The History of an Established Company Business Essay

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The history of the company dates to 1871 when Dr. King of the Geological Survey of India discovered coal in the village of Yellandu in Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh. An England based company i.e. The Hyderabad (Deccan) Company Limited acquired rights exploit coal in this area in 1886. The present The Singareni collieries company limited (SCCL) was incorporated on 23rd December 1920 under the Hyderabad Companies Act as a public limited company. SCCL acquired all the assets and liabilities of the Hyderabad (Deccan) Co. Ltd. Best & Co., acted as Secretaries and Selling Agents. The State of Hyderabad purchased majority shares of the Company in 1945. From the year 1945 to 1949, the Hyderabad Construction Co., Ltd. acted as Managing Agent. In 1949 this function was given to Industrial Trust Fund by the then Government of Hyderabad. I 1956 after the reorganization of the state of Madras the control of the company was transferred to the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Thus, the SCCL became a Government Company under the Companies Act in 1956. 

During the first five year plan SCCL started massive expansion process and in 1960 the Government of India started extending loan assistance to SCCL and purchased major equity of the Company. Thus since March 1960 SCCL has been jointly owned by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the Government of India. In the year 1974 the Government of India transferred its share capital to the Coal Mines Authority Limited now known as Coal India Limited. Later, Government of India controlled its equity directly in SCCL from December 1977. The main activities of the company are to explore and exploit the coal deposits in the Godavari valley coalfield in Andhra Pradesh, the only repository of coal in South India. Mining activities of SCCL are currently spread over four districts in the state of Andhra Pradesh Viz. Adilabad, Karimnagar, Khammam and Warangal. About 929.12 million tonnes of coal has been extracted by SCCL in the Godavari valley coalfield till the year 2009-10.

Profile of the Products and services

Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) is the one of the leading coal mining company in the country. Its deals with different grades like of coal which are sold to most of the customers situated in Andhra Pradesh and to some extent in other parts of Southern India. The main industries to which SCCL sells coal are Captive Power, Ceramics and Refractories, Chemical industries, Electricals and electronic, major cement, Metal and alloy , mineral processing and pulverization ,oil and solvent extraction etc. The company has categorized the customers broadly as Core Sector (Linked Consumers), Non-core Sector (Unlinked Consumers).


Core Sector industries include Power Houses, Captive Power Plants, Major and Mini Cement Plants, Defence, Railways etc.,


This Sector includes industries like the Paper, Textiles, Ceramics, Refractories, Chemical, Bricks, Tobacco, Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, etc. There are about 3150 customers on its rolls. 80% of SCCL coal is being fed to Power Houses and about 12% goes to Cement Sector. SCCL had entered into Fuel Supply Agreements (FSAs) with some of the major companies like the National thermal power corporation (NTPC), Andhra Pradesh power generation corporation limited (A.P.Genco), Karnataka power corporation limited(KPCL) and Maharashtra state electric board(MSEB)

Singareni at a Glance

Mines Manpower (as on 31-03-2011) Targeted Production(2011-12) Targeted Production(2010-11) Actual Production(2010-11) Output per manshift (Mines+Depts)(2010-11) Major consumers

Mission and objectives

To retain our Strategic role of a premier Coal Producing Company in the country and excel in a competitive business Environment. To strive for Self-reliance by optimum utilization of existing resources and earn adequate returns on capital employed. To exploit the available mining blocks with maximum conservation and utmost safety by adopting suitable technologies and practices and constantly upgrading them against international benchmarks. To supply reliable and qualitative coal in adequate quantities and strive to satisfy customers' needs by constantly sharing their experience and customizing our product. To emerge as a model employer and maintain harmonious industrial relations within the legal and social framework of the State. To emerge as a responsible Company through good Corporate Governance, by laying emphasis on protection of environment & ecology and with due regard for corporate social obligations.

Functioning of various departments

The Singareni collieries company limited is organized into 15 departments. They are Personnel, Safety, HRD Marketing, Civil, Forestry, Industrial Engineering Department, Exploration, Information Technology, Vigilance Mines, Rescue Services, Environment, Education Society, E & M and Hospital. 

Personnel department

The Personnel Department functions under the control and guidance of Director (, A&W) with GM(Personnel) as Head of the Department. There are five wings in Corporate Personnel Department which are under the charge of a senior officer namely, Industrial Relations, Personnel Management, Recruitment, Welfare and Executive Establishment. The G.M (Personnel) oversees and coordinates the functioning in each wing. The Department plays a key role in streamlining industrial relations, personnel policies and implementing all the measures that are initiated by the Management for bringing about reforms in the Company. This process involves constant communication with workmen and with the worker unions to make them to agree the measures that are proposed by the management. All the policies relating to promotions/transfers, upgradations, punitive actions are looked after by this department. Functions also includes in making efforts to improve the existing systems by focusing on key result areas mainly improving discipline among workmen , trying to avoid flash strikes, taking action against chronic absentees who do not contributing to the growth of the Company, improving work culture and environment, etc.

Functions of different Wings in Personnel department

Recruitment Cell

  1. Filling up of regular and backlog vacancies in the executive and non-executive cadres. To conduct recruitment tests and select on the basis of merit.
  2. Analyze the matters to be put up to Andhra Pradesh Legislature Committees on Welfare of Scheduled Casts/Scheduled Tribes/BCs and also National Commission for SCs and STs.
  3. Conducting recruitment tests to fill up various vacancies in the company.

Industrial Relation Wing

  1. The main function of this wing is to plan and evolve strategies to meet the situations arising out of industrial unrest in the mines and departments severally and combined.
  2. This wing is under the overall guidance of Director (P,A&W)/GM(Personnel)is responsible for entering into joint discussions with unions, handling strike notices, industrial disputes, court cases, finalizing settlements with unions, wage revisions at JBCCI level, age disputes, disciplinary actions, elections to the Trade Unions, framing and implementation of Voluntary Retirement Schemes (Golden Handshake), etc.

Personnel Management wing

  1. This wing deals with the service matters of all NCWA employees. Apart from implementing various decisions taken by the Management this wing is also responsible for the redeployment of surplus workmen.
  2. It also takes care of the Placements, promotions and upgradations in respect of NCWA employees however they are mainly handled by Personnel Management wing based on the proposals submitted by Area authorities and other Heads of Departments in the company.
  3. Besides the above, processing of resignations of employees, rectification of pay anomalies, grant of study leave, extraordinary leave, processing of various representations forwarded by the Government authorities and Public representatives, sanction of approved allowances to the employees, conveyance reimbursement etc. are handled by this Wing.

Welfare wing

  1. The Welfare Wing is responsible for the implementing all the provisions relating to the welfare of employees.
  2. The major functions carried out by Welfare wing are processing the cases of dependants for employment and Monthly Monetary Compensation (MMC), chalking out program for conduct of Sports and Games, conducting programs like identification of Special Welfare Amenities Programs (SWAP) in the workmen colonies, following up with Insurance companies for settlement of claims, interviews with workmen and officers through Communication Cell for telecast in local media to bring about awareness about the activities of the Company.
  3. The Welfare Wing also organizes Scouts and Guides activities through by involving the children studying in Company schools and also in other schools in coalfield areas.
  4. The Welfare Wing also processes and awards merit scholarships to the children of the employees @ Rs.6,000/- per year for admission of their children in Medicine and Engineering.

Safety department

The safety department is responsible for the safety of the personnel in the mining area and for minimizing the accidents in the mines. This department constantly monitors and tries to improve the safety standards in the mines and evolve standard methods for safe mining. Apart from these other functions of the department are

  1. To develop practices and continuously review, improve and update safety measures.
  2. To ensure everyone in the organization is aware of the safe working methods (SWM) and follow them in day-to-day work.
  3. Evaluate the personnel protective equipment availability in the market and supply them to the employees and train them in its proper usage.
  4. Conduct safety audit of each mine to know the inherent dangers of the mines and to suggest remedial measures.
  5. Investigation of accidents, identification of the causes of accidents, suggestions on prevention of similar ones in future and follow up on the suggestions
  6. The department also looks after supply of fuel and pure drinking water to the mines, and conducts pre-entry and periodical medical checkups and trying to minimize air and water pollution in the environment.
  7. Inspecting the mines and apprising the General Managers and advice remedial measures to be taken up to the Manger.
  8. Making liaison between Colliery Safety Organization and ISO headquarters regarding Safety matters of the Mines in the Area.
  9. Conducting Safety Audit periodically for each mine and following up action for rectifying the deficiencies.
  10. Issuing Safety Clearance certificates after inspection of new districts, new machinery etc., at the mines. 11. Laying special emphasis on accident-prone mines and improve the safety measures.

H.R.D department:

The H.R.D department of SCCL is mainly responsible for the training of the personnel both technical and non-technical by imparting adequate technical and non-technical skills and to improve the quality of the personnel in the organization. The main training activities taken up by the organization include. Training the office staff in IT related software like MS office and VB(Visual basic), Auto CAD(Computer Aided Drafting) To make all office staff and executives computer literate. Training staff in stress management and interpersonal skills. Developing office and safety manuals. To improve work atmosphere and there by improve the quality and efficiency of the staff.

Marketing department

The main functions of this department are Marketing and Sale of coal produced by the Company. Deliberations with consumers for finalization of Fuel Supply Agreements and monitoring with areas customers for implementation. Liaison with Railways for movement of coal to consumers. Preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly, yearly reports to the management and government of AP and government of INDIA. Forestry department: In the year 2002 the department of plantation and timber management was renamed as the department of the Forestry. The aim of this department is to maintain ecological balance through afforestation. This department is mainly constituted to reduce the adverse effect of mining on the environment and to maintain the area under forest cover. That key activities are Afforestation on OB (Overburden) dumps, Company vacant lands and Habitation areas. Rising of mandatory and non-mandatory plantations Development and maintenance of parks and gardens in and around the areas of mining and lands owned by the organization. Conducting Environment awareness program to increase the participation or workmen. Coordination with Andhra Pradesh forest department (APFD) and Ministry of environment and forest (MoEF). Protection and extraction of old plantations.

Industrial Engineering Department

Vigilance Department

This department has been incepted in 1987 and is headed by Chief GM (Vigilance) in discharge of duties etc. and there by improve system procedures. In order to achieve the objectives this department takes the following measures Conducts surprise checks and inspections in all the departments. To verify records, documents, files, systems belonging to purchase, finance, marketing, forestry and all other departments. To respond to various complaints received by it and submit report to the disciplinary authority. To serve notices to the respective departments upon receiving a complaint.

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The History Of An Established Company Business Essay. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved March 14, 2025 , from

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