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1297 essay samples found

Portfolio Theory and Capital Pricing Model are Essential Finance Essay

Portfolio Theory is a theory of investment which try to maximize portfolio expected return for a given amount of portfolio risk, or evenly minimize risk for a given level of expected return, by carefully choosing the proportions of various assets. The expected return on a portfolio is calculated on the stocks which comprise the portfolio. The weights reflect the proportion of the portfolio […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1506 Topics: Corporate Finance, Financial Markets, Investment, Microeconomics, Money

Positive Effects of Peer Pressure

What is peer pressure? Peer pressure is any influence from a group of people that changes a person’s behaviour or attitude. The term ‘peer pressure’ raises a lot of eyebrows; it is automatically assumed that it is inherently negative. However, this is not always the case. Despite the obvious stigma surrounding social influences, it is […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1585 Topics: Peer Pressure
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Post- Traumatic Stress

Post- Traumatic stress disorder and relationships do not seem to coincide with one another. Veterans who suffer from PTSD truly can’t hold on to a relationship due to their disorder. J.D Salinger, a post war trauma veteran who deals with PTSD, had a difficult time with people and especially dealing with his marriage. Salinger flashes […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1493 Topics: PTSD, Stress

Postpartum Depression Critical Analysis

I selected postpartum depression (PPD) for my critical analysis paper because I wanted to increase my knowledge and awareness surrounding PPD. While I participated in the direct care of many individuals at high risk for PPD, the patient I selected for my critical analysis was a case that surprised me, as I felt she was […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1545 Topics: Analysis, Breastfeeding, Clinical Psychology, Depression, Health Care, Human Development, Major Depressive Disorder, Mental Health, Postpartum Depression

Poverty and Social Justice

Poverty is a problem that can be fixed for some Americans. They work, get paid, and spend their money wisely. Poverty can be viewed as a choice for some people based on their situations. But what about those stuck in the limbo of poverty without assistance, stuck on the streets because they have no other […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1573 Topics: Employment, Homelessness, Justice, Mental Disorder, Poverty, Social Issues, Social Justice

Poverty is the Mother of Crime

Poverty isn’t the “mother of crime.” However it is one noteworthy benefactor. Crime exists, since individuals need something they don’t have, and are not willing to comply with the law(s) on the books to get it. What poverty does is, it decreases the things needy individuals have accessible to them, along these lines offering undeniably […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1491 Topics: Crime, Mother, Murder, Poverty, Social Issues

Preparation and Characterization of Melamine-Formaldehyde Crosslinked Acrylic Resins

Abstract This lab involves the synthesis of an acrylic polymer. The reagents of hydroxyethyl acrylate, styrene, and butyl acrylate were reacted in a semi-batch process The product was then stored for one week before being crosslinked with a melamine-formaldehyde resin and a catalyst. The resulting coating was applied to an Al panel, cured, and tested […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1500 Topics: Characterization, Manufacturing

Preschool Observation

For many years, the uncertainty on what age a child should start school has been an ongoing problem. When the time comes, eventually parents need to send their children to school. Who doesn’t like a head start? Why not take advantage of the early opportunity? Parents sending their children to pre-k benefits them in being […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1483 Topics: Children, Preschool, Socialization

President Donald Trump on Immigration

INTRODUCTION I. GAIN ATTENTION: What makes America great? Is it our ideals of freedom, equality, and self-government? Is it our fast-evolving technology or military? Or is it in the foundational principles we teach our children in school and at home? Our values, beliefs, or cultural diversity and the openly encouraged ideas of individualism and self-expression? […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1546 Topics: Citizenship, Cultural Diversity, Donald Trump, Immigration, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, United States

Prevent Opioid Abuse and Addiction Essay

Imagine feeling extremely uncomfortable because it has been several days without any of your drug fixes and you start shaking uncontrollably, but way more is yet to come. Next, you start becoming more irritable, stressed, and anxious. Then, you start getting intensely hot and sweaty which is followed by profuse vomiting. This is what it […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1561 Topics: Drugs, Heroin, Medication, Opioid, Pain Management, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Substance Abuse

Prevention of Drug-related Deaths

In 2016 and 2017, policies, initiatives, and regulations discouraging opioid prescriptions began to appear after two-thirds of the 63,600 deaths by overdose in the United States were found accounted for by opioids (Kertesz, Gordon). Due to the chronic overprescription of opioid painkillers, thousands of individuals are trapped in addiction, and when they cannot get hold […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1457 Topics: Medication, Opioid

Primary Duty of Maintenace in Islamic Law

Maintenance Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Primary Duty of Maintenace in Islamic Law” Get custom essay Introduction: Maintenance is referred to as nafaq, and that ‘comprehends food, raiment along with lodging, through in common parlance, it truly is limited for the very first. Under Islamic rules, man will be responsibility sure […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1581 Topics: Duty, Government, Justice, Virtue

Problem of Depression: Effects on People and Children’s

This is really important for me because this is a huge problem that affects a lot of people and childrens, for me being sad its something horrible and I couldn’t imagine being sad for most of the days of the week, I want to change the way people feel and try to make them happy […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1541 Topics: Anxiety, Depression, Disease, Humour, Laughter, Major Depressive Disorder, Mental Disorder, Mental Health

Problems in the Foster Care System

 The Foster Care System in the Central Valley suffers greatly at the hands of the government. The system is overcrowded with children and inescapable problems. Not enough attention is dedicated by social workers for finding abused and homeless adolescents safe homes. Group home institutional placements are at an all time high. Teens are aging out […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1508 Topics: Foster Care, Problems

Problems of Pollution: Water Pollution

Our names are Heroes of the Sea. We chose that name because our group wants to educate individuals about how the ocean is being polluted. We thought of our favorite superheroes and of course, they are not real but we looked at the impact they made when it came to saving lives. Although we are […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1425 Topics: Environmental Issues, Human Impact On The Environment, Natural Environment, Pollution, Problems, Water, Water Pollution

Problems with American Education System 

The United States education system is perfidious. The system is forcing students, who all have very different ways of thinking, to sit in a classroom and be taught the same way everyday. Any scientist can tell you that no two brains are the same. Teaching all of them the same way, is not going to […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1590 Topics: American Education, Learning, Pedagogy, Problems, Teacher, United States

Problems with Perception with Migraine Auras and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Problems with perception with migraine auras and Alice in Wonderland syndrome Perception is a daily occurrence involved in taste, touch, smell, and vision. Perception plays a role in all sensory information (Rice University, 2016).Details, for example, how big is this room compared to me, or, that pie smells like my grandmothers, are both sensory inputs. […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1469 Topics: Alice in Wonderland, Clinical Psychology, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Perception, Phenomenology, Problems, Senses

Procedures of Search and Seizure in the French Criminal Justice System

Institute of Law Procedures of Search and Seizure in French Criminal Justice system: A Comparative Analysis Comparative Criminal Procedure Procedures of Search and Seizure in Franch Criminal Justice system a Comparative Analysis Abstract Code de Procedure penale is one part of Franch Criminal Justice Administration framework. In the French system it is portrayed this as […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1488 Topics: Common Law, Government, Judge, Justice, Morality, Separation Of Powers

Procrastination in College Students and its Effects

Procrastination in College Students and Its Effects Do you ever find yourself waiting until the last minute to complete assignments? If you do, you are not alone. Many college students have a tendency to procrastinate on assignments. For most, procrastination can have negative consequences and can be harmful to their academic success, but for some […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1484 Topics: Behavior Modification, Emotions, Neuroscience, Procrastination, Social Psychology

Project Management & China Project & Intercultural Communication

In a company, the most diverse personalities meet in an often-hierarchical structure, which can create a challenging political environment. Various questions arise in a company. Who will prevail, who will ultimately receive recognition for the success of a project and take responsibility for failures? In a project itself, stakeholder management is one of the main […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1463 Topics: Communication, Intercultural Communication, Nonverbal Communication

Propaganda for Patriotism

Documentary is a unique form of expression, one that aims towards a group of people, appeals to an even more specific subgroup of that people, meanwhile captures the attention of mass audiences despite the filmmakers concern of their viewing. A propaganda documentary influences viewers in a precise way that convinces them to react based on […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1538 Topics: Documentary Film, Film Analysis, Nazi Germany, Patriotism, Propaganda

Propaganda in “Animal Farm”

Animal Farm, by George Orwell, was first published in 1945. Propaganda and the abuse of power are prevalent themes in the satirical novel, accentuated by the deliberate use of carefully selected language techniques. This essay will illustrate how a wide range of language techniques can be used to support a theme that runs through every […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1483 Topics: Animal Farm, George Orwell, Propaganda

Propaganda Used during the Civil War

Propaganda was used before and during the American Civil War by the North and the South to change public opinion. It affected the way people saw each other and the two sides of the story regarding the war. This is because it made the other side seem wrong and evil in comparison to the other […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1506 Topics: American Civil War, Civil War, News, Newspaper, Propaganda, War

Proposed Research Program and Proposed Marketing Strategy for the New Cadbury Product

Proposed Research Program and Proposed Marketing Strategy for the new Cadbury Product. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Proposed Research Program and Proposed Marketing Strategy for the New Cadbury Product” Get custom essay 1.0 Proposed Research Proposal. 1.1 Research Problem and Research Objective. Its research problem is to address the worry of […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1505 Topics: Data Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Research Methods, Scientific Method

Pros of Legalizing Marijuana in the US

Helping others is something that everyone strives to do. Showing compassion towards others helps everyone, including the recipient as well as the provider. If you could help someone would you be willing? The legalization of marijuana could help those with medical issues as well as those in need of government assistance. In a time when […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1410 Topics: Marijuana, Marijuana Legalization

Pros of Medical Marijuana

Introduction Over the years there has been constant debate and ethical concerns regarding the use of medical marijuana.Medical marijuana is known to have several pros in the health sector. Based on the ethical approach this research will explain this statement. Modern advances in research and levels of knowledge provide both the patient and doctors with […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1524 Topics: Cancer, Drugs, Marijuana, Medical Marijuana, Medication, Pain, Substance Abuse

Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations

Unit 6 Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations” Get custom essay Job was written by Moses and Job himself.  We find out that Job is a historical person because, he lived shortly after the  Flood. […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1434 Topics: Song of Solomon

Quality of Living Analysis for Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Greenpoint Greenpoint, Brooklyn is a culturally vibrant neighborhood full of a wide range of retail shops, restaurants, bars & venues, banks, and other services. It is largely occupied by people of Polish descent (43. 6% according to the 2000 Census) and of Hispanic descent (19. 2%. ) The median income is $33,578, significantly lower than […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1450 Topics: Affordable Housing, Analysis, Tax

Question of Homelessness in New York

There is said to have been many ways to describe and understand what exactly homelessness is. The basic understanding of homelessness is a state of being in which a person lacks the basic right of having housing. With this being said, there are several ways in which this definition can become something to branch off […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1556 Topics: Homelessness, Mental Disorder, Poverty, Social Inequality, Social Issues

Question of Nuclear Energy

 We live in an age in which information can be obtained in a matter of seconds. News outlets seem to get their story as it’s happening, and the world is a little smaller because of it. However, with the advantage of having information at our fingertips comes disadvantages. It appears anyone with access to the […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1416 Topics: Bias, Energy, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power
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