Human Resource Management in Organisations

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Executive Summary Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. To implement HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring,performance management, organization development, health and safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. The foremost concepts and techniques of HRM performs certain basic functions include as planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling in total of the management process. As well as the HR’s changing role for responsibilities have gradually become wider and more strategic since the days when business people began including “personnel departments” in their organization charts. In the earliest firms, “personnel” first took hiring and firing from supervisors, ran the payroll department, and administered benefit plans. As technology in areas like testing and interviewing began develops, the personnel department began to play an expanded role in employee selection, training and promotion. Table of Content

1.0 Introduction 3
  1. Advantages of line managers
    1. Staff authority
    1. Direct handling
    1. Reliable
    1. Conclusion
4– 5
  1. Disadvantages of line managers
    1. Authority
    1. Decision making
    1. Conflict
    1. Conclusion
2.3 Overall Conclusion
6 – 7
3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation
  1. Planning
  2. Organizing
  1. Staffing
  1. Leading
  1. Controlling
  1. Conclusion
8 – 10
4.0 Reference 11
  1. Introduction

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to managing people in any organization. People are considered the key resource in this approach. It is concerned with the people dimension in management of an organization. Since an organization is a body of people, their acquisition, development of skills, motivation for higher levels of attainments, as well as ensuring maintenance of their level of commitment are all significant activities. These activities fall in the domain of HRM. Human resources management derives its origin from the practices of the earlier personnel management, which assisted in the management of people in an organization setup. In regards HR management concepts and techniques can be used to all managers perform certain basic functions – planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Human resources management includes activities like recruiting, selecting, training, and compensating to improve his or her job performance. Human Resource Management is responsible for maintaining good human relations in the organization. It is also concerned with development of individuals and achieving integration of goals of the organization and those of the individuals. To the management, it is prompting and stimulating every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of a business. Human resource management is not something that could be separated from the basic administrative function. It is a major element of the wider management function. 2.0 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Reed Boardall’s decision not to have and HR department In regards of company Reed Boardall’s is in many respect of a typical company that Yorkshire-based chilled and frozen distribution organization. The Chief Executive Keith Boardall to his decision not to have an HR department to illuminate the advantages and disadvantages as follow:-

  1. Advantages
    1. Staff authority
    2. Reed Boardall is directly in charge of achieving the organization’s basic goals. This authority is the factual to make decision, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. In order for him have the direct relationship with their teams before he can only monitor and supervise each of the problems happen and the boss need not endure and bother to the staff problem who indirect to him. In addition, there are saving unnecessary cost effective to set up and maintain of having HR department instead of Reed is able to hold up all the personnel function.
    3. Direct handling
    4. Consequences, he is direct handling most of the personnel function from case to cases and the manager ease to recognise who he is as well as acquaintances to coordinate and sorting out to manage his staff problem. In record-keeping the he may collects and maintains information concerned with the staff of the organisation. It is essential for every organisation because it assists the management in decision making such as in promotions. Reed will also intense to know the staff resignation and recruitment under his authority.
    5. Reliable
    6. In view of the easy to identify their staff well, Reed considers that this can preserves the company “small and accountable” in the sense of the managers are whether reliable to the company. He should acknowledge everything instantly if his staffs absent or turning up late, staff marital status, or anything goes wrong not just transmit to HR only. There is added also unnecessary of administration and form filling to the company if HR is establish for only the purpose to follow procedure than rather to get the things done.
    7. Conclusion
    8. The managers are dynamic to the success of any emergent business, comprise the chain of knowledge, and are responsible for leading, encouraging and supervising employees at all stages of an organization. The managers make proper decisions within their province of authority that directly control the way of an organization, including production goals, organizational policies and compensation decisions.
  1. Disadvantages
    1. Authority
    2. The mutual manager and staff processes outcome in misunderstanding as well as demoted employees. The manager has the power to make decisions, which distresses some staffs since he has a tendency to put in more conceptual effort. The different levels of authority can cause misunderstanding among employees who are undefined whether to follow the manager or the relevant staff.
    3. Decision Making
    4. Since staffs do most of the study, some managers begin to rely too deeply on the staff professional's advice. Not mainly issue, however when the staff skilful is misguided and the manager doesn't realise, unproductive decision making effects. Whenever a decision effects in higher takings, the staff professionals are rewarded. While this reward may be reasonable, the manager who involved can become disappointed or begin to feel unrewarding, which leads to low productivity.

2.2.5 Conflict

2.2.6 Sometimes, the two authorities, manager and staff, disagree, which causes conflict that hurts the effectiveness and productivity of the company. Slight conflicts are common and occur in any organization, but serious conflicts of interest or contrary views can spread interference through the entire operation. These feelings of conflict drive some departments to view the organization narrowly instead of considering how their actions affect the organization as a whole.

2.2.7 Conclusion

2.2.8 In small organizations, managers may carry out all these personnel duties unassisted. But as the organization grows, they need the assistance, specialized knowledge, and advice of a individual human resource staff. The human resource department provides this specialized.


2.3 Overall conclusion

2.3.1 The difference between Human Resource Management and personnel management is that personnel management deals with employees, their payroll and employment rules while Human Resources Management deals with the management of the work force, and contributes to an organization’s success. I think it shows a difference in attitude towards employees. One may be more concerned with people and the other HRM more concerned with capitalize on the productivity of human works elements.

3.0 Conclusions and Recommendation towards Chief Executive Keith Boardall that having an HR department To inspire Chief Executive Keith Boardall to establish an HR (Human Resource) management is compromise an often-underestimated task in work-environments. However, it is sufficient and diligent HR management that will establish and preserve a qualified, well-cooperating employees and therefore, eventually, an increase of organizational development, productivity, and success. To understand better the advantages of human resource management for business, let us look at the role of the human resource management function. Human resource management function involves the following areas:-

  1. Planning
    1. The objective of HR Planning is to ensure that the organization has the right types of persons at the right time at the right place. Establishing goals and standard; developing rules and procedures; developing plans and forecasting. In order for a company to make proper use of its capitals, there needs planning in place, a company could lose money because of an unqualified staff or an unsuitable staffing quantity.
    2. Organizing
    3. This is the task of placing organization structure, authority, relationship and responsibilities. In an organization, the human resource manager has to organise the operative functions by planning structure of relationship among jobs, personnel and bodily factors in such a way so as to have maximum influence towards organisational objectives.
    4. Staffing
    5. Determination of manpower requirements; recruiting prospective employees; selecting employees; setting performance standard; compensating employees; evaluating performance; counselling employees; training and developing employees, etc. Recruitment ascertains that your business is staffed with the right people with the capability to contribute to the organization. Expansion has to do with the increase through training. Determination of promotion and making performance appraisal are the essentials of developed company.
    6. Leading
    7. Leading is concerned with beginning of organised action and motivating the people to work. The manager guides and motivates the staff of the organisation to follow the path arranged in development. A motivated workforce is always a more productive workforce. HR as well as intentional to reduce conflict, promote industrial peace, provide fair promise to workers and establish staff fairness.
    8. Controlling
    9. Setting principles such as sales costing, quality standards, or production ranks; examine to view final performance relates with these standards; taking counteractive action as needed. HR also provides basic data for establishing standards, makes job analysis and performance appraisal, etc. All these systems assist in effective control of the qualities, time and efforts of staffs.
  1. Conclusion
  2. Despite of all the above function, the most important tasks of the Human Resource department are to make sure that the people working in an organization 1) feel happy 2) are in the right job, and 3) get the opportunity to upgrade their skills when necessary. The simple message driven in all of the above is that people need to be kept satisfied in order to perform well in a workplace. Managers should try to treat all workers properly and never make the mistake of playing workers against each other; while, at the same time, mindful to give the ways in which workers get motivated disagree abundantly. A good relationship between departmental management and HR is therefore recommended.

4.0 References 1) Dessler, G. 2000. Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 2) Heathfield, S. 2014. What Is HR?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 23 Mar 2014]. 3) Marques, J. 2014. Dr. Joan F. Marques. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 23 Mar 2014]. 4) Mayhew, R. 2014. Advantages & Disadvantages of Human Resource Information System. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 23 Mar 2014]. 5) Snell, S., Bohlander, G. W. and Bohlander, G. W. 2007. Human resource management. Australia: United Kingdom. 6) Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. 2005. Human resource management. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall. Managing PeoplePage 1

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