400 Word Essay Examples

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1052 essay samples found

Climate Change is Affecting our Lives

We all noticed the “hurricane season” in 2018. In 2018, a total of 15 major storms and 8 hurricanes hit the earth. Two of those hurricanes did massive destruction; that’s like having a hurricane every month. Also, the California wildfires are still burning over a million acres of land. Data shows that the average temperature […]

Pages: 1 Words: 433 Topics: Climate Change, Global Warming, Tropical Cyclone

CO2 and Solution of Global Warming

Mother earth or the earth that we are living in is in danger. Global warming is been threat-ening the world for more than two centuries. The atmosphere around the world is changing, and gradually getting hotter causing a lot of changes in the behavior of earth. Greenhouse effect manip-ulation is considered the main cause of […]

Pages: 1 Words: 437 Topics: Climate Change, Environmental Issues, Global Warming
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Coaches and Parents of the Turner County Recreational League

Athletic events, especially at the youth and recreational sport level, is a learning experience and a privilege that allows our children to indulge and observe in their athletic skills, while also strengthening their social and academic skills and so much more. As a coach and/or a parent you are to represent yourself as a role […]

Pages: 2 Words: 469 Topics: Behavior Modification, Neuroscience, Social Psychology, Stereotypes

Cognitive-Behavioural Model of Pathological Internet Use

In addition, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be an effective treatment for teens who are coping with depression and social media addiction. It is a short-term and problem-focused type of behavioral treatment. It helps the teenagers consider the relationship between their thoughts and their following behavior patterns. The main aspect of this therapy, is that […]

Pages: 1 Words: 440 Topics: Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction

Colonel Thaddeus Kosciusko

In 1763 the Great britain spent 60 Million dollars on the colonies to protect then from the French.So the Great Britain asked for some money cause they were in depth and the colonies said no. The Great Britain was not very happy so they taxed them.In 1764 the Great Britain started something called the sugar […]

Pages: 1 Words: 390 Topics: American Revolution, American Revolutionary War, Conflicts, Military, United States, War

Colonization of Rwanda    

The Hutus and Tutsis have had a long history of being separate and unequal. It started with Rwanda being given to the Belgian Kingdom by the League of Nations. From the very beginning, the Belgians favored the Tutsi and used a sort of class system to identify between the Hutu and Tutsi. They measured nose […]

Pages: 1 Words: 401 Topics: Genocide, Rwanda

Columbia Residents Cast a Ballot against Capital Punishment

The Correctional Treatment Facility comprises of five discrete, multi-story structures that are arranged nearby one another, exhibiting the presence of one huge structure. The office configuration accommodates the security border. Each building contains separate regions for organization, projects, lodging and administrations that enable the office to work in general. Each single room has a window […]

Pages: 2 Words: 460 Topics: Capital, Capital Punishment, Death Penalty, Human Rights, Punishment

Combat Caused PTSD

Combat Caused PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Combat Caused PTSD” Get custom essay So, because an individual was exposed to trauma does not give enough reason to develop or be diagnosed with the disorder. It varies from person to person and to what extent they can […]

Pages: 1 Words: 375 Topics: Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Drugs, PTSD

Comedy in Romeo and Juliet

Many people see Romeo and Juliet as a tragedy, but how often is such comedy in a tragedy? The play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare in 1589 is about two young teenagers who fall in love and wind up killing themselves over their love for each other. The play consists of both romantic […]

Pages: 1 Words: 447 Topics: Comedy, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

Common Themes of Edgar Allan Poe

Allen Poe is a famous poet who is known for his many short stories. Some of his most famous ones are The Tell Tale Heart and The Raven. Edgar’s poems often share a similar or even the same theme. In these two short stories a common theme is loneliness can drive one insane. Don't use […]

Pages: 1 Words: 434 Topics: Edgar Allan Poe, Fiction, The Raven

Communication is a Cornerstone of Basic Nursing Practice

We need to communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals to be successful at our jobs. When I was a case manager in a nursing home many years ago, there was a patient that was declining and almost at the end of life. After a discussion with her family, I had changed her care […]

Pages: 1 Words: 394 Topics: Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Nursing Shortage, Patient Safety

Communism and Marxist Theory

“To begin, Communism or the Marxist theory was founded Karl Marx, a German philosopher who turned turned to journalism after being turned down for teaching jobs due to his political views. Marx’s investigations as a journalist led him to believe that there was systemic injustice and corruption in Germany where he lived. Leaving Germany a […]

Pages: 2 Words: 457 Topics: Capitalism, Communism, Karl Marx, Marxism, Political Ideologies, Vladimir Lenin

Community Service and Student Volunteerism

Reasonably, community service positively impacts an individual and the community in which he or she resides, as well as neighboring residents, but Wheatland Union High School should not make it a requirement for graduation, as it takes away the merit of the act, is unfair to students who have outside obligations, and can be an […]

Pages: 1 Words: 399 Topics: Community Service, Student, Volunteering

Community Service Impact in Sport

Being an athlete on a team with a big fan base, giving back to the community is something every player and staff member looks forward to. For the past six months, I have been blessed with the opportunity to play hockey for the best fans in the country. Every single home game, the energy and […]

Pages: 1 Words: 416 Topics: Behavior Modification, Community Service, Human Nature, Retirement, Team Sports

Comparative International Management

Comparative international management is the method of effectively running a business that operates in more than one country. It contains strategies on how to control, plan and staff so the organization can achieve its goals. The management of such large enterprises requires the owners or directors of the company to consciously keep track of the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 400 Topics: Strategic Management

Compare and Contrast Follower and Servant Leadership

In this essay, I will be going over the compares and contrasts of follower and servant types of leadership. I will be breaking down how the sim and the differences on each one and the meaning of both types. In addition, I will go over the passive and active sub-topics of both and how they […]

Pages: 1 Words: 431 Topics: Cognition, Leadership, Servant Leadership

Comparing Global Traditions Research Paper

The country chosen to compare to the United States is Mexico. The tradition chosen is a coming of age tradition which is a Quinceaí±era. The reasoning behind choosing to compare a Sweet Sixteen to a Quinceaí±era is because they’re both so similar yet so different in so many ways. A Quinceaera and a Sweet Sixteen […]

Pages: 1 Words: 442 Topics: Coming of Age

Comparison of Islam and Christianity

Have you ever wondered how it is possible that the sky is resting still without any pillar or support? Have you ever been in a conversation with someone thinking that how the sun lightens the day and how the moon and stars glitters the night? The answer to this is the creator of everything, God. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 466 Topics: Christianity, Islam, World History

Complexity in the Us Healthcare System

Healthcare in the United States is at a crossroads regarding cost. The US spent approximately $5267 per person on health care in 2002. Switzerland, the second most expensive health system, spent $3445 per person on healthcare, representing two thirds of the U.S. amount. Norway, Canada, and Germany, representing the third, fourth and fifth spent less […]

Pages: 1 Words: 438 Topics: Caring In Nursing, Health Care, Health Care Reform

Computer Professionals and Procrastination

If you ask any job recruiter in the computer field what the most common complaint employers have with computer science students, they will probably say something along the lines of, they do not always meet the deadlines. Punctuality is valued in almost all moral theories, including the social contract theory, the rule utilitarianism theory, and […]

Pages: 1 Words: 378 Topics: Contract, Procrastination

Conflict Management Style: Collaborating

Collaborating Management style is when people contribute equally to the goal (Quain, 2018). Two or more people, or groups of people who want something different generate a conflict (Quain, 2018). Then you must determine to what extent each side is willing to compromise (Quain, 2018). This will help in finding a happy medium between the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 430 Topics: Conflict Management, Emotions, Human Communication, Human Nature, Management Style, Mental Health

Conflict Theory and the Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is about the Capitol of Panem (government) and how they keep their control on the people (that make up the twelve districts) by forcing two people from each district (one male and one female) to compete in a televised event called the Hunger Games. Each of the tributes (the selected male and […]

Pages: 2 Words: 465 Topics: The Hunger Games

Constitutional and Social Developments and Revolution

Beginning during the Civil War and continuing until the end of Reconstruction, there were many continuous events that happened that all led up to a revolution. The momentous conflict pitted “brother against brother” and revolutionized America in a way never seen before. The radical shift in laws and the federal governments influence in the social […]

Pages: 1 Words: 435 Topics: Community Development, Constitution, Revolution

Contemporary Math Problem Essay

Katherine-Claire Alston, MATH 1301 – 008, A group of 67 friends meets for lunch. They greet each other by exchanging fist bumps. How many fist bumps are exchanged if each friend must bump with each of the 66 others? Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Contemporary Math Problem Essay” Get custom essay […]

Pages: 1 Words: 405 Topics: Cognition, Learning, Mathematics, Social Psychology

Contribution of Frederick Douglass in World’s History

Around 1818, at Talbot County Maryland, a man named Frederick Bailey (mother’s name) was conceived from Native American, African, and European ancestors. He was isolated from his mom as a newborn child and moved with his maternal grandmother. At six years old he was put into work as a slave at the Wye House plantation. […]

Pages: 1 Words: 385 Topics: Crimes Against Humanity, Frederick Douglass, Slavery, United States

Control and Reduce Cyber Bullying

Dyskria, Josiah wrote an article named “The case of disappearing Cyber Bullying”. The author argues that “cyber security should be kept out of sight and out of mind for end users. Topics include the possible deployment of less-vulnerable systems by developers using tools or techniques such as code minimization and type-safe languages, the failure of […]

Pages: 1 Words: 425 Topics: Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction

Control of Space

German scientists had been experimenting with missiles in the 1930’s, however it was not until the end of WWII that the US and USSR became actively involved with experimenting and improving space weaponry. The mindset of the countries was to develop ways to defeat enemies without losing human lives on the battlefields. Tensions between the […]

Pages: 2 Words: 454 Topics: Astronomy, Flight, Moon, Space

Controlled Clinical Trial: Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is pneumonia that develops forty-eight hours or more after intubation. When a patient has to be mechanically ventilated with an endotracheal or tracheostomy tube, they are at a higher risk of developing pneumonia because the tube bypasses their normal upper airway defenses. Their underlying disease process, depressed immune system, immobility, and […]

Pages: 1 Words: 379 Topics: Pneumonia, Respiratory System, Risk

Costs of World War One

Germany’s invention of new technologies and the policy of targeting innocent civilians caused an immense amount of death and destruction giving them blame for escalating the war. Germany invented multiple new technologies all of which cause a lot of destruction. Examples would include the Big Bertha, U-boats, Poison gas, and Gotha Bombers. Big Bertha was […]

Pages: 2 Words: 453 Topics: Conflicts, Global Politics, World War 1

Crime – Terribly Revealing

Crime is terribly revealing. actions. Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None. What makes a hate crime so is that the perpetrator is stimulated to harm a positive character (or people) primarily based on their race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or gender. If a person beats and robs the following character they see, that […]

Pages: 1 Words: 415 Topics: Crime, Criminology, Hate Crime, Human Rights, Social Issues, Violence
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