Describe Human Resource Management in Organisations in New Zealand

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Describe human resource management in organisation in new zealand 1. PURPOSE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1.1:-The purpose of Human Resource Management (HRM) is to hire, train and develop staff and where necessary to discipline or dismiss them. Through effective training and development, employees at Enterprise achieve promotion within the company and reach their full potential. This reduces the need for external recruitment and makes maximum use of existing talent. This is a cost-effective way for a business to manage its people. The human resource management (HRM) function in New Zealand organize the operational aspects individually with employment relationship with recruitment and selection for the worldwide relations, salaries etc. 1.2:-The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand's founding document. It takes its name from the place in the Bay of Islands where it was first signed, on 6 February 1840. The Treaty is an agreement, in Maori and English that was made between the British Crown and about 540 Maori rangatira (chiefs), this day is remembered andcelebrated bya public holiday in New Zealand. Over generations, this document has caused many a heated debate over the differentperceptions of the document, having been lost and altered through translation. As a result, the Waitangi Tribunal was established in 1975, a permanent commission of inquiry charged with making recommendations on claims brought to them by Maori, relating to actions or omissions of the crown that breach understood promises made in the Treaty of Waitangi. Thefamous documentis a covenant between the Crown and Maori. Businesses that are not Crown entities are not required to include the Treaty of Waitangi in their business policies and practices, though many do.In most cases, showing some regard for the Treaty relationship in employment is encouraged. As outlinedon the website of Immigration New Zealand:Having knowledge of the Treaty of Waitangi can be useful forwhen:

  • Working alongside Maori
  • Working on issues that affect Maori
  • Maori protocol is recognised in your workplace
  • Maori health, economics and politics are points for discussion

1.3:- The most apparent impact of international race relations incidents on New Zealand is that we have begun to look at the issue of diversity more closely. It is now apparent that Government and communities cannot take for granted the relatively peaceful environment that we enjoy in this country. Nor can we assume that our ‘fair go’ ethos is the experience of ethnic minority communities. A strategic approach for dealing with diversity is vital to the future. There is now an increased focus on the topic of diversity on a number of levels including within communities. The increased sensitivity to the issues provides an ideal environment for an honest and robust dialogue on the challenges posed by New Zealand’s increasing diversity. In this regard, global racial incidents have presented us with an opportunity to deal with diversity more constructively. An old Chinese proverb states that behind every crisis lies an opportunity. We must actively utilise the opportunity we now have to consider how we should strategically deal with ethnic diversity. In doing this, we must be mindful of New Zealand’s unique context. There are many positive elements here that we can draw from. Internal environments of new Zealand’s organizations: 1.4:-A small organization covers the aspects of productivity in local areas with short investment of capital. Small organizations do business with effective planning according to the sources Large organization make wide range of products to customers globally large organizations do business at higher level with the large number of employers and employees to achieve the goal of customer satisfaction and to provide products with less time to deliver. Public organizations basically for the social welfares and the government owner public organizations so public organizations take out expenses with the help of government. Public organization aims to provide things accor4ding to customer needs. Private organizations business managed by individual and it may be by maximum two partners so basically it’ s the personal business and organized by the working experience of owner the internal environment depends on the way of the owner how person wants to run business 1.5 HRM IN SMALL SCALE ORGANISATION:-For the successful running of a business organization, role of human resource management can't be ignored. It is HR of the organizations, which select the talented and skilful professional for the organization, which are the key for the successful running of the organization. HRM needs the effective planning so according to the capital the owners should manage all the things. HRM IN LARGE SCALE ORGANISATION:- HRM in large scale organizations large scale organizations need to provide productivity not only in country but globally also so with the investment they should try to make control in internal environment HRM IN PUBLIC ORGANISATION:-Staff members need the working experience of communication skills because all the public organizations do business with the same and one goal of customer satisfaction HRM IN PRIVATE ORGANISATION:-HRM depends on the working criteria of the owners because it’s interlinked with the personal business but the owners can’t ignore the basic policies of HRM. 2. MAIN FUNCTION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. Human resource planning:- Human resources planning provides a framework for your company to follow in its mission and daily operations. Developing a solid human resources plan also gives you an outline of what priorities you need to focus on as you guide the employees to help the company succeed, and to be sure your staffing needs are met, with no down time in production or service (i) In small organisation:-It is the process whereby organizations determine the staffing support they will need to meet business needs and customer demands. There are a variety of considerations that impact this planning, including impending retirements and transitions, the availability of employees with certain skills sets and changes in the environment that may require training for existing employees. (ii) In large organisation:- An larger organizations a centralhuman resource planningunit responsible to senior management needs to be established . The main objectives of this are to co-ordinate and reconcile the demands for human resources from different departments, to standardize and supervise departmental assessments of requirements and to produce a comprehensive organizational plan. (iii) In public organisation:- Human resource planning has traditionally been used by public organizations to ensure that the right person is in the right job at the right time. Under past conditions of relative environmental certainty and stability, human resource planning focused on the short term and was dictated largely by line management concerns. (iv) In private organisation :- People are the most valued asset of the organization, be it private or public, human resources are endowed with such uncommon qualities as creativity, problem solving ability and they can be motivated, they can as a team. 2. Recruitment, selection & appointment:- Recruitment is the process of attracting interest and applications for a vacant position in Council's organisational structure. Whereas selection is the process of choosing the best person for the vacant position. This process includes the short listing of applicants for interview, developing questions for the interview, interviewing of applicants and selecting who should be offered the position based on merit. And Appointment covers the administrative processes to place and start the successful applicant. (i) In small organisation: - The aim is that in small organisation the Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures document tabled at the meeting be endorsed by Council. The recruitment and selection process is based on merit, expressed in terms of the essential and desirable criteria established, and is in line with the policy of equal employment opportunity. (ii) In large organisation:- It is recognised that recruitment and selection processes are of crucial importance to the promotion of equal opportunities and that these processes must be carried out according to objective, job related criteria which do not give rise to discriminatory practices and which result in appointments based on merit, qualification and experience that ensure the University's ability to perform its duties. (iii) In public organisation:- The Department of Education (the Department) recruits, selects and appoints staff based on the principles of merit, equity and transparency in accordance with the Public Sector. (iv) In private organisation: - Many human resources practitioners spend a great deal of their time engaged in activities associated with the recruitment and selection of staff. This can range from one-off recruitment episodes to major recruitment campaigns carried out to recruit and select replacement staff, staff with specialist skills, trainees, graduates, etc. 3. Performance management:-An assessment of an employee, process, equipment and other factors to gauge progress toward predetermined goals. (i) In small organisation: - The performance management process, where individual objectives are linked to organisational .Goals, is the typical starting point of the cycle and goal-setting usually occurs in line with annual standard review cycles (ii) In large organisation: - Business pressures are ever-increasing and organizations are now required to become even more effective and efficient, execute better on business strategy, and do more with less in order to remain competitive. The purpose of performance management to improve individual & organisation performance. (iii) In public organisation:- Performance management is the handy umbrella term for all of the public organizational activities involved in managing people on the job. The purpose of performance management in public sector to reduce employee turnover and increase retention and engagement (iv) In private organisation: Performance management in public sector is best defined as a development of individual and competence and commitment, working towards the achievement of shared meaningful objectives within an organization that supports and encourage their achievements. 4. Remuneration :- Rewardforemploymentin theformofpay,salary, orwage, includingallowances,benefits(such ascompanycar, medicalplan,pension plan), bonuses,cashincentives, andmonetary valueof the noncash incentives. (i) In small organisation: - As a remuneration the small organisations core business provide their client with senior consultants who are highly skilled and experienced in their specialist area. (ii) In large organisation: - The Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills announced a package of measures to address failings in the corporate governance framework for directors’ remuneration. This included:

  • giving shareholders more power through binding votes, so they can hold companies to account
  • boosting transparency so that what people are paid is clear and easily understood
  • working with responsible business and investors to promote good practice and ensure reforms have a lasting impact

(iii) In public organisation:- Like in ANZ bank. There remuneration and benefits are structured to reward people for their individual and collective contribution to their success, for demonstrating anz values in action, and for creating and enhancing value for all ANZ stakeholders. (iv) In private organisation: the private agencies logic is used as a justification to provide alignment between executive and shareholder’s interest .whereas the pay for performance logic states that an executive remuneration should be linked to firm performance. 5. Health, safety and wellness: - Workplace safety and wellness programs benefit employers and their employees. (I) In small organisation: - It encourages teamwork and an active, systematic approach to promoting health and safety in the workplace. (ii) In large organisation: -They give employees a reasonable opportunity to participate effectively in health and safety procedures and improvements. If they have more than 30 employees they must develop a participation scheme. (iii) In public organisation:- Like in anz .There approach to health, safety and wellbeing aims to support the physical, emotional and financial wellbeing of their people. (iv) In private organisation: They allow their elected health and safety representative to attend anapproved health and safety training course, plus up to two days’ paid leave to attend. 6. Training and development: - Training and Development is the field concern with organizational activities which are aimed to bettering individual and group performances in organizational settings. (I) In small organisation: -Training & development has implications for productivity, health and safety at work and personal development. All small organisations employing people need to train and develop their staff. (ii) In large organisation: - Training and Development is the framework for helping employees to develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. (iii) In public organisation:- All employees want to be valuable and remain competitive in the labour market at all times, because they make some demand for employees in the labour market. This can only be achieved through employee training and development in public sector. (iv) In private organisation:- Most private organisations are cognisant of this requirement and invest effort and other resources in training and development. 3. Legislation: - Legislationis the act or process of making or enacting laws. Legislation can have many purposes: to regulate, to authorize, to proscribe, to provide (funds), to sanction, to grant, to declare or to restrict. The owners can get the rights but according to rules which is called legislation. (i) Employment relations act 2000:- Purpose: - To build productive employment relationships through the promotion of good faith in all aspects of the employment environment and of the employment relationship. Importance: - This act is made for the support by the company only the work done is not the thing company need to coordinate, cooperate by nature. Impact: - Employers, employees and unions must deal with each other in good faith and are not allowed to mislead or deceive each other. (ii) Health and safety in employment act 1992:- Purpose: - The Act is about making work activities safe and healthy for everyone connected with them. It seeks to achieve that firstly by recognising that Constructive employment relationships generate safe and healthy workplaces. Importance: - Health and safety is first step and first aid should be provided by the company if unfortunately accident happened at workplace. Impact:- Basically it helps for the new employers if they don’t have experience the work on machines can make serious injuries to health. (iii) Holidays act 2003:- Purpose: - The purpose of this Act is to promote balance between work and other aspects of employees’ lives and, to that end, to provide employees with minimum entitlements to annual holidays to provide the opportunity for rest and recreation: Importance: - This act helps for the refreshment so that all the staff members can start work again after breaks with new energy so company should provide good welfares as the company do softness then staff members also try to work with full efficiency Impact: - This act helps to make friendly relation between the company and the staff members. (iv) Human rights act 1993:- Purpose: - The purpose of this act is to protects people in New Zealand from discrimination in a number of areas of life. Discrimination occurs when a person is treated unfairly or less favourably than another person in the same or similar circumstances. Importance: - It helps to overcome problem in the sudden misshaping when the accidents happened. Impact: - It helps financially due to support of company as it help to overcome problem. (v) Privacy act 1993:-. Purpose: - The collection is for a lawful purpose connected with a function or activity of the agency collecting the information. Importance: - Personal date safety is must and company should be guaranteed that all data of staff members is safe from each other Impact:- If companies make someone the team leader from others someone can feel jealous he/she can try to take bank account with plan and it can effect badly to that team leader. (vi) Treaty of Waitangi act 1975:- Purpose: - The purpose of this Act is to enhance the public good and reinforce the social contract represented by the first accident compensation scheme by providing for a fair and sustainable scheme for managing personal injury that has, as its overriding goals, minimising both the overall incidence of injury in the community Importance: - The treaty of Waitangi helped to resolve problems between the relationship of Maoris and British government Impact:- Owing to this act lot of developments were held and several acts are held after that to protect people provide better life and increase the economy rate of new Zealand.  

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Describe Human Resource Management in Organisations in New Zealand. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved March 14, 2025 , from

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