are successfully implemented in Pakistan? There are numerous projects that are being adopted by Pakistan and the government is working hard to get into compliance with […]

Pages: 2 Words: 468 Topics: Climate Change, Natural Environment, Pakistan, Sustainability
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