Online Classes Vs Traditional Classes

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Face to face Classes vs Online classes, which is truly better for some people, people with different ways of learning, people with different personalities which is better over all. According to Boghikian-Whitby, S., & Mortagy, Y. and their Myers-Briggs Indicator they showed “that no major differences in registration preference occurred over time, but that learning did occur in all modalities and with more statistically significant learning found in the Online modality versus face to face”.

With this study you can see that online classes have a certain functionality to them to where a student can teach themselves and possibly learn more than they could in a in class environment. Students who seem to have a introvert type of personality seem to do better in online classes as stated by Boghikian-Whitby, S., & Mortagy, Y. “This study contradicts prior studies that state Introverts are more inclined to be successful in online education (Bolliger & Erichsen, 2013). It investigated the performance of Introverts in both Online and F2F (Face to face) modalities and found no significant difference in the amount of learning in both modalities.”

Face to face classes offer benefits that online classes just don't have like the social, and emotional benefits. Such as you can make friends with other classmates or even the teacher. Being/making friends with the teacher can grant you advantages such as being able to get extensions on certain situations, or even being able to learn the material easier. Having friends in class lets you get peer help on essays, homework, or even studying for tests. Other benefits with F2F classes are the advantage of having due dates so that you do not procrastinate, and wait till the last minute to do things. Having a due date pressures you to get things done, and if you dont you will be penalized.

Online classes have some great features that F2F classes do not. With online classes you can learn on your own and go over the material as many times as you need to in order for you to understand the class. No need to take notes since they are all sent to you, online classes are a definite time saver if you have a busy life, being able to submit and do any of your work whenever you want to is a big help. Learning material on your own is a big help if that's how you learn and choosing to learn that way is a personal choice. Online and face to face classes have there advantages but what about their disadvantages?

With the Face to face classes, depending on the class time and size it can be hard to take part in class, even making friends can be nerve racking if you have social anxiety. Face to face classes can also be hard to learn the material, because sometimes you feel as if when you need to ask a question you won't because you may feel stupid. Early in the morning classes can also affect your learning and not be able to do retain any information, especially if you end up falling asleep in class that class can end up being pretty difficult. A face to face class with an instructor who has a hard foreign accent can also be a learning barrier where you can't understand the teacher. Many things can be a disadvantage in a face to face class but there are also limitations in an online environment.

Online classes, they can be better than face to face but it lacks some things that some people may need. Online classes, the word online is a keyword to the class what if you don't have any internet and need to get on. Also, if you are online and something happens you may have to start all over. Time between contacting the teacher with a question can also be a learning barrier as some teachers respond fast and others very slowly. Personal interaction for some people is a must so online classes would be a no-go. Some students can be placed in online classes and not want to so they don't know what to expect when it comes to the that type of class. Online classes come with its plenty of limitations but they also have advantages so which type of class is actually better?

Both face to face classes and online need students to manage their time wisely. In F2F classes, students use their time outside of the classroom to allow for studying, projects and homework. However, many online universities show that with the absence of regular class meetings, online courses require students to acquire and learn course materials on their own time. According to the "Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks," this freedom is what makes online classes attractive to students who may work additional jobs or have family responsibilities that make attending regular classes a challenge.

Both Face to Face classes and Online classes require some student participation. In traditional (F2F) classes, students voluntarily participate in discussions or ask and answer questions. However, some people may be shy or unwilling to contribute, leading to a lopsided class dynamic where the same people tend to answer questions or participate in discussion. In online courses, some participation is mandatory, usually through some kind of message board or a chat room. Students, therefore, have the opportunity to hear a wider range of perspectives, including those of people who may struggle with participating in a traditional environment.
In a classroom-based course, face-to-face communication creates a different environment for every class. Online classes, however, lack this interaction, requiring teachers to use forums, chats and other online discussion media to build community. Sometimes being unable to point out and help each other with work in person can add certain complications. Similarly, students also lack the opportunities to be able to get to know the instructor in person. While traditional Face to Face classrooms let students gain support and personal relationships from teachers, online courses only offer electronic communication.

Traditional classroom instructors can offer virtually every type of assessment, from written work to tests to oral examinations and presentations. However, online classes are more limited in the types of assignments students can complete. Typically, online instructors grade students through papers, open-book examinations and student contributions to online discussions. Because online students must be self-directed, online instructors usually design assignments that are practical in nature. Northcentral University reports that many students find this approach more effective than cramming for tests and quizzes.

While some studies show online students slightly outperforming their traditional classroom counterparts, most indicate that there is little difference in overall performance between the two formats, according to the American Sociology Association. However, one major difference is that student-learning style plays a role in each format's success. Students who are highly self-directed, organized and autonomous will likely thrive in an online environment, while those who tend to rely on instructors for direction may struggle. Similarly, extroverted students who enjoy face-to-face classroom interactions may do best in a traditional environment, while introverted students may welcome the solitary qualities of online classes.    

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Online Classes vs Traditional Classes. (2020, Jun 15). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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