TELECONZ Marketing Strategy – Implementation and Planning

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TELECONZ Marketing Strategy (implementation and planning)   Introduction Telecommunication industry in New Zealand covers almost 97% of the population with 4.7 million (2010) mobile connections and 1.92 million (2000) fixed line connections with 2.11 million (2002) population of New Zealand have access to the Internet.(Wikipedia) Three major companies are operating in this field with strong foothold and good service. Although this business is scattered in the hands of all the companies with one is strong in providing internet service and other is best in calling services. These numbers are important in implementing the marketing strategies. TELECONZ is a medium sized telecommunication firm primarily operating in New Zealand with a moderate consumer base right now. Initially it was aimed to provide a high quality service in mobile to mobile calling but now this company is providing internet services and also selling phones to its customers. First started its operations in Auckland, now this company runs all over New Zealand and growing rapidly. The services of TELECONZ ranges from providing mobile to mobile calling, fixed line connections, providing internet services via wired and wireless networks and also selling mobile phones through its retail outlets throughout the country. TELECONZ is a company that is trying to find more space in telecom industry by providing cost effective products with great service and this company operates in both consumer buying and business buying. TELECONZ, a small to medium sized telecommunication organization will be used in this report to understand the role of strategic marketing in an organization and how the implementation of a good strategic marketing planning can be used to increase the consumer base of this organization and how it will be useful in achieving its marketing objectives. Finally, recommendations will be made about how the executives of the company will make effective planning and implementation of marketing and corporate strategy and how the implementation of future marketing strategies will help in increasing consumer base. Executive Summary This report provides an analysis on how TELECONZ, a small medium size telecommunication firm can make the space in telecommunication industry by providing better products and services customized according to the needs of all groups of customers. The research draws attention to the fact that irrespective of all the big players (SPARK, VODAFONE, and 2DEGREE) in the telecom industry, there is still a chance to cover the 97% population connected to telecom in New Zealand. The increasing demand for more services related to DATA pack can be profitable if TELECONZ will use youth to make profit because they are the one who are connected with the whole world through internet and even makes calls through the apps like VIBER, SKYPE and many more. Further investigation revealed that there are no company which is providing a decent pack with unlimited data and fewer minutes without getting a contract, so this is a void space which can be used to make profit and to attract customers. The research draws attention to the fact that after acquisition of TelstraClear, Vodafone grabbed the youth market share and makes the space for them irrespective of increasing number of rivals. And when other companies changed their market strategies and tried to grab the youth oriented market then they lost the mature market and Vodafone as a major operator globally with a good brand name captured this opportunity with both hands. Market is changing as the mobile is a device that is not a mere thing to makes call and texts but a mini computer in hand that can be used for VOIP calling and can do things over the internet that can be done with a PC. It is recommended:

  • That TELECONZ should focus on youth oriented market share with DATA as a priority but not calls.
  • That TELECONZ should partner with other small companies to expand their network and should do savings on the infrastructure.
  • That TELECONZ should use social networking websites as main marketing tool to save on the marketing expenses.

Role of strategic marketing – planning, decision making, selecting and pursuing marketing opportunities TELECONZ needs to implement all the parts of strategic marketing process that will help in achieving competitive advantages in the market. Because each and every aspect of marketing process is synonyms to other so coordinating your activities is critical in eliminating interference and maximizing profits. A good marketing strategy looks at all the areas of selling and each one supports the other, making sure what every department are doing is of utmost importance. A better understanding of making an effective integrated marketing strategy will help you make better individual decisions regarding specific marketing tactics. An advertising technique helps you make things and organizations with the best dangers for making an advantage. This is because of publicizing framework starts with business focus examination, thinking genuinely about your optimal target customer, what your opponent is doing and what examples may be forthcoming. Using this information, you center the benefit customers and clients need what they're prepared to pay and how you can separate your thing or organization from the restriction. When you acknowledge what thing offers you'll offer, who your target customer is and what your quality centers will be, you can pick where you have to offer to support your publicizing feasibility. More energetic customers will be more slanted to shop using a propelled cellular telephone or on a site, paying with Paypal or a Visa. More settled customers may need to shop at retail outlets. In case your factual looking over uncovers to you must be in retail stores anyway you don't have business vitality, you can use a wholesaler or dealer. When you have a showcasing strategy, your specializations can better work with each other, because they are all gathering desires from the same game plan. Case in point, your advancing people will visit with your thing change people to make sense of what message you should send about your benefit. Your specialists will speak with the people accountable for managing your portrait to make sense of whether they can offer refunds, coupons or rebates without hurting your picture. Marketing Strategy and Marketing Objective A marketing strategy takes care of all the aspects of selling and also prevents mismanagement of your brand. Because one aspect of a marketing plan links to other so it is very critical to coordinate the activities to maximize the profits. A marketing strategy takes care of all the areas of selling and promotion and one step supports the next. The key to success is to understand how to create an integrated marketing strategy that can help TELECONZ to make better decisions regarding specific marketing tactics. A well prepared marketing strategy can help TELECONZ to easily achieve its marketing objectives, few points are there:-

  • Product Development – A marketing strategy helps in creating products and services according to the needs of customer, because marketing strategy starts with marketplace research, behavior and upcoming possible plans of your competitor. Using this vital information it can be decided that what the needs of customers and what they are willing to pay for a specific service and product and this information will be helpful to stand out from competition.
  • Pricing of a product/service- After the marketplace research, it is obvious to understand the pricing or setting the right price for any product or service and it is critical to provide the best to customers, for example- if SPARK, VODAFONE, 2DEGREE or any other company is offering 100 minutes of talk time for $19/month then TELECONZ needs to provide more minutes or some offers with the same package to attract customers and to differentiate product or service from the competition.
  • Brand building and brand consciousness- Proper marketing strategy will help TELECONZ in understanding the taste of customers and it will help in deciding the company that what way it want to go in targeting customer. If TELECONZ will be looking to grab the youth oriented market then TELECONZ needs to think a lot towards providing the products or services related to DATA irrespective of talk time because youth nowadays using various VOIP based calling apps to make calls like SKYPE, VIBER, KEEP CALLING, DINGALING etc and these apps consume only data but not talk time, so by providing products related to DATA TELECONZ can grab the market of youth and it can project itself as a youth oriented organization.
  • Impact on organization- After having a strategy in marketing, all departments can work better with each other because they all know their objectives and plan. Their integration with each other about their duties will be more effective and transparent.

The six important stages of strategic marketing planning process are crucial for TELECONZ to achieve competitive advantage and marketing objective, these stages are as follows:-

  • Setting organization objectives: A company’s objective reflects the framework within which the firm will operate in future. As TELECONZ will target the young ones in starting as potential customers so the objective of TELECONZ will reflect the basic products or services according to the planning. A well planned business objective should provide an overview of what an organisation seeks to accomplish in a given period of time. TELECONZ should look upon the taste of its customers to set the objectives for the future business.
  • Evaluating the organizational environment: Association's surroundings ought to be smooth, co-agent and agreeable. The association enlist the talented persons for better generation development and which are stay away from the inconsistency. Human asset administration likewise assumes better part for keeping great climate on living up to expectations time.
  • Setting quantitative targets: The association ought not hypothetical targets and afterward they ought to arrange appropriately to attain to targets. The organization ought to setting the targets focused around age group, particular time, education, economical state of the client. Case in point ‘Apple' is well known and extravagant brand however the adolescent era is more alluring to purchase this on any cost. Moreover this brand made fascination among the youthful generation, business individuals and urban time on the grounds that it has more qualities which draw in the clients.
  • Aiming in context to meet the organizations business plan: The organization's business plan should be clear and make the proper outlining booklet which relates company's plans, goals, pricing, producing growth etc.
  • Performance analysis: For the business growth the company makes the project planning by time to time and gives these projects to their senior employees. If these projects complete within time and have vital results that is beneficial for company's better growth. If the project holder completes his project within time then company provide him or his team members per motion and increment these members fail to finish their task within time that is not satisfied performance towards organization that makes critical condition for it.
  • Choice of Strategy: The strategy is always changing with changing times. For example now we wants to increase middle class customer and sometimes wants to be increase high class customer category then the company makes new strategy for this. Mostly every organization wants to improve their each category likewise low, middle and high c and also give attention on these classes that is better way for product demand, product consuming and marketing.

Strategic Marketing and Corporate Strategy Mission statement- A mission statement of a company is the opportunity to project the goals, ethics, culture in front of all the customers and employees within the organization. A mission statement defines a company’s goals so well that it looks like a strategy. A well formed mission statement should cover three topics that what it covers for employees, customers and for the company itself (owners). Organisational structure- An organisational structure defines how an organisation is going to achieve its objectives with the help of its resources. A clearly established structure helps in removing disagreements. Corporate responsibility and ethics- There is great consent that good ethics can have a positive impact on the economic performance of a firm. Good ethics can be beneficial in building the positive reputation of a brand. Many statistics support the fact that responsibility, integrity and good ethics are must in modern workplace. Dynamic strategy (carpenter and sanders)- Key administration methods can be seen as base up, top-down, or communitarian forms. In the base up methodology, workers submit recommendations to their administrators who, thusly, pipe the best thoughts further up the association. This is frequently fulfilled by a capital planning procedure. Recommendations are surveyed utilizing monetary criteria, for example, return on venture or expense advantage examination. Taken a toll underestimation and profit overestimation are significant wellsprings of blunder. The suggestions that are endorsed structure the substance of another technique, all of which is carried out without an excellent key outline or a key draftsman. The top-down methodology is the most well-known by a long shot. Knowledge management systems – “Knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge.” ( The main reasons why managed knowledge can be important to the success of a company are:

  • Decision-making capabilities
  • Builds an atmosphere of learning
  • Stimulates innovation

Conclusion TELECONZ is a small medium size telecommunication company and needs to work on some long term goals to achieve its objectives and to continue to grow in the competitive market. The key areas to look after is the youth oriented market and cutting expenses on extensive marketing. Keeping these things in mind can help TELECONZ to take the edge in expanding and growing in the market. Management must address these areas for profitability and expansion. At this point of time company doesn’t have much funding and brand name to enter the market with all the stuff that big brands can afford but TELECONZ can look at its long term plans and can move further. A proper implementation of all the plans should be done and management should take care that the whole organizational structure is working to fulfill the objectives of the organization. It must be remembered that TELECONZ needs to analyze the weaknesses and strengths of industry.

  • Competition in the Telecom industry
  • Potential of alternate calling services
  • Power of customers

TELECONZ needs to look forward to provide customers a best experience by spending less and this can be done with the help of few strategies like acquisition or partnering with small companies operating in the same market with more experience, this strategy can be helpful in savings wages for more employees and will prove helpful in eliminating cost on infrastructure. Online marketing and extensive mouth to mouth publicity can also be beneficial in cutting cost. References

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TELECONZ Marketing Strategy - Implementation and Planning. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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