I Support Artificial Intelligence

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I support Artificial intelligence because if a human can't do the task the computer can. it provides work efficiency. Without the interference of human, so the error is reduced, and the chance of accuracy increased. Using Artificial intelligence technology can help make a faster decision and carry out action quicker. The greatest advantage of artificial intelligence is that machines do not require sleep or breaks and are able to function without stopping. They can continuously perform the same task without getting bored or tired. When employed to carry out dangerous tasks, the risk to human health and safety is reduced. Artificial intelligence changed a lot of things in society.

True A.I. can improve on past iterations, getting smarter and more aware, allowing it to enhance its capabilities and its knowledge. A true artificially-intelligent system is one that can learn on its own. Quantum computers will not only solve all of life's most complex problems and mysteries regarding the environment, aging, disease, war, poverty, famine, the origins of the universe and deep-space exploration, just to name a few, it'll soon power all our A.I. systems, acting as the brains of these super-human machines. While extremely useful, these machines aren't getting smarter in the existential sense, but they are improving their skills and usefulness based on a large dataset. Artificial intelligence created a lot of apps also for humans to make life a little easy. Everyone is familiar with Apple's personal assistant, Siri. She's the friendly voice-activated computer that we interact with on a daily basis. She helps us find information, gives us directions, add events to our calendars, helps us send messages and so on. Siri is a pseudo-intelligent digital personal assistant. She uses machine-learning technology to get smarter and better able to predict and understand our natural-language questions and requests.

Alexa's rise to become the smart home's hub, has been somewhat meteoric. When Amazon first introduced Alexa, it took much of the world by storm. However, its usefulness and its uncanny ability to decipher speech from anywhere in the room has made it a revolutionary product that can help us scour the web for information, shop, schedule appointments, set alarms and a million other things, but also help power our smart homes and be a conduit for those that might have limited mobility. Netflix provides highly accurate predictive technology based on customer's reactions to films. It analyzes billions of records to suggest films that you might like based on your previous reactions and choices of films. This tech is getting smarter and smarter by the year as the dataset grows. However, the tech's only drawback is that most small-labeled movies go unnoticed while big-named movies grow and balloon on the platform.

That’s only some apps or things we use every day that involve artificial intelligence. I support artificial intelligence. the greatest advantage of artificial intelligence is that machines do not require sleep or breaks, and are able to function without stopping. They can continuously perform the same task without getting bored or tired. When employed to carry out dangerous tasks, the risk to human health and safety is reduced.

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I Support Artificial Intelligence. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved September 18, 2024 , from

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