Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories

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Do you believe in conspiracy theories? An article titled"Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories.", posted on "theconversation" website, discusses the reasons people believe in the conspiracy theories. The authors Catherine Pickering and Jason Byrne, not only explain the information about conspiracy theory, but also about human belief. Authors Pickerine and Byrne explain an ongoing report demonstrated a relationship between's a person's requirement for structure and propensity to have faith in a conspiracy theory ,that’s reason that conspiracy theories go up with such normality to force structure and capacity to perceive designs. Some points of the authors are acceptable, but the rest of the opinions are insubstantial and not totally true.

According to the authors Pickerine and Byrne, at least there are more than one factors that affect people’s trust in conspiracy theories,we are social creatures in a society that focus to be more essential than being correct. That’s why we are so quick to have confidencr in conspiracy theories. If our social gathering thinks something, we will probably pursue the group, because we continually contrast our action with those of our associates and try to fit in. Is it true that people can trust in conspiracy theories with pressure from others people? What does the word "pressure" signify?It means a push from other people to believe something which has not been proven like conspiracy theories, through words and social media. I think this doesn’t make any sense, because in my experience that people’s belief depends on their point of view, what is meant here is people’s trust in conspiracy theory, not pressure from others people or pressure from people close to them. In a survey that has been proven by Joseph Parent, which affect people’s believe in conspiracy theory that is education and the welfare of the person. People’s perspectives are very different, based on their respective experiences (good or bad).

The second factors, according the author is myth busting mishaps, human mind is something open and often irrational. This fact is not entirely true, because there are some people who don't believe myth. Advanced technology is one of the factors that makes people don’t believe in myth, because myth can be easliy be prove by the amazing use of technology. Science is also one of the factors that makes people don’t believe in myth, because science can easily break myth. Like in Jakarta, people who live in Jakarta don't believe in myth anymore because of technology advances and development of people ways to think. Based on the article, people have the audacity to refuse myth at their surroundings, but because of the process to reject the myth is wrong, they become more into believing it instead of rejecting it, and that’s based on an experience that occurs in my region. A standout amongst the most striking precedents of this was found in an examination assessing a "Myths and Facts" flyer about influenza immunizations. Instantly in the wake of perusing the flyer, members precisely recollected the actualities as realities and the fantasies as myths. Be that as it may, only 30 minutes after the fact this had been totally turned on its head, with the myths being significantly more liable to be recognized as "actualities".

Authors states that beside from the factors there is one way that can make us not easy to believe in conspiracy theories, and that’s by making friends. By befriending people that are decent and could bring a positive impact to ourself can make us reject something that’s not yet proven to be true, like conspiracy theories. When you doesn’t have any friend that you can share or talk with, it will make you lonely and automatically make you belive in conspiracy theories, because conspiracy theories community are big and can make us feel comfortable because there’s a lot of people who share the same beliefs. Based on my experience, befriending nice people can make me forget about the beliefs that has not been proven. Then again, it depends on our experience and how we take advice from our friends. Research shown that people depends on their experience to prove something.

We can resolve that, Chatrine Pickering and Jason Byrne explains that there are two factors that can affects our believe, that is pressure from other people and from the the human mind itself. But by making friends with people who bring a positive impact and by thinking rasionally, will easily makes us avoid in believin something that is not yet proven to be true.

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Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories. (2021, Mar 16). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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