Andrew Jackson: Life and Biography

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Andrew Jackson was known for many important and eventful life.I will be talking about both the highs and the lows of his two terms as the president of the united states from 1829-1837.

The issues that I will be using and discussing are The states rights, The tariff, The Indian Removal act, and mostly how he did before and after his time in office.

Andrew Jackson was born on March 15th, 1767 in South Carolina. Very close after Jackson was born his father died, Living with his mother in South carolina, he had lived with an extended family of Scots-Irish that worked and owned farms. His mother always dreamed of him being a well taught little boy but ends up Jackson had a love for cursing, pranks, and a lot of fighting.

When Andrew was thirteen he decided that he wanted to volunteer to be in the Revolutionary War, His oldest brother, Hugh, died of a heat stroke in The Battle of Stono Ferry in 1779. In 1781 Andrew and his brother were captured, Andrew refused to polish the officers shoes so one of the british officers bashed him in the head with his sword. Robert, his other brother, died later from a deadly illness.

Andrews mother then went to help injured soldiers and then died leaving Andrew an orphan at the young age of fourteen years old. When his money ran out, he finished schooling and he became a teacher for a short period of time and most people thought of him as different. He was Tall with red hair and blue eyes, Jackson was known for his bad temper .

In 1784, when he was seventeen, Jackson decided to become an attorney. He moved to Salisbury, North Carolina, where he studied law by learning with lawyers. He also while doing three years of lawing school he worked at an general store. He also studied at Nashville for two years.

One day Andrew met a woman named Rachel Donelson Robards, and she was struggling with a marriage.After hearing that her husband had been granted permission to divorce her, Jackson went to her in Natchez, where her mother had sent her, and may have married her there but no one really knows and have no records of the marriage. When they returned to Nashville in 1791, they discovered the divorce had not worked out. In 1792, Rachel's husband sued for divorce so then they could not marry until 1794.

When Andrew was twenty-first birthday one of Jackson's friends, John McNairy, was elected Superior Court Judge of the newly formed Western District by the North Carolina General Assembly. He went to Tennessee and practiced law briefly in Greeneville.Then in the fall of 1788, he moved to Nashville.

Then broke out the war of 1812, As the new general, Andrew Jackson made quick, action to take the War of 1812 into his own hands,even though his soldiers were not the best. After a long battle he then won the battle of New Orleans by the British. This unexpected victory launched an enormous sense of national pride as America began to realize its true potential. It also made Jackson the new American hero.

With winning New Orleans,it put Jackson on the map politically for his road to the White House.When Andrew was president he empowered his presidency, he defended the union, and pushed the country to democracy.

He was so important to the government and made him such a good leader, and he always wanted to help all of the problems that anybody that he could provide for/take care of the issue .Although his candidacy brought problems and even deep personal loss upon him, Jackson was beloved by the country and the people recognized in him a unique spark they believed would change the nation to new heights.

Andrew always did not want to be the boring old president that just enforced laws. Jackson was different. No one like him had ever served as president. He made decisions based on his personal beliefs.

Besides the great work he achieved in office and in the military, President Jackson left a legacy resulting from his unorthodox, action-first mentality that pushed the boundaries for what both the president and the nation could achieve.

Jackson returned to the Bank War. His relationship with the people throughout his first term convinced him that he was the only elected official in the United States that represented all the people. As such, Jackson believed he had to use his office to carry out their will.

Jackson also espoused removing Indian tribes in the United States to the west of the Mississippi River as one of his reforms.Jackson argued that the United States policy of attempting to assimilate the tribes into white society had failed and the Native Americans' way of life would eventually be destroyed. He recognized that whites desired their lands and feared if the Native Americans remained in those areas they would eventually be taken by the soldiers. Opposition groups fought Jackson's removal policy in Congress,but they sadly lost .In June 1836, Congress approved the legislation and sent it to Jackson. Jackson was tempted to veto it because he despised distribution and he felt the regulations on the state banks that held U.S. deposits did not go far enough, but the bill offered a final victory in the Bank War, currency reform and assisted Van Buren in his presidential campaign. Congress' made the Indian Removal Act in 1831 which empowered Jackson to make treaties with the tribes in arranging for their displacement.Andrew would get many threats but just ignore them. He then took the indians through the Trail Of Tears. Which after this happened most people started not liking Andrew for honestly really good reasons.Today, Jackson's Indian Removal policy and its tragic consequences which led to the Trail of Tears was one of the worst parts on his presidential legacy.

Jackson as a president was to carry out the People's will and which the price was to pay to become the president, and adding on to the death of his wife made his deeply affect him and he would spend the rest of his life mourning her.

One of the bad things that Andrew Jackson did was the Tariff, he was known for this act to be one of the worst things that Jackson did during his presidency.On October 22 1832, the South Carolina legislature declared a convention on November 19, to decide whether the state would, according to Calhoun's formula.

On December 11, 1832, Jackson published a proclamation giving strong constitutional arguments, written by the Secretary of State Livingston. The only problem with all of this is that Andrew received a lot of hate comment about what he was doing and the choices about all of this.

On January 8, the administration submitted a bill, known as the Verplanck bill after one of Van Buren's allies, which cut the tariff in half over two years. Even though he was getting all of these threats and hate comments he went through with what his opinion was not really what the people wanted to help the nation better.

On the 16th Jackson also sent to Congress the ""Force Bill"" ,to get Congressional approval for deploying the military to put down armed rebellion. This was also one of the debated options that he did about what he thought about it.

While he was in office he accomplished things beyond his power. Jackson helped to inspire the American sense of promise and hope; the idea that anyone can succeed through hard work and natural ability, rather than through unappreciated power.

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Andrew Jackson: Life and Biography. (2019, Aug 07). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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