Trait Emotional Intelligence

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Researchers made an impressive and extensive study on a human being and its effect regarding intelligence and emotional state on the people. They also found out that there is two different type of emotional intelligence, ability EI, and trait EI. According to H. Toyama and S. Mauno Psychological Research, the theory of EI describes an individuals intellectual activity concerning intelligent individuals. And how EI the functions in stress reduction and recovery in the daily life of individuals is thus a crucial step towards explaining the long-term effect of EI on mental and physical states (Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Salovey & Mayer, 1990). There are several theories involved to consider before constructing an experiment. Ability EI, trait EI and recovery. Based on H. Toyama and S. Maunos study, most EI research has been don on two major concepts, ability EI and trait EI, each with its own distinctive method of measurement. Ability EI refers to cognitive capability in relation to emotions and is measured via tests of maximum cognitive performance, whereas trait EI refers to a composite of various affective personality traits and competencies and is assessed by using selfreport measures (Petrides, Pita, & Kokkinaki, 2007; Zeidner, Matthews, & Roberts, 2012). Theories of Stress and Recovery is defined as a process by which psychological and physiological systems activated during work return to and stabilize at their pre-stressor levels, thereby reducing strain (Geurts & Sonnentag, 2006). There is another stage into recovery which explains by researchers and it called E-R. The initiation of the recovery process can be explained by referencing the Effort“Recovery (E-R) model (Meijman & Mulder, 1998). The primary assumption of this model is that addressing ones job demands and achieving ones work goals necessitate effort, which drains energy resources and causes mental and physical stress reactions (Meijman & Mulder, 1998). Japanese researcher recruited Japanese employee for their experiment from elderly care house, they select 45 nurses. According to Japanese Psychological Research, H. Toyama and S. Mauno They design a procedure to conducted in naturalistic conditions over consecutive days. They split volunteers into two groups, EI group first shift daytime that continued working without any day off and second shift night time EI with sAA which means sampling saliva that can be used by an individual. PA (personal achievement) group used regular work schedule they were instructed to collect their saliva according to a procedure that was given to them, so they had to measure it by themselves. Group EI saliva was collected by the lab. According to H. Toyama and S. Mauno the result was, EI showed a positive and moderate correlation with PA across the study days, whereas EI was not associated with NA (none personal achievement). Moreover, EI displayed a small negative correlation with sAA on working day 1 and working day 2. According to H. Toyama and S. Mauno Conclusion, despite its limitations, this study provides the first evidence on the relationship of EI with variation in self-reported (positive and negative) affect and sAA in the work and recovery cycle. The results indicate that emotionally intelligent individuals may maintain greater PA and show lower sympathetic activity than their lower EI counterparts in the process of recovery from work. These findings offer a novel perspective on the functionality of EI by suggesting its potential link with positive emotionality and the internal stress-regulation system (SAM axis) in recovery in the naturalistic condition.
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Trait Emotional Intelligence. (2019, May 15). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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