Will Robots Replace Us?

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Robots Replacing Humans

While researching about replacing the robots with humans, I found some information about it, particularly from journals, magazines, interviews, newspapers. The information is mostly about negative and positive sides of replacement the robots with humans. My goal in this research is to find information about the effects of replacing robots with humans.

The Use of robots

Now days one of the most fast-growing field in technology can be said is the robot making, because of the use they give almost to every field. The advantages of robots are that they do their tasks faster, more efficient and better than human. Anyhow it can be said not in every field, because the robots can`t think, they just do what they are programmed to do, and in such fields there can be situations that they must think and as they can`t, the operation would be failed, so in these fields humans are not replaceable.

Fields the robots are used

The robots are getting to be used day by day in more and more fields, because of the fact that there lots of big companies, that work on producing newer, faster and more clever robots. Here are a few fields that robots are used now days: Military Services, Car Production, Space Exploration, Remote and Minimally-Invasive Surgery, Underwater Exploration, Fight Crime, Commercialized Agriculture, etc. As we can see they are used very widely.

History of robots

Robots were not yet a part of popular science fiction till the dawn of the 20th century. It was not until 1917 when Joseph Capek wrote the short story Opilec describing auto-mats and 1921 when his brother Karel Capek wrote the play Rossum’s Univeral Robots (RUR) that the concept of robotics entered the popular consciousness. Which brother originally coined the term robot is a matter of debate in the Czech literary world. The term robot is derived from the Czech word, robota, meaning serf or laborer. (Hockstein 113) Karl Capek J Robotic Surg intended for his play, RUR, to protest the rapid growth of modern technology and thus he described an evolution of the robots with increasing capabilities and the eventual revolt of these robots against their human counterparts [3]. Inadvertently, the Capek brothers introduced the term robo into modern language and sparked public fascination with their creations. (Hockstein 114)

Why the robots should not replace human

According to a recent study conducted by MIT and Boston University, the use of industrial robots has had a large and negative impact on U.S. employment and wages in local labor markets.

The robots are also used in the space and according to 'Robots must not replace humans in space' by: Hromek, Philipp, Christian Science Monitor, is discussed why the robots should not be sent to the space:

' 'Why man ... and not machine?': The question of whether robots or people should go into space is a simple one: Do we care what we learn about other places enough to want to experience them ourselves?

Even though missions such as the Mars landers have generated some interest, they don't stir the fire in people that putting people, instead of robots, there would.

Robots are a valuable tool in the exploration of space, but even if they can accomplish things more cheaply, going into space should not just be a matter of cost. ' (Hromek)

Replacing robots human will make the wages go down and the unemployment go up

The researchers— MIT’s Daron Acemoglu and BU’s Pascual Restrepo—estimate that in communities where robots were deployed in industrial applications, wages tended to go down. Every robot added per 1,000 workers reduces the employment-to-population ratio by between 0.18% to 0.34%, according to the study, with wages declining by 0.25% to 0.5%. The researchers also estimate that the wage gap between the top 90% earners and the bottom 10% has widened by as much as 1% between 1990 and 2007 (Blanchard 4).

There is a growing concern among many workers that robots will replace their jobs, especially those in the manufacturing sector. But are robots going to take over all jobs? In a recent Washington Post article, Michael Jones, author and assistant professor of economics at the University of Cincinnati, says that although job loss in some occupations will continue, it will be offset by gains in other fields'. (American Ceramic Society Bulletin)

Why robots should replace human

People don't feel pressure or obligation when talking to a robot.

Robots are getting uncomfortably realistic, and, if Hollywood is any metric, people are getting more and more creative about how we're going to use them in the future.

It may not be long, for example, until androids replace sales associates. According to Osaka University professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, Japanese men don't like talking with staff at stores because they might get pressured after they indicate they're interested in making a purchase. 'But they don't hesitate to talk to the android,' he said at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, adding that a 'robot never tells a lie, and that is why the android can sell lots of clothes.' With the ubiquity of Google's voice recognition, Apple's Siri, and customer service robots, people aren't weirded out by talking to robots anymore, and in Ishiguro's view, new applications and personal robots are likely. ( Wolff-Mann)

Over the next 40 years, we are going to see a dramatic drop in the percentage of working-age adults across the world. And as baby boomers reach retirement age, the percentage of folks in retirement is going to change dramatically in the opposite direction. That means there will be more people with fewer social security dollars competing for services, and fewer working people available to deliver those services to them. We will need robots to help us deal with this reality, doing the things we normally do for ourselves but that get harder to do as we get older. Things like getting groceries, driving cars to visit people, and helping us move around more safely and efficiently as physical ailments settle in. (Brooks 2)

Robots will ultimately be the biggest job creators simply because aggressive automation will free us up to do new work by virtue of it erasing toil that was once essential. Lest we forget, there was a time in American history when just about everyone worked whether they wanted to or not - on farms - just to survive. With their evolution as labor inputs, robots bring the promise of new forms of work that will have us marveling at labor we wasted in the past, and that will make past job destroyers like wind, water, the cotton gin, the car, the internet and the computer seem small by comparison. All the previously mentioned advances made lots of work redundant, but far from forcing us into breadlines, the destruction of certain forms of work occurred alongside the creation of totally new ways to earn a living. Robots promise a beautiful multiple of the same. (Tamny)


By examining the sources about robots replacing with humans we can see that it can cause global unemployment, which will bring it`s negative sides, lowering the wages. The positive sides that it can cause are that the process of work will get super faster, there will be created jobs in some fields, there will be a high growth in technologies, in surgeries, and the robots will save a lot of time in any field they will be used.

Anyhow despite the negative and positive sides i think the replacement of robots with humans is getting faster and will be very soon.

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Will Robots Replace Us?. (2021, Jun 27). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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