Sustainable Healthcare System in Poor Countries

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Roll Back Malaria was another social movement being set up in 1998. Through the expansion of anti-malaria efforts, over 6 million deaths were averted, primarily among children under five in sub-Saharan Africa. As for sanitation issues, through the network of 38,000 Health Extension Workers, UNICEF promotes hygiene and sanitation. WHO can call upon NGOs like the Gates Foundation, and while some of the financially capable organisations can provide monetary support to fund these programmes and initiatives, WHO can provide the expertise and human resources so that the programme can be effectively implemented. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are very active in Africa when it comes to improving sanitation and water sources. The foundation currently provides more than USD $265 million in funding to partner organizations that are operating health and development programs across Africa[8].

WHO and the African government can also choose to adopt the Warangal City Sanitation Model, based in India to be implemented. The model runs on public-private-partnership. Private sector was incentivised by giving land by the government and built the systems and generated revenue. The team started with public toilets where people would pay as they use the systems. Soap, hand wash, and dustbins were provided. Soon after the project was a huge success, private toilets were also built under the project. Toilet applications could be made through a helpline and the applicant would get a toilet built within 10 days. People could also request for subsidies and all this could be done over the helpline. Special ‘She-Toilets’ had also been constructed separately for women with complete menstrual hygiene facilities provided. As of 2010, according to the survey done by ASCI, only 25 % people had toilets. After the implementation of the project, the same figure increased to 50 %. Feedback systems were provided to understand the usefulness and necessities of the users. FSM trackers and GPS systems were used to monitor the sludge collected and the sludge treatment plant was used for bio methanation[12]. Cleanliness of water channels and sewage systems are constantly being checked by municipality officials (once a week) to ensure there are no leaks into the main water systems. WHO can call upon organisations to fund such projects in Africa so that the entire nation can practice sanitary methods to keep safe.

As for the most recent Covid-19 pandemic, Ethiopia has handled it well so far despite the fact that there are some major challenges. One of the major challenges is handling the 900,000 people who are in the refugee camps. Those camps are a vulnerable hotspot as there is minimal social distancing, poor sanitation and a lack of safe water to wash hands. One of the steps in this regard is for WHO to support the Ministry of Health capacity to make nutritional and health needs assessments among vulnerable groups. By providing testing kits, masks and sanitisation packages and isolation centres, the spread of the coronavirus can be reduced, which will also ensure that there is not a sudden spike in the case numbers overwhelming the healthcare system. The young minds of Ethiopia have also come together to innovate low cost ventilators, using 3D printed parts.. Alcohol-based sanitisers are being produced in University and Technology College Campuses in Zimbabwe and being sent over[10]. WHO can call upon NGOs to find these projects so that mass production of these products can be done. African Government can also adopt a policy like the ASEAN Emergency Rice Reserve to ensure food stability levels during crisis periods to reduce malnutrition rates across the continent.

In conclusion there are the major problems faced by Ethiopia namely: lack of public education and awareness, poor sewage, sanitation and water system and weak healthcare facilities. For the period of Ethiopia's current five-year health sector plan (2016–2020), the projection model indicates that if real external resources remain at the levels of 2011, domestic resource mobilization may only provide half of the estimated funds needed[13]. Hence WHO and UN can tap upon international funding to maintain a financially sustainable healthcare system. By enhancing the current programmes and adopting a few international ones, African states can improve their sanitation and water systems leading to a better standard and quality of life. The council must work towards coming up with resolutions to ensure all Ethiopian can enjoy quality life that they deserve.

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Sustainable Healthcare System In Poor Countries. (2022, Apr 12). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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