Teleconz Marketing Strategy – Planning and Implementation

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TELECONZ MARKETING STRATEGY (PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION) Introduction The Teleconz is a company which always looks forward to satisfy its customers. It also helps to build the potential in the customers. The customers are also benefitted in many ways they are encouraged to learn create, share an unite through the Teleconz. The company always thinks about its customers. It also adapts the changes that come in the society and in the technology and the whole world around us. The identities of the company depend upon its logos, and how it represents itself.

The company also targets the customers as it takes into consideration that what kind of customers that is segmenting the population. Whether to target the young generation or the older generation. The customers have different choices. It also sees that what the purchasing power of the customer is. It also depends on that to which class the customer belongs that is to the higher, lower or middle class. The main factors that are taken into consideration is income of the consumer, the taste, the preferences, the education, the occupation, the wealth etc. The company also looks forward that to what kind of marketing strategy to be used so that the company gains more profit and also covers the customers.

The company works on the day to day activities. The company should also take into consideration its strength and resources to discover itself in the market.

The next step the company takes is to build a marketing plan so that the changes in the technology, the change in the customers taste and preferences can be easily determined. Some plans are such that the company needs to redesign their products. The company should also take into consideration about the consumer expectations. The Teleconz also examines all the negative and positive aspects of the market.

The Teleconz company should set the organisation objectives, to evaluate the organisational environment what kind of business plan to be done, the choice of strategy. The market strategy should depend on the hierarchy of needs. They are planned as multi year plans. The company also takes into account the internal and external environment. The company is to create a plan and to monitor progress and see the contingencies if any problems are arising.

Marketing mix management involves the optimal budgeting.The company also takes it organisational responsibility and ethics so that no customers are left. The company changes its strategies as the external environment changes. The company after adapting all achieves the target or goal that it has set. Executive Summary The Teleconz sets the marketing strategy in such a way that it hits the up growing targeted customers. The customer’s income, education, and occupation all the aspects are taken into consideration.

The income of the consumer is also important as it refers to the salaries, profits, rents that is the expenses done by the consumer. Income inequality is the main factor where the company may lose its customers. The company identifying the targeted customers will generate more profit and establish a loyal customer following. The company planning should be such it hits the targeted customers. The decision making is the most important aspect.

The company also sees to it that what kind of resources are needed such as financial, physical, human resources, technology the main needed as ours is a technology service provider and should always be upgraded. The reputation is also taken into consideration.

The company also does the SWOT analysis. The mission of the company is that why the company exists and in what way it can profit the customers. The organisational structure includes joining the decision making and impacting the plans. It also has the responsibility to procure its stock holders. The technological knowledge should be graded as the external environment changes.

The targeted consumer must be satisfied. It is also recommended that Teleconz should focus on youth generation. That the Teleconz should do partnership with some small companies so that the data that is is to be provided should be of low cost and also all the customers can afford. The Teleconz should also use advertising so that the sales can increased. A productive showcasing arrangement relies on upon setting clear and material targets. These must relate direct to the business’ general focuses and objectives. We can say that the promoting game plan must fit with the general association strategy that is arranged out in the attractive technique. Body of the Assignment A well planned Marketing strategy can help the Teleconz in achieving its target. It is a continuous process. It is a planned approach to plan and to achieve its desired results. It can be formulated by individuals, groups and organisations. The marketing strategy sets the marketing goals.

The social factors include demographics, lifestyle, and education levels. It also includes the political that is the external environment. It is a cycle which starts and closes with a target achieved. It’s a continuous process through which the company achieves its targets and objectives the company also moving forward changes according to the external environment and as the technology changes. When the marketing strategy is developed the company should take into consideration the operations, finance, quality, and the targeted customers. Marketing in factor analysis requires an assessment of how the marketing point changing, for example, value, changes the sales of the item. With a specific end goal to measure how the component changes the sales, it obliges that stand out marketing variable is changed at once so as to measure the relationship between the variables and the conclusion. It should also see to it that as the targeted consumers are achieved then new customers should be targeted and should be able to reach the new customers.

Teleconz should introduce new schemes to attract new customers and also to give something new to the existing customers. It should also launch new products. The data of the competitors should also be taken into consideration as we can know what they are charging to the customers and we can give the customers the needed and at better price and better quality. It also sets the objectives . The nature of marketing strategy depends on factors as follows: Decision making The marketing strategy is the result of planning and taking decisions among the corporate executives, the managers etc. The decision also concern the nature and purpose of the organisation. Organisational structures need to be intended to meet points. There is a need of some camaraderie between the top management and the middle level management and all the decisions taken by top management should be conveyed to the lower and middle level management.

The whole organisational structure needs to have an effective mechanism to work on that. This can improve the effective implementation of each and every decision of managerial level to the bottom part of an organisational structure.

They include joining together adaptability of decision making, and the imparting of best plans over an organisation with fitting levels of administration and control from the core centre. Narrow Perspective The marketing strategy is a set of developed ways which can achieve the market ends. It also includes to find the opportunities where the targeted market goals can be achieved. The goals should be targeted to a particular class of customer, For an example , if an airline wants to provide cheap flights then they can look for the people from the middle level income as higher earning people don’t bother much to cheaper tickets. Same is the case for Spark as they are targeting the young people so they are providing them the plans they think that young people will use . Product development A marketing strategy helps to create the products according to the need of the customer. Because the marketing strategy analysis the behaviour and marketplace research.

Using the important information it can be decided that what are the customers needs. New products can’t be launched without proper research for consumer needs and behaviour. It will help the company to be in the market competition. Helps to determine the optimal prices The main objective is to is to set the right cost for the service we provide in the market. The company should also take into consideration the the competitors. The price of the competitors should be not be high and also the quality should be taken into consideration. For example the Vodafone, Spark, 2degrees etc.if they are providing schemes, then Teleconz should also provide such schemes that can encourage the targeted customers to buy our products. Organisational Impact When the Teleconz has its own marketing methods then merging in the market with the competitors becomes easy. As we can meet the expectations of the consumers.

Example the company can provide free internet on the bus stands, railway stations etc. As the customers can be attracted. It can also provide many schemes for data packs, night calling, weekly calling etc. Brand building and brand consciousness The best marketing strategy will help Teleconz to stay in the market for a long time by upgrading its system and by understanding its customers’ needs and which customers are to be targeted. As the customers are young and are mostly using apps like Wats App, Viber, Facebook, etc… the main thing needed by them is internet. So the company should provide such services like data packs should be made cheaper so that the consumers are attracted. Resource requirements The human resource requirements factors helps in making the strategy happen. The management thinks about the communication needs of the organisation. The technology is the input in a system, structure or physical change. Social Networking It represents to importantly more chances of opportunities for securing integrated marketing methodology to build awareness and inclination for items and services. The utilization of devices such as Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, to unite with different groups of audiences, joined together with websites, blogs and other online strategies have exponentially widened the reach and diminished the expense of communicating with masses. Sequencing & scheduling of activities Sequencing and scheduling by and large gives a thought to know when things ought to happen, it shows us a game plan for the timing of particular exercises and answers the request and if everything goes well, when will a particular event happen? In booking technique we need to know the sum and the sort of each one benefit with the goal that we can center when specific assignments can feasibly be satisfied.

When we bring up the advantages, we effectively describe the farthest point of the booking issue. Moreover, we delineate each one assignment seeing such information as its advantage need, its term, the soonest time at which it may start, and its expected time of culmination. The advertising group ought to likewise see that when ad is required. Also what sort of ad. Social networking It speaks to essentially more risks of chances for securing incorporated advertising strategy to manufacture mindfulness and slant for things and administrations. The usage of gadgets, for example, Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, to unite with distinctive gatherings of groups of onlookers, joined together with sites, websites and other online systems have exponentially extended the achieve and lessened the cost of corresponding with masses. Time scaling At arranging of showcasing method it is to a great degree vital to do watchful and sensible gages the extent that time and its assignment.

This segment is particularly basic in light of the fact that the completion of the whole extend depends on upon the time estimations. In case the task is not completed at the exact time, the association may separate liberal advantages. While assessing the timescale for the venture, its vital to do the circulation in a way that some edge exists to cover emergencies or unavoidable circumstances and impedances.

The individual in charge of time scaling ought to have experience and ability to handle unforeseen circumstances.The marketing mix is an important part of the marketing strategy. The marketing strategy also sets the marketing goals. The marketing mix follows the marketing strategy. Teleconz should also focus on what data should be taken and from where. So that the company knows where , when and how to hit the targeted customers.

For example. On the Christmas eve all people greet each other or go on vacation out of the country so many new plans can be implemented which can attract new customers. For instance… the company can provide low calling cost on the peak days and also can provide schemes for that. Monitoring & control elements The reason of undertaking supervision and controlling is for the inspiration to comprehend and pass on the wander’s movement. Hence to perceiving if wander’s execution genuinely veers off from the proposed blueprint, suitable helpful and preventive moves are made. Seeing of activities is the bit of errand association which is performed at the time of the entire stretch out until finished. Controlling is the perspective wherein medicinal and shield activities are happened. It is the dedication of Project Manager to affirm that the watching & control procedure is effectively performed.

For the productive of checking & controlling arrangement of the wander is the key motivation to effective develop development. Marketing strategy helps the growth of the business and also get into competition. Conclusion TELECONZ is not a very big player in the telecommunication industry right now. Improvements in every area of the organization are needed if the company wants to survive and compete in the market. The key areas of improvements are the organizational structure and implementation of strategies, working quality and financial stability. It must be remembered that this analysis is limited; a greater depth of understanding and evaluation will reveal more things. TELECONZ needs to anticipate give clients a best experience by spending less and this could be possible with the assistance of few systems like obtaining or collaborating with little organizations working in the same business with more experience, this methodology can be useful in funds wages of more representatives and will demonstrate supportive in wiping out expense on framework.

Web advertising and far reaching mouth to mouth attention can likewise be gainful in cutting expense. Financial specialists of TELECONZ ought to be more worried about the feasible game changer as opposed to benefit making on the grounds that they have to search for the long haul arranging as telecom business needs tolerance and as a little organization with constrained speculation cash is truly hard to profit from the first day yet its more critical to make brand name and estimation of that brand and afterward client will be dependable to the brand name TELECONZ. An advertising method is something that dependably advances, acclimating to changing financial circumstances. Inside Enterprise, the conclusions from its different unique sorts of business are constantly explored and surveyed. Judgements are then energized into the decision making technique. This engaged new strategies to be created to improve operations. In any case, while strategies change, one piece of the business has stayed set up. This is a persistent focus on a lot of client organization and delegate relations.the advertising course of action is a cycle that begins and terminations with appraisal.

The last stage in the showcasing course of action is to quantify the aftereffects of the promoting activities against the first targets and destinations. Nonstop appraisal helps the promoting gathering to focus on changing or acquainting new activities with achieve goals.

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Teleconz Marketing Strategy - Planning and Implementation. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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