Warming Up, Working Out, & Cooling down

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Assignment #5: Warming Up, Working Out,&Cooling Down 1. List five warm-up activities that would be appropriate for the sport/activity you are doing. Warm-up activities that would be appropriate for running include slow jogging, walking lunges, power skipping, running carioca, and running butt kickers. 2. List five cool-down activities that would be appropriate for the sport/activity you are doing. Cool-down activities that would be appropriate for running include a jog, light walk, static stretching of major muscle groups, such as chest stretching, side bends, and abdominal and lower back muscles. . Describe how warming up makes physiological changes to your body and how it prepares your body for exercise. Physiological changes to the body would benefit preparation for body exercise through a warm-up where the body would be able to re-direct blood to the skeletal muscle in anticipation for exercise. 4. Describe how warming up can prepare you psychologically for a workout or activity. Warming up can prepare me psychologically for a workout or activity since a well-planned and lengthy warm-up will prepare my body for peak performance both physiologically and psychologically. . Define cooling down, describe the purpose of cooling down, and how to know when you have successfully finished cooling down. Cooling down is gradually reducing the intensity of exercise for several minutes at the end of a session to stabilize the cardiovascular system after a workout. The cool down serves to gradually slow the heart rate and helps prevent pooling of the blood in the legs and feet. During exercise, the muscles squeeze the blood through the veins. This helps return the blood to the heart. After exercise, however, the muscles relax and no longer do this, and the blood can accumulate in the legs and feet. One should walk and stretch until their heart rate returns to less than 100 beats per minute and heavy sweating stops. 6. What differences in the warm-up process did you find between a dynamic warm-up and a traditional warm-up? With this in mind, explain what type of warm-up will you use and why. Attach an article or link that supports your decision. I found that the difference between a dynamic warm-up and a traditional warm-up consisted of the exercises rigor. I would use the dynamic stretches for warm-up and traditional stretches for cool-down. I believe that the use of dynamic stretches, the slow controlled movements through the full range of motion, are the most appropriate exercises for warming up. In contrast, I believe the traditional stretches are more appropriate for cooling down. An article/link that supports my decision: https://www. brianmac. co. uk/stretch. htm . On the dynamic exercise link, which exercises should you avoid if you have knee problems? What modifications could you make to stay safe? Neck problems? Modifications? If you have knee problems, it’s probably best to avoid dynamic stretches such as running high knees and power skips. To modify this stretch, it’s possible to tone down the rigor of the exercise by not doing such explosive movements. If you have neck problems, it’s best to avoid the lying scorpion exercise. This stretch could put unintended stress upon the neck.
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Warming Up, Working Out, & Cooling Down. (2017, Sep 21). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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