Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy 

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We will design an integrated marketing communication strategy and for them we will choose the marketing communication to sell our new hamburger. We want our target audience to know that our products are organic and our new hamburger is made with fresh products. We will make a promotion to market our product.

We will make an impact advertising campaign, we will place our advertising in all bus stops, in the subway, on the road fences, we will promote it on radios, smart networks, on our website.

We will train our customer service to be ready for our campaign. We will make an event in stores to promote our product and we will sponsor a TV presenter who is the leader in audience. We will design targeted packaging for people between 14 and 27 years of age and promote sales at all McDonalds stores.

We opted to invest in Faceebok and Instagram as it is an ideal market for our target audience. In this way our message will reach the maximum number of people possible between 14 and 27 years. We also think that this means of communication fits perfectly with our brand.

In our strategy we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of our product. What is the cost of our launch. How many people we can reach within our target audience. What our client wants ....

We will decide the vehicles that we are going to use to sell our hamburger. One of our communication options is to make pamphlets and distribute them on the street and another could be an email. Marketing communication options can direct the choice of media.

  • We will place aerial air advertising in stores.
  • Billboards and posters at points of sale
  • Internet, social networks and web
  • Email marketing
  • SMS
  • Journals
  • Radio
  • Sales promotion, training to our staff
  • TV
  • Sponsorship

We will design a marketing communication strategy and determine the characteristics of the media. We will choose the media based on their characteristics and choose the one that best identifies our objective.

In order to choose the right medium, we will study the level of audience participation, the level of audience receptivity, movement effects, proximity to purchase, sound effects, visual effects. We have to see if the target audience responds actively or if the target audience responds passively and in that case we are not interested.

For example, we will choose the medium of television because our intention is to massively reach our target audience. We will announce our new hamburger on the television shows that our target audience sees. The announcement will include a presenter who is an audience leader challenging the audience to participate by commenting on social networks to gain more impact on other media.

We will hold a meeting to analyze media consumption habits for the primary and complementary marketing media of our target audience, people between 14 and 27 years of age. We will make sure that television channels, magazines, online channels regularly watch our target audience and we will focus our campaigns on them. They can also be influenced by the person's capacity, technological developments, cultural influences, social status, we will adapt to them as much as possible.

The primary means are very important. As in our case Facebook and Instagram. Our objective profile is there. Complementary marketing media suggest media that are additional and improve primary media. We will hold a meeting to analyze media consumption habits for the primary and complementary marketing media of our target audience, people between 14 and 27 years of age. We will make sure that television channels, magazines, online channels regularly watch our target audience and we will focus our campaigns on them. They can also be influenced by the person's capacity, technological developments, cultural influences, social status, we will adapt to them as much as possible.

The primary means are very important. As in our case Facebook and Instagram. Our objective profile is there. Complementary marketing media suggest media that are additional and improve primary media.

In our analysis we are already clear who the objective will be, people between 14 and 27 years of age. They consume marketing media such as Facebook and Instagram. We will also publish our new release with a campagne super attractive to them and designed for them in stores. We will complement with a radio campagne that consume people between 14 and 27 years. Not forgetting our online store with discounts and promotions. We will also take advantage of the current market trend regarding the purchase of organic products and ensure that our target audience knows our organic ingredients in our new hamburger.

We will choose the media that are related to the caracater our McDonalds brand. McDonalds will have its own medium style and will be particular to its brand. A different and unique style for its launch of the new hamburger. We will execute the media shockingly so we see it.

Our new hamburger comes with an added character that the rest of the competition's hamburgers do not have. All ingredients are organic and brings a lot of quality to the product. You direct our product to fresh people. Media styles will help us inform our target audience.

I relate the style of our McDonalds Brand to the style of Facebook and Instagram because they are two profiles that are consistent with our brand and therefore also to our target audience.

We will plan very well how we want to show our hamburger to our public and the way we offer it will be important. We will use a differentiating style compared to other brands, a style focused on the ages between 14 and 27 years of age. For example on Facebook we will launch the bell of our new hamburger informing them that they will have a hamburger the first 10 customers that arrive at the store the same day of the launch of our new hamburger, our bell will be instantaneous just like Facebook. Let's be prepared for the crowds that can come to the stores.

  • We will observe the means used by Burger King and how it works for them.
  • Our target audience usually uses Facebook so we are sure it will work.
  • We will record a very visual video that attracts the attention of our target audience.
  • We will compare the advantages and disadvantages of selecting multiple media in a media plan.
  • We will use various types of media to market our product. television, radio, social networks, posters in stores, fences on the roads, bus advertising and email marketing.

An advantage of using several media is because we will have more possibilities to reach our target audience. A disadvantage of using several means could be a higher cost. We have decided to face the disadvantage that we could have when using various means in our plan because we have benefits from the previous campaign, therefore we are going to invest this money. We have investigations of previous campaigns that encourage us to make this decision.

We will develop and apply criteria to select multiple combinations of media. We will design a marketing communication strategy. We will select several media combinations and then decide which is our best option. We believe that using various means will fulfill the purpose of the marketing communication plan and we will sell all the burgers we have planned based on past marketing communications. We will monitor all the information for future actions, how much scope we have obtained, how many sales, how much cost.

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Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy . (2021, Dec 30). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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