Hitler Survived World War II

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Many theories have been brought about since 30 April 1945 determining if Adolf Hitler escaped Berlin, Germany. At the end of World War II, the Russians alleged they recovered a skull fragment with a four-inch bullet hole and a jawbone from outside a bunker that belonged to Adolf Hitler, later found to be false. The Federal Bureau of Investigation administered a thorough investigation throughout a thirty-year period accumulating over seven hundred evidence documents. When the investigation finalized, the FBI was unable to conclude any precise information to determine Adolf Hitler had died during World War II. Therefore, leading the world to believe that Adolf Hitler fled to Argentina who was known for assisting German Forces and high-level Nazi leadership. Likewise, President Juan Peron permitted vessels to sail into Europe transporting Nazi and German forces seeking refuge in Argentina. Adolf Hitler survived World War II fleeing from Germany to Argentina.

Numerous accounts of history led us to believe that on 30 April 1945, Adolf Hitler consumed a cyanide pill and committed suicide by shooting himself in the left temple with a handgun. However, many accounts contradict this theory. There is no evidence that supports Adolf Hitler committed suicide. There were no photographs, nor any remains recovered nor preserved (World Daily Net, 2014, para. 2). In 1945 the Soviet Forces declared they had discovered charred remains of Adolf Hitler. The remains include the four-inch piece of skull fragment with a bullet hole located in it (Osborn, 2009, para. 1). At the end of WWII as the Soviet Forces left Germany, rumors began that Adolf Hitler survived fleeing Germany to South America in 1945. Rumors led intelligence groups within the Soviet Union to believe that in 1945 Soviet Union Troops discovered one of Adolf Hitler's body doubles and not the actual remains of Adolf Hitler. To disprove these rumors a re-examination of the grave was set forth as it needed to be thoroughly examined. In 1946, the Soviet Union excavated the hole the skull fragment was found in. While conducting their investigation a jawbone believed to be that of Adolf Hitler was located. Once the jawbone was found, Soviet Forces attempted to locate Adolf Hitler's dentist to corroborate their beliefs. Once located the dentist performed an examination and confirmed that it was indubitably Adolf Hitler's jawbone. The fact that the jawbone and skull fragment were found in the same location years apart indicated that the jawbone cannot belong to Adolf Hitler because it was not located at the same time the skull fragment was located. Furthermore, Adolf Hitler ensured his body doubles underwent the same dental procedures. Granted the dental examination concluded that the dental records of Adolf Hitler compared to the located jawbone was a match as the records listed a wide variety of dental procedures having been completed. Nevertheless, evidence that the dentist fabricated and used records that were deliberately faked were later discovered. Unfortunately, this led to the dentist's arrest by Soviet authorities. Once the arrested, he was sent to the slave labor camp; from that day forth no one heard from him again (Micallef, n.d., para. 18). As years have passed development and advancement of technology have provided the ability to conduct a Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) analysis. In 2009, a DNA sample was taken from the skull fragment and tested by an archaeologist and a bone specialist at the University of Connecticut. Results proved the skull fragment belonged to a woman under the age of 40, confirming it could not be Adolf Hitler's skull. The astounding amount of evidence brought forth that the results of the DNA test contradicted the claims of the Soviet Union from 1945. Furthermore, this could also disprove a theory of the skull belonging to Eva Braun, a long-time companion of Adolf Hitler, who was believed to have committed suicide along with Adolf Hitler. The theory was she committed suicide by consuming cyanide and not by a gunshot wound to the head (Osborn, 2009, para. 2). In 2009, evidence disproved facts that Adolf Hitler's remains were located. This ultimately allowed theories that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun fled Berlin, Germany in April 1945 to be more reasonable. The truth is on 27 April 1945, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun departed Berlin, Germany during the midnight hours as Russian Forces approached their location (Walters, 2013, para. 2).

Adolf Hitler was running out of options to survive; enemy forces were only a few kilometers away. Adolf Hitler generated three options and thought them through. Being captured was the one choice in which his humility and ego would not allow to take place. The second option was to commit suicide; however, his concern was not knowing who would take his position as the Fuhrer. Adolf Hitler believed and felt comfortable in electing his third option. The third option was to devise an escape plan allowing him to safely depart Germany without being spotted by German citizens (Walters, 2013, para. 4). Adolf Hitler ordered his orderly to put the plan into motion. The orderly executed Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun's body doubles then carried the bodies outside and were set on fire. Berlin maintained an underground tunnel system which allowed Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun to maneuver throughout the city (Micallef, n.d., para. 24). After a short period, there were three silhouettes that appeared in the darkness coming from a secret tunnel connected to the bunker and were rushed quickly away (Walters, 2013, para. 6). Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, and an unknown person made it to a makeshift airstrip avoiding the Russian offensive. The makeshift was not far from the Chancellery grounds and was approximately two hundred feet long which was all that was needed for the aircraft (Micallef, n.d., para. 24). They immediately boarded a Junker-52 transport aircraft operated by Adolf Hitler's personal and favorite Luftwaffe pilot, Captain Peter Baumgart. After departing Germany and landing in Denmark, the journey then carried him to Spain. Upon arrival in Spain, General Franco provided aid and supplies to Adolf Hitler's party allowing them to continue with the rest of their voyage. Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun then departed Spain for the Canary Islands. After arriving in the Canary Islands, a transition was made from the aircraft into a submarine. For their last leg of the journey, the submarine carried them to the coast of Argentina where they arrived at a port near Necochea, Argentina approximately three hundred miles south of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Walters, 2013, para. 11). The journey took Adolf Hitler and his party an estimated two and one-half weeks to complete after the Russian Forces invaded Berlin, Germany. Adolf Hitler's and Eva Braun's arrivals were confirmed by a United States Naval Intelligence report written by a Naval Attache in Buenos Aires. The report stated that a mysterious U-530 surfaced outside a harbor under the command of Otto Wermuth and his crew to drop them off. Upon arrival, the German community and wealthy Nazi supporters greeted Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun (World Daily Net, 2014, para. 5). For Adolf Hitler to remain undercover for he shaved his mustache off and went into hiding at a well-guarded ranch hidden in the dense forest-covered mountains near the shoreline that would provide security and comfort (Strochlic, 2015, para. 11). The location of the ranch was significant to Adolf Hitler because he wanted to live out his life in an area that resembled the Bavarian Alps which replaced his retreat above the town of Berchtesgaden, Germany. Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun never left Argentina. Although Adolf Hitler's vision of the Reich was never satisfied, he was happy with the life that he'd begun to live in the foothills of the Andes Mountains in Argentina marrying Eva Braun and having two daughters (Walters, 2013, para. 13). Adolf Hitler was provided information about the theories as he sat in Argentina and decided to send a letter about how he thought it was entertaining that everyone believed he was dead and to gloat about the situation. The note reads as follows: ""I was informed that my body and that of my wife had been covered with naphtha and burned in the Chancellery garden. I could not help smiling at this for we were many kilometers from Berlin on our air journey to Argentina"" (Strochlic, 2015, para. 11). The letter provides evidence that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were alive and healthy receiving information from someone concerning his whereabouts.

Under the supervision of Director J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI opened an investigation for over 30 years on allegations and reports that indicated Adolf Hitler survived World War II. This investigation intended to determine if Adolf Hitler, had in fact, committed suicide and died in Berlin, Germany or fled to another country for safety as there were numerous reports of sightings reported across the world. Though some of the reports were determined to be a hoax and conspiracy theories having no validity, numerous reports placed Adolf Hitler overseas in Argentina. The FBI also made the connection between senior political figures from both Argentina and Columbia that associated closely with Nazi leaders and confirmed sightings of submarines and German U-boats off the coast of these countries (Maier, 2013, para. 8). To further contradict the Russian's claims and previous statements that Adolf Hitler died, Joseph Stalin, a former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, stated at the 1945 Yalta Conference that Adolf Hitler had escaped (Maier, 2013, para. 27). Additionally, a conversation was conducted a year later in 1946 at the Potsdam Conference between Joseph Stalin and the United States President Harry S. Truman. Andrew, a spokesperson for the FBI, stated in 2009 that ""The escape of Hitler had always been a myth, but today, we concluded that it was true."" Artifacts recently discovered in Argentina indicated that Adolf Hitler had escaped by submarine to Argentina"" (Ralph, 2009, Para. 2). Amongst evidence found, A World War II-era German Army ammunition box found in a cellar in Northern Argentina containing Nazi keepsakes including a photograph of Adolf Hitler shaking hands with a German Navy submarine captain. During the 30-year period, the FBI examined the evidence provided to them creating over 700 documents, none that could provide facts or anything that could disprove Adolf Hitler escaped Berlin, Germany at the end of World War II.

Adolf Hitler lived until the age of 73 in the foothills of the Andes Mountains of Argentina. On the afternoon of 13 February 1962, Adolf Hitler finally succumbed to what may have been Parkinson's disease. Although Adolf Hitler showed the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's, this disease would be treated but remained undiagnosed due to the fear that others would correlate it with senility. As this disease progressed, Adolf Hitler's motor skills began to deteriorate as he regularly had tremors, taking at least 28 different pills and fired his doctor a week before his death (Bhattacharyya, 2015, para. 3). It is presumed that Adolph Hitler outlived his wife Eva Braun who died of a severe cold a few years earlier (Wakeman, 2013, para. 2). As Adolf Hitler took his last breath, his two daughters surrounded him.

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