Books are the Best Option

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It’s a war that never ends! The war between books, and movies and when it comes to the literature people have different preferences. People say that books are better than movies, but is that true? Most argue that books are better because you can imagine it for yourself and have your own creativity and imagination.

Movies are fun and books are thrilling I think we all know the winner of this battle war. Books spark your imagination and there’s a wider variety to choose from. There’s science fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, you name it! Books flare your imagination and can give joy just from reading them. Movies often leave out the more important details and can’t fit everything in a two-hour video. With books, you can have an infinite amount of storytelling time and have lots of those juicy details in them. Sometimes it’s hard to pick up a good book nowadays with all the activities we are doing.

Although, reading is a good alternative than watching tv or a movie it takes a long time to read. It also doesn’t help if you’re a slow reader too. Books not only spark your imagination; it also helps your cognitive thinking. Books help with concentration too! It may not seem like it, but it does. All those little noises coming from the tv, your phone, and even your computer all have an effect on your focus. You just get too distracted over the little things. Your mind will keep thinking of all the notifications, and all the things you have to tell your friends because of that stupid phone. Just turn off all the technology in your home and just read. Reading helps you focus because it requires you to concentration. If you don’t, then you’ll miss the more important details in the story you’re reading.

Overall books are better than movies even though it takes a lot of time to read a book it makes the experience a lot better than watching a movie about the book. Nowadays people have jobs, kids, and extracurricular activities.

I would love to enjoy a good book, but with all the hours of school and work to provide for my parents, I really can’t one. Hell, I can’t even watch television with all of the activities I have going lately. Other people in my grade, who work can relate to what I’m saying. I’m not saying that you should only limit yourself to reading because it’s good for you; I’m just saying sometimes you should read a little when you have downtime. Another alternative to reading when you don’t have enough time is to read an audiobook version of the book. I do it all the time when I’m driving or working out because I don’t have the time to just sit there and read. I’m busy just like everyone is nowadays.

A downside to watching movies is the materials it takes to make the movie and the plastic it takes to make the cd. The production crew has to be right, the lighting, props, and pretty much anything you can think of. To mass produce, those cd’s just like that is just awful for the environment. What it takes to create a book does not consume a lot of resources. One regular size tree can roughly make 65 books.

Reading a book is so much better too because you can just take the book anywhere you want. Waiting for a bus, boom, pull out your book and read while you wait. Bored and got nothing to do, bam, just whip out that fat book and start reading away. You can take a book anywhere unlike a movie where you have to have the cd, a movie player to play it on, and a TV to watch it on. The bad thing about watching a movie over a book is that you’ll probably get disappointed over how the characters look.

In a book, you can picture the character any way you like and have a personal preference, but in a movie, once you see the character about that book you were reading you’ll be disappointed and not like the character as much as you thought you would. Overall, movies just don’t have that juicy detail you want. You can’t see inside the protagonist’s mind when you’re watching a movie unless they cut the scene and show a clip of what they’re thinking. With a book, you can show all their thoughts, emotions, judgment with them.

The literary professor named Thomas Leitch, quotes “The book will always be better than any adaptation because it is always better at being itself.” Some plays are often set from books and they are limited to one place --the stage--so you can’t really picture that book any other way. Films nowadays can do much more than that. You don’t have to stay on one relative plain like a stage for example. You can move it to anyplace you want whether it be from an open vast area, dining area, and even outer space if you film it behind a green screen and edit the hell out of it. Overall, movies are great, but they don’t have the same inclusions that books tend to have. You see in movies, you really can’t feel the emotion that the character has in the movies like you can with the books. Movies let you observe, but books can hit you with the raw emotion that movies can’t let you have. You can be the hero who saves the princess from a dragon or even be a god/goddess that can influence people, or even be a king who leads their troops into battle.

A reason to why people would choose a movie over a good book is the time it takes to process information. If you’re reading a book about penguins and it’s nine hundred pages long chances are you’ll get bored and read the words on the page without actually processing any information which I tend to do a lot. Instead, you could watch a documentary and watch how these penguins interact with each other and you’re most likely going to attain the information much better.

An important part of the entertainment industry are ways to attract people to buy their products. Books will have specific details to them that are meant to attract the reader and keep them engaged. Wanting more. The way the movie industry does it are through their trailers that they put out in tv and billboards. Like I stated before, people who both read books and watched movies were overall dissatisfied because of their high expectation. An added benefit to watching movies is the feeling you get when they use music and visual design to enhance the effect of the movie to the audience. The audience might not even notice the subtle music in the background, but they can surely foreshadow what’s going to happen through the music. On the contrary, movies are better shared with friends because of the fact that it’s easier to follow and can be discussed without many complications.

The last point to come across to is the education standpoint of what books bring to us. Books expand our vocabulary and understanding that of unusual words that we might not hear from movies. Your brain is a muscle, and if you don’t use it, you lose it. Just like every part of your body you need to exercise your brain by reading. Tv and video games have some place in education, but it’s mostly entertainment. Tv and Video games numb the brain and become a mindless activity because you’re not sparking that imagination of yours.

Reading is how you discover new things. The internet is a great learning tool in which is filled with mass information just waiting for you to open and discover new things. Reading is also essential for finding a job. Most jobs require that you have a good skill in reading because it has been scientifically proven that someone that can read proficiently can absorb information and react within a workplace. A person that is not proficient in reading is limited in what they can accomplish in what they can do in a workplace. In short, reading a book is just a better option than a movie. It helps you out in an academic setting and a work setting.

Even though a lot of people enjoy watching movies over reading books, books are just a better option. Just think about it: what would be a better choice for your education and wellbeing. A movie or a good book?

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Books are the best option. (2021, Oct 10). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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