Iphone Vs Android

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Have you thought about how smart phone has changed our life? In today’s world smart phone has become a very important device in our life. Most of us every morning after we open our eyes, we quickly looking for our phone to check the bank account, check email, chat with friends, read news, or see what is going on in social media. Apple and Samsung are currently the most favorite phone in this modern technology world, and either majority of us are with team iPhone or Team Android. People wonder what so different between these two smartphones and which one to buy. iPhone has shown and proven the advantages such as hardware and software integration, easiest phone to use, and Apple pay.

Hardware and Software Integration

First, apple has control on hard and software of the devices. They know what processor, apps, and screen works greater and matches with IOS versions. According to Apple to company if Apple no longer going to support the phone, it will not make an OS available on a device knowing that it could bog it down (Spoonauer, 2017). In addition company control everything on the phone, and the phone its not open source and the device get less problem such as viruses or hacking on the other because Android work with several different manufactured such as HTC, Motorola, and Samsung phone and all are open sources and come in different sized of Ram which makes it harder for older phone to unable to keep up with new Operating system and having a high risk of getting hack or get viruses. Apple products are so friendly and easy to use.

Easy to Use

Another good reason that makes iPhone better device is eased to use. In 2017 based on Statisia website there were 223 million people all over the U.S using smartphone. And out of this number 90 million were using iPhone. (Horst, n.d.). for instance, iPhone made everything easy on the device, everything is just a touch away, such as answering you call, text, downloading apps or music, games or other activity, also by activating Siri, we can say commend and ask questions and Siri process it and gives the information about it, we also no need to worry about carrying debit or credit cards anymore with this great feature it called Apple pay.

Apple Pay

Third reason, that makes iPhone greater phone is Apply pay. As more and more technology hit the market, and everyone wants to save their time and to be serves faster one the popular method that use to purchase is mobile payments. Apple pay is one of the high demands in market, because they were the first company lunching before Android pay and everybody else’s. In a survey of 500 people, 44% have already installed a mobile payment option and 67% of those surveyed want Apple Pay (Kufel, 2017, jan,26). In addition, With Apple pay no need to carry your credit or debit cards anymore, most of the store are equipped with this new technology. Holding your phone close to the machine and either using face id, using password or finger print to confirm the amount and that’s all.


In summary, iPhone has many advantages over android. Because Apple have the control of both hardware and software integration of the phone users are more secure. It also makes it more convenience for users and is very friendly and easy to use the phone also saving more time by using Apple pay instead of carrying your wallet. If you can afford to buy and never regret buy iPhone. “I’m going to destroy Android because is stolen I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this” (Jobs, 2012).


Jobs, S (2012, March,12). iPhone vs Android. Retrieved from
Share of Smart Phone Users https (n.d.). retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/236550/percentage-of-us-population-that-own-a-iphone-smartphone/
Spoonauer, M (2017, may11) 11 reasons iPhones beats Androids. Retrieved from https://www.passportinc.com/apple-pay-vs-android-pay-whats-the-better-mobile-payment-platform/

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Iphone vs Android. (2020, Jun 15). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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