Complicate Government System of U.S.

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The United States of America's government system is a truly complex and intricate work. Beginning so long ago, the American government system that is implicated today took years and years to advance and become stronger, becoming one of the powerhouses of the world as we know it today. Then again it wasn't always like this. In American history, a key element to the foundation of America is government and the changes the system has gone through the years. This essay will discuss some of the changes that occurred from 1900 to 1945 in the country. With important topics such as progressivism, The Square Deal, The New Deal, Suffrage movement, WWI and WWII, and also the New Era this essay will specifically address the actions taken by the government or not taken by the government and their effects on the American people. With the country constantly going through difficult times and attempting to control its citizens from 1900-1945, certain actions the government took were, the assistance of the Courts to make decisions, the ability to pass laws with Congress, and the implications of orders and deals by the President.

        With rapid industrialization hitting America and times beginning to change and advance the government looked for federal and state level courts to assist in the creation of new order and a better way of life. This occurred during the Progressive Era when the industrialization of America was accelerating. The decisions that surrounded this political movement were founded to improve the quality of life, change the before corrupt and inefficient government and allow more government voice and involvement in businesses. The impacts during the time of the Progressive Era were seen as both positive and negative by different sides of the American community. In the progressive community many believed that the rich should be superior. However, not just any rich people, white wealthy men should remain wealthy and superior. This meant that whites would dominate business and main outlets in industry. In the black community this was seen and taken negatively. One of the era's most celebrated black leaders, Booker T. Washington, proposed another idea for racial accommodation to what he thought was a path towards progress. Washington was an educated black man, that was born into slavery but found his way out and became loved by many including whites. He proposed that in the time of the Progressive Era people need to stay segregated and support their communities but push for each and everyone's individual rights and equality.


Blacks should also start and create businesses for themselves and their community's well being and prosperity. After the Progressive Era came the War but after that came the New Era. The New Ear, similar to the Progressive Era, was America's continued economic growth but this time with a boom in consumer culture. After the first World Wars' end in 1918, the American government started to encourage business but with less involvement physically in businesses. At this time there were a large number of positive outcomes and reactions from citizens. There became a higher importance for consumer goods, with people spending to feel good and to increase social status, as well as the introduction to credit spending. African Americans during this time also decided to make their mark on society. Commonly referred to as the New Negro blacks, attempted to change their position in society with the introduction of businesses and more societal contribution.


As the American society advanced and people gained more power and economic security within themselves the government needed to establish better laws, and regulations through Congress. During the New Era, the 1920s with cities and businesses booming alcohol became an issue to the government. To battle alcoholism, reduce violence and crime rates, and lessen the tax burden created by the prison system, Congress put forth the 18th Amendment. The 18th Amendment called for the prohibition of alcohol. This rule put forth by the government had a very opposite result and impact on the society, instead more people pushed against the amendment and fought for alcohol to be easily consumed and available. At the end of this Era there became a huge gap in wealth with distribution at one percent, as well as decline in wages also leading to an increase in personal debt. Another decision the government made in the past was the establishment of the 19th Amendment. At the time suffrage for women was not a universally accepted dilemma. It wasn't until the National Women Party in 1913, that women's voices were heard about the issue. Women became more public to push for change participating in picketing and then hunger strikes in jail. With all the attention the issue brought the 19th Amendment was finally passed. While the government continued establish better laws, they also had a responsibility to take care of their states in times of need. One of these actions taken was the creation of the New Deal.


With the Great Depression tearing apart American citizens creating unemployment at 23.6% and a 40% bank failure, the New Deal projects and programs, by Franklin D. Roosevelt, were to stabilize society and aid those who were suffering. The New Deal didn't necessarily help all races however. For African Americans it offered some certain programs but segregation still existed alongside racism and blacks were still excluded from social security. As for the Mexican community, they were asked to come and leave based on the availability of work active, and even if you were a child born in America with Mexican parents you had to leave as well. Asian Americans were also payed to leave the country so that they didn't have to take care of other races. An important time where the New Deal was successful in helping a community was the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl was a time in which it had stopped raining from 1932-1939. With mostly all their crops destroyed and hard to find food the government had stepped in to provide aid. Red Cross services provided face masks to prevent people from inhaling dust while the government provided canned food, relief checks and even money for cattle to be slaughtered. With benefits to the New Deal and some drawback it overall didn't create too much economic movement. It didn't end depression or unemployment, it didn't redistribute the wealth, and it didn't solve governmental issues or economical issues but it prevented the country from becoming worse.


Although decisions and actions like the New Deal might have not solved issues like the Great Depression, Presidents' decisions definitely impacted America both positively and negatively. America engaged in war with Germany, Japan, Vietnam each ending with America, or the Allies', victory. In World War 1 the United States fought with the Allied forces, England, France, Italy and more, against the Central Powers, Germany, the Ottoman Empire and more. After the first war they had planned for peace and Woodrow Wilson created the 14 points plan, fourteen points of peace after the war. Soon after Wilson proposed the League of Nations for the resolution of international conflict but the United States never joined. It was at the League of Nations that Treaty of Versailles was made in 1918, blaming Germans for sole responsibility of the war. In America after WWI the economy started booming but an interesting reaction was noticed in the African American community. In the war blacks who had answered the call to service ended up being segregated into jobs of less worth, when initially they had gone to prove their worth and make claims for equality in America.


They came back with everything looking the same. This led to the Great Migration where many African Americans moved through the country, some to Africa to start new communities. This rapid migration led to the development of many black communities in popular cities like New York, Los Angeles and more. Later WWII had a similar global impact, but in the United States specifically it drastically boosted the economy. At the end of WWII wartime production was so high that it ended the Great Depression. A lot of the help that was provided to boost production came from people who stayed at home during WWII, because it was the largest armed conflict in history people wanted to help wherever they were. In many situations women would help in the war efforts, to make and supply troops with different gear or other needs like transportation, food, clothing etc. These women would often be family members of troops who are fighting in hopes to see their loved ones faster or to feel a sense of contribution even for the smallest of tasks. Jobs provided during the war time also made more more money and a better salary than others. Women were able to find a meaning to life and a sense of purpose during the war.


Even with the country constantly going through difficult times and attempting to control its citizens, certain actions the government took were, the assistance of the Courts to make decisions, the ability to pass laws with Congress, and the implications of orders and deals by the President. It is interesting to learn about the government's actions and their impacts on the society because a lot of times you may not be aware of the direct effect on your life. In today's society the United States government arguably makes a lot of irrational decisions and takes actions many would avoid completely. As the government progresses and advances in the modern day it is important to look at the impacts the government's decisions have on your life.

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Complicate Government System Of U.S.. (2019, Oct 30). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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