Extemporaneous Speech on Steve Job and his Legacy

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I am (insert name) and I will be giving a speech on Steve Jobs and his legacy. The reason behind choosing this topic is because, Steve Jobs is an impactful name not only in the U.S. but worldwide. Furthermore, through him jobs have been created, creativity enhanced and trade links widened. Steve Jobs died on the eleventh day of October, 2011 and he was born on the twenty-fourth day of February 1955 There are several titles that can describe him some of them are inventor, industrial engineer, entrepreneur and business magnate. He is famous for his Apple products that have circulated the world (Moses, 2011). Steve Jobs is the co-founder and was the Chief Executive Officer as well as chairman of Apple Inc. Apart from being involved with Apple Inc., Steve Jobs was also the founder and chairperson of NeXT as well as major shareholder and CEO of Pixar. His contribution to the economy of the U.S and technology has revolutionized many technological sectors and the Apple products. Moreover, the products are a competitive technology in the global market today. His legacy left at Apple Inc. is one of the most extraordinary accomplishments of Jobs (Dormehl, 2017). His vision and legacy in the technology lives on six years after his death. Apple Inc. is a U.S. based global technology company whose headquarters is in Cupertino, California. The company specializes in designing, developing and selling customer electronics, online services and computer software. Some of the popular hardware products the company manufactures are smartphones commonly known as iPhones, Mac book which is in the category of Personal Computer category, other electronics such as Apple digital television, Apple smart watches, iPods and smart speakers called HomePods (Dormehl, 2017). Other than hardware, the company designs software such as iTunes media players which carries out all downloads on the company's hardware, Safari Web browser, operating systems called iOS and macOS. The software has been integrated into different aspect of life which displays the creativity level of the company and the diversification of its services and products. This is seen through iWork as well as iLife that is present in the productivity and inventiveness suites. Furthermore, in connection to diversity, the company has famous online services like iCloud, Apple Music, iOS application store, Mac application store and iTunes store (Dormehl 2017). Therefore, with the hardware and software products that are mentioned above, the company has been and still is a powerful competitor in the technology business.

The significance of his legacy to the U.S. and the world

The significant aspect about Jobs' legacy is that it transverse borders to reach millions of peoples and impacted on different nations and their economies. Apple Inc. has several branches spread in different nations and has managed to provide employment opportunities to approximately 123,000 individuals (Goel, 2016). In general, it sparked several innovation ideas in the technology industries. The company and its product managed to keep competitors on their toes to better their products or lose their consumers to Apple Inc. Furthermore, through sparking technology competitiveness and making huge sales in the global market, the company has benefited the U.S. economy especially during the past recession period (Bajarin 2012).

His resignation to support his legacy

In 2004, Steve Jobs made an announcement to the workers at Apple Inc. on his medical condition after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He did undergo complicated surgical procedures to boost his health through having whipple procedure. In attempts to treat the disease and take proper care of himself, he took numerous leaves of absence in the subsequent years which includes 2009 to undergo liver transplant surgery. While on his leaves, Tim Cook acted as the acting CEO of Apple Inc. and assumed all Job's responsibilities. When the illness progressed, Steve Jobs saw it fit to resign from his duty as the CEO of Apple Inc. This was done on 24th August 2011. Other than his health issues, his main aim of resigning were well captured by his resignation speech where he showed his efforts to see his legacy live on beyond him. In his speech he pointed out his first sentiments that he would willingly resign if faced with a situation that prevents him from fulfilling his duties as CEO of Apple Inc. and failure to meet crucial objectives of the company. He stepped down and offered to serve the company and its vision in the position of an employee and as the chairperson of the board in regards to the decision the board makes. His resignation led to Tim Cook becoming the next CEO of Apple Inc (Moses, 2011).


The name Steve Jobs cannot be separated from Apple Inc. and its product. Steve Jobs has been an influential figure in the technology sector and plays a role in the high-quality telecommunication and multimedia gadgets as well as innovative software that are present in the world today. His greatest achievement which is his legacy still lives on even after his death. The hardware like iPhones and software such as iOS as well as online services like iCloud form part of his legacy. During the course of his life he tirelessly worked to ensure his legacy serve the consumers' needs to the best of his ability and when he could not fulfill due to illness, he resigned and continued serving as an employee. Furthermore, his legacy has served as a great contributor to the U.S. nation's economy.


Ben Bajarin. Big Picture: Why America needs Apple? Published by Times, 2012. Dormehl, Luke. "Today in Apple history: Apple becomes a corporation". Cult of Mac. Published on 2017. Goel, Vindu. "How Apple Empowers, and Employs, the American Working Class". The New York Times. Published on 20th November, 2016. Moses, Asher. "Who was Steve Jobs the man?" The Age. Melbourne. Published on October 7, 2011.

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Extemporaneous speech on Steve Job and his legacy. (2018, Dec 17). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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