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1406 essay samples found

Depiction of the Nacirema Culture

The Nacirema are are a North American group of whom little is known. Their culture, as well as their origin, is poorly understood. Pursuant to the Nacirema people, their nation was originated by Notgnihsaw, a cultural hero. The Nacirema spend most of their time on economical pursuits but still devote a great amount of their […]

Pages: 2 Words: 710 Topics: Nacirema

Depression Among African American Youth: a Phenomenological Study

Results The investigation examination brought about the development of five superordinate subjects that identifies with the encounters of African American adolescents. Every youth involvement of living with sorrow was extraordinary yet related to the other youths’ encounters of living with depression. Then five subjects that framed the substance of the youths’ experience of living with […]

Pages: 3 Words: 758 Topics: African American, Depression, Youth
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Depression in the Elderly

Abstract This paper explores four published articles that report on results from Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Depression in the Elderly” Get custom essay research on how the depression affects the elderly community. One article is a study done on the elderly in a nursing home and the other three provides […]

Pages: 3 Words: 769 Topics: Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Depression, Major Depressive Disorder, Mental Disorder, Mental Health, Nervous System, Positive Psychology

Depths of Irony in “Candide”: Voltaire’s Critical Narrative

The revolution era consisted of violent change in political order, government, social order. Candide by Voltaire was able to express a variety of ideas and popular themes during this era. Voltaire used humor and satire to make statements on controversial topics while maintaining historical relevance. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Depths […]

Pages: 2 Words: 744 Topics: Candide, Voltaire

Descartes Meditation

Throughout the book Meditations, Descarte discusses three different methods of doubt. Those three methods are referred to as the Argument from Sensory Illusion, which in short says that sometimes our senses may deceiving us in believing things are real when in truth they are deceptions our mind has created. The next method is the Dream […]

Pages: 2 Words: 676 Topics: Meditation, Rene Descartes

Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy

Descartes’, Meditations on First Philosophy explores how an individual can obtain knowledge without the use of one’s senses. He decides to rebuild his knowledge from the ground up. Through Meditations one and two Descartes investigates various concepts. Firstly, Cartesian doubt, he begins doubting everything he’s ever known claiming that there is no way for one […]

Pages: 2 Words: 700 Topics: Rene Descartes

Description of 1984’s Characters

Governments can lead their populations to be their own and do great things, or it can take total control and brainwash their society into believing everything they tell them. In the book 1984, George Orwell explores the human mind when it comes to power, control, and corruption. The protagonist, Winston, wrestles with oppression in a […]

Pages: 3 Words: 768 Topics: 1984

Destruction of Identity under Slavery in Beloved

The novel Beloved by Toni Morrison, published in 1987, is a brilliant work that was inspired by a story of an African-American slave, Margaret Garner. Beloved begins with the protagonist, Sethe, living in a community post slavery with her eighteen-year-old daughter Denver. At a young age, an individual develops a unique self-identity that may be […]

Pages: 2 Words: 676 Topics: Beloved, Identity, Slavery

Detention of Suspected Terrorists

Border controls are measures taken by a country or multiple countries to monitor its borders in order to regulate the movement of people, animals and goods. With the UK having voted to leave the European Union in 2016, it means that in the near future the UK’s border security will be much tighter and more […]

Pages: 2 Words: 718 Topics: Crime, Detention, Human Rights, Justice, Terrorism, Violence, War On Terror

Determinants of Sustainability of Community-based Projects

Community involvement community involvement is all about the opportunities one gives the community to take part in decision making of matters concerning their projects. This involvement refers to the direct interaction between project management and the community thus encourages the community to take ownership of the outcome of a project. involvement practices include training, motivation […]

Pages: 2 Words: 715 Topics: Community Development, Investment, Organization, Sustainability

Detox Diets

Detox diets are commonly known for its promise to cleanse your system of the toxins stored in the body and filter our liver. It is believed that toxins are the reason why we may feel sluggish or irritable. Over time, we accumulate these toxins mainly from the junk foods, treats, sweets, and alcohol we consume. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 701 Topics: Determinants Of Health, Diet, Food And Drink, Nutrition

Detriments and Benefits of Electoral College

In a society where a sparse variety of challenges and issues are faced in pertinence to the government, what was once deemed to have served as a process for the prevention of things, such as the election of Donald Trump, seems to have very little effect in our world today. This process that was established […]

Pages: 2 Words: 672 Topics: College, Democracy, Election, Electoral College, Government, Justice, United States

Devices Used in Letter from Birmingham Jail

In the Letter from Birmingham Jail that was written by Martin Luther King Jr. He is defending himself against eight clergymen accusations to which he explains the reasons for the civil rights demonstration and tries to justify the need for nonviolent protest in the Civil Rights Movement. He supports in his letter the idea that […]

Pages: 2 Words: 682 Topics: Letter From Birmingham Jail

Diabetes Awareness Essay

 Its certainly possible for diabetic kids to be great athletes, but they walk a tightrope (Bekx) Some of the best athletes not only have a battle on the field while playing their sport, but they also fight the battle to closely monitor their bodies because of their diabetes. Ron Santo and Jay Cutler are both […]

Pages: 2 Words: 701 Topics: Determinants Of Health, Diabetes, Exercise, Food And Drink, Nutrition

Diabetes is a Disease

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. It changes the lifestyle of those it inflicts, to where they are incapable of doing certain things. Diabetes is a disease that there are different types of. Type 1 Diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, is when your body cannot produce the hormone […]

Pages: 2 Words: 683 Topics: Baseball, Diabetes, Disease

Did our Way of Processing Information Change?

Is Google Making Us Stupid? was a cover story magazine of the Atlantic, written by Nicholas Carr. It was published in July/August 2008. This article tells us how the Internet is affecting our way of processing information. Carr did his best to find all sorts of evidence to convince his audience that the Internet is […]

Pages: 2 Words: 746 Topics: Communication, Is Google Making Us Stupid

Differences and Similarities between the Little Shop of Horrors and Macbeth

Have you ever watched The Little Shop of Horrors or read Macbeth? The Little Shop of Horrors is an entertaining film from the 1960s about a deficient florist that invents a people-eating plant. Macbeth is a tragedy about a general that becomes consumed with the idea of holding power in the Kingdom of Scotland. The […]

Pages: 2 Words: 737 Topics: Clothing, Macbeth

Digital Citizenship and Information Technology

It is an unsophisticated fact that once information has been put into the digital world, it is public and permanent, whether you believe it or not. Free and low-cost digital tools allow students to create/write blogs, share their photos and artwork on social media, design videos and grow a YouTube following, and participate in projects […]

Pages: 2 Words: 675 Topics: Citizenship, Communication, Cyber Bullying, Cyberspace, Digital Media, Information Technology, Mass Media, Social Media

Digital Dating Love at First Click

Although some people consider it risky to meet people from the internet,?many are leaning towards online dating and apps in hopes of finding their soulmate. Digital dating has easily become a more convenient and accessible approach for busy professionals to find true love. Digital dating can also lead to long-lasting love/marriage and allows for long […]

Pages: 3 Words: 758 Topics: Communication, Cyberspace, Love, Online Dating

Directing as a Process

DIRECTING Directing is the process that many people would most relate to managing. It is the act of supervising or leading workers to accomplish the goals of the organization. Furthermore, it is a process of influencing people’s behavior through motivation, communication, group dynamics, leadership and discipline. The purpose of directing is to channel the behavior […]

Pages: 2 Words: 720 Topics: Communication, Epistemology, Maslow'S Hierarchy Of Needs, Motivation, Neuroscience, Organization, Organizational Behavior

Disaster Management in Nursing

Introduction Johnstone, & Turale, S. (2014) states, it is a frightening realization that the Emergency Departments (EDs) have not managed to take care of emergency patients, even on the normal days. This raises the question whether this same departments can manage the large scale disaster. In health care setting, the definition of disaster extends far […]

Pages: 3 Words: 763 Topics: Health Care, Hospital

Discrimination in the Muggle World in “Harry Potter”

In the muggle world, discrimination is a very controversial topic that is present in society. Most people have probably dealt with discrimination or prejudice in one way or another. But does the same topic exist in the wizarding world? Many would argue that wizards and witches in the world of Harry Potter face similar dilemmas […]

Pages: 2 Words: 732 Topics: Harry Potter

Discrimination, Inequality, and Prejudice in the Wizarding World

In both fictional and non-fictional settings, civilizations are built upon stereotypes when it comes to the societal norms of gender roles in a society. As well as exactly what a male or female should portray. What Is meant by that is that society has strict rules an individual must follow to deemed as “normal” or […]

Pages: 2 Words: 746 Topics: Discrimination, Gender Inequality, Inequality, Prejudice

Discussion on Brown V Board of Education of Topeka

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Linda Brown an African American that wanted to go to an all white school in Topeka, Kansas. The board of education refused to let her come to the all white school. This case took place in Topeka, Kansas in 1954. The fourteenth amendment which is equal protection […]

Pages: 2 Words: 719 Topics: Brown v Board of Education, Government, Justice, Racial Segregation, United States Constitution, United States, Virtue

Discussion on Cell Phones in School

Many people debate about whether or not cell phones should be allowed in school. There are many disadvantages and advantages that might sway your opinion about cell phones in school. Some of the advantages include educational apps, access to additional information, and using social media to engage students. Disadvantages include cheating, cyberbullying, and distractions. In […]

Pages: 2 Words: 676 Topics: Behavior Modification, Cell Phones In School, Communication, Learning, School

Disparate Dwellings in Jane Eyre

In Charlotte Bronts Jane Eyre, each distinct place where Jane stays represents a different point in her life, and they each have an impact on her as a whole. In the novel, both Gateshead and Lowood Institution have a great effect on Jane, but a reader might wonder which place is she better off at? […]

Pages: 2 Words: 732 Topics: Jane Eyre

Diversity in America from Reconstruction through the 1920s

America is greatly admired and looked upon by many due to its development, technology, modern infrastructure, political stability and many more. It’s been viewed as “the land of opportunity” because of people’s belief that any dream can be accomplished in the country and everyone is accepted irrespective of who they are, yet, America being a […]

Pages: 2 Words: 673 Topics: Abraham Lincoln, America, American Civil War, Diversity, Slavery, United States

Division between the North and South

One of the more consistent developments of America at this time was the westward expansion and the growth of the population. Society in the West was more appealing than society in the East. One of the many appealing factors of the West was that is was a democracy. Western states allowed people to vote and […]

Pages: 2 Words: 670 Topics: Civil War, Government, Manifest Destiny, Political Ideologies, United States, War

DNA Microarray Gene Expression Analysis

Each of the experiments mentioned were based around the abundance of gene expression found in a given sample. Gene expression can be thought of as gene activation, e.g. the higher the expression value, the more often that particular gene is doing work. Quantification of these abundances was made possible by the advent of microarray technologies. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 675 Topics: Analysis, Biotechnology, DNA

Do Divorces in Marriage Affect Children?

The term divorce can be described as the separation of a man and woman legally. Divorce is caused by the disputes that may arise between the married couples. Do you believe in every 8 to 12 seconds someone somewhere receives a divorce? It is common in our society today to hear couples divorcing since they […]

Pages: 3 Words: 759 Topics: Children, Divorce, Family, Marriage, Neuroscience, Parent, Social Psychology
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