1000 Word Essay Examples

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1255 essay samples found

Drug Addiction Choice or Disease

The emotional impact of the statement, “Alcoholism is a sickness,” is such that very few people care to stop to think what it actually means. -E. M. JELLINEK QUOTING WEXBERG (1951) IN THE DISEASE CONCEPT OF ALCOHOLISM (1960) By now probably almost everyone is aware of the epidemic that is addiction. Those whose lives’ have […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1059 Topics: Disease, Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse

Drug Epidemic in United States

In the history of the United Stated the drug epidemic has been increasing at an alarming rate. The United States imported opium legally for hundreds of years. During the Civil War the most common used drug was Morphine. In the nineteenth century Heroin was manufactured. Cocaine was very popular and was marketed as a cure […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1031 Topics: Government, Heroin, United States, War On Drugs
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Drugs and how Anyone Can Use

Drugs are a major cause of worldly disaster. The definition of drugs is a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. There are all types of drugs that can be addictive, but some drugs are good and help people. Prescription drugs can be addictive if […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1008 Topics: Adolescence, Drug Abuse, Drugs, Substance Abuse

Drunk Driving Research Paper

Research Paper Every year in the United States 13,000 people are killed from an alcohol related accident. In a different perspective, that is about 35 people every day (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). To bring this statistic down, schools should educate students on the consequences of drunk driving because teenagers are more likely to get into […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1035 Topics: Adolescence, Crime, Driving, Driving Under The Influence, Drunk Driving

Dust Bowl and Great Depression Expository

Everybody in America faced problems during the Great Depression. The Great Depression started October 29, 1929 and at the end of 1933 millions of Americans had no jobs, the depression started to end around 1941. Three things not heavily realized affected by the Great Depression, politics in California, Okies in California, and the election of […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1004 Topics: Depression, Dust Bowl, Great Depression

Dynamic Business Environment

In today’s dynamic business environment, sustainability has become the key driver of innovation. There is no doubt that sustainability can bring a huge advantage to a company or an organisation, they believe that the more ecological they become, the more the effort will erode their rivals (Nidumolu, Prahald & Rangaswami, P57). It can be divided […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1067 Topics: Sustainability

Dystopian Society of North Korea

You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom (Malcolm X). North Korea is a place in the world where there is no freedom, and it is run by a dictator rather than a leader. In addition, the dictator (Kim Jong Un, who acts like he […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1048 Topics: North Korea

E-commerce Business Report – Myntra.com

>Introduction Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “E-commerce Business Report – Myntra.com” Get custom essay Myntra.com is into the e-commerce business. It was started by a group of IIM and IIT students in 2007.Its headquarters is at Bangalore. It is an online retailer of fashion and lifestyle products in India. It is […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1036 Topics: Online Shopping, Retail

Early Age of Enlightenment

Everything changed when the early modern period started because this is where every region starting to develop. It led new discoveries and different ideas to take toll in Europe and Russia for example It also started to focus on science, more than religion and types of power shaping their empire. The period began in 1500 […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1000 Topics: Age Of Enlightenment, Christianity, Enlightenment, United States

Early Childhood Electronic Use as a Predictor of Poorer Well-being 

Introduction I will be summarizing a scientific journal article titled Early Childhood Electronic Media Use as a predictor of Poorer Well-being by Hinkley et al. (2014). This journal article is about early childhood screen time as a predictor of overall poorer well-being, it is a prospective cohort study. The author’s reason for writing this journal […]

Pages: 3 Words: 980 Topics: Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Journey

Maria Montessori is an icon in history. She has influenced my professional philosophy particularly due to her firm belief that there exists a difference in learning among children and adults. From this vein, Montessori once said: follow the child and let the child’s interest take lead. This denotes the belief that through the stages of […]

Pages: 3 Words: 986 Topics: Behavior Modification, Child Development, Childhood, Children, Curriculum, Early Childhood Education, Learning

Early Marriages and Consequences

Abstract: Under 18 age marriages are early marrriages also it is called “child marriages. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Early Marriages and Consequences” Get custom essay There are many reasons for these marriages in order to occur. One of These reasons is about societies’ socio-cultural structure. Another reason is about families’ […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1017 Topics: Child Marriage

Eating to Live Longer

We have heard the saying “we are what we eat.” Researchers believe that eating certain foods will boost our immune system, foods such as garlic, and oranges. To help reduce the chances of a heart attack, we should eat less fat, sodium, cholesterol, fewer calories, and more fiber. Making better food choices for a healthy […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1008 Topics: Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Healthy Diet, Immune System, Nutrition, Study, Vegetable, Vitamin C

Education – the most Powerful Weapon which you Can Use to Change the World

Nelson Mandela has once said, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. My personal goal for the future in my classroom is to educate students by challenging them to their full potential as well as their needs. In my classroom, I want my students to feel challenged, I […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1068 Topics: Behavior Modification, Change, Communication, Epistemology, Learning, Pedagogy, Philosophy Of Education, Teacher

Education does not Surpass Segregation

Imagine the U.S. capitol’s austere statuary that holds monuments of the great men that built this nation. However, some of them are no longer considered great men. Statues of Confederate Soldiers, Congressmen who supported slavery and segregation, and downright white supremacists litter the south. But can we say litter? Can the work of these men […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1019 Topics: Critical Theory, Identity Politics, Justice, Prejudice And Discrimination, Racism, Segregation, Slavery, United States

Edward Snowden Actions

1. What is Edward Snowden’s argument supporting his decision to reveal the information according to his statement in The Guardian article? Summarize his argument. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Edward Snowden Actions” Get custom essay According to Edward Snowden’s statement in The Guardian article, he believed that the value of the […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1008 Topics: Edward Snowden, Privacy, Surveillance, Utilitarianism

Effective Communication and Teamwork Will Help a Business Maintain a Positive Work Environment

Effective communication also permeates throughout all areas of business operations, because a positive workplace means happier employees are interacting with the public and with consumers. Effective communication among business teams begins with leadership that sets clear methods and standards. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Effective Communication and Teamwork Will Help a […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1042 Topics: Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Team, Teamwork

Effective Leadership in Teamwork

As often as possible, gathering capacities outstandingly together in light of the way that all people rely upon each other to pass on particular capacities to the table. By viewing the system behind these aptitudes, you can make sense of how to join your gifts and become a more grounded gathering. Don't use plagiarized sources. […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1069 Topics: Leadership, Teamwork

Effects of Deforestation

Deforestation is the removal of trees to create space for civilization, industrialization and agriculture. Per minute, roughly 36 football fields of forests are lost to deforestation. Eighteen million acres of forest, which is roughly the size of South Carolina, is lost per year (Penman). At this rate, all forests on earth will be gone in […]

Pages: 3 Words: 973 Topics: Deforestation

Effects of Military Sexual Assault

The military’s rape percentage has gone up to at an alarming rate of 88 percent since 2007. Many victims in the military have been scared and frightened by the people that have done them so wrong and left them their feeling unwanted. People in the military are just as human as civilians in the real […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1012 Topics: Abnormal Psychology, Disease, Eating Disorder, Mental Health, Military, Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault In The Military, Social Issues

Effects of Teenage Girls on Social Media

As the rise of social media and the internet inclines, it is causing issues surrounding teenage girls. Social Media… defined as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. These platforms create a place where people can promote ideas they created, see what friends were up […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1009 Topics: Effects of Social Media, Smartphone, Social Media

Effects of the French Revolution

The French Revolution was one of the most significant, radical revolutions of all time. Before the revolution, France was broken up into three social classes. The First estate was the clergy, the Second Estate was the nobility, and the Third Estate was everyone else(Bourgeoise, peasants, small business owners, doctors, lawyers, and more). The First and […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1021 Topics: France, French Revolution, Napoleon, Revolution, Spain

Emotions in Bipolar

People with bipolar disorder experience periods of abnormal intense emotion. They also go through changes in sleep patterns, activity levels, and unusual behaviors. These distinct periods are referred to as mood episodes. Mood episodes are drastically different moods and behaviors that are typical for a person. Extreme changes in sleep, energy, and activity, go along […]

Pages: 3 Words: 974 Topics: Bipolar Disorder, Disability, Emotions, Major Depressive Disorder, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Psychopathology

Employer on Social Media

In today’s world we can all agree that social media plays a huge role in our everyday lives. Almost everyone nowadays has a smartphone, whether it’s the Apple iPhone or an Android phone. One thing that all these smartphones have in common is social media applications. So how do these applications affect our professional lives? […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1014 Topics: Behavior, Communication, Employment, Reputation, Social Media

Environmental Controversy Paper – Deforestation

Deforestation is defined as the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people (Cambridge University Press, November 8, 2018). These forests are facing multiple threats due to unsustainable economic development, and it is an issue in places such as the Amazon. According to Code REDD, The timeline for […]

Pages: 3 Words: 981 Topics: Deforestation

Environmental Injustice and Racism in Flint Michigan

It is no secret, most Americans have heard of the avoidable and abject failure of government on the local, state and federal level; environmental authorities; and water company officials to prevent the mass poisoning of hundreds of children and adults in Flint, Michigan from April 2014 to December 2018. The Flint case is particularly intriguing […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1033 Topics: Injustice, Racism, Racism in America

Environmental Police

While at the Special Patrolman Academy Training, I was privileged to learn a lot that eventually helped to grow into an entirely responsible professional that I am today. Firstly I was able the police science at the academy which included among others, Constitutional Law, Criminal justice administration, Criminology and Deviance, New York Penal law and […]

Pages: 3 Words: 983 Topics: Criminal Justice, Environmental Law, Learning, Police

Environmental Sustainability through Homoeopathy

Any conversation of biological recuperating and ecological wellbeing can’t easily overlook the job of homeopathy. By staying away from the natural repercussions of current standard clinical practices, homeopathy upholds a maintainable, clean environment. Through their expert practices, homeopathic professionals have a chance to add to ecological stewardship by building up homeopathy as an impetus for […]

Pages: 3 Words: 999 Topics: Sustainability

Erik Erikson once Wrote

Erik Erikson once wrote, In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity. Erikson displays the deep struggles one must tolerate during their extensive search for a niche to retain and live their own way. Aristotle and Dante, from Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets […]

Pages: 3 Words: 973 Topics: Identity, Social

Ernest Hemingway’s Short Story a Clean Well-Lighted Place

The end of Ernest Hemingway’s short story, A Clean Well-Lighted Place is significant to the story on the whole because it vaguely but poignantly describes the personal and existential sense of self that defines the human condition for some. Hemingway accomplishes this through expert use of short and vague transitions and parallels between the older […]

Pages: 3 Words: 993 Topics: American Literature, Ernest Hemingway, Existentialism, Short Story
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