Grievance Processes and Conflict Resolution

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Processes and procedures of unfair discrimination:

Grievance procedure:

One of the simplest procedures; is the grievance procedure. Although the grievance procedure is not often known for addressing unfair labour practices, wage or salary issues, as a mechanism of appeal following a disciplinary hearing or demands for other benefits, the grievance procedure is the way to go by an employee when they are experiencing complaints or grievance that are work related. Such situations may include a supervisor picking on an employee, or working in unsafe conditions or areas that can cause injuries and health problems. This may also include a situation where two employees have conflict between them.

The employee must bring their grievance to the supervisor first, no matter the situation. The supervisor must then address the matter and try to find a way to solve it. In a case where the supervisor is not capable of solving the problem, said supervisor should bring this under the attention of his manager. It is the manager's responsibility to solve the problem by having an interview with both the supervisor and employee. By doing this, they attempt to discuss the issue and see if it will be possible to solve.

If the manager is not capable of solving the problem, then they will be referred to a director or the Human Resource department. The employee has the right to refer his grievance to the CCMA for assistance, should the issue not be resolved.

Disciplinary code and procedure:

To enforce orderly behaviour and to ensure employee and employer interaction, the company adheres to certain rules, regulations and standards. The intention of the disciplinary code is to provide a framework of these standards. This will ensure that employers know what they can expect from employees and employees know what is expected of them in the company. The disciplinary code is also used to prescribe the penalties that will most likely be enforced by the company when employees do not obey the rules.

Major and minor transgressions which may lead to disciplinary action are provided with examples by the disciplinary code and this code does not intend to be comprehensive of possible offences or be prescriptive for only the disciplinary sanction.

Conflict resolution procedure :

Conflict resolution:

Conflict is interpreted by most people as a destructive or negative situation. Even though it has the potential to cause work team havoc, it doesn't need to be a bad thing.  If a manager uses constructive conflict, it can create high quality relationships, creative solutions to problems and change that is constructive. The secret to conflict resolution is to resolve it in a way that it improves both the relevant parties involved and the situation. It is important to include the following steps in this process:

Identifying the problem:

Discover the source of conflict and determine in what stage the conflict is in. The purpose is to get involved at the soonest possible moment.

Give both sides a fair chance:

Arrange for a meeting to be held and be certain that there is a mutual issue of complaints or differences, as well as negative feelings. A neutral space should be created for both parties. Meeting separately with the parties may cause it to seem that there is an unfair advantage to the more persuasive party.

Working through differences:

Time and commitment will be required here. The purpose here is to gain a greater understanding of both of the parties' different opinions, positions, attitudes and perceptions. Both sides should be encouraged to put forward their views on the matter and helped to try and comprehend each other's sides of the story.

Identifying possible solutions:

Each issue should have a possible solution. Ensuring that both parties are playing an active role in finding a solution to different issues is the best way to go about it. Listen carefully to both the employees as they blow off steam. Wait calmly for them to propose solutions to their problems.

Try to reach a compromise:

The aim of conflict resolution should be an outcome that benefits both parties, where both of the parties can reach their goals through integrating their concerns creatively. Convince both parties to acknowledge the obstacles, and have them agree on moving forward. Getting them to sign an agreement might be a good idea.

Keep open communication channels:

Ensure that involved parties meet on a regular basis to discuss any problems that may occur that could further future conflict situations.

Do follow-ups:

Do follow-ups for example twelve weeks after the initial meeting. Check that issues are resolved and if any mediation is required further.

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Grievance Processes and Conflict Resolution. (2019, Aug 02). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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