Human Resource Management and Apple Business

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Apple Inc's dedicated human resource managers join their ideas to implement the company's operations management decisions. It makes Apple among the best organizations with exemplary performance in making their operations management efficient. Apple has ten decision sections which make its operation effective. The first area is quality management where the manager in charge insists on quality controls and standards. It makes Apple have a holistic technique which ensures quality while addressing the operations management decisions. The next section is the company's location strategy which is selective as it involves limited authorization of sellers. The management ensures the success of the selective location approach, thus improve the operations of the company. Another area is the design of goods and services where the management handles the organization's procedures in the design of its products by a number of officials and components hence successful operation.

The fourth area is the capacity and process where its manager uses the company's support team to maximize the employee's capacity for production and design, thus increasing profits and quality of goods and services. Another section is Apple's supply chain management which is the most streamlined and efficient in the world. The manager responsible for this area uses regular monitoring of suppliers and automation processes which is Apple's core strength to supply chain management. The next area is the maintenance department where the manager in charge addresses maintenance requirements to the personnel in the section. It makes the company efficiently solve the issues of operation management amicably. The seventh area is the inventory management. In this decision section, the management utilizes several methods of inventory management like the serialized technique for efficient control and tracking of Apple products.

The next decision-making area is the scheduling department where the management uses a combination of manual and automation operations to maximize the capacity of human resources, facilities, and equipment. Another section is the job design and human resources where the manager needs specific job design and human resource methods to trend in the company is human resource requirements. Due to the area, Apple is always capable of mastering job designs and human resource techniques to ensure it maintains its support for its organizational leadership. The final decision-making area is the layout design and strategy section where Apple emphasizes the clients' expectations. The department ensures creativity which is an essential element among its personnel that is involved in the company's development processes and product design.

Although Apple Inc's human resource department is among the most successful around the globe regarding operations management, it requires improving the location strategy because most of its stores are in urban areas. The company should build their stores in remote areas to diversify operations as it is the only area the entity has not efficiently addressed. Apple should improve its location strategy to enable it to regain the Jobs-esque marketing skills. It is because no one seems to fill Steve Job's shoes regarding market prowess. Therefore, using several marketers in different locations can solve this problem. Moreover, many mobile phone manufacturers and electronics companies, i.e., Blackberry, HTC, Samsung, Nokia, Google, Sony, etc. are Apple Inc's main competitors. Therefore, it will be advantageous if it builds stores in locations where a majority of its clients can access them faster. Doing so would put Apple in a better position to be ahead of its competitors, especially Samsung and Google who pose a serious threat to the company.

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Human Resource Management and Apple Business. (2019, Nov 13). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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