Personal Development Skills

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Assignment front sheet
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. a Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: Task no. Evidence
1.1 Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning    
1.2 Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged    
1.3 Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organization    
2.1 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organizational objectives    
2.2 Identify own development needs and the activities required to meet them    
2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs    
2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs    
3.1 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan    
3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned    
3.3 Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan    
3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation    
4.1 Select solutions to work based problems    
4.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels    
4.3 Evaluate and use effective time management strategies    
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Learner signature: Date: 29.01.2014

Personal Mission: to be a successful business woman Objectives: To get MBA from Myanmar Imperial College with distinctions in 2017 3.1Personal SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness
  • Lazy to do assignment, but when I do these I do the best.
  • I can do power point presentation well.
  • Weak in English writing & speaking skills.
  • Lazy to do Assignments.
  • I have no time management to do assignments & I do the assignments when I want to do.
Opportunities Threats
  • I have a chance to choose the college which is the best for me to get the MBA.
  • My family supports my education to get the MBA.
  • Our college has the teachers who are professional in their respective subjects.
  • Difficult assignments

3.2 Professional SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness
-Good communication skill -Negotiation skill -I can influence on other people. -No time management -Leadership -Self-confidence
Opportunities Threats
-When I get MBA, I can get the job. -If I get the degrees of economy, the companies will call to work. -

Skill Audit Mission: to attend MBA at Myanmar Imperial College Personal objectives: to get MBA with distinctions in 2017 Professional objectives: to become successful business woman and to become Managing director of Construction Co.Ltd.

Required Skills
Required skills to achieve Personal Objectives Required skills to achieve Professional Objectives
English language skill Presentation skill Self-management skill IT skill Team working skill Decision-making skill Leadership skill Problem solving skill Negotiating skill
Existing Skills ( from personal SWOT analysis)
Existing skills to achieve Personal Objectives Existing skills to achieve Professional Objectives
Presentation skill IT skill Team working skill Problem solving skill Negotiating skill
Skills needed to be developed
Skills needed to be developed for Personal Objectives Skills needed to be developed for Professional Objectives
English language skill Self-management skill Decision making skill Leadership skill

Task 2 Personal and Professional Development Plan Mission- to attend MBA at Myanmar Imperial College and Personal Objectives Professional objectives Skills need to be fulfilled for personal requirement English language skill Self-management skill Decision making skill and Leadership skill Strategies

  • Teach with English native speaker and attend IELTS to improve my English language skill. And then read some English books.(e.g. Reader's Digest)
  • Practice concentrating on my work & doing one thing at the time, start each day happily to develop my self-management skill.
  • Read the books which are concern with decision making to improve my decision making skill.
  • Read the books which are concern with leadership skill to develop my leadership skill.

Resources and Output

  • For English language skill- learn at 9 miles, Teacher Kevin for SAT, at Edulink Australia for 4 skills and IELTS.
  • For Management and leadership skill- borrow management and leadership skill books at American Centre.
  • For decision making skill- learn & help at my daddy's company ( Khit Thit Chan Thar Co.Ltd). And borrow decision making books from American Centre and British Council.


  • I will develop my English language skill within 1 year.
  • I will improve my Self-management skill within 3 weeks.
  • I will improve my decision making skill & leadership skill within 1 month.

Action plan

  • For English language skill- watches the movies twice a week which will have to improve my English Language skill and read the Reader's Digest once a day.
  • For decision making skill-read the books which are concerns with decision making skill within a week.
  • For Management and leadership skill- read the Mullin and other management and leadership books in my holidays.


  • I will answer the English IELTS exam at online and at my teacher's exam.
  • I will talk with native speaker to check my English language skill.
  • I will take part in my father's job to check my levels of decision making, Management and Leadership skills.

Review & Control

  • I will make to improve my presentation skill to make presentations in class.
  • I will take part in games with my friends at school fun time to improve my team work skill.

Task 3 Definition of Self-management learning Self-management learning (SML) involves individuals managing their own learning. This includes people taking responsibilities for decisions about: what they learn, when they learn, where they learn, how they learn and most basically why they learn. The approaches of Self-management learning There have nine approaches of Self-management learning. These are

  1. Facilitating learning
  2. Learning through research
  3. Learning from others
  4. Secondments
  5. Interviews
  6. Seminors and conferences
  7. Internet, intranets and extranets
  8. Newsgroups
  9. Bulletin boards

Among nine approaches, I will explain about three approaches. Facilitating learning Facilitating learning is a process of helping people to research, learn and change is done with the help of facilitators. To accomplish that, we start by taking into account the different personality type and learning styles in the room as well as ensuring we embed an experiential learning component into every workshop. Additionally, each session we lead small group activities, work time and some whole group time. Advantages of facilitating learning

  • The learner is actively included in learning time.
  • Learners can work in an environment which is similar to the real world.
  • Learning methods are available many.
  • There is no need for large amount of learning materials.

Disadvantages of facilitating learning

  • The teacher part is not clearly defined.
  • Cannot appropriate in some cultural contexts.
  • Facilitating learning is can be seen to be more expensive.
  • Need for extra facilities to allow for team work.

Internet, Intranets and Extranets Internet The internet is the world-wide network of computers accessed with the assistance of modem. It involves e-mail, news group, Facebook, Web Sites and other forums. That is a public web, although many of the computers or laptops connected to it are one of the parts of intranets. It uses the Internet Protocol (IP) as a communication standard. Advantages of internet

  • Can connect with people easily.
  • Can find the information what u want to know.
  • Internet is the best and the cheapest way to advertise your product or business.
  • Can send emails, photos and videos easily to other friends and family.
  • Can know news about education, gossip, entertainment and foods easily.
  • Can make credit card online and can order the things what you want from online shopping. And you don't need to go yourself because there has door to door service on online.

Disadvantages of internet

  • Now, Facebook is the most popular social network in people. So people can lose their golden time by using Facebook and other social networks.
  • People who use the internet, your personal information such as name, age, and address can be accessed by other people. And if you use your credit card to online shopping, the information about your credit card can be stolen.
  • The biggest disadvantage of internet is perhaps the pornography and age-impropriate content. It can lack of control to reach children (under 18).

Intranets Intranet is the one of the computer network which maintained privately that only by authorized persons can access. Many organizations and corporations communicate with their employees or members use the intranet. So intranet is often used in companies or corporations. Intranet users are people who are inside the company. Advantages of Intranets

  • It has the ability to across the company internationally.
  • It is useful for sharing information across the organization and can keep it privately.

Disadvantages of Intranets

  • Sometimes passwords from intranet can hack from the owners. This is because the passwords they tend to choose are easy to guess (for example, name, date of birth, address and phone number, etc.)
  • Some organizations are not appropriate with this method of information sharing and this technology can bring addition costs.

Definition of Extranet Extranet is the one of the private network which is similar to the intranet that uses the public telecommunication and the internet technology system to steadily share portion of the economies data or operations with providers, customers, followers, or other economies. An extranet can be observed as part of the business's intranet which stretched to customers outside the business. Most of the extranet users are people who are outside the company. Advantages of Extranet

  • It can share protected data with business special customers, clients and business partners.
  • The content in extranet is always up to date.
  • It can available 24 hours every day.

Disadvantages of Extranet

  • It involves the expenses associated with software, hardware and other technical support need for the process.
  • It can decrease personal face to face contact with clients and other business partners.
  • It can be expensive to maintain and implement.

Bulletin boards Bulletin board is the one of the Computer Science System that enables to share and send messages, files and data allowed any users to leave message that can be read by any other users. The first Bulletin Board System (BBS), called the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS), was invented in 1978 by Randy Svess and Ward Christensen. The Bulletin Board System (BBS) was the primary kind of online communication network since the 1980s and early 1990s, before the World Wide Web started popular. Advantages of Bulletin Boards

  • The Bulletin Board Systems are so public. Because they can give their users to the opportunity to get information from the large number of news sources.
  • Every business can set up their own Bulletin Boards System to help operations run a little more quickly.

Disadvantages of Bulletin Boards

  • Sometimes, they can't keep archive of each posts and threats.

Definition of Lifelong learning Lifelong learning can be broadly involving an individual's education that is diverse, flexible and available at different places and times whole the life. The rule of social change and nowadays economic, the fast transition to a knowledge-based society, and demographic pressures resulting from an ageing population in Europe are all challenges which demand a new approach to training and education , within the framework of the lifelong learning.(BPP Learning Media 2010A­, pg.29) Lifelong learning

  1. Self-directed learning
  2. Continuing professional development
  3. Linking higher education with industry
  4. Further education
  5. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  6. Apprenticeships
  7. Credit accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS)

Among these, I will explain Self-directed learning. Self-directed learning Self-directed learning is not a new concept. It is based on the opinion that people learn and recollect more if they find things out for themselves. Harrison (1992) emphasizes the need to make a climate of awareness about the opportunities for development and learning and to create training events to improve skills and styles. (BPP Learning Media 2010, pg.29) Advantages of self-directed learning

  • Can challenge to perform at best.
  • Can seek assistance and offer assistance to others
  • Can make joyfully celebrate by self.
  • Can control by self and can maintain good habits.
  • Can have own schedule time

Disadvantages of Self-directed learning

  • The idea that got by self is not good as well. Because this idea can must be obtained without the idea and opinion of the others rather than doing by self.

Benefits of Self-management learning

Individual Organization
  • Can have own schedule time.
  • Can make joyfully celebrate by self.
  • Can control by self and can maintain good habits by self.
  • The idea that got from group discussion is the best.
  • Can share ideas and news from each other.
  • Can work and learn with time management.

Honey and Mumford's learning styles Peter Honey and Alan Mumford (1992) said that "people vary not just in their learning skills but also in their learning styles. Peter Honey and Alan Mumford formulated a popular classification of learning styles in terms of the attitudes and behavior which determine an individual's preferred way of learning. (BBP Learning Media 2010, pg.17) The learning styles are

  1. Activist
  2. Reflector
  3. Theorist
  4. Pragmatist

Activist- People who like to earn by doing. They have an open-minded approach to learning and involve themselves fully and without bias in new experiences. They prefer the challenges of new experiences and involve with others. Like anything new, small group discussion and problem solving. Reflector- People who learn from observing and thinking about what happened. They view new experiences from collecting data and taking the time to work towards an appropriate conclusion. Theorist-People who like to understand theories behind the actions. They prefer to synthesis and analyze drawing new information into a logical theory and systematic. They need concepts, models and facts in order to engage in the learning process. Pragmatist- People who prefer to apply new learning to actual practice to see if they work. Experimenters are trying out new technology, techniques and ideas to see if they work. In these learning styles, I am activist type because I like small group discussion and problem solving. Also prefers the challenge of new experiences. Task 4 I'm working as the General Manager of Construction Co.Ltd. So I am always facing with work problems. Some of the problems which I face are follows. Work based problems

  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Employees do not listen General Manager's order

Solutions to solve work based problems Time management – use the effective time management Draw the time-management strategies for employees Communication- talks and negotiates with other partners at work time and read the communication books and also orders to read the employees. Employees do not listen General Manager's order-set the disciplines for employess Definition of Communication Communication in business can be defined as ' the transmission of information to the others. It is also the way of sending information with various methods. There has three types of communication. These are

  1. Written communication
  2. Verbal communication
  3. Non-verbal communication

Written communication Written communication is by means of the way of written signs. A variety of written communication broadcasting is used in business contexts, for one-to-group and one-to-one communication. For examples, reports, letters, notice boards, email, the minutes of meeting and so on. Verbal communication Verbal communication is the main way of communicating face-to face. Now face-to-face broadcasting and Oral are now wide spread in organizations, in systems such as discussions, meetings, brainstorming sessions, and the others. Non-verbal communication Non-verbal communication is the process of communication through receiving and sending wordless cues between people. It is also called "body language" and involves of posture, facial expression and gestures. Definition of Time management Time management is the set of principles, practices, skills, tools and systems working together to help you get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life. Time, like any other resource, needs to be managed, it is to be used efficiently (without waste) and effectively (productively). (BPP Learning Media 2010, pg.109) Benefits of effectiveness time-management ABCD time management grid F:ABCD method.PNG

  1. High urgent, high important
  2. High urgent, low important
  3. Low urgent, high important
  4. Low urgent, low important

The 'Must', 'Ought' and 'Prefer' principle This principle involves listing all the tasks, duties, and activities that need to be finish within a given day then accessing the approximate time each is likely to take and allocating one of the MOP categories to each task. (BPP Learning Media 2010, pg.116) M is a "must" task is one which has to be completed part of the day or in whole day (and probably by a particular time, too). These jobs are best tackled first in any given day, when you have sufficient discretion over your time. When you are under time constraints imposed by others, M jobs should be done at the earliest opportunity. O or 'ought', tasks, which you decide are highly desirable to be completed during the day, but as the last resort could be delayed. These need to be attempted after the M tasks are under way. P, or 'preferred', tasks are those jobs you like doing because you find them pleasurable and satisfying. Additionally, such jobs will normally contribute to the good to the organization-provided you do not spend too much time on them. However, by the way nature of P t tasks, the tendency is to spend time on them to the detriment of Ms and Os, unless you have carried out the approximate time assessment mentioned above (an M task!), and kept to it.

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Personal development skills. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved March 6, 2025 , from

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