The primary audience in this context are the people surrounding the Mediterranean region and those working in the office of marine research in this region. Actually, for the workers, they help in measures that prevent tampering the marine life and performance of the study smoothly and ethically.

In the subsection below, the main idea is the different forms of ocean contamination such as pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, detergents, oil, sewage, plastics, and other solids. Also, in the discussion are how ocean thermal energy conservation cause contamination and how the contaminants limit the efficacy of ocean thermal energy conservation facilities. All of the contaminants are trash and have an effect that is large to oceans. Pesticides and herbicides sprayed on crops during planting seasons. After being sprayed, when rain falls, it washes away the pesticides which get into the water bodies as surface runoff. Through rivers, it is how the pesticides get into the oceans and instantly kill animal life. Chemical fertilizers used during planting put in soil and after being carried in surface too end up in oceans and are a great threat to ocean life too (Hofer, 2008).

After spillage of oil into oceans, it covers the water as it is lighter than water preventing percolation of air into the water hence causing the death of a lot of animals. Washing away of plastic from rivers head into the ocean, they might appear at offshore, but due to wind and storms, they are moved into the deep waters. Their breakdown is what leads to their consumption by animals. A big challenge on sewage is that if it significantly affects the life of human beings then why not the presence of animals that live on the ocean (Hofer, 2008).

One of the areas of technology to be dealt with is how the plastics reach to the point of decomposition and consumption by the animal life. Not only is the explanation of decomposition of plastics, but also other solids which people think do no decompose. The other technological factor is how the plastics release various toxins into the water and the artificial decomposition. The other factor is how the marine life gets trapped inside garbage and whether anything technological might help in the reduction of this (Roonwwal, 2017).

The ethical angle of the team relates to my topic in that mine is on the forms of pollution which include plastic bags and brief research on the certain contaminants of oceans. The team talks about ocean pollution and contamination and the technological factors in context to that help in the determination of how pollutants affect ocean environment. The team talks of use of the Mediterranean researchers while I talk of the Japanese researchers. It is still a nice way of research as the information is compared and the important points from the researchers noted down. There is a need for the spread of awareness to stop garbage deposition of the ocean. It is because the continuation of piling of garbage destroys animal life and even the beauty of the ocean in general. The social setting is the one to ask a question here as the way of living of human beings is what affects the ocean life. If people do not deposit the garbage in rivers, then there would be no garbage in oceans. If human beings improve on their dumping behaviours, then ocean pollution is not a discussion topic anymore. In the political terms, measures and huge fines for punishing those found depositing garbage in rivers undertaken by the government (An Overview of Ocean Pollution 2016). 

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Trash In The Ocean. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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