School Known for being a Hotbed of Gangland and Activities

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Nowadays, the gangsterism issues happened in school was the hot topic in Malaysia. According Oxford dictionary, the term of Gangsters can be described as a member of a group of violent criminals and gangsterism can be described as the use of tactics associated with gangsters, as intimidation or violence, in order to achieve something. Gangster are the social phenomenon which occurs widely among student in our country and with this rapid increase of this problem, gangsterism can give a lot of negative impact towards student who get involves in these gangland activities. We must solve this issues happened among school because school is the place for student to get educated and learn something that good for their future. Whatever, when this issues happened we should stop it right now through any types of solution. For example, education minister should encourage student to fill their time with useful activities such as sport, social activities and other, parents must notify the school or the police if you suspect that a family member engaged in gangsterism in school , school should strict the school rules and others.


Nowadays, the gangsterism issues happened in school was the hot topic in Malaysia. The social phenomenon of gangsterism has shown to increase the rate of vandalism threatening and drug addicts among the teenagers (Utusan Malaysia 1998). Nowadays, gangsters are a threat to society and people. According to the Oxford dictionary, the term of Gangsters can be described as a member of a group of violent criminals and gangsterism can be described as the use of tactics associated with gangsters, as intimidation or violence, in order to achieve something. Besides, gangsters are the social phenomenon which occurs widely among student in our country and with this rapid increase of this problem, gangsterism can give a lot of negative impact towards student who get involves in these gangland activities. Well, it may cause their future become dark or spend their future in the prison.

We must solve this issues happened among school because school is the place for student to get educated and learn something that good for their future. Whatever, when this issues happened we should stop it right now through any types of solution. For example, education minister should encourage student to fill their time with useful activities such as sport, social activities and other, parents must notify the school or the police if you suspect that a family member engaged in gangsterism in school, school should strict the school rules and others.

According the statistical figure show by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin during the Parliamentary session on June 9, 2010 had showed the number of students who involved with gangsterism. From the figure, we found that the number of students nearly doubled since 2005. It begins with 32 cases recorded and the numbers reach its high peak on 2008 with the value of 81.

Although the number had slightly decreased to 60 cases in 2009 but the number still considered high compared to the earlier cases recorded in 2005. Then, a figure which provided by ACP Amar Singh Sidhu on his journal title, Journal of the Kuala Lumpur Royal Malaysia Police College, No.4 on 2005, it reveal that majority of delinquents detained in the rehabilitation center was from India races with the number of 316 people. On the other hand, both Malay and Chinese represent the similar number with 111 people for each race to be detained. In this globalization, everything has changed including social issues. Therefore, we can found that problems arising among the youth are at the alarming state. Most of the teenagers that involved in gangsterism are getting younger and younger, probably from the ages of ten to sixteen years old. There's many factor to lead the teenagers step in the path of gangsterism.

1. Cause of the problem.
First the main factors is student is influence by the surrounding. Majority of people think that gangsterism is caused by the students themselves. Well, based on the article, I found that these facts were actually causes by the surrounding matters of the teenagers. Such like the peoples they met in daily, the activity they used to do after school, and the relationship between students and their family. The purpose of students is to attract other's attention and to protect them because they feel alone, lack of attention and caring from others. So they started to do some gangsters activities to the environment just trying to attract other people's attention. Therefore, they behave badly at school and not afraid of school rules and after school they like to loiter around the school compound with other youths from outside. In this case, they success to attract other people attention to afraid of them.

I also find that parents also is one of the reason why student involve in gangterism in school. Some students are not good in social activities and they are bore with the family members. Therefore, they join gangsterism because wanted to attract other's attention and no longer feel alone. This idea probably because of their parents are busy with own work or teenager or student are from single parent family, so they are lack of concerned by their parents. Student or teenagers are too desire to get attention and caring that could not get from parents or elder when they start to feel helpless and lonely. This is the reason why they join gangsterism. Though join the gangsterism they can do everything they want and not lonely at all, what I want to said is they can't get love from parents but he or she can get it from gangsters.

Next, caused by school mates and friends. Based on the study by in most case, those who involves in gang activities are influenced by their school mates and friends who is also involved in such of activities. Their friends lead them to do the gangs activities such as extort money from others, fighting with the other's gang members and received payment from threatening others. During the period, teenagers are very sensitive. In order to they want get respect from their friends, they join the gangs. So, the teenagers are affected by their friends and start to do some gangs activities with them in school.

Then they will bully the others students in school or after school. It can be proved that by the article given, an officer from the Klang South IPD said the brazen behavior of some students and youths showing their affiliation with gangsters at schools was nothing more than a way to attract the attention of potential recruits. They want to impress on other students their capability to be bad, as they know it appeals to those going through puberty and showing signs of teen rebelliousness, he said. He added that those involved were believed to be from Gang 24, Gang 21 and Gang 08. In this situation, the gangs have such not logically rules to stop the students who wants to leaves. It can be proved by the article free Malaysia todays 2017, students in some of schools in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya can join the gangs as low as RM 30, according to child rights activist James Nayagam. He said that normally the gangsters will timid student who will look for lonely, timid students from some of the lower-performing classes and offer them protection.

Then, the catch is that students have to belong to that particular gang in order to be protected and membership costs RM 30. Besides that when students join the gangs, he or she have responsibility to participate in any fights, no matter in or outside the school. Then if you want to leaves the gangs you must paid a fine about RM 2000. This have make the students who join it and can't leave the gangs as well.
Nowadays, multimedia also will influence student to get involved with gangsterism in school. Multimedia such as internet, television and radio are very popular and common among to the teenagers.

However, there are many dramas and movies that show out gangster's activities and some even built the character of the gangster as a hero. It had influence the teenagers or students start to copy the character in the gangsters' movie and learn some bad attitude and critical thinking even though in school area. The best example of gangsters movies which produced in Malaysia is KL gangsters, this movies had clearly showed that the action/behavior of a gangsters, reason why a person will join gangsters. Its maybe will bring some moral values for the person who had watches the movies but it also will miss guided the student to learn that gangsters action in school to show off their bad attitude for their friends, and may encouraged them to join gangs members.

2. Constructive proposal for the resolution.
News Strait Times reported about 2005 cases investigated from year 2009 to July 2010. There is an increase of five percent compared to 2008. Until this 21st century, we still can found that these issues happen among students. Therefore, gangsterism is still a biggest problem in school. It can distract the students. Many cases involved money and these make the parents worried. Here I would like to make some constructive proposal for the resolution to prevent gangsterism happen in school.

Based on the passages I had write above, gangsterism is caused by many factors. No matter caused by surrounding, parents, friends or media. This issues brings a lot of negative effects to the teenagers and the society. So to stop it, parents, educators and community should be aware of what is going on among the youths. Though there are various psychological and physical factors that caused a person to choose to become a gang member, so parents should give their children with love, respect, caring and always give some attention on their behavior and provide their children with a good religious and moral background.

Thus, parents also need to encourage them to join some healthy social activities such as sports, do some social activities with friends. Besides, the parents also can set a curfew for their own children so they don't go back home lately and avoid them to visiting discos, snooker and gaming centers because there got many unhealthy activities and gang members.

Besides, the school counselor should short list the students who have problems and make sure the student attend counseling programs with full discipline. The programs must be continuous and if the cases are serious then the students have send to rehabilitation center to ensure that they realize of their mistakes and know what they are doing. Secondly, to prevent gangsterism is to carry out the stern action such as suspension and expulsion. Students who repeatedly doing the same mistakes will be send to the Principal for further action and cooperation with the police when students are involved in in crime.

Police can take action against the students can charge them under Juvanna section because even teachers are afraid of these gangs. Moving the student to a different school won't help matter as often there will be members from the same gangs waiting in others schools for him. Police also need to do more patrol activities around the school to avoid the ruckus appeared around the school and caught them for investigate. Though this action, the gangsters will afraid and will disappear around the school and less influence the students and disturb the hawker.

According to the article free Malaysia today, Nayagam, who is also a former Malaysian Human Rights Commission ( Suhakam ) commissioner, said that what seemed to help was police presence as well as dialogues about human rights in the school. He said he learn that the presence of a police patrol car helps a lot because when he working in Suhakam, he found that when their conduct human rights sessions with the schools and it goes on record, the rate of bullying drops by 30%. Anyway, school also need to organize some talk or curriculum for students to prevent them get involves in ganglands activities such as a talk Say No to Bully which had held at police training centre in August 10, 2017.

3. Self-reflections on this current issues.
Last but not least, as a student we should always get rid of gangland activities even though your classmates or friends had invited you to join gang members. For those students who join the gang members, should wake up right now before too late. As a student, we should know what we want to do and not became gangster because we think it cool and brave. We should know gangster was a biggest trouble for every country. It had disturbed our economic development, safety, and may lead to death if seriously. It's my personal thinking, I feel weird why in this 21st century why students or teenagers still have desired to join the gangs member.

I think that every person have to handle this issues seriously to prevent this issues happened again. Why? It not funny at all, because it's dangerous, and involves in crime, and this issues have been arise in school already today. Based on the article given, I believe that SMK Sri Andalas will take action in this issues and renew or strict the school rules in better way to get rid of this gangland activities happen in school again. Parents also need to guide their children as well as possible and correct their behavior in anytime. Then, police play the main role in avoid any gangster's activities are held around school to avoid them invite students to join them though increase the patrol activities or others specific actions. I hope that the gangsterism issues will disappears as soon as possible even though this issues in still under control, but we have to give attention to the figures and we cannot let this gangsterism culture go out of control. We need to put a stop to it and don't take it lightly for our beloved country's future.


I.academic text references.
1.The New Oxford dictionary of english (ODE) , 1 August 2010.
United Kingdom:OxfordUniversity Press.
2. Chris Lee, 2004. Preventing Bullying in Schools. Thousand Oaks, Caulifornia 91320: SAGE Publication Inc.
3. Steve, 2009. How to stop bullying and social aggression. 33 Pekin Street#02-01, Far East Square, Singapore 048763 : SAGE Asia- Pacific Pte.Ltd.
4. Abilgail Sterne, 2010. Domestic Violence and children. 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 1016 : Tj international Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall.

II. Journal articles
1. Pemede Oluwatobi and Viavonu Babatunde. ( 2009 ) Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria . Cultism or Gangsterism and Its Effect on Moral Development of Learners in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Pages 61-64.
2. Alangappar. Gangsterism among Teenagers in Malaysia. School of communication, Taylor's College Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
3. Khalipha M. Bility (1999). School violence and adolescent mental health in south Africa: Implication for school. Pages 285.
4. Liyana. Blogspot.10 October 2010. GANGSTERISM IN MALAYSIA.

III. Newspaper or magazines.
1. ANA (African News Agency). SEPTEMBER 18, 2016. 2.41 PM. Gangsterism a major issue for schools- minister. (
2. ZAFIRA ANWAR. (NEW STRAITS TIMES). AUGUST 10, 2017. 6.11 PM. Move to stop gangsteriam among school students. (
3. Jeff wicks. (Times LIVE). August 21, 2017. MEC vows to 'crush' gangsterism at school. (
4. -. ( BERITA MALYSIA ). MAY 03, 2017. 11.33 PM. Don't gloss over gangsterism at school - Lee Lam Thye. (
5. Suganthi Suparmaniam. ( BERITA MALAYSIA ). July 19, 2017. 6.31 PM. School gangsterism: Don't hide the facts from us - Johor police chief. (
6. IPS correspondents. (Inter Press Service- ips news ). MALAYSIA : Violence Rises with gangsterism in school. (
7. Sheith Khindir Bin Abu Bakar.( FMT -Free Malysia Todays News) Apri 4, 2017, 7.00PM.
Child activist: Students joining gangs in school for RM 30. (

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School Known For Being a Hotbed Of Gangland And Activities. (2019, Apr 03). Retrieved March 14, 2025 , from

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