Benefits of the Recruitment Process

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The standard objective of any organisation is to recruit, select and appoint the best available candidates for the job that is appropriate to the present and strategic needs of the business. In order to get the most from a company’s employee the most important and key factor lies in the recruitment and selection process. In order to ensure that the best capable and deserving candidates are recruited the first task is to identify clearly the job that needs to be done and select applicants with the potential to make the greatest contribution in company’s growth. However in order to recruiting the precise candidates the selection process is quite costly, so therefore it is an essential part of any business and company has to pay to do it appropriately. A company may have the best of physical resources and technology, but if doesn’t have the right candidates it will struggle to get the target results. In terms of managing the employees if the best people available aren’t recruited then it will always be an uphill fight to manage them day to day.

1.Outline and explain the recruitment and selection process that you intend to use. In your answer, highlight the advantages and benefits of the recruitment process you intend to use?

When a business choose the right contenders for the job, they are being trained, treated appropriately so they can produce good results, that directly contributes to the company’s progression. These people also tend to stay longer with the company and in these circumstances the organisation’s investment in them is well rewarded. The recruitment and selection process involves various steps before a candidate can be hired.

  1. Identify Vacancy and Evaluate Need
  2. Develop Position Description
  3. Develop Recruitment Plan
  4. Select Search Committee
  5. Post Position and Implement Recruitment Plan
  6. Review Applicants and Develop Short List
  7. Conduct Interviews
  8. Select Hire
  9. Finalize Recruitment

The very first step involves the identification of the vacancy that needs to be filled out and then evaluate the need of it in the company or particular department. Individual is required to fill a recruitment application form for in which all personal information has to be provided by applicant.

  • The next step is to make a job description for the position available, which involves setting up a certain criteria e.g. qualifications and work experience etc.
  • Then there has to be a recruitment plan based on the business goals. For example mapping out the skills required to accomplish the objective of the growing industry sector, to attract and hire best qualified candidate.
  • In order to ensure that the potential of personal bias is minimised while the interview and selection process, it is very important that Selection committee is formed, including external members where possible.
  • There are different sources of recruitment that can be utilized to invite potential candidates; hence a comprehensive search has to be made by advertising widely before filling a position.
  • The use of social media and networking channels is common for advertisements. To get more number of applicants, company has to advertise about the vacancy of the job either on TV, Radio, newspaper, online job boards, social media, business links and adverts. There are different ways to aware people about the job vacancy, more awareness more will be the number of applications.
  • Once the job is posted, all the applicants who apply for the job have to be reviewed by the selection committee and considered accordingly. After a careful review of the all the applicants a shortlist will be prepared.

Verification of Qualifications: All the documentation checks needs to be carried out before proceeding further, especially criminal record because of the confidentiality of the job. To check all criminal records of the applicant and academic qualifications has to be verified. In case if misleading information, such applicants are removed immediately.

  • In the recruitment and selection process, interview is one of the most important phases and employer has the opportunity to learn more about the prospective employee and authorize the information provided by the applicant during job application. A thorough interview process has to be followed and all necessary data has to be evaluated e.g. the skills and abilities of a candidate.

The confidence, communication skills and other skills which are expected or which employer wants to have them in applicant. Questions asked from applicants during interview helps interviewers to select the best candidates for the task. Answers given by applicants shows there integrity, professionalism and so on.

  • The selection committee will consider all the interviewees as to what extent does each one meet their selection criteria and shortlist candidates. The next step to select is, through the reference check process and the candidates should be considered accordingly for the overall decision making.

After shortlisting the applicants the reminder candidates will be requested to submit specified medical test such as drugs screening, blood analysis and urinalysis etc. Medical test is important because it will reflect that candidate is fit and healthy enough to perform all security and guarding tasks. After using the medical reports, document verification and background verification. Depending on the positions to be hired applicants will be informed and information will be provided what to do next.

  • Once the recruitment process is completed counter offer will be made to the selected finalists and if an offer is accepted by the successful applicant, the selection committee notifies the HR Departmental.
  • Orientation: This is very important part after recruiting a security guard because no matter how experienced he/she is. They will be given the information and guidelines about the work they have to perform, tasks and their duties in the company. So that they can work efficiently.

Terms & Conditions:

•Educational Institutions attended with dates and names with all details.

•Military or Service Record, if applicable, dates of service and regiment, optional if you were discharged from military.

•Two personal references – name, full postal address and email address of two friends or neighbours whom you know more than two years.

•Full work history for the last ten years – including overseas employment, dates and postal address with email of all past employers.

•All written references of all former employers in original. •Self-employment details including postal address, name and dates of self-employment. Two trade references which includes accountants, financial advisor.

•Proof of address – bank statement, letter from revenue, utility bill, credit card bills and all other details which will support your proof of address.

•Proof of Identification – driving licence, copy of passport in colour or birth certificate, national ID

•Right to work in Ireland - If applicable, valid Garda National Immigration Bureau Card or your current work permit.

2. Induction is important in terms of supplying new employees with basic information and skills that are needed for them to perform successfully in their new jobs. Discuss induction process you intend to use for new recruits, including what will be included in the induction, how it will be delivered and what you hope to achieve from the induction.

The process of induction can be defined an introductory process that the successful candidate have to undergo before he/she initiates work. Induction process is the first impression for the employees about their jobs and the atmosphere of the workplace. It is very important tool for an effective running of the company and includes a welcome pack with brief company rules and procedures, getting familiar with office processes, mission, goals, values, health and safety rules, etc. The induction process is very important for establishing a mind-set about the clear foundations and expectations between a business and employees. As by imparting these expectations in the start, the new hires will have precise approach prior to starting the job. These expectations include corporate values, ethics, for example break timings, time off, lateness and sick, work etiquettes and an understanding of what is expected in terms of work output.

Advantages and disadvantages

It depends on the nature of the organisation and in a company line G4S the group induction will work better and will be cost effective, instead of individual induction, in order to update and give them information more effectively, keep them up-to-date on the rules and answer any questions they have in mind regarding the job. This will help creating correct expectation within the department they will be working in. Induction is a cost to the company so it is very important that it’s been carried out in an appropriate way, because a poor induction can result in employees getting dissatisfied that can further result in poor employee retention. A poor induction process can leave an employee feeling lost or confused and they might not ask for any help depending on their nature. In such situation the candidate can get confused and is expected to make more mistakes unless the protocol is settled right or else the candidate can lag behind in training or any important information. This can be of a great disadvantage in terms of employee efficiency that can further affect the company’s productivity as a whole. However a HR department can play a very important role in carrying out a good induction and can act as reinforcement for the new employees and makes them realize if they have made precise decision to work with the company. Also making the candidates know more about the company and training will help them to work more independently.

What training will be included?

Induction training will include a general training session about the organisation, e.g. the structure and history. An obligatory training session for health and safety, legal matters etc. Following up on the induction process, training will be delivered in a classroom environment with interactions, using PPT presentations and role play scenarios, in order to understand the duty procedures. Also the training programme will be tailored for the challenges of this decade in order to meet the overall changing requirements of the security industry. The training course will include Introduction to Security standards and requirement, security equipment, use of radio/telephone, conflict aggression, CS, search procedures and making an arrest, ethics and code of conduct, Dress code, Trades Unions etc. There would also be some typical training activities to be included in security training plan for example Site layout and partner tours, client visits for restricted areas, access, passes etc. in order to familiarise the candidates to the various locations they would need to work at. Also it can be helpful to refer to and discuss personal strengths and developments of an individual in order to make them feel valued with their unique potential. This can make the job more meaningful for people and let them feel special and valued.

How will the training be appraised?

At the end of the induction session it is very important to carry out a training evaluation in order to get feedback about the level or the quality of the training provided. The company as a whole should also be able to identify any improvements and continuously develop induction training planning. A feedback form can be used in order to carry out a check on the effectiveness to induction training so that it can be a continuously worked on and can be an improving process resources section.

3. It is your intention to include a performance reward process (PRP) that will assist in rewarding staff who contribute to the growth and development of the organisation. Discuss the PRP you intent to use highlighting clearly the advantages of your selected method over approaches,

A performance reward process helps a company to motivate and retain their employees. According to Gellerman motivation is an art of helping people to focus their thoughts and energy on performing their task most effectively. (Gellerman 1992). Providing reward for individual performances of the staff will also help increasing motivation for improved teamwork. Happy employees are the best employees. Introducing performance reward process (PRP) is an effective tool to create efficiencies and to increase effectiveness from the employees, supervisors and managers within and across all units. Rewarding an employee for their performances is an effective way to motivate individuals to perform well and work towards achieving strategic goals for the company. An additional best practice is that when a company is looking for to a candidate to fill any position, the internal candidates should be considered that could be promoted to the available post. Other than any type of financial or physical rewards, the target achievers should feel special and valuable; this will be done by offering the potential candidate for a promotion, communicating their achievements among other staff by either sending out an email companywide or either by announcing during a large assembly. In this way the staff will be appreciated publically and it will display appreciation from company’s side for the employees.

What will motivate them?

Specific Measurable Achievable Real Time In order for a company to be success there must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and well-timed goals that are potentially achievable by any employee. The achievements must be quantifiable; therefore an inclusive system is required to be in place, so that the designated targets can be monitored. For example in security job taking initiate and responsibility for anything at any worksite is very important. A proper documentation for the reports is required, for future references and maintaining records. Also it depends how well the security personnel prevented staff for any threats human relations skill for day to day work and interaction with people. In other words how well an employee can handle every circumstance? In order to improve the performance of any weaker employee’s physical training and education facilities will be provided in order to strengthen their knowledge and skills in order to help enable them to hit targets.

4. In your recruitment drive what limitations will you have to take into consideration and how might these limitations impact upon your recruitment and selection?

Recruitment and selection is affected by internal factors that are controlled in the organization and external factors are not controlled by the organization. External factors

Supply & Demand

Manpower in an organization has a fixed place and especially while recruitment. From top to toe it always depend on demand and supply of labour in an organization. If there is demand for skilled labour and number of skilled labour are not easily available to overcome this problem company has to train their present staff to meet the demand for skilled labour.

Labour market

Location of employment and conditions influences manpower. If there a demand for labour and Unemployment, company can opt out informal way of attracting applicants for recruitment even small leaflets or notice for recruitment will attract more than enough applicants.


While recruitment of employee, image and goodwill of employer and company plays vital role. Positive image of an organization will attract more applicants as compare to the negative image of the company. Company way of working and environment of working have severe impact on the image of the company itself. People like to work for well-known organizations in the world because of their name, image and goodwill e.g. Google, BMW, P&G etc. All these organizations have earned respect from people and that’s the reasons they are more liked by people.


Discrimination is one of the prohibited terms which are nowadays regulated by government. For example, Government of India has introduced legislation for reservation in employment for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, physically handicapped etc. Trade unions are doing and helping their level best to keep work going smooth in an organizations, they know how to take the best out of an employee by adjusting the ways.


The recruitment policies of the competitors also effect the recruitment function of the organizations. Organizations change their recruitment terms and policies because of the change in competitor’s way of hiring people. Any kind of change leads to another change no matter if it’s in an organization of outside and organization.


Recruitment and selection procedure is crucial and important for a company especially for a company who is providing some kind of service. In which communication skills, perfection, standards and goodwill is main focus. Company has to go through so many hurdles to gain respect and reach the goals. While recruitment employer has to keep such standards and promises in mind before adding employee to the company. Company has to go through internal and external factors which have impact on recruitment and selection. In the above document problems which company is facing and how they can be overcome has discussed.

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Benefits of the Recruitment Process. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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