400 Word Essay Examples

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1052 essay samples found

Grotesque in the Story

In the story, “The Life You Save Might Be Your Own” to be grotesque means that you’re disgusting, bizarre and twisted. It also has to do with an obsession. The character that is the most grotesque is Mr. Tom T. Shiftlet, the drifter. Mr. Tom’s words that make him grotesque are that he says “People […]

Pages: 1 Words: 417 Topics: Marriage

Gun Control in United States

Over the years the United States has been the land of gun violence. The 2017 statistics show that there are approximately 310 million firearms against the population of over 306 million. This estimation gives a true picture of how the guns in the United States, especially when they fall into the hands of the irresponsible […]

Pages: 1 Words: 385 Topics: Government, Gun Control, Social Issues, Social Problems, United States, Violence
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Hacking into Fortnite Accounts

Fortnite is an immensily popular, online survival videogame that is developed by a company called Epic Games .Since its inception in 2017 Fortnite has 80 million users. Due to this massive userbase Fortnite has become an attraticve target for criminal activities.Security Researchers at Cybersecurity firm Check Point have discovered multiple vulnerabilities in the online platform […]

Pages: 1 Words: 436 Topics: Cloud Computing, Digital Technology, Fortnite, Vulnerability

Hamlet’s Inner Struggle

Hamlet’s Inner Struggle In his tragic play, Hamlet, Shakespeare uses Hamlet, the main character, to portray ideas of deceit, desire, and death. A transition in Hamlet’s state of mind ultimately develops the play’s theme as the lack of decisive actions resulting from the clash between logical rationale and medieval intuition. Hamlet’s struggle between his rationale […]

Pages: 2 Words: 455 Topics: Death, Hamlet, William Shakespeare

Hamza Omyyan : Driving Situation

Driving Situation       “More than 90% of road traffic accidents are caused by human error which includes reckless driving and drunk driving” (Robert J. Fenstersheib, Pg 2). Teenagers including adults are more likely to get into car accidents being drunk or texting while driving because there are not paying attention to what’s happening […]

Pages: 1 Words: 400 Topics: Crime, Driving, Driving Under The Influence, Safety

Harper Lee’s Examples of Racism

Many people are victims of different things because of the color of their skin. In this case, Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”, gives many examples of racism during Tom Robinson’s trial. The racism that occured during this time, especially in Alabama is unreal. Tom is not going to get a fair trial. Atticus knows […]

Pages: 1 Words: 439 Topics: Discrimination, Human Rights, Racism

Harriet Tubman: Brave American Abolitionist

Harriet Tubman The person we know as Harriet Tubman is well known in history. Many do not know her real name is Araminta Minty Ross given to her by her parents, Harriet Green and Benjamin Ross. Araminta was born in 1820 in Maryland, she was born to enslaved african americans and had grown up on […]

Pages: 1 Words: 411 Topics: Crimes Against Humanity, Harriet Tubman, Human Rights, Reconstruction Era, Slavery, Underground Railroad, United States

Harriet Tubmanr’s Life

Author Catherine Clinton has an astounding way of giving a brief history on Harriet Tubman, the woman we call Moses in the book called The Road To Freedom. In reviewing the two book reviews written by History Professors John W. Quist and Oscar Cole-Arnal, I will be discussing the similarities about their views regarding this […]

Pages: 1 Words: 434 Topics: Harriet Tubman, Human Rights, Slavery, Social Issues, United States

Health Care Expenditure Trends

  Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Health Care Expenditure Trends” Get custom essay The health care expenditure in the United States of America has increased continuously at high rates, and per capita health care expenditure has consistently surpassed overall economic growth.1 In the year 2017, the United States spent about $3.5 […]

Pages: 1 Words: 439 Topics: Caring In Nursing, Health Care, Health Care Reform

Health Promotion of Heart

Preventative measures in heart health can provide communities with a wide-range of benefits. Providing education can be a challenge for nurses and students alike. There can be limited communication skills obtained, lack of empathy, cultural aspects, and lack of confidence. The project focus was to engage fourth-semester nursing students in an associate degree program with […]

Pages: 1 Words: 389 Topics: Health Promotion, Smoking

Healthcare Systems

  Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Healthcare Systems” Get custom essay A healthcare system is defined as a process by which healthcare is funded, systematized, and carried to the people. It covers the issue of accessibility, costs, and funds. Basically, healthcare system aimed to improve health of the population without too […]

Pages: 1 Words: 405 Topics: Caring In Nursing, Health Care, Mental Health

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Though European countries had been invading lesser developed countries for centuries, their involvement in other countries thrived in a period known as the Age of New Imperialism as their thirst for power grew. Author Joseph Conrad, in his novella Heart of Darkness, addresses this topic of imperialism in a social criticism of the European colonization […]

Pages: 2 Words: 457 Topics: Heart of Darkness, Imperialism

Helping Others is why i Want to Attend FSU

  Helping others has always been a big part of my life. It began at the age of six when I joined the Girl Scouts as a Daisy. I am currently a senior in high school, going into my thirteenth straight year in the Girl Scouts as an Ambassador, which is the name for my […]

Pages: 2 Words: 466 Topics: Helping Others

Hero Honda Environmental Analysis

Hero Honda Environmental Analysis Summary of the Hero Honda’s Environmental Analysis, Industry and Competitors. External Environmental Analysis Political: The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) lead by the Indian National Congress (Congress) was re-elected to a second five year term in 2009. The present political scene in India is quite exceptional due to the relatively strong position […]

Pages: 1 Words: 441 Topics: Analysis, Economic Growth, Hero, Honda, India, Innovation, Political

Higher Punishment to Rapists

The Justice Verma Committee suggested ways to make rape laws stronger in country and has submitted its report on 23 January 2013. The report suggesting amendment of criminal law to provide for higher punishment to rapists, including those belongings to police and public servant: Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Higher Punishment […]

Pages: 1 Words: 419 Topics: Death Penalty, Human Rights, Punishment

Hinduism: Origin, History, Beliefs

The United States is multicultural, and many religions are part our society and it can be beneficial to become competent with other cultures and religions. Learning about other religions may help you understand other’s beliefs and values about their religion practices. Becoming competent in other religions allows you to be culture sensitive with those you […]

Pages: 1 Words: 373 Topics: Hinduism

Hip Hop Fashion Statement

Run DMC quoted “All of these clothes are connected to what it means to be young and black in america”. Hip Hop fashion is also known as big fashion. Men usually wore denim jeans, hooded sweatshirts, athletic warm up pants, Mock turtlenecks, etc. Major Contributors to hip hop clothing were Marc Ecko. Marc Ecko was […]

Pages: 2 Words: 455 Topics: Hip Hop

Hip Hop Vs. Rock and Roll

Lady Gaga does a great job of explaining that music is one of the best ways for people of different backgrounds to connect. No matter what genre of music somebody listens to, they can be sure to find others who also love the same type of music they do. Some genres of music even blend […]

Pages: 1 Words: 400 Topics: Hip Hop, Mass Media, Performing Arts, Popular Music

Hip Hop-onomics

Defining Economics Role in the Hip Hop Music Industry Alianijah Slade New Jersey City University Abstract This paper explores resources provided by New Jersey City University’s Guarini Library and other online sources such as, Google Books and Star-Ledger’s Online Articles. These sources define different aspects of both Economics and the Hip-Hop Music Industry. This paper […]

Pages: 1 Words: 439 Topics: Hip Hop, Mass Media, Performing Arts, Popular Music

Hire Purchase Evolution of Credit Finance Essay

Business has evolved since the ancient times from barter, business, commercial venture, general manufacturing to specialized manufacturing today. Initially, only the seller and buyer were parties to a business transaction. The title to the asset is given by bill or invoice. Bill is used for consumables or low value assets that are usually purchased in […]

Pages: 1 Words: 385 Topics: Credit Card, Interest, Money

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Bombs burst over the City of Peace leaving the one and only structure near the hypocenter standing. During the explosion, 70,000 people died directly, while another 70,000 suffered from the radiation. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is located in one of the two cities to be bombed in WWII. The bomb’s target was the Aioi […]

Pages: 2 Words: 467 Topics: Hiroshima, International Security, Nuclear Weapon, Peace

Historical Background of Indian Healthcare Industry

The healthcare sector is a part of the economy that delivers various drugs, medicines & other services for patients with preventive, healing, rehabilitative, & soothing care. “Health care services comprises the grouping of tangible & intangible facet where intangible features dominates the tangible aspects”. Rooms, beds & other decors are included in tangible things. Don't […]

Pages: 1 Words: 419 Topics: Caring In Nursing, Health Care, Health Care Reform

History and Medication of ADHD

Until the later half of the 20th cenutry, treating childhood behavior problems with medication was an almost nonexistent. The American’s migration toward psychiatric drug therapy for behavior-disordered children began in the 1960s, when American medical professional made it acceptable to use psychostimulants to treat symptoms to what is now described as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. […]

Pages: 1 Words: 374 Topics: Abnormal Psychology, ADHD, Clinical Psychology, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Psychopathology

History of Feminism and Sexism in South Korea

After the end of WWII, documents of the Comfort Women were destroyed by Japanese officials and the women who had been forced into sexual slavery became societal outcasts. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “History of Feminism and Sexism in South Korea” Get custom essay In the 1980s, some women began to […]

Pages: 1 Words: 448 Topics: Feminism, Identity Politics, Japan, Political Ideologies, Sexism, Social Issues, South Korea, Women's Rights

History of the Egyptian Football Game

The History of the Egyptian Football Game has distinguished from the past to the present. In earlier history, the Egyptian national team was known around the world as the Pharaohs who are governed by the EFA otherwise known as the Egyptian Football Association. The Ancient Egyptians played the game of football which was recorded on […]

Pages: 2 Words: 465 Topics: Football

Hobbies Like Culture

During the second world war families would spend their spare time doing many things. Such as the radio, the radio was a form of entertainment, and during the war time, more started to tune in and listen. They also went to the cinema, it was a extremely popular pastime. Millions of tickets were sold weekly. […]

Pages: 1 Words: 443 Topics: Hobby

Holden has Many Life Problems

Would you choose to have a physically unstable person in a psychiatric hospital or walking around freely on the streets? In the novel, The Catcher In The Rye written by J.D. Salinger based on a sixteen year old boy named Holden. In the book he is mentally and physically unstable, which means he should be […]

Pages: 2 Words: 465 Topics: Catcher in The Rye, Problems

Holi Festival in Nepal

Festivals of colors “Holi” is usually celebrated on the month of Falgun indicating the beginning of spring in Nepal. The festival is also known as ‘Phagu Purnima’ in Nepal. Friends, relatives gather together, play with water and celebrate the festival of colors: Holi. Holi 2019 sightseeing around the Kathmandu valley is exciting and lots of […]

Pages: 1 Words: 390 Topics: Festival, Nepal

Holocaust in Hollywood Movies

Hollywood is notorious for creating films based on true stories, but the end result elaborates the truth or adds details for entertainment to increase interest. Schindler’s List is no different. Many historical movies have had love interests or love story base line to appeal to more audiences therefore increasing revenue. Spielberg not only adds to […]

Pages: 1 Words: 446 Topics: Holocaust, Movies, Schindler'S List

Holodomor: the Ukrainian Genocide

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population estimated around 42.5 million. The capital of Ukraine is kiev, which is also its largest city. The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. Ukraine is also the largest country entirely in Europe. The dominant religions in Ukraine are Eastern Orthodoxy and Greek […]

Pages: 2 Words: 460 Topics: Genocide, Ukraine
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