Gun Reforms

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Gun Reforms in America

In the recent years, Gun reforms remain the biggest challenge and debate in security agencies in the United States of America. Gun violence has claimed numerous innocent lives causing great moaning in the United States. Similarly, gun caused violence has also left several people crippled or with serious injuries hence affecting the health of the victim. This challenge is mainly caused by the issuance and possession of unrestricted firearms in the United States. Therefore a research should be done to investigate the current and the best gun reforms which will decrease the gun-related crimes(Huerta, 2015 pg 1848). Additionally, this will also reduce the number of deaths of innocent people who die due to gun violence. To do so, governments must control gun supply by illegalizing its possession without any exception to any condition.

According Alexander, gun violence is the use of guns to cause any harm or injury to the human species. Additionally, gun violence is the general misuse of firearms. Therefore it broadly describes a category of crime and violence done with the use of a gun which can or not be activities of self-defense, sports, law enforcement actions and game hunting(Alexander, 2003). Most argue that gun violence comprises of deliberate use of guns to commit murder, cause an injury or threaten a person. In the last two decades, gun violence among the adolescents and children has increased, this is due to the presence of guns which make then to end up causing misfortune among themselves and the overall public. This essay will talk gun reforms in the United States as compared to other nations. It will also talk about the negative impacts of guns in the society. In the last three decades, gun reforms in the United States have been widely debated in different ways by different groups in the society.

Research shows that united states of America have the largest number of its citizen with guns worldwide. According to the gun control agencies, Americans have approximately 270,000,000 guns; hence they have the highest number of guns in the world. Additionally, this means that in every 100 people in the US there are 89 guns or 89 of them have guns. Statistics show that 22% of the United States population has one or more guns. 35% of this population comprises of men while 12% are women. The gun culture in America originates back from their colonial history, frontier expansion, revolutionary origins, and the 2nd Amendment, which states that a well-controlled militia, is important to the safety of a free nation, the freedom of its citizens to have and keep firearms, should not be violated.

Furthermore due to the high population in America, cultures and legal laws which allow gun ownership among their citizens, gun possession in America has escalated rapidly over the years. Additionally, the rapid increase of insecurity levels in the country has also lead to the demand gun privatization, thus increasing the number of firearms. This has also lead to numerous debates aiming at amending the gun laws, which will lead to full control of guns and their use and ownership. Most of the private gun owners have opposed the motion on gun reform since it will interfere with their regular activities such as drug trafficking and game hunting. Over the last two to three decades the gun culture in America has changed. This change has been mainly contributed to the formation of illegal gangs in some of the states such as Chicago who misuse the guns. A reflection of the impact of firearm misuse in the society is a recent case of the killing of school students by members of illegal gangs.

To avoid such deaths in future, the government should implement the gun reforms present today. There are numerous ways in which gun reforms can be applied today. One of the gun reforms is where the gun control is the main duty of the government and the private safety companies such as in the United Kingdom. Hence the United States should also decentralize this security issues since the law enforcement is overwhelmed by the large number of crimes which they are required to deal with gun crimes. In United States, gun-based crimes are rampant, and they have claimed numerous innocent lives.

In the modern world, there are numerous categories of criminal deeds ranging from national and international extremism to pick-pocketing. Most of these criminal activities are frequently accompanied by the use of violence which is very fatal and costly. For the last four decades crime rate has increased rapidly, and lack of serious actions it will go on increasing for a long period. On the other hand, this threatens the security of our country, since it causes deaths and destruction of properties and numerous inflated impacts. As a result of these people everywhere in the globe, even the famous and powerful leaders such as the United States President are also worried due to the rise of insecurity circumstances present in the world(Squires, 2017).

Many incidences reported today show that the gun violence is the most frequent criminal activity. What even scares me is how these people get access to the firearms so easily including the youth and children. In fact, this easy accessibility of the firearms makes the fight against firearm crimes to be more complicated and very challenging (Alexander, 2003). The freedom of the youths to own guns has significantly caused an increase in the occurrences of violent activities, murder, and numerous social immoralities. In the US in some states such as Chicago, some illegal gangs use guns in protecting illegal drug trade and also enhance successful drug market supremacy. Violent actions may also arise due to the confrontation between various gang groups based on the racial aspects.

These violent actions have to lead to the rapid growth of incidents hence a growth of debate on gun violence in most countries. These incidents are mainly reported to take place in the poor urban settings. Unfortunately, statistics show that young adults are the main participants in these criminal gun violence cases. Considering a historical background of the gun violence, events such as the assassination of American Presidents such as Abraham Lincoln in 1865, John Kennedy, William McKinley and James Garfield, prove that gun violence is not a new issue in the United States of America. Assassination and other violent activities have greatly burnt up the arguments on the gun reform. According to scholars, gun violence incidents can include activities such as suicides with guns, homicides by a weapon type, assassinations of a leader such as the U.S Presidents and robberies did use the firearms.

From the research, suicide is the most significant gun violence in the United States. Various studies show that there is a great connection between having a gun at home and the cases reported due to gun suicides. According to Cook and Jens (2000) during the 20th century that's the 80s and the early 90s, there was a great increase in the incidents of teenage suicides which were by the use of a gun. Additionally, there was also a great increase of suicides among the elderly adults of the age of 75 years and above. Approximately over 50.7% of all suicides committed in the United States of America in 2006 was through the use of firearms. Most of the homicides which occurred in the 19th century were mainly due to mass disorders, while most homicides reported today are involve the use of firearms. An increase in homicide rates in the last three decades has mainly been observed among the black American males and the Hispanic males. The effects of gun violence include injuries and death. Drug trafficking and abuse mainly cocaine in the U.S. has also increased gun violence among the young adults. The main source of gun caused violence in the United States of America is the rapid economic growth of the U.S and political non-stability.

According to Mcgrath, gun-caused homicides mostly occur in the informal groups or gangs of the young adults and teenagers during the commission of illegal activities or crimes. Statistics show that in 1976 approximately 70% of the gun caused arguments caused homicides. However, in 1993, almost all gang-associated homicides involved the use of firearms which accounts for 97%, while the firearm homicides connected to arguments was about 70%. Nevertheless, in 2004, the percentage of criminal gang homicides caused by guns in the United States decreased to 94%. However, the percentage of homicides caused by guns in committing crimes commitment increased from 60 % to 77%. According to a survey done in the year 2005, approximately eleven thousand three hundred and forty-five citizens were murdered using guns and over four hundred and seventy-seven thousand people were victims of gun crimes. A further survey taken in 2006 shows that 68% of the killings were committed using a gun, while 42% of the robberies involved the use of guns and 22% were aggravated attacks.

Approximately more than a quarter of all commercial robberies done in the United States are committed using guns. Larcenies done with firearms are likely to cause fatalities since thefts done using of other weapons. Some criminologists argue that if guns availability and use is controlled and restricted then criminals might commit a crime but with very less or minimal consequences(Spitzer, 2015).

According to the General Social Survey statistics of 2004, 36.5 % of the population of America reported having a gun in their homes. The General Social Survey statistics also show that approximately forty-four million people in the United States are private gun owners, 25% of these are adults, and 40% are house owners. In United States, private firearm ownership is spread out geographically: 25% of all privately owned guns are found in the North and eastern states, while 60% are found in the East, South and Central States. The control of firearm is supposed to be a major issue in U.S. However, the Americans must reckon with gun politics carried out on their territory. From research guns or firearms simply increases the occurrence of criminal offenses and increase the probability of even more serious and lethal results. Firearm laws are the topic in most debates and arguments in the United States of America. This due to the extensional use of guns today such as in recreational activities such as hunting and for personal protection. Most celebrities all over the world use firearms in hunting and as security in protecting themselves. In U.S there are laws which limit gun dealers selling handguns to individuals under the age of twenty-one years and any fire to individuals under the age of 18 years. Additionally, there is also fixed limitations on vending guns to the foreign citizens. In America, the youthful firearm ownership is a severe issue.

The gun reform policy is getting through big hurdles. According to Canada, only 60% to 70% of gun sales are established under licensed gun suppliers. Most of the gun trades done by the young adults and felons take place in a secondary market. A secondary market is a place or market where individuals deliver and purchase firearms without being licensed by the law. However, this trade is perilous in very many ways additionally most guns sold or traded in the secondary market are used in homicides before. According to Spivak (2004), The Bureau of Tobacco Alcohol Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regulates the activities of all licensed gun dealers. The ATF demands all the gun manufacturing companies to mark all guns with a special serial number. Hence they can easily follow-up all the firearms used in criminal activities according to the Federal License. According to ATP, approximately five hundred thousand firearms are stolen every year, and they may get into the wrong hands(Ludwig, 2017 pg 12098).


There are numerous factors which can be considered as the main cause of increased rates of firearm crimes and violence. It is essential to note that firearm crimes can be controlled if there is full control of the gun supply and illegalization of its possession. Even though it's a collective duty, governments have a significant obligation to take on. As policies to control gun violence go on to be formulated, the United States remains to be the leading nation with highest levels of gun violence in the world.

Hence the American government should be extremely involved in the gun reform activities. Since our youth and children are the future of our country and it's very crucial to help the young adults to be always healthy and wealthy; hence that is why it's very important to make strict regulations. Introduction of gun reforms and bans and severe limitations will surely decrease the chance of criminals to obtain weapons most especially the highest risk individuals, such as young adults and convicted criminals. Another strategy can be by increasing the prices of all types of firearms which will greatly keep the youth and the common citizens from purchasing cold firearms. The third solution is a strict action of violence by the use of the law. This will be very efficient since it will probably scare criminals from committing more crimes and future criminals. To sum it all together, gun caused violence must be severely planned in joined means to give good results and save the country from suffering from any constant gun violence.

Work cited

DeConde, Alexander. Gun violence in America: the struggle for control. UPNE, 2003.

Steve, P.. (2004). Gun Control and Crime. Retrieved September 09, 2009 from

Patrick, F. F.(2009). The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community.14 May, 2009.

Squires, Peter. ""Guns, technology and crime.""? The Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice (2017): 263.

Bloomberg, Michael R.? Reducing gun violence in America: informing policy with evidence and analysis. JHU Press, 2013.

Spitzer, Robert J.? Politics of gun control. Routledge, 2015.

Ludwig, Jens. ""Reducing gun violence in America."" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.46 (2017): 12097-12099.

Huerta, Josselyn P. ""Control of Violence, Control of Fear: The Progression of Gun Control in San Francisco, 1847-1923."" (2015).

Annotated bibliography

DeConde, Alexander. Gun violence in America: the struggle for control. UPNE, 2003.

The gun violence is a serious issue which the world has had to deal with from time to time. Security agencies have shifted their focus to the gun reforms issues to stabilize and reduce gun caused violence. DeConde Alexander explores the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day. The author talks about how the gun-control movement has gained momentum among the American citizens due to recent developments such as increasing urbanization and industrialization. Alexander also explains why the US, with all its resources, it has failed to control the rise of small firearms among its citizens and to confine gun caused violence.

Steve, P.. (2004). Gun Control and Crime. Retrieved September 09, 2009

The author of this journal emphasizes the importance of comprehensive gun control reforms in the world today. The author goes ahead to explain how gun-based crime has turned into being a major source of death and suicides among the American citizens. Additionally, the author states that the introduction of gun reforms is the cornerstone for preventing of this social epidemic. This journal analyses the existing evidence that proves that introduction of gun control the risk of death and crimes related to firearms.

Patrick, F. F.(2009). The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community.14 May 2009.

According to the thesis statement, gun control reforms programs reduce the crime rates and death caused by guns. The authors of this journal prove the thesis by the information he presents. Through their research the authors' debate the main causes of violent crimes under different social groups such as family and the community. Additionally, the author states that with the introduction of gun reforms it will reduce these crimes.

Squires, Peter. ""Guns, technology and crime."" The Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice (2017): 263.

Squires argues that the development has lead to gun violence which is a serious issue that the world has had to deal with from time to time. The author also talks about how the security agencies have shifted their focus to the gun reforms issues to stabilize and reduce gun violence with the use of the modern technology. Squires, Peter explores the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day.

Bloomberg, Michael R. Reducing gun violence in America: Informing policy with evidence and analysis. JHU Press, 2013.

Bloomberg states in his book that gun violence is a serious issue which the world has had to deal with from time to time. Security agencies should shift their focus to the gun reforms issues to stabilize and reduce gun violence. The author uses the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day to get the best solution to solve this social problem.

Spitzer, Robert J. Politics of gun control. Routledge, 2015.

Robert Spitzer is a member of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and National Rifle Association. Due to the author respect on the issue of gun control he has explored into the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day. Also, Robert has investigated some of the recent gun violence cases such as the 2011 shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.

Ludwig, Jens. ""Reducing gun violence in America."" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.46 (2017): 12097-12099.

In the United States, guns have been involved in thousands and thousands of injuries and deaths every year. Ludwig uses the magnitude of this issue stimulated the National Academy of Sciences report of 2004 to detail the limitations and strengths of the current research on the association between guns and violence.

Huerta, Josselyn P. ""Control of Violence, Control of Fear: The Progression of Gun Control in San Francisco, 1847-1923."" (2015).

Huerta focuses on gun reforms in San Francisco from 1847 to 1923, from the control of the violent men of the gold rush to the controlling of the Chinese, and finally to the control and management of the sale and distribution of guns. The author aims to educate the public on the gun control reforms using newspapers precisely the Daily Alta California. This is because it's impossible to change peoples attitudes towards guns completely. However, newspapers provide a platform for public opinion, hence providing numerous opinions on the gun control.

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Gun Reforms. (2018, Dec 17). Retrieved March 18, 2025 , from

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