Stanford University classmate Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP in 1939. The company's first product, bill in a Palo Alto garage, was an audio oscillator-an electronic test instrument use by sound engineers. One of HP's first customers was Walt Disney Studios, which purchase eigh oscillators to develop and test an innovative sound system for the movie
Provide a collaborative community where HP Indigo customers, HP subject matter experts industry and other selected thought leaders share knowledge that leads to: Increased profit and revenue for owners Improve productivity for operators enhance value for HP products and services
To lead the graphic arts industry as the best source for HP Indigo, Scitex and DesignJet customers to maximize value and grow their business.
At HP, they diversity is key driver of his success. Putting all his difference to work across the world is a continuous journey fueled by personal leadership from everyone in his company. Our aspiration is that the behaviors and action that support diversity and inclusion will come from the convication of every HP employee-making diversity and inclusion a conscious part of how we run our business throughout the world. Diversity and inclusion are woven into the of our company.
Originally put in writing in 1989 by David Packard, HP values are the centerpiece of the Hewlett-Packard way. "Hewlett-Packard's stated values are not uniquely different from most major companies. What makes the HP Way unique, though is the seriousness with which value are treated as a management tool. They are not spread by sloganeering, but serve as criteria for daily decision-making and advancement. Brought to life as well as Hewlett-Packard does the HP way, value based management lifts everyone above trivial concerns to focus on those that truly important."
Hewlett-Packard Vice President and Chief Ethics and Compliance officer Jon Hoak talked about renewing H-P's commitment to a integrity at a meeting with members of the Business and organizational Ethics Partnership at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics The HP workers were participate in the company with stock options and even paid additional premiums when the HP was successful-today known as profit sharing. These measures served to identify the employees with their work and encourage them.
Seiko UK Limited is the wholly-owned UK subsidiary of Seiko Watch Corporation of Tokyo, Japan and has operated from the Maidenhead site since 1985. Their brands include Seiko, Pulsar and Lorus watches and Seiko clocks. In addition Seiko UK is the UK distributors for Nike Timing, Disney watches and Morellato watch straps and bracelets. Since its establishment in 1881, SEIKO CORPORATION has continuously built a reputation for precision, reliability and excellence in advancing technology. SEIKO has launched many epoch-making products in the world. SEIKO's cutting edge innovations make it possible to create wonderful world's first products.
"The most technologically advanced craftsmanship in the world". They were allowed to use any movement, or build new ones. They had the freedom to explore any design direction and seek new inspiration wherever they chose. A collection that expresses SEIKO's dedication to infinite perfection.
Seiko's image and positioning in Japan is not the same as its image and positioning around the world. Seiko is doing business all around the world. They work in different countries according the culture. Seiko operates in many countries so they have to keep a tab on all the countries needs. Since it operates in different countries it has to take into consideration every country's individual needs. To make this possible Seiko strive to anticipate and understand their needs and delight them with the services. It values its customers above everything else and aspire to make their lives richer, more fulfilled and more connected. They always listen and respond to each of their customers. Seiko strive to delight their customers, anticipating their needs and deliver greater quality and more value, faster than anyone else - blowing their minds with the experiences they deliver everywhere in the world.
Management strategy adopted by Seiko is same in all the countries. Managers across cultures have to make sure that each and all the employees are fairly treated and there must be no discrimination in the staff. Managers across cultures have their own way of managing staff or employees by creating a working environment that encourages initiative and satisfaction at work. Managers across cultures are attentive and well prepared in welcoming new employees. Every member of staff is well trained with diligence in respect of both the tasks and the role.
The Samsung group was founded in 1938 by Lee was incorporated in was incorporated in 1951 as Samsung corporation. The meaning of the Korean word Samsung is tristar or three stars. Samsung Electronics was found in 1969 in Suwon, South Korea as Samsung Electric Industry originally manufacturing electronic appliances such as TVs, calculators, refrigerators, air conditioners and washers. By 1981 the company had manufactured over 10 million black and white TVs/ in 1988 it merged with Samsung semiconductor & communications.
Samsung vision that through technology innovation today, we will find the solution we need to address the challenges of tomorrow. From .technology comes opportunity for business to grow, for citizens in emerging market to prosper by typing into digital economy and for people to invent new possibilities.
Samsung doing business worldwide, Samsung is not multinational company but also multicultural. Samsung are offering different product according to its customer need. It encourages its manager it gains experience working in different countries. International rotation is a key part of their Inspire programmed for employees with potential.
Samsung believe that employee diversity is a business. Samsung is make product acceding to consumer need. They have strategy to improve diversity and inclusion across the group. It product is quit chip with good quality, customer are easily understand system. Samsung manger are increasing has to work in the international and malty culture environments. Same times cross culture challenges do have negative impact on customer' Samsung electronics is the global market leader in more than 60 products. Samsung beliefs employee diversity is an asset to their business. Men and women of variou age from different backgrounds and cultures, with a range of different experiences, help Samsung understand and serve their customer around the world
Today, HP is making good reputation in the world. HP and its product and after selling his product they are provide good service.sich as hp employ effective employee performance management practices. Hoak said that give the "proud tradition" of values at Hewlett-Packard, sometimes called "the HP way," this "pretexting" scandal was a special embarrassment. "Employees felt they'd been betrayed" he said but the incident was a wake-up call to be thinking about the importance of ethics. Creation cultures (like most startups) depend on individual brilliance and favor acts of creation in them are motivated by competition-within the company and also with external players. Competence cultures, similarly, look to individual, brilliant drivers of outcomes, but the people in them are motivated by competition- within the company and also with external players. Collaboration cultures take teamwork for granted, and indeed, can't conceive of doing anything without a team or group sensibility. At their best, they thrive on collaboration with customer to produce useful outcome. Loose, informal structures suit people in collaboration cultures just fine. Control cultures, while similarly group oriented, tend to drive things from well- planned activity and rely on hierarchies to get things done. Making plan and orderly are big values in such cultures.
The case study provides insights to understand and analyze :- The significance of organizational culture Impact of organizational culture on the performance of a company Effect of mergers and acquisitions on the organization culture of a firm Whether and acquisitions will work for HP in long run.
Staff Uniforms Company logo Connecting people slogan Mobile phone series
Expressed values, such as the HP way Respect for other Customer focused Achievement Continuous learning
Seiko is a major player in the watch manufacturing industry. It has manufactured citizen watch, Movado watch, Cartier watch, watchdog, watch movies, hurricane watch, luxury watch, fossil watch and many more. Each of the watch manufactured by them relates to some cultural figure. One of the major reason for its sale is that it manufactures different kinds of watches keeping in mind the different cultural needs of its customers. That's the success story of Seiko. Seiko manufactures watches according to the countries. Recently they have manufactured watches for china. It was called Chinese watches specially designed for the Chinese people. Seiko takes care of all the countries while making the watches. And that's what Seiko is famous for.
Entrepreneurial Profit focused Decisive Different from other
Beliefs Values Attitudes Assumptions Feelings Creativity, collaboration and excellence are the hallmarks of leadership at Samsung. By attracting the world's most talented manager and continuously evolving our company's culture to support them, and improve the everyday lives of our customers. Samsung has redesigned itself to make better consumer electronics. The company is leering from other industries as well as user research. "Samsung share a love of sports that transcends different cultures, industries and technologies" said IS Kim, President and CEO of Samsung Electronics Europe. "Samsung's world class cutting-edge design and technical skills is the perfect match for customer want sporting excellence. Together, we can help sports enthusiasts of all ages and abilities to unleash their true potential and have fun doing it." Samsung paling majored role in electronic item, it product it also good, customer are satisfied with Samsung product. The company offer best product according to the customer requirement. Samsung is leering from other industries as well as user research. Not only has the traditional Confucian hierarch given way, but designers are winning the battle with engineers to things to do thing the way people want them to. Samsung always try to introduce new product which consumer want. They design same thing new, with latest feature, and also offer chipset price, that the main rations customer are like Samsung. Samsung is comprised of companies that are setting new standards in a wide range of businesses from consumer electronics to petrochemicals, people and businesses around the world. Samsung doing the business harems the power of the digital revolution to create groundbreaking products and services that take consumers and businesses beyond imagination. Samsung Electronic makes an effort to develop environment friendly product that minimizing to environment.
Implement sound management practice in a virtual organisation.
The new virtual organization would be the interlocking social structure that governs how people work together in practice. It is the management of behaviours, interaction, norms, personal, and professional connection though which work gets done and relationship are built among people who share a common organization affiliation or cluster of affiliation. It consist of a dynamic set of personal relationship, social networks communities of common interest emotional sources of motivation.
evolving consultancy grass roots dynamic and responsive excellent at motivation requires insider knowledge to be seen flat and fluid
Netweb elite solution has a truly unique perspective on providing e business solutions. We view truly world-class e business solutions to be an important touchpoint in your overall comprehensive marketing strategy. They are designed and implemented to act as part of that overall system, whether they be for e commerce, knowledge dissemination, or promotional purposes.
Our methodology for achiving world-class e business solutions is called enables us to build e business solutions that focus on your marketing and business challenges.
KUB Provides a one-shop for business and organisation who have a problem and need cost effective professional help from independent management consultants to resolve it. KUB ltd is an independent marketing organisation for independent consultants. Why pay huge day rates only to end up working with a junior? Why not work with professionals who have years of experience and a deep understanding of what business needs in this highly competitive climate?
The term 'communication' covers just about any interaction with another person. It includes sharing information, ideas and feelings between people. Communication is a 'two way' process. When you communicate you perceive the other persons responses and react with your own thoughts and feelings. It is only by paying attention to the other person that you have any idea what to say or do next. When good communication is missing, health professionals cam misunderstand or be ignorant of patients need and expectation, furthermore patients may not understand their and the choices available to them. You can probably think of many occasions when lack of communication has left you feeling angry or worried. When people are ill, vulnerable or coping with bereavement the effects of poor communication can result in more than minor irritation. Every year the health service receives many complaints from patients about poor or luck of communication from the nurses and doctors.
Paul Roberts is a client director with internal communication company Business and Brand Engagement. He believes that when it comes to motivation their staff, too many managers overlook the role of effective communication. "Demotivated staffs fall into two group: Those who are committed to the cause the cause but don't know what they are doing and those who have great intellectual energy but lack commitment" Build clear understanding of your company's objectives and you will get more of an emotional commitment to the business, consequenty productivity should rise, he says. Remotivating the demotivated also means giving regular feedback on the progress of the company itself to staff through meeting and emails from the CEO. You also need to give staff the chance to give their feedback to you and their managers. Apart from helping they feel involved with the business it is also enlightening for the management who get to hear things straight from the coalface. Ian Buckingham; partner at internal communication firm Smythe Dorward Lambert, says that for maximum effect you need to maximize face to face communication between management and staff "this is easier in smaller businesses, where the entrepreneur who started the company tends to be more visible, and offers day-to-day leadership. Don't forget to talk to people, particularly during difficult trading conditions such as now. When organization comes under financial pressure, managers tend to disappear into offices, but they must keep communication."
Nonverbal (physiology, and appearance, paralanguage) A· Vocabulary A· Values, beliefs, and criteria A· Voice (tone, pitch, and rate of speech) A· Context and expectation A· Vocabulary A· Values, beliefs, and criteria A· Format and appearance A· Context and expectations A· Vocabulary A· Values, beliefs, and criteria
·Nonverbal (change posture or voice tone, rate, or pitch.
· Vocabulary (new words, especially sense-based)
· Values, beliefs, criteria (reframe use counterexamples, or reverse presuppositions)
· Voice (tone, rate, pitch)
· Questions (content and structure)
· Explanations and reasons · Values, beliefs, and criteria (reframe, counter- example, reverse presuppositions) · Explanations and reasons A· Reader orientation (you- attitude)
· Questions ·
Values, beliefs, and criteria (reframe, counter- example, reverse presuppositions)
· Create win-win solutions
· Develop new options
· Clarify values
· Maintain relationship
· Create win-win solutions
· Develop new options
· Clarify values
· Maintain relationship
· Create win-win solutions
· Develop new options
· Clarify values
· Maintain relationship
· Futurepace
· Clarify who does what next
· Solicit commitment
· Watch for congruence
· Maintain relationship
· Futurepace
· Clarify who does what next
· Solicit commitment
· Listen for congruence
· Maintain relationship
· Futurepace
· Clarify who does what next
· Solicit commitment
· Make action easy
· Maintai
Communication is the process of sharing thoughts, ideas, and emotions with others, and having those thoughts, ideas, and emotions understood. You need a sender, a message, and a receiver for communication to take place. Here some other things that helps communication to be effective: Attention- the sender needs to pay attention to what he/she id trying to communication, and choose the best words and body language to communicate with, the receiver needs to pay attention to what in being communicated by listening and wathing. Attitude- Both sender and receiver need to have a positive attitude. They should want to communicate, and be willing to work to see that communication can take place. Using negative or blaming words show a poor attitude-using "I" messages and trying to understand the other's point shows a good attitude Feedback- Both sender and receiver can give feedback to each other, either by using words or by body language. This helps to show whether the communication is being understood correctly or not
I tend to think of emoticons as the "visual" aspect of online communication that gives us emotional cues. There are two broad categories of emotional messages that an emoticon can carry: positive or negative. Each has its own use in online communication and I will try to explain them in more specific detail here. A more detailed classification would be: Emotion "sharing" emoticons-positive/negative. Cue emoticons Ornamental emoticons (all custom/animated emoticons) However, bear in mind that because of the widespread and careless use of emoticons these days, certain smilies have almost zero emotional content while certain other non-standard emoticons just serve as amusement value for the end users and don't have much effect in delivering emotional messages. Standard emoticons are generally more effective because they are visually simple and have a direct relation to facial expressions of different kinds. Many of my explanation are based on subjective analysis and experience and have no backing by objective research. But with experience, I am sure many forum users will agree that emoticons are definitely an important aspect of online communication.
Furniture is a composite which contains several sort furniture-chairs, table,bed and so on-which uses and dimensions that have only little in common (apart from the fact that a set of furniture that is intended to be used together is often designed as a group) Accordingly, the body of knowledge concerning contains relatively independent segments that we could call' a theory of table While operating globally furniture works should take care of the environment as well. In fact environment should be of top priority. Furniture works should take care of the market in different countries it operates. It should make an analysis of market segmentation and accordingly it should operate in the countries. It should also introduce a collection of furniture with a distinctively modern flair. Innovative ideas should be adopted by furniture works. No all the furniture will work in all the countries. Different countries have different styles, d©cor and designs. Accordingly furniture works should first study the market and then design and style the products which will attract potential customers.
Furniture works policy should be kept simple which is to put people close, enabling to give them the highest quality support and services in local languages and time zones. It should keep in mind the customs regulation to identify any boycotted materials which are not allowed in the destination country. It can attain a copy of the latest customs regulation Furniture belongs to those products that function as a "second skin" of people in the same sense as clothes, cars and home. Furniture associated closely with its user or owner, and when selecting furniture the owner can define the picture that other people shall have of him or her .what people want to say about themselves, depends above all of the local social structure.
Half of the children solved a global-level task (animals-furniture), followed by a basic-level task (either dogs-birds, or chairs-tables) during each session. The other half received the basic-level task only. During familiarisation, all infants freely explored a series of four different exemplars from the same category presented one at a time. Infants saw all objects twice, for a total of eight trials. During the test phase, a new exemplar from the familiar category was presented, followed by a different-category exemplar. At 8 months of age, children discriminated between categories in the global-level task, but failed to do so in the basic-level task. At 12 months of age, infants recognised a category change in the basic-level task, but treated both test items as equally new in the global-level task. These findings support the hypothesis that infants younger than 1 year of age show a global-to-basic-level shift in category formation.
The management of a virtual organisation. (2017, Jun 26).
Retrieved March 25, 2025 , from
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