Largest Wind Power Company ‘Siemens’

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I want a career with the best of the best. That is why I want to work for Siemens, one of the largest wind power and technology companies in the world. Originally founded in 1847 by German inventor Werner von Siemens, the company has over 170 years of history and vital experience developing the machinery and technology that is shaping our future. Siemens is headquartered in Munich, Germany and employs 385,000 employees in more than 200 countries/regions. The current CEO of Siemens is Joe Kaeser under his leadership since 2013.

The wind and renewable energy division of Siemens, Siemens-Gamesa, are headquartered in Zamudio, Vizcaya, in Spain. Siemens Gamesa is a leading producer of wind power solutions to customers all over the globe, the company has installed products and technology in more than 90 countries worldwide, with a total production base of over 99 GW. Siemens manufactures many models of turbines for the various conditions and demands across the globe. Siemens researches and develops cutting edge offshore turbines, onshore turbines, power storage, and all services necessary for developing wind farms. Siemens onshore turbine models range from the smallest medium to low wind site Siemens Gamesa 2.1-114, with geared technology, a rotor diameter of 114m, and nominal power output of 2.1 MW, all the way up to the awe inspiring new mega Siemens 5.8-170 with geared technology, 5.8 MW nominal power, and a whopping 170m rotor diameter! That’s 557ft! Offshore turbines tend to be much larger than their onshore counterparts with one of the largest that Siemens makes: the SG 11.0-200 DD slated for serial production in 2022. The SG 11.0 has a 200m rotor diameter and direct drive technology which uses fewer moving parts than previous gearbox technologies.

Siemens Gamesa is a company committed to innovation and sustainability. Siemens is developing a cutting-edge technology that they call DinoTails Next Generation which is an aerodynamic blade add on that reduces the sound levels by using a serrated trailing edge mounted at the blade with finer combs in between the teeth. DinoTails is a world leading noise reduction technology for environmentally protected sites with noise constraints. Siemens also employs engineers to develop a solution for the problem of rain erosion on the leading edge of turbine blades. This led their team of scientists to develop their proprietary technology for the protection of the leading edge of the blade called PowerEdge which completely revolutionized the wind industry creating stronger and longer lasting blades with a lower environmental impact.

Siemens is also highly invested in sustainability for the environment and its employees and customers. Siemens Gamesa is listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, the FTSE4Good Index (which is concerned with corporate social responsibility on the KLD Global Climate 100 Index), and on the Global 100 Index of the 100 most sustainable companies in the world, proving that the company is interested in supporting more than just its shareholders. Environmentally, Siemens is committed to powering all their operations by renewable energy and becoming carbon neutral by 2025. With their 99 GW of wind power installed worldwide, Siemens has been able to offset CO? emissions by more than 233 million tons a year. This greatly reduces the harmful effects of greenhouse gases and the effects of climate change.

I am deeply passionate about renewable energy technology’s positive effect on combating climate change and for these reasons I wish to partner with Siemens, the company on the leading forefront of this endeavor. Researching Siemens has shown me that they have the history and expertise to develop technologies that make a powerful difference in the world. A career with Siemens will allow me to combine my interests of technology and climate change into meaningful work and a job I am proud to do.

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Largest Wind Power Company 'Siemens'. (2021, Apr 08). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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