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Drawing on an incomparable breadth of international examples, Svend Hollensen not only demonstrates how global marketing works, but also how it relates to real decisions around the world. Extensive coverage of hot topics such as blue ocean strategy; celebrity branding; brand piracy; and viral marketing. *Brand new case studies focus on globally recognised brands and companies operating in a number of countries, including IKEA, Philips, Nokia, Guinness and Cereal Partners Worldwide. *All new video cases accompany every chapter and are available at www. pearsoned. co. k/hollensen, featuring such firms as Nike, Starbucks, BMW, Ford and McDonalds. BIC Classification: KM Dewey Decimal Classification: 658. 84 Library of Congress Classification: HF1416 View related titles View this title in your Library Catalogue 5 Min PreviewRemove Favourite Table of Contents Skip table of contentsContents Preface to the fourth edition Guided tour Acknowledgements Publisher's acknowledgements Abbreviations About the author Part I The decision whether to internationalize 1 Global marketing in the firm Learning objectives 1. Introduction 1. 2 Development of the ‘global marketing’ concept 1. Comparison of the global marketing and management style of SMEs and LSEs 1. 4 Forces for ‘global integration’ and ‘market responsiveness’ 1. 5 The value chain as a framework for identifying international competitive advantage 1. 6 Value shop and the ‘service value chain’ 1. 7 Information business and the virtual value chain 1. 8 Summary Case studies 1. 1 Vermont Teddy Bear: Should Vermont Teddy Bear go abroad? 1. 2 Arcor: A Latin American confectionary player is globalizing its business 1. 3 Video case study: Nivea Questions for discussion References 2 Initiation of internationalization Learning objectives 2. 1 Introduction 2. Internationalization motives 2. 3 Triggers of export initiation (change agents) 2. 4 Internationalization barriers/risks 2. 5 Summary Case studies 2. 1 Blooming Clothing: A bumpy path to exports 2. 2 Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc. (EPE): Internationalization of a ‘cult icon’ 2. 3 Video case study: NIDEK Questions for discussion References 3 Internationalization theories Learning objectives 3. 1 Introduction 3. 2 The Uppsala internationalization model 3. 3 The transaction cost analysis (TCA) model 3. 4 The network model 3. 5 Internationalization of SMEs 3. 6 Born globals 3. 7 Internationalization of services 3. 8 Summary Case studies . 1 Cryos: They keep the stork busy around the world 3. 2 Entertainment Rights: Internationalization of ‘Postman Pat’ 3. 3 Video case study: Reebok Questions for discussion References 4 Development of the firm's international competitiveness Learning objectives 4. 1 Introduction 4. 2 Analysis of national competitiveness (the Porter diamond) 4. 3 Competition analysis in an industry 4. 4 Value chain analysis 4. 5 Blue ocean strategy and value innovation 4. 6 Summary Case studies 4. 1 Microsoft Xbox: The battle for gaming leadership against Nintendo's Wii and Sony PlayStation 3 4. 2 Senseo: Creating competitiveness through an nternational alliance 4. 3 Video case study: Nike Questions for discussion References Part I Case studies 1. 1 Manchester United: Still trying to establish a global brand 1. 2 Bridgestone Tyres: European marketing strategy 1. 3 OneCafe: A ‘born global’ penetrates the coffee industry 1. 4 Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW): The No. 2 world player is challenging the No. 1 – Kellogg Part II Deciding which markets to enter 5 Global marketing research Learning objectives 5. 1 Introduction 5. 2 The changing role of the international researcher 5. 3 Linking global marketing research to the decision-making process 5. 4 Secondary research 5. Primary research 5. 6 Online (internet) primary research methods 5. 7 Other types of marketing research 5. 8 Setting up an international MIS 5. 9 Summary Case studies 5. 1 Teepack Spezialmaschinen GmbH: Organizing a global survey of customer satisfaction 5. 2 Tchibo: Expanding the coffee shops' business system in the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe 5. 3 Video case study: Burke Questions for discussion References 6 The political and economic environment Learning objectives 6. 1 Introduction 6. 2 The political/legal environment 6. 3 The economic environment 6. 4 The European Economic and Monetary Union and the euro 6. 5 Summary
Case studies 6. 1 The World Bank and the IMF: What on earth is globalization about? Massive protests during a meeting in Prague 6. 2 Sauer-Danfoss: Which political/economic factor would affect a manufacturer of hydraulic components? 6. 3 Video case study: Debate on globalization Questions for discussion References 7 The sociocultural environment Learning objectives 7. 1 Introduction 7. 2 Layers of culture 7. 3 High-and low-context cultures 7. 4 Elements of culture 7. 5 Hofstede's original work on national cultures (the 4 + 1 dimensions model) 7. 6 The strengths and weaknesses of Hofstede's model 7. 7 Managing cultural differences . 8 Convergence or divergence of the world's cultures 7. 9 The effects of cultural dimensions on ethical decision making 7. 10 Social marketing 7. 11 Summary Case studies 7. 1 Lifan: A Chinese subsupplier and brand manufacturer of motorcycles is aiming at the global market 7. 2 IKEA catalogue: Are there any cultural differences? 7. 3 Video case study: Communicating in the global world Questions for discussion References 8 The international market selection process Learning objectives 8. 1 Introduction 8. 2 International market selection: SMEs versus LMEs 8. 3 Building a model for international market selection 8. Market expansion strategies 8. 5 The global product/market portfolio 8. 6 Summary Case studies 8. 1 Philips Lighting: Screening markets in the Middle East 8. 2 Mac Baren Tobacco Company: Internationalizing the water pipe business 8. 3 Video case study: Hasbro Questions for discussion References Part II Case studies II. 1 CarLovers Carwash: Serendipity as a factor in foreign market selection: the case of CarLovers from Australia II. 2 The Female Health Company (FHC): The female condom is seeking a foothold in the world market for contraceptive products II. 3 Tipperary Mineral Water Company: Market selection inside/outside Europe II. Skagen Designs: Becoming an international player in designed watches Part III Market Entry Strategies 9 Some approaches to the choice of entry mode Learning objectives 9. 1 Introduction 9. 2 The transaction cost approach 9. 3 Factors influencing the choice of entry mode 9. 4 Summary Case studies 9. 1 Jarlsberg: The king of Norwegian cheeses is seeking new markets 9. 2 Ansell condoms: Is acquisition the right way for gaining market shares in the European condom market? 9. 3 Video case study: Understanding entry modes into the Chinese market Questions for discussion References 10 Export modes Learning objectives 10. Introduction 10. 2 Indirect export modes 10. 3 Direct export modes 10. 4 Cooperative export modes/export marketing groups 10. 5 Summary Case studies 10. 1 Lysholm Linie Aquavit: International marketing of a Norwegian Aquavit brand 10. 2 Parle Products: An Indian biscuit is seeking agents and cooperation partners in new export markets 10. 3 Video case study: Honest Tea Questions for discussion References 11 Intermediate entry modes Learning objectives 11. 1 Introduction 11. 2 Contract manufacturing 11. 3 Licensing 11. 4 Franchising 11. 5 Joint ventures/strategic alliances 11. 6 Other intermediate entry modes 11. 7 Summary
Case studies 11. 1 Ka-Boo-Ki: Licensing in the LEGO brand 11. 2 Bayer and GlaxoSmithKline: Can the X-coalition and the product Levitra challenge Viagra's market leader position? 11. 3 Video case study: Mariott Questions for discussion References 12 Hierarchical modes Learning objectives 12. 1 Introduction 12. 2 Domestic-based sales representatives 12. 3 Resident sales representatives/foreign sales branch/foreign sales subsidiary 12. 4 Sales and production subsidiary 12. 5 Region centres (regional headquarters) 12. 6 Transnational organization 12. 7 Establishing wholly owned subsidiaries: acquisition or Greenfield 12. Location/relocation of HQ 12. 9 Foreign divestment: withdrawing from a foreign market 12. 10 Summary Case studies 12. 1 Durex condoms: SSL will sell Durex condoms in the Japanese market through its own organization 12. 2 The Fred Hollows Foundation: A non-profit organization establishes lens production factories in Nepal and Eritrea 12. 3 Video case study: Starbucks Questions for discussion References 13 International sourcing decisions and the role of the subsupplier Learning objectives 13. 1 Introduction 13. 2 Reasons for international sourcing 13. 3 A typology of subcontracting 13. 4 Buyer–seller interaction 13. Development of a relationship 13. 6 Reverse marketing: from seller to buyer initiative 13. 7 Internationalization of subcontractors 13. 8 Project export (turnkey contracts) 13. 9 Summary Case studies 13. 1 LM Glasfiber A/S: Following its customers' international expansion in the wind turbine industry 13. 2 Lear Corporation: A leading supplier of automotive interior systems 13. 3 Video case study: Eaton Corporation Questions for discussion References Part III Case studies III. 1 IKEA: Expanding through franchising to the South American market? III. 2 Autoliv Air Bags: Transforming Autoliv into a global company III. IMAX Corporation: Globalization of the film business III. 4 Heineken/Al Ahram Beverages Co. : Marketing of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks to Egypt and to other Muslim markets – does an acquisition help? Part IV Designing the Global Marketing Programme 14 Product decisions Learning objectives 14. 1 Introduction 14. 2 The dimensions of the international product offer 14. 3 Developing international service strategies 14. 4 The product life cycle 14. 5 New products for the international market 14. 6 Product positioning 14. 7 Brand equity 14. 8 Branding decisions 14. 9 Sensory branding 14. 10 Celebrity branding 4. 11 Implications of the Internet for the collaboration with customers on product decisions 14. 12 Green marketing strategies 14. 13 Brand piracy and anti-counterfeiting strategies 14. 14 Summary Case studies 14. 1 Danish Klassic: Launch of a cream cheese in Saudi Arabia 14. 2 Zippo Manufacturing Company: Has product diversification beyond the lighter gone too far? 14. 3 Video case study: Swiss Army Questions for discussion References 15 Pricing decisions and terms of doing business Learning objectives 15. 1 Introduction 15. 2 International pricing strategies compared with domestic pricing strategies 15. Factors influencing international pricing decisions 15. 4 International pricing strategies 15. 5 Implications of the Internet for pricing across borders 15. 6 Terms of sale/delivery terms 15. 7 Terms of payment 15. 8 Export financing 15. 9 Summary Case studies 15. 1 Harley-Davidson: Does the image justify the price level? 15. 2 Gillette Co. : Is price standardization possible for razor blades? 15. 3 Video case study: Ford Motor Company Questions for discussion References 16 Distribution decisions Learning objectives 16. 1 Introduction 16. 2 External determinants of channel decisions 16. 3 The structure of the channel 16. Managing and controlling distribution channels 16. 5 Managing logistics 16. 6 Implications of the Internet for distribution decisions 16. 7 Special issue 1: International retailing 16. 8 Special issue 2: Grey marketing (parallel importing) 16. 9 Summary Case studies 16. 1 De Beers: Forward integration into the diamond industry value chain 16. 2 Nokia: What is wrong in the US market for mobile phones – can Nokia recapture the no. 1 position from Motorola? 16. 3 Video case study: DHL Questions for discussion References 17 Communication decisions (promotion strategies) Learning objectives 17. 1 Introduction 17. 2 The communication process 7. 3 Communication tools 17. 4 Viral marketing 17. 5 International advertising strategies in practice 17. 6 Implications of the Internet for communication decisions 17. 7 Summary Case studies 17. 1 Helly Hansen: Sponsoring fashion clothes in the US market 17. 2 Chevrolet: Helping to create a global brand via a European online (and CRM) strategy 17. 3 Video case study: BMW Motorcycles Questions for discussion References Part IV Case studies IV. 1 Absolut Vodka: Defending and attacking for a better position in the global vodka market IV. 2 Guinness: How can the iconic Irish beer brand compensate for declining sales in the home market?
IV. 3 Dyson Vacuum Cleaner: Shifting from domestic to international marketing with the famous bagless vacuum cleaner IV. 4 Triumph Motorcycles Ltd: Rising from the ashes in the international motorcycle business Part V Implementing and Coordinating the Global Marketing Programme 18 Cross-cultural sales negotiations Learning objectives 18. 1 Introduction 18. 2 Cross-cultural negotiations 18. 3 Intercultural preparation 18. 4 Coping with expatriates 18. 5 Knowledge management and learning across borders 18. 6 Transnational bribery in cross-cultural negotiations 18. 7 Summary Case studies 18. Mecca Cola: Marketing of a ‘Muslim’ cola to the European market 18. 2 TOTO: The Japanese toilet manufacturer seeks export opportunities for its high-tech brands in the United States 18. 3 Video case study: Dunkin' Donuts Questions for discussion References 19 Organization and control of the global marketing programme Learning objectives 19. 1 Introduction 19. 2 Organization of global marketing activities 19. 3 The global management account (GAM) organization 19. 4 Controlling the global marketing programme 19. 5 The global marketing budget 19. 6 The process of developing the global marketing plan 19. 7 Summary
Case studies 19. 1 Mars Inc. : Merger of the European food, petcare and confectionary divisions 19. 2 AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems: Reconsidering its global organization structure 19. 3 Video case study: McDonald's Questions for discussion References Part V Case studies V. 1 Femilet: A SME is seeking a foothold in the European lingerie market V. 2 Sony BMG: New worldwide organizational structure and the marketing, planning and budgeting of Dido's new album V. 3 Philips Shavers: Maintaining shaving leadership in the world market V. 4 Vipp AS: A SME uses global branding to break into the international waste bin business Index
Global Marketing : a Decision-Oriented Approach 4th Ed. Svend Hollensen.. (2017, Sep 15).
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