Wind Power Vs. Solar Energy

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The energy system is a combination of all interconnected energy resources, methods of producing electricity and thermal energy. Transforming, distributing and using it, is also providing consumers with energy. A certain amount of electricity is required, and it must be available at that moment, otherwise an overvoltage will occur, and the network will fail. 

The main problem of our century is that we produce more than we can consume. Each technology that is available for people to use has its advantages and disadvantages. This largely depends on the purpose of its application and the place in the home energy systems. 

The wind, as an inexhaustible source of clean energy, is becoming more widely used and is gaining more and more public support. Today, 314,000 wind turbines supply 3.7 percent of global electricity (Hawken 2). Each turbine generates 8 megawatts of electricity. A single rotation of the blades generates the electricity for one household’s daily use. Electricity production with the help of wind turbines is not accompanied by emissions of CO2 and any other gases. Also wind power stations take up little space and fit easily into any landscape, and combine perfectly with other types of economic use of territories. For example, turbines can harvest electricity while farmers harvest alfalfa and corn. Whats more, it takes one year or less to build a wind farm, quickly producing energy and a return on investment (Hawken 3). For remote locations, the installation of wind turbines can be the best and cheapest solution. Ongoing cost reduction will soon make wind energy the least expensive source of installed electricity. Wind energy has its challenges. Instability is not guaranteed to obtain the required amount of electricity. In some land areas, wind power may not be enough to generate the required amount of electricity, because the weather is not the same everywhere. The variable nature of wind means there are times when turbines are not turning. Also, rotating turbine blades pose a potential hazard to some species of living organisms. According to statistics, the blades of each installed turbine cause the death of at least 4 birds per year (Hawken 3). The noise made by windmills can be also be disturbing not only to wild animals but to people living nearby as well. 

Wind is not the only thing people took advantage of to produce energy, but also solar energy. Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis (Hawken 10). Speaking of solar energy, first of all, it is important to know that this is a renewable source of energy, unlike fossil fuels - coal, oil or gas. According to NASA, humans leaving on Earth have nothing to worry about for 6.5 billion years, that’s how much the sun will warm our planet with its rays until it explodes. The sun is everywhere, although some places are naturally affected more than others. So, geography can influence the conversion efficiency of a solar panel. The directions in which the panels are installed can also increase or decrease the efficiency. Cloud cover is the worst enemy of solar systems, so it is not widely used in some southeastern states. 

Both wind power and solar energy play a key role in our movement towards sustainable life on our planet. It often happens that the wind and the sun can interact well with each other, because it is often windy, when it is cloudy, and the wind can blow at night. Future networks will have wind and solar energy, but the role of the wind will be mainly on the utility scale, as this is not very good technology for people who do not have the skills to service them. Personally, I would prefer rooftop solar panels rather than wind turbines. The energy produced by wind turbines does not make it a clear winner. Turbines take up space, cannot be used in densely populated areas and can inflict terrible damage on birds. These systems require almost skyscraper positioning at a great distance from trees and higher buildings. Today it is difficult to imagine life without electricity. We need electricity just like water and air. 

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Wind Power Vs. Solar Energy. (2021, Apr 08). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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