How the Orlando Process Helps Build Competent Nurse Leaders

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In Deliberative Nursing, there are various leadership roles, and it is important to know which role applies to you, how to work with other roles, and practice cultural accommodation to fit every client and their specific needs.

Competence is the ability to do something successfully/efficiently. Orlando believes in order to fulfill our duties as nurses; we must work efficiently with patients in planning the care that they receive for optimal healing and well-being. This makes sense, right? In order to give our patients what we "think" they need, we first need to know what they are experiencing in every aspect of health. Orlando's Deliberative Nursing Process is implemented by the behavior of the patient. According to the theory, any patient's behavior can be a cry for help. Communication is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal. It is up to the nurse to interpret the behavior and determine the needs of the patient.

During assessments, the nurse will complete a holistic assessment for individualized patient planning of care. The nurse should assess the family and the client's cultural background and the things they prefer and need to have. The nurse will collect subjective and objective data. This will help with adding clues together to get an idea of the bigger picture.

In the Diagnosis stage, the nurse will use her clinical judgment to add all the clues together. The diagnosis can then be confirmed by using certain characteristics, related factors, and risk factors that have been found earlier in the assessment phase.

In the planning phase, the nurse will take action to plan around the diagnosis. Treating symptoms, addressing each problem diagnosed, and each problem is given a very specific goal and outcome that should be reached in an appropriate time manner. If the goal is not met, we will revise our diagnosis and restart if needed.

To implement, the nurse completes all tasks given in the planning phase to facilitate recovery and, ultimately, the time-specific goal we have come up with. Implementations can be done by nursing staff/assistive personnel. Nurses may have to request other personnel to help with implementations, such as different therapies or departments.

Last, the nurse will evaluate our time-specific goal and determine if our patient is meeting his/her goal. If goals have not been met, we should reassess the state of our patient and make new goals for him/her to meet, and the process will start all over again for those problems.

It is key that each leadership style (Authoritarian, Democratic, Laissez-faire, and Transformational) use Orlando's nursing process to provide the same total care to each patient despite the cultural differences between the caregiver and client. Therefore, Orlando's concept is extremely vital to our client's healing. Patients are more likely to comply with treatments when the nurse is educated on a client-specific culture. A good deal of nursing cultural knowledge is made while creating a connection with the client during the progression.

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How the Orlando Process Helps Build Competent Nurse Leaders. (2023, Mar 08). Retrieved September 20, 2024 , from

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