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1255 essay samples found

Terrorism on and after September

Terrorism is a violent strategy used by various people and groups to achieve a certain goal. It’s important to understand that not all violent acts are terrorist acts. Terrorism is more of a strategy than just a random act of violence, as it always includes some sort of political, ideological or religious motivation on the […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1018 Topics: 9/11, Terrorism

Tesla Motors and Tesla Model S

“A Player of Impossible Odds” is what best describes Elon Musk who has the vision to change the world. There are many start-ups lately who are trying to make a mark in the automotive industry but are not able to effectively and efficiently market their product due to the vast amount of competition taking place […]

Pages: 3 Words: 977 Topics: Tesla Motors
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Tesla Motors Company

Abstract There are many Companies out there who are trying to break the chain of driven cars into making self-driving cars. One company in particular is going above and beyond and making sure they are taking advantage of the cutting-edge technology today. I will discuss how can Tesla’s mission, vision, values and goals create a […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1030 Topics: Car, Digital Technology, Tesla Motors

Texas and Illegal Immigration

Deep in the heart of Texas, we find a melting pot of all different ethnicities. The United States of America is also a mixture with historical influence from many different countries as well as immigrants that help make this country great. However, it is when the balance of law-abiding citizens gets thrown out of whack […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1043 Topics: Government, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Tax, Texas, United States, Welfare

The “Surge Pricing” Model in Uber

I understand the “Surge Pricing” model that Uber uses and, I also think that it is an appropriate way to meet supply with demand through their particular service driven business model but, there are unethical holes within this model that I believe Uber needs to sew up, so to alleviate customer concern with regard to […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1052 Topics: Uber

The ACA has it Helped or Hurt Healthcare in America

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 23, 2010 (Public Law 111-148). This act is commonly referred to as the Affordable Care Act, ACA, or Obamacare. The law is broken down into ten titles; each addressing a different area of our healthcare system. This reform of […]

Pages: 3 Words: 985 Topics: Affordable Care Act, America

The Acceptance of Homosexuality in China and its Future

21 years ago, in 1997, the Chinese government abolished the hooligan law, which in transferred meaning was decriminalization of homosexuality or same-sex love, in Chinese , in People’s Republic of China. Just a few years later after the first step in modern progression, the Chinese Society of Psychiatry in 2001 declassified homosexuality as a mental […]

Pages: 3 Words: 985 Topics: China, Future, Gender, Homosexuality, Human Sexuality, LGBT, Sexual Orientation, Sexuality, Social Issues

The Accomplishments and Legacy of Dr. Daniel Hale Williams an African-American Physician

The death of Dr. Daniel Hale Williams was a major loss for the United States. He was a renowned African-American physician who inspired the following generation by helping to de- segregate the medical world. With his ambition and a kind heart, his life work was dedicated to opening interracial hospitals in addition to training other African-Americans […]

Pages: 3 Words: 978 Topics: African American, Legacy, Political

The Act of Imperialism

The act of Imperialism refers to process where one nation attempts to take control of other countries for either raw resources or strategical purposes. All throughout history we can see this act being used to exploit neighboring areas to benefit their own empire, at the expense of other nations. The benefits would include an increase […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1003 Topics: Imperialism, International Relations, War

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Characters Huck and Jim

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark twain, one of the greatest American authors of all time and a humorist, was set in the town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. Not to mention that Twain was born in Florida, a small village in Missouri, through this novel he directly attacked the traditions of the south […]

Pages: 3 Words: 978 Topics: Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain

The Ambition that Almost Broke the Family in a Raisin in the Sun

The idea of Hansberry’s play A Raisin in the Sun is focused on the family and how different they were from each other. It was the first play by an African American woman to be produced on Broadway. The whole play takes place in the apartment where the Younger family lives. The apartment was very […]

Pages: 3 Words: 984 Topics: A Raisin in the Sun, American Literature, Family, Fiction

The American Farm Policy

Introduction The U.S. is one of the world’s largest agricultural producers. It also has a very huge domestic market and is the biggest exporter of agricultural products in the world. Nevertheless, the share of exported U.S. agricultural production is more than double of any other U.S. sector, and the trade surplus of agricultural products serves […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1031 Topics: Global Politics, Policy

The Art of Tattooing

How many of you have ever wanted or currently have a tattoo? Being a tattoo artist isn’t all about permanently inserting ink into the skin; it’s a way to express your creativity through different forms of art. Tattoos are more than just used to help people express themselves, they can also be used to cover […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1051 Topics: Tattoo

The Assault on Reason by Al Gore

The article “The Assault on Reason’, Introduction was written by Al Gore in the year 2007. The article shows the various stages that the American democracy has passed through the years and the danger it is involved with because of corruption from i8nfluential blocks. Gore argues that the members of the American sphere are dependent […]

Pages: 3 Words: 971 Topics: Democracy, Government, Mass Media, Political Science, Public Opinion, United States

The Atomic Bomb: how it Protected

Trinity, a graphic history of the first atomic bomb, is written by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm and describes the detailed process of how the atomic bomb was created and how it was used against Japan in the second World War. Theodore Van Kirk was the navigator on the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1022 Topics: Atomic Bomb, Conflicts, International Relations, International Security, Japan, Military, War, World War 2

The Atomic Bombings: were they Justified?

Atomic bombs have only been used twice in war. Both occurrences took place in Japan and were dropped by the United States. Being that the United States is the only country to employ atomic warfare and it has only occurred twice in history, it is often asked if these attacks were necessary and/or justified. Some […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1062 Topics: Atomic Bomb, Conflicts, International Relations, International Security, Japan, Military, Nuclear Weapon, War

The Awakening Study Questions

The Awakening Study Questions Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “The Awakening Study Questions” Get custom essay Chapter 1: Question 7- What indications are there that the Pontellier marriage is strained? The only time Leonce and Edna ever speak is in passing. He takes her for granted, and sees her as a […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1048 Topics: Children, The Awakening

The Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis

In the 1960’s it was a very drastic time for Cuba. There was the Bay Of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. These events would involve the Cold War especially with the Cuban Missile Crisis being the peak of it all. Without the support from the U.S, the Bay Of Pigs would be a total […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1022 Topics: Cuban Missile Crisis

The Benefits and Reasons why Electric Cars in the Future

Robert Anderson developed the first electric car in 1884. Since then, many companies, such as Tesla have made it their mission to redesign the car manufacturing system to construct more energy efficiency vehicles. Unlike conventional cars of today’s times, these electric based ones require no fuel, rather batteries fuel their energy. This helps solve several […]

Pages: 3 Words: 975 Topics: Car, Climate Change, Electric Car, Nature

The Best Sandwich Ever

The first sandwich was made in 1st Century B. C. by the famous rabbi, Hillel the Elder, during Passover. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “The Best Sandwich Ever” Get custom essay The sandwich was a remembrance of the Jews’ suffering before their deliverance from Egypt. This wonderful sandwich consisted of a […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1010 Topics: Cooking, Cuisine, Food And Drink

The Biomechanics of Volleyball

The biomechanics of athletes playing volleyball, when an athlete goes to spike the ball their arms swing up. When you jump up for an increased vertical hit your body has to produce enough energy for you to be able to spike the ball over the net. There for your body has to be able to […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1007 Topics: Determinants Of Health, Exercise, Food And Drink, Human Body, Nutrition, Vitamin D, Volleyball

The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89

I began reading Edmund S. Morgan’s The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89, in agitation because I believed that this book was going to be another “History textbook reading.” In my amazement, I found this book quite interesting and have gained much knowledge of the American Revolution after reading through it. This is not the only […]

Pages: 3 Words: 998 Topics: Global Politics, Government

The Black Death and the Transformation of the West

I am guilty of literally judging a book by its cover; reading the title alone I didn’t think I was going to like it. After the introduction ended, I began to reassess my initial judgement. Personally, I feel that this collection of articles written by David Herlihy, to better understand them, the book should have […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1057 Topics: Black Death, Bubonic Plague, Death

The Blindside: Portrayal of Disability Paper

John Lee Hancock’s film named “The Blind Side” portrays the battle of a Black man to turn out to be important for the White society. Michael Oher, the primary person in the story shows the crowd how an individual of color encounters abuse and segregation from his white local area which is the normal pattern […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1004 Topics: Disability, Human activities, Philosophy Of Education

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Simply defined, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or BDD, refers to the clinically diagnosed condition of extreme dissatisfaction with one’s physical appearance (Phillips 200). This extreme dissatisfaction can be compartmentalized into two separate independent components; There is a perceptual component which focuses on physical body width estimations, and a subjective attitudinal component which focuses on positive or […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1024 Topics: Body Image, Human Nature, Mental Disorder, Mood, Neuroscience, Perception

The Burden of Love in the Characters of Guitar and Milkman in the Song of Solomon

How Much Can be Carried? Is it possible to love too much? In Song of Solomon, love and the burden of love is the primary influence on many of the character’s actions. To start, we can take a look at Porter, one of the members of the Seven Days, an organization who claims to base […]

Pages: 3 Words: 993 Topics: Ethics, Song of Solomon

The Cause of the Death of Odysseus’ Companions in the Odyssey, a Poem by Homer

When Odysseus leaves Troy, he leaves with 12 ships full of companions. These companions were to return to Ithaka with Odysseus. However, before Odysseus made his homecoming, he spent 10 years at sea. It was during this time that Odysseus began losing men. With every adventure Odysseus has on his journey home, he loses at […]

Pages: 3 Words: 985 Topics: Greek Mythology, Odysseus, Poseidon

The Causes and Signs of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a destructive issue that is very common and affects many Americans today. Abuse can occur in heterosexual couples and in gay or lesbian relationships as well. These actions can occur within all ages, all ethnic backgrounds, and all income levels. Domestic violence has no boundaries when it comes to personal features. It […]

Pages: 3 Words: 997 Topics: Clinical Psychology, Domestic Violence, Mental Disorder, Neuroscience, Psychopathology, Violence

The Causes of Poverty in the United States

Even though the U.S. is arguably the richest country in the world, a considerable part of its population suffers from the problem of poverty. The current paper explores the causes of such poverty. It is demonstrated that there exists a variety of contributory causes that together frequently lead the poor to preserving their socioeconomic status […]

Pages: 3 Words: 993 Topics: Affordable Housing, Employment, Poverty, Prison, Unemployment, United States, Welfare

The Challenges of Phobias in Everyday Life Paul Johnson Psychology

Introduction Could you imagine waking up everyday in fear that today could be the day that you have to deal with the one thing you cannot deal with, your constant fear, your phobia? Phobias don’t just affect your life when the thing you fear is introduced it affects the everyday life. Having to constantly avoid […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1064 Topics: Clinical Psychology, Phobia
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