The Impact of Cell Phones on College Success

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Are you addicted to your cell phone? You will be surprised how many people; students included have become addicted to their phones. Based on recent studies fifty percent of today's youth admit to being addicted to their cellular devices. The average student looks at their phone around eighty times per day. When added up this brings the total to about five hours a day on their phones on average. Cell phone addiction is a very serious thing and can take a toll on students learning abilities and their sleep. Many teachers claim that they see a significant difference between the students that are on their phones during class and the ones that are taking notes. In this article, we will discuss the detriment of cell phone use and how it affects college students in today's society.

This article is talking about students and their cell phone addiction and how it is a disruption in class. Students will be using their phones in class and making excuses even if it isn't true. Many students claim to be able to multitask, but studies show that nobody can multi-task proficiently. They won't pay attention in class and their grade is reflected by it. Throughout the day student's average 115 hours a day in free time that they could use their phone between class changes and at lunch. Addiction is a strong word but it is very true when talking about students and their technology usage in class. Teachers believe that students are physically there but their minds are hooked inside of their cell phones. A chemical dependency controls an addict's life, the way a student's cell phone takes control of theirs. Students become addicted to their phones, and there is no help for them, whereas, people with addictions to drugs, sex and alcohol can seek help and guidance.

In an article by Dian Schaffhauser she cites research showing that cell phone use by college students during class has a negative impact on their results or outcomes. For instance notes are not as complete and grades that students score on tests are not as high as if they were distracted by cell phones during class or during the learning process. Schaffhauser suggest that since college students are adults the best policy for cell phone use in her opinion is to provide the research which shows the detrimental effects and then let the students decide for themselves whether they'll use their devices during class or not. Professor Maryellen Weimer, who has a PhD from the University of Penn State agrees with Schaffhauser. Professor Weimer suggests that most students do not multi task very well. She also believes that students who use their mobile phones take fewer notes in class and retain less information. Cell phones bring distractions to both teachers and students and hinder the students from interacting with society. The Huffington Post claims that schools in London who ban phone use have way better test scores. Children that use their phone have 62% less information in their notes. The digital age also brought along cyberbullying which increases the longer that they are on their devices. Black children are on their phone an average of 4 hours and 11 minutes to the white kids that average 3 hours and 12 minutes; the black children have a lower grade.

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The Impact of Cell Phones on College Success. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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