TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. I Introduction 1. 1 Theoretical Background of the Topic 1. 2 Literature Review 1. 3 Company Profile 1. 4 Objectives of Study 1. 5 Scope of the Study II Research Methodology 2. 1 Sources of Data 2. 2 Sampling Design 2. 3 Collection Methods 2. 4 Limitations of the Study III. Data Analysis and Interpretations IV. Results and Findings V. Suggestions and Recommendations VI. Bibliography VII. Annexure (Questionnaire, Annual Reports, Tables, Glossary of new terms etc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Taxus Meditech deals with Sales and Marketing Support, Distribution & Logistic Support to the Global Healthcare Companies. As the part of the business it is dealing with the biomedical equipment called ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA (Mobile Room Asceptisizer) . ASCEPTOZONE can be used at a place where different kind of infections is present. The Unit can be used in Hotel Rooms, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Food Processing and Packing Areas, Beverages & Mineral Water filling area or at a place where Sterilization is needed.
In view of the above Ozone Unit provides environmental sterilization, Deodorization of air in the clean areas. The program was executed by hiring management trainees in Delhi . According to this activity the equipment has to be promoted in various hospitals of respective locations assigned to each of them. It also includes the lead generation for this equipment as a part of selling process. The project was done in few hospitals of Delhi by personally meeting the doctors and explaining them about the product.
As the product is a new one an extensive promotional activity is carried on with various doctors of different different departments in the hospitals. The data regarding the factors that helps in creating brand, product awareness and brand image is also collected to determine the perception of the doctors on the equipment. As the data shows only 60% of the doctors are interested in the product and 40% are not interested. These leads helps the organization to identify their actual and potential customers. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND OF THE TOPIC:
HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY In India healthcare is delivered through both the public sector and private sector. The public healthcare system consists of healthcare facilities run by central and state government which provide services free of cost or at a subsidized rates to low income group in rural and urban areas. With the Indian economy enjoying a steady growth, the industry is heading towards growth phase. The introduction of product patents in India is expected to boost the industry by encouraging multinational companies to launch specialized life-saving drugs.
Attracted by the advantages such as lower costs of production and skilled workforce that India offers, these companies are looking to set up research and development as well as production centers there. Initially the government imposed high custom duty on imported medical equipment making it difficult for private entrepreneurs to set up hospitals. But in post liberalization the duties have come down and some life saving medicines and equipments can be imported duty free. The striking feature about the Indian Healthcare sector is that it has the potential to grow at a much faster rate in the foreseeable future.
The rate of growth of the health care industry in India is moving ahead neck to neck with the pharmaceutical industry and the software industry of the country. Much has been said and done in the health care sector for bringing about improvement. SECTOR STRUCTURE/MARKET SIZE Healthcare, which is a US$ 35 billion industry in India, is expected to reach over US$ 75 billion by 2012 and US$ 150 billion by 2017, according to Technopak Advisors in their report – ‘India Healthcare Trends 2008’. The sector offers immense potential to healthcare players as the country witnesses a rise in the incidence of lifestyle-related and other diseases.
A growing elderly population and rise in income levels are also pushing for better facilities in the country. To meet this growing demand, the country needs US$ 50 billion annually for the next 20 years, says a Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) study. India needs to add 3. 1 million beds by 2018 to the existing 1. 1 million, and requires immediate investments of US$ 82 billion, as per the Technopak Advisors report. INVESTMENTS IN HEALTHCARE The sector has been attracting huge investments from domestic players as well as financial investors and private equity (PE) firms.
Funds such as ICICI Ventures, IFC, Ashmore and Apax Partners invested about US$ 450 million in the first six months of 2008-09 compared with US$ 125 million in the same period a year ago, according to an analysis carried out by Feedback Ventures. Feedback Ventures expects PE funds to invest at least US$ 1 billion in the healthcare sector in the next five years. Religare Venture Capital has entered into a 50:50 joint venture with PE player Milestone Capital to manage a US$ 120. 09 million PE fund and tap the huge potential in healthcare and education sectors.
GE Healthcare has invested US$ 50 million in its Bangalore facility and will be investing an additional US$ 25 million soon. Philips plans to make India one of its global production hubs for medical equipment by investing substantially on upgrading of its two acquired manufacturing facilities in the country and increasing their capacity. The government, along with participation from the private sector, is planning to invest US$ 1 billion to US$ 2 billion in an effort to make India one of the top five global Pharmaceutical innovation hubs by 2020. MEDICAL TOURISM
In 2007 India treated 450,000 foreign patients ranking it second in medical tourism. According to a study by McKinsey and the CII, medical tourism in India could become a US$ 2 billion industry by 2012 (from US$ 350 million in 2006). Credit Suisse estimates medical tourism to be growing at between 25-30 per cent annually. The key selling points of the medical tourism industry are its cost effectiveness and its combination with the attractions of tourism. Treatment cost is lowest in India—20 percent of the average cost incurred in the US, Singapore, Thailand and South Africa.
Besides world class medical facilities, India is also trying to promote its traditional medicine such as ayurveda. AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY The fast growth in the Indian healthcare sector has created various pockets of opportunities for investors. A FICCI-Ernst and Young (E&Y) report highlights several such areas within the healthcare sector. ? Medical infrastructure forms the largest portion of the healthcare pie. Beds in excess of 1 million need to be added to reach a ratio of 1. 85 per thousand at an investment of US$ 77. 9 billion. ? The medical equipment industry is around US$ 2. 17 billion and is growing at 15 per cent per year.
It is estimated to reach US$ 4. 97 billion by 2012. ? The medical textiles industry is projected to double to reach US$ 753 million by 2012. ? Clinical trials have the potential to become a US$ 1 billion industry by 2010 and the health services outsourcing sector has the potential to grow to US$ 7. 4 billion by 2012, from US$ 3. 7 billion in 2006. Government Initiative The Government launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in 2005. It aims to provide quality healthcare for all and increase the expenditure on healthcare from 0. 9 per cent of GDP to 2-3 per cent of GDP by 2012.
During the 2009 interim budget, the government has allocated US$ 2. 42 billion for NRHM. HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY IN INDIA AND THE GDP Expenses incurred by the Indian Government on health care are the highest amongst developing countries. India's expenses on health care sector comprise 5. 25% of the GDP. Chances are that the health care market could experience a hike and attain a figure ranging $53 to $73 billion five years from now. This in turn will reflect an increase in the gross domestic product to 6. 2% GDP. The health care industry in India earns revenues accounting for 5. 2% of gross domestic product.
Employment opportunities are provided to as many as 4 million people in the health care segment or other related sectors catering to the health care industry in India in some way or the other. Due to the progressive nature of the health care sector in India, several foreign companies are intending to invest in the country. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY Medical devices market in India to reach $1. 7 billion by 2010 Medical devices and supplies market in India is expected touch USD 1. 7 billion in 2010 growing at the rate of 23% annually in the coming years from the current Rs. 5750 crores.
Medical device market share division |Others |11% | |radiology equipment |15% | |reagents |20% | |physical /chemicals analysis equipment |14% | |instruments,appliances,disposals |40% | [pic] Affordability by patients, increased awareness on health care, improved hospital infrastructure and the increased disease patterns are listed as the primary drivers boosting the growth medical devices industry.
Free market environment, a developed industry and investment in health infrastructure are amongst other factors that the growth of high quality medical devices industry. Among the segments in the medical devices market diagnostic equipment leads with Rs. 2000 crores, surgical equipment supplies worth Rs 1300 crores comes second and imaging and electronic treatment devices follow with Rs 1300 crores and Rs. 1000 crores respectively. The Indian medical equipment market is dominated by the medical instruments and appliances used in specialties such as ophthalmic, dental and other physiological classes.
This segment accounts for 26% of the total market followed by orthopedic/ prosthetic goods segment accounting for 19% of the total market. Medical supplies such as bandages and disposables such as syringes, needles and catheters together constituted 21% of the total market. The other equipment which is in demand is high end specialty electro medical equipments that accounted for 11% of the total market. X-ray apparatus accounted for 10% of the total market. Another high growth segment in the medical devices industry is diagnostic kits. Diagnostic kits have a growth rate of 30% and a market size of USD 133 million in 2005.
They include the reagents and the medical kits. With over fifty companies operating in diagnostic kits, the market has seen several interesting trends. High import dependency Imports constitute over 50% of the market. Most imported products have high gross margins. Currently, the high value imported products include cancer diagnostic, medical imaging, ultrasonic scanning, and plastic surgery equipment. However, the market is becoming increasingly competitive due to low entry barriers (for MNC’s), an increasing number of players and an expanding consumer base.
The medical devices market for exports from India is estimated around USD 509 million with a CAGR of 22. 15%. The exports mainly consist of dental instruments, surgical items and other laboratory equipment. Prominent MNC’s operating in the Indian market include B Braun, Becton, Dickinson and company, Bayer, Johnson and Johnson, Phillips ,Roche, Siemens and GE. Some of the domestic players hat have consolidated their market position include, BPL Healthcare, Godrej Healthcare, Nicholas Piramal India Ltd. , Opto Circuits India Ltd. and Advanced Micronic Devices Ltd.
Despite strong growth rates, the market remains disproportionately small, ranking among the top 20 in the world, but with a very low per capita spending. Major issues and constraints found to cripple the industry are India’s dependency on imports for supply of medical devices, strict industry regulatory environment, low level of healthcare insurance and low levels of healthcare facilities and awareness especially in rural areas. Indian medical devices supply is heavily dependant on the imports from other countries like the US, Japan, the UK, France, Finland, Germany, etc.
It is estimated that around 50% of India’s medical devices sales is through imports. Domestic production consists primarily of low technology products (like surgical textiles and other medical supplies), whereas the demand for high technology devices is met predominantly by imports. 1. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW: Lead generation (commonly abbreviated as lead-gen) is a marketing term that refers to the creation or generation of prospective consumer interest or inquiry into a business' products or services. A lead is a sign-up for an advertiser offer that includes contact information and demographic information.
There are two types of leads in the lead generation market. 1. Sales leads: Sales leads are generated on the basis of demographic criteria such as FICO score, income, age, HHI, etc. These leads are resold to multiple advertisers. Sales leads are typically followed up through phone calls by the sales force. Sales leads are commonly found in the mortgage, insurance and finance markets. 2. Marketing leads: Marketing leads are brand-specific leads generated for a unique advertiser offer. In direct contrast to sales leads, marketing leads are sold only once.
Because transparency is a necessary requisite for generating marketing leads, marketing lead campaigns can be optimized by mapping leads to their sources. The nature of lead generation depends entirely on the decision process of the buyer. For complex products and services requiring a complex decision process, the keys are identifying the most likely prospects and then educating and qualifying them before deploying more expensive sales resources. Successful lead generation is one of those things that is going to lead almost any business to massive successes.
Branding tools, building effective lists and providing value are the activities that lead to success of the business. LEAD GENERATION TECHNIQUES Most of the fastest growing B2B companies do not rely solely on just one sales lead generation method. They have a complete arsenal of sales lead generation tools at their fingertips that they can use at any given time. By using these eight proven B2B sales lead generation methods, you will capture more sales-ready opportunities for your salespeople to turn into new business, meaning greater sales revenue and profits for your company. Relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is the approach underlying all of the "sales-lead-generation-success" methods. Sales lead generation using this method simply refers to cultivating a personal, sales-winning relationship with your prospects. Keeping in touch with prospects via a series of ongoing communications and offers throughout your prospective customers' consideration processes lets you pick up sales others leave on the table. Complementary partner referrals By joining forces with complementary partners, you can instantly multiply your sales lead generation pool and make it easier for companies to engage in doing business with you.
Of all the sales lead generation programs, complementary partner referral programs generate the highest quality B2B sales leads. Internet marketing and search engine optimization Business buyers are more sophisticated and getting harder to reach than ever. Studies show that about 90% of business buyers start with research on the Internet. Therefore, it's critical to have a well-tuned sales lead generation program that includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO)/Internet marketing strategies to attract prospects at the beginning of their buying cycle. Telemarketing
Even though many people despise the thought of telemarketing, it is very effective for sales lead generation when executed properly. Telemarketing is a personal marketing and sales lead generation technique that offers a cost-effective, efficient alternative to field selling, but it can be significantly more expensive than direct mail email. By including telemarketing in your B2B sales lead generation marketing plan, you can reach up to thirty decision-makers a day. In contrast, with field sales, you can reach only four or five decision-makers a day.
Direct mail may cost as little as a dollar, and email is often much less. However, if you consistently prospect for and nurture leads via phone, you will consistently generate qualified sales leads. Email publications By creating your own email newsletter, you could send out industry news and tips to suspects in your market. Since you will be on your prospects' minds more often than your competition, eventually, your sales leads will turn into actual sales. Direct mail Sales letters can be an excellent sales lead generation method.
But most sales and business professionals do not know how to use this lead generation technique effectively and efficiently. Print advertising When done correctly, print advertising can be a highly effective sales lead generation activity. But these publications that deliver messages should directly target the audience. Event marketing Whether you do it live, through the telephone (teleseminars) or via the Web (webinars), seminars and workshops are a great sales lead generation tool. People who attend the seminar have an interest in the information that is presented and a need for your product or service.
Live seminars can be done inexpensively. Teleseminars are the least expensive, with the only costs being conference phone line rental and promotion fees. Webinars are more expensive but it creates a very interactive environment for attendees without having to leave the office. LEAD GENERATION PROCESS: There are various steps in a lead generation process. They are as follows: Building the list of various potential customers Scheduling appointments Closing the sale Fellow up list-clients and customers Identify most qualified prospects More closing Keep in touch with prospects
Rinse and repeat 1. Building a List Building the list is the most important asset. Most prospects aren’t ready to buy the first time you come in contact with them, but they may be ready at some stage in the future. A well developed list, packed full of prospective customers allows you to see better returns, cut marketing costs and maximize the returns from the money you do spend. A good list is detailed, broken up into different types of buyers and is regularly updated with new information. It’s the backbone of every good lead generation system. 2. Scheduling Appointments
For those businesses with a more complicated sales process that requires a personal approach, once a prospect shows interest the next step is to arrange for a meeting. Depending on your business and resources you might consider using a professional appointment setter to do the legwork. 3 . Closing the Sale If the prospect express an interest to meet and gives an appointment,then they're interested in what you have to sell. if the client is interested they will buy and if they are no they will deny. Whatever may be the result, by closing the sale the process moves along.
You may have a new sale. You may move a prospect along your sales system towards a future sale. You may have eliminated a prospect that could have cost you time in the future. 4. Your Follow Up List – Clients and Prospects As the list grows it has to split it into two (or more) kinds of follow-up lists. One is for current and past clients. Ask them for future business, sell new products and services and ask for referrals. For existing customers you’ll also look to use effective customer retention programs. The second is of the potential clients that are not turned into customers yet. . Identify the most-qualified prospects The prospects has to be divided into most qualified and normal customers. More time has to spend on qualified customers as they are the permanent customers. 6. More Closing If the prospect didn't buy from you the first time, you should have put him on your mailing list. Other ways to follow up with him so you're there when he is ready. 7. Keep in touch with prospects Keep delivering useful content to your prospects, keep making offers, closing, and asking for the sale with all your prospects who haven't bought yet.
You never know when they're ready to buy. But when they are, you want to be there. 8. Keep in touch with customers and clients Once you convert a prospect into a customer, don't ignore them! It's more profitable to do business and keep in touch with clients who know and trust you. Advertising and prospecting for new business, in the cold marketplace, is the most expensive kind of business development. 9. “Rinse and Repeat! ” Turn your long-term lead generation techniques into a repeatable cycle. Turn lead generation techniques into a system. Don't reinvent the wheel. . 3 COMPANY PROFILE VISION –N- MISSION To establish Global Healthcare Companies in terms of their products business by being a responsible support partner, making the healthcare products and services available at grass root level of in most reliable, efficient, cost-effective and ethical manner. Company believes in revenue generating relationships with all our business associates. TAXUS – Profile Taxus group of Companies engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of medical technologies & equipments for various hospitals and electrical objects in India.
We are specialized into sterilization range that includes ascepticizer,air purification system,hands sterilization system and EO sterilizer ,others are bio medical waste management system,autoclaves, pharma refrigerator,c for patient care. In addition, it offers repair, technical support, and installation services. The company was founded in 2002 and located at 308, SGL Plaza, Sector 9, Rohini, D. C. Chowk, New Delhi – 110085. We passed the International Quality System Certification of ISO 9001 in 2006. Taxus Meditech is a leading manufacturer of medical equipments having state of the art factory at Kala-Amb, Himachal Pradesh.
Taxus Meditech was formed in 2002 and since grown step-by-step from a small trading concern to a company reputed and respected for manufacturing quality products at reasonable prices. The company has recently set up a factory at Kala-Amb, Himachal Pradesh. Taxus Meditech intends to increase it’s sales from current Rupees Three Crore to Rupees Ten Crore, with the start of this factory. Our company is managed by experienced professional team and talented engineers. We have established nation-wide sale and customer service network.
Sustained technical innovation, strict quality control and comprehensive after-sales service constitute our core competence, and create a solid foundation for our healthy growth. We are already supplying goods to various Govt. organizations like Indian Armed Forces, Central Govt. Institutions like E. S. I. & many State Govt. Institutions. For detailed information about our various products, you can visit our website: www. taxusgroup. com Taxus Meditech was formed in year 2002 by Mr. Satyen Sharma. At that time, it was called Taxus Surgicals and was basically a trading concern.
Initially it traded in medical consumables and slowly forayed into marketing of more respectable medical equipments. Over a period of time it became leading seller of Asepticization systems for operation theaters and other areas where sterilization is of utmost importance. In year 2005, Taxus got into an agreement with S. S. Technomed Pvt. Ltd. , Tronica city, UP, wherein it got exclusive rights to get product manufactured under its brand name. Since S. S. Technomed could not meet the quality and quantity requirements of Taxus, so Taxus forayed into manufacturing on its own.
In year 2006, the company rented out a shed in Rithala, Rohini, Delhi, and the first machine was manufactured from there. Due to it’s philosophy of quality products at affordable prices, the company is always over booked with orders. In year 2008, an urgent need for capacity expansion was felt and for that land was procured in special category state of Himachal Pradesh. The choice was made of Himachal Pradesh primarily because of income tax exemption for five years and excise exemption for ten years. The work on building construction was started in October’08 and got over in April’09. Taxus Meditech Customer Contact Points
Hospitals-Diagnostic Centers, Blood Banks, Dialysis Centers, Teaching Institutes, Training Centers, WHO, National Healthcare Programmes, Relief Committees, railway Hospitals, Institutional Hospital, B. H. E. L Hospital. Product portfolio 1. ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA 2. Bio-Medical Waste System 3. The Disinfaction System - Bioster 4. Pharmaceutical Refrigerator 5. Hands Disinfaction System 6. Pura Air 7. Safe- Zone SERVICES TAXUS MEDITECH OFFER The Taxus Service Platform is creating an exciting new paradigm in customer services. Our mission in service is to assist you in achieving the optimal performance and efficiency from your taxus equipment.
We have consolidated our Service Centers and expanded our On-Site Services to support you with a level of technical expertise and individualized service that is second to none. Repair Services The taxus commitment to high quality maintenance and repair services starts with our team of highly skilled service technicians, and includes detailed service inspections, competitive pricing, expert maintenance of your instruments and equipment, and responsive customer care. And you can be assured that only equipment repairs performed by taxus are guaranteed to meet original specifications.
Technical Support We have qualified Technical Support Representative. With individual expertise and direct access to certified technical and engineering resources, the TAXUS technical support staff will work with you to resolve your technical concern to your satisfaction. Installation Services From conceptual design and technical specification, to physical installation and operational validation, resources from all areas of the taxus Service Platform come together to support every aspect of your installation. Customer Service Our goal is to provide you with a new benchmark in Customer Service.
Whatever your needs taxus Customer Service is your primary point of contact to the taxus Service Platform. Wherever you are located ,our Customer Service Representatives are available during regular business hours from Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM, , and are always on call to assist you. Approach: At taxus we believe that in product design, the best products are created when designers and engineers work side by side. At taxus, our team of designers,and engineers work side by side to ensure all the project needs are incorporated at the earliest stage.
Our unique and cost-effective approach allows us to quickly identify and reduce the project risks and enables complex briefs to be turned into successful products tailored to their market. Integrating with our Clients Taxus approach specifically addresses the problem of harnessing the knowledge and expertise of our clients. I Our experience over many years has shown that this approach is particularly important for medical device development and product design involving research and development or significant technical challenges. Team Up with Taxus Meditech Taxus Meditech is very vibrant organization with old heads to think and young legs to run. The team is very dynamic and professionally managed organization that has grown at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of more than 50%; the highest achieved by an organization in similar capacity and forged strategic alliances with world leading Medical devices and Equipment Companies in recent past. ? Taxus Meditech is absolutely focused to establish it self as force to reckon with in healthcare products and services business in the wake of all health care business scenarios and on the brink of tremendous growth prospects.
And we understand the importance of workable models to achieve the business objectives of our own and our principals and we believe in mobilizing the financial resources to suit the exponentially growing healthcare business. ? Taxus Meditech armed with meaningful insights on domestic trends, market behavior, and regulatory matters. Taxus Meditech can act as torchbearer to global companies interested in tapping the Indian market. ? Taxus Meditech has an excellent track record, having worked with reputed companies such as B.
Braun, US Surgical, Tyco Healthcare, BD, Terumo, Bard, Convatec, Arrow International, Ziehm, Sunder, and Shenzhen Anke. ? Taxus Meditech can also undertake Co-Branding collaboration (Joint Venture)Manufacturing Collaborations. Given its inherent strengths in the relevant market sectors, Taxus Meditech is in position to devise marketing strategies independently/together with Principals. These services are offered through highly acknowledged and reputed professionals from the field of Sales and Marketing, HRD, Corporate Finance, Production and Engineering etc. , ?
Taxus Meditech has it’s own dedicated channel partner network which is made available to all its associates for market penetration and consolidation. This results in very cost effective operation given the infrastructure facilities (Warehousing, logistics, MIS etc. , OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: • To understand the importance and role of lead generation process in selling of bio-medical equipments. • To understand the factors that are helpful in creating brand and product awareness and brand image. • Market exploration for the company ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA of Taxus Meditech. To understand the buyer and create customer for the products of ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA. 1. 5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: As a part of the internship programme and research, 50 hospitals has been visited including Multi speciality,Super speciality hospitals and kidney centers. These hospitals are confined to Delhi city only. ABOUT THE PRODUCT: ACEPTAZONE – ULTIMA A Unique Room Ascepticization System (A Product From An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company) [pic] ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA Medical successfully developed an innovative dialyzer using the world's first cuprammonium cellulosic hollow-fiber membrane (Bemberg HF membrane).
Since then, ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA Medical has established a leading position as a supplier of dialyzers to more than 60 countries worldwide. In addition to dialyzers, ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA Medical has applied its core technologies for membrane separation using hollow fibers and absorption in various areas of healthcare and industry. The product lineup includes devices for the treatment of immunologic or intractable diseases, leukocyte reduction filters to prevent adverse effects associated with blood transfusion, and virus removal filters used in biopharmaceutical production for export worldwide.
ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA Medical, a pioneer in blood purification, will continue to contribute to global healthcare with its unique technologies in close collaboration with members of the ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA Group. Brief description about the product: ASCEPTOZONE can be used at a place where different kind of infections is present. The Unit can be used in Hotel Rooms, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Food Processing and Packing Areas, Beverages & Mineral Water filling area or at a place where Sterilization is needed. In view of the above Ozone Unit provides environmental sterilization, Deodorization of air in the clean areas.
There are three aspects of air purification: - Filtering the air or reducing the dust content, -Removal of any bad odour from the air (Volatile organic compounds), -Sterilization of air from germs, allergens, bacteria, fungi and viruses. COMPONENTS FOR AIR ASCEPTICIZATION SYSTEM 1. OZONE GENERATOR 2. NEGATIVE ION GENERATOR 3. PROGRAMMABLE TIMER 4. TIME TOTALIZER 5. CHOKE 6. U. V. TUBES 7. NOISELESS FANS 8. POWER CHORD 9. ON/OFF ROCKER SWITCH 10. ATOMIZER 1. Ozone Generator: It generates ozone through corona discharge method. High voltage is applied at two ends of the Pyrex glass tube resulting in corona discharge.
Part of oxygen passing through glass tube gets converted to ozone. This is the most popular method worldwide producing ozone. 2. Negative Ion Generator: Abundance of negative ions in air lead to physiological well being of human beings. Through a carbon rush electricity is passed resulting in discharge of negative ion in atmosphere. 3. Programmable Timers: These are digital timers programmable up to eight (8) times per day for complete week. Week after week it raise the same program until it is re-changed. 4. Time Totalizer: It simply calculates the time in hours that a given system has run. 5.
Choke: The choke produces high electricity for small moment to start the U. V. tube. 6. U. V. Tubes: These tubes are made of quartz, which enable U. V. tubes to pass through it unhindered. 7. Noiseless Fans: Two fans provided as exhaust. 8. Power Chord: A Chord to connect system to power source. 9. On/Off Rocker Switch: Quality rocker switch is provided to switch on and off a given function in the system. 10. Atomizer: It creates a dense fog like spray of water vapours. A motor creates high vacuum in which water is suck through and passes through a very thin nozzle resulting in dense fog like spray. Features: . The device should be suitable for disinfections & deodorization of different enclosed areas. 2. It should have four ultra violet sources for disinfections of room up to 4000 cu ft. volumes. 3. The ultra violet sources should produce emission in germicidal band of 2537A. 4. It should have an elapsed time counter to monitor the operative time of the U. V. sources. 5. It should be equipped with 500 mg ozone generator to provide ozone treatment. 6. It should have independent timer controls for U. V. , Ozone & ULV Atomizer. 7. It should have tube guard shutters to enable it to be used in presence of personnel. . It should be capable of sterilizing the air through direct UV rays by opening the shutter in absence of personnel. 9. It should have negative ion generator. 10. It should be equipped with an ‘Atomizer’ to spray the bactericide with minimum droplet size of 5 micron. 11. Should have following independent selectable operating modes with independent timer controls: • UV rays with fan • Ozone with fan • Atomizer 12. Atomizer should give consistent particle size of 5–15 micron (selectable) & should have reached of over 25 feet. It should be able to use both water & oil based solutions. 13.
It should be on castors for easy movement from one room to another. 14. It should have self-sealing doors with magnetic gasket. 15. It should be quoted along with consumables, if any. Lead generation technique used in Taxus Meditech: In Taxus Meditech the selling of bio medical equipment is made by “Relationship marketing”, a sales-winning relationship with the prospects. A personal approach with the clients is made to explain about the equipment and its features leading to closing of the sale. After closing the sale a constant touch with prospects is made to convert them in long lasting customers.
Lead generation process of Medical equipment ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA: Various steps involved in the lead generation process are as a follows: 1. Identification of list of potential customers(doctors): A list of nephrology and gasteroenterology departments doctors of various hospitals is made by using both primary and secondary data. Primary data is provided by the organization and secondary data is collected by internet. various super speciality,multi-speciality and kidney centers are taken into consideration. 2. Fixing of appointments with the doctors:
After collection of information of various doctors ,appointments are fixed so as to meet them and explain about the product. appoinments are fixed by using cold calls, references from the organization, direct approaches to hospitals etc. , In some hospitals a particular day is scheduled to meet the doctors for business activites and on those days the appointments are fixed. 3. Closing the sale: After taking appointments, an interaction is made with both nephrologists and gasteroenterologist doctors separately. A detailed description about the equipment is made to the doctors leading to the closing of sale .
In this process various objections of doctors regarding the product are cleared. Some doctors may be interested in purchasing the product and some are interested to purchase whenever there is a requirement. One of the main criteria associated with the equipment is its price. As the price is high some of the doctors hesitate to purchase and they will do it whenever there is a requirement and necessity of that equipment. In such cases frequent visits are made to convince the doctor to purchase the product. Dealing with the department: Objective and purpose:
The equipment is mainly concerned with the nephrology department doctors to treat the patients suffering from various diseases like glomerulosclerosis, acute hepatic failure, Crohns’ disease, multiple myeloma etc. , So a lot of attention is required as the equipment is used more frequently to treat nephrology diseases. Objections : A complete explanation about the equipment ,its usage ,features and advantages is made to the doctors of the entire department. Various objections regarding the working,handling of the equipment and negotiation of the price is cleared.
The frequency of usage of the equipment is high to treat these diseases. A strong confidence regarding the benefits of the equipment is created by explaining various cases that have shown positive results. NEPHROLOGIST DOCTORS : |S. NO |NAME OF THE DOCTOR |HOSPITAL | | | | | |1 |Dr GIRISH NARAYAN |KAMINENI WORKHARDT | |2 |DR.
ANANTHREDDY |HARSHA NEURO CENTRE | Dealing with the gasteroenterology department: There are less number of gasteroentero diseases that can be cured by using this equipment. These are the following diseases that are treated: 1. Ulcerative colitis 2. Malignant rheumatoid arthritis Moreover there are few number of cases that are seen with the patients suffering from these diseases. Hence the frequency of usage of equipment is less compared to that of nephrological diseases GASTEROENTEROLOGIST DOCTORS: |S.
This research involved a study, which was explorative in nature. It basically aims at gathering primary data from the hospitals (Doctors). 2. 2Sampling Design: - Sampling design consists of: a) Sampling unit: - The Multispeciality hospitals, Superspeciality hospitals, kidney centres. b) Sample Size: - It was taken sample size of 50 Doctors for this study. c) Sampling Procedure: - Stratified Random sampling procedure was followed. d) Sampling Method: - Data were collected by meeting the doctors in hospitals personally. 2. 3 Methods of Data Collection: Primary Data Primary Data Collection: - Primary data is collected by Survey.
Here, only survey method of data collection is preferred which is very suitable to reach the researchers motto. · Research Instrument: - Printed questionnaire was used as the research instrument to collect the required information. · Area of Survey: - The survey was conducted in different location of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Secondary Data Secondary data was collected by different mediums like colleagues, different company websites and data provided by company officials to carry out study. Tools used to analyze the data: SPSS and MS EXCEL were used to analyze the data. III.
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS: 1. Nature of practice: |Type of hospitals |Frequency | |Multi Speciality hospitals | 28 | |Super Speciality hospitals | 15 | |Kidney Centres | 7 | [pic] INTERPRETATION: It is evident from graph that more than half (28) of the visited hospitals were Multispeciality followed by Superspeciality(15) and kidney centres (7) 2. Awareness about ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA Response | Frequency | |Yes | 9 | |No | 41 | |Total | 50 | [pic] INTERPRETATION: It is evident from graph that majority of the doctors (41) are not aware of the ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA double filteration plasmapheresis equipment and 9 doctors are aware of the product. 3.
Factors considered while purchasing an equipment |Cost |9 | |Quality |5 | | Technology |6 | |All |30 | [pic] INTERPRETATION: It is evident from graph that doctors (9) give importance to cost followed by technology (6) and some (5) weight age to quality. Majority of them(30)give importance to all the three factors. . Does company brand image play an important role in purchasing decision: |response |Frequency | |Yes |42 | |No |5 | |may be |3 | [pic] INTERPRETATION: It is evident from graph that majority of the doctors (42) determine that the company brand image play an important role in purchasing decision. . factor that is most effective in building both product and brand awareness: |factor |frequency | |personal interaction with the sales people |25 | |online advertising |5 | |advertising in various medical magazines&journals |5 | |pacing the product in medical camps |15 | pic] INTERPRETATION: It is evident from graph that half of the doctors (25) feel that personal interaction with the sales people will act as a good source to build both product and brand awareness,15 doctors recommend placing the product in medical camps followed by print (5) and online advertising(5). 6. Are you interested in the product: Response |frequency | |Yes |32 | |No |18 | [pic] Interpretation: It is evident from the graph that more than 60 percent of the doctors are interested in the ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA double filteration plasmapheresis equipment. 7. cross study between type of hospital and factors considered while purchasing: Type of hospital |factors influence purchasing | | | cost | quality |technology | |multi speciality |12 |10 |6 | |super speciality |7 |5 |3 | |kidney centres |5 |2 |0 | [pic] Interpretation: -
It is evident from the graph that hospitals gives more importance to the cost and quality of products mainly in Multispeciality hospitals followed by Superspeciality and then to technology. IV. FINDINGS The primary data collected from the hospitals by meeting Doctors and information collected by secondary sources led to the following key observation were made to meet objectives of the study. • It is observed during the research about half of the doctors give more importance to the cost of products followed by good quality. As these equipments are expensive and its cost is directly charged to the patient, doctors give cost also as one of the main factors before buying. • It is observed that awareness about the ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA equipment is very poor.
About (41) of doctors are not aware about ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA and 9 doctors are well aware about it but not using right now. Because regular follow-up was not done by company people. It shows lack of promotion on a big extent. • It is observed during the research that most of the doctors go with the brand name as they are proved in the market as they don’t want any kind of risk. • It is observed that half of the doctors (25) feel that personal interaction with the sales people will act as a good source to build both product and brand awareness,15 doctors recommend placing the product in medical camps followed by print (5) and online advertising(5). • Relationship marketing is main factor through which company can do in market.
As promotion and advertising are integral part of any businesswhich can’t be ignored in this sector also • It has been observed that doctors also take advice if available of those,which are using that particular product. V. RECOMMENDATIONS: • As the ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA equipment is little expensive because of its superior quality but still by educating about these products, it may led to some tragic changes in the perception of doctors as this matter is of critical care of patients. • It is difficult to approach every doctor as they don’t have enough time to listen about the product. So it is better to promote the product on medical conferences,medical camps,forums and special medical magazines. It is better to promote a foreign branded equipment with the help of local reputed doctors serving as the representatives for the product. This will develope a trust and confidence among other doctors. • By doing so it will also develop a word of mouth publicity among the doctors also. • As in the tangible products industry people want to see it physically so demo should be arranged in strategic way which may alone persuade them to buy the product. • So at the end I would say there are different people with different preferences some go with brand, some give more emphasis on quality and some gives more importance to cost. So company could make strategies to satisfy each individual needs. Relationships and references works a lot in this business as one doctors visit many hospitals. So by making relationship with those doctors may make company enter in many hospitals. • A sale is never complete until it is referenceable. It could be done only when we provide solution according to customer need. LEARNINGS IN THE INTERNSHIP • Now-a-days the health care industry has a tremendous growth and there is a lot of scope for new entrants in this industry. • Lead generation is an essential key factor of personal selling process. • Most of the personal selling occurs through relationship marketing and it is very essential to have a good relationship with the doctors, that lead o future sales also. • The price of the product plays a key role in selling process and doctors like to purchase the product only when its results are practically proved with some evidence. • Selling a less branded foreign medical equipment is complex compared to that of a branded equipment. ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE Hospital Name…………………………………………………. Name of the Doctor……………………………………………. Department……………………………………………………… Address………………………………………………………….. Q-1 Nature of practice? 1. Superspeciality hospital 2. Multispeciality hospital 3. kidney centres. Q-2 Have you heard of ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA a unique room sterilize system equipment? 1. Yes 2. No Q-3. hat factors would you consider while purchasing the equipment? 1. Cost 2. Quality 3. Technology 4. Reference of others 4. All Q-4. Would you like to have a demo about the equipment before purchasing it? 1. Yes 2. No 3. If required Q-5Which one would you feel that will help to build brand awareness about the product? 1. Personal interaction with the sales people 2. Online advertising 3. Advertising in various medical magazines &journals 4. Promoting the product in medical camps Q-6 Does company brand image will play a vital role in purchasing of a product? 1. Yes 2. No 3. May be Q-7 What things do you keep in mind before buying consumable critical care products? 1. Cost to hospital 2. Patient comfort 3.
Cost to patient 4. 1 & 2 5. 1 & 3 Q-8 Are you interested in the ACEPTAZONE - ULTIMA double filteration plasmapheresis equipment? 1. Yes 2. No REFERENCESs www. ibef. org/industry/healthcare. aspx wikipedia. org/wiki/Healthcare economywatch. com/world-industries/health-care/ www. prlog. org www. ficci. com/media-room www. expresshealthcaremgmt. com www. shethimpex. com www. vital-signs. com www. highbeam. com www. bbraun. co. in oxfordjournals. org https://www. ey. com/Publication/vwLUAssets/FICCIErnst___ Young_Healthcare_Report_- _Fostering_quality_healthcare_for_all/$FILE/FICCIErnst+&+ Young+Healthcare+Report+-+Fostering+quality+healthcare+for+all. pdf
A Lead Generation Process of Medical Equipments. (2017, Sep 14).
Retrieved February 7, 2025 , from
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