Qs Registration

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Question 1 The Construction Industry is a complex and unique compared to other due to its characteristic. Some of the characteristic of this industry is it involve many key players from either from inside or outside of this industry i. e. normally when someone said construction, the image of building, contractor, architect will cross into mind however, that only a basic key player; there are lots of them outside like arbitrator, local authorities, bankers and etc. to narrow down this issue, the profession normally involve are like architect, engineer, contractor and quantity surveyor. All these types of profession have their own responsibility and works towards the construction. However, each of them must be registered profession before start the works in order to have an authority in each profession later on. For example, for the quantity surveyor, they have two governing body that must be known and registered i. e. Board of Quantity Surveyor Malaysia (BQSM) and Institution of Surveyor Malaysia (ISM). First of all the governing body that a quantity surveyor must be involves with is BQSM. BQSM was made by an Act of Parliament which is the Registration of Quantity Surveyor s Act 1967, Act 1967, Act 487 (revised 1992). The board comprised of a president, who is a register members of quantity surveyor, and sixteen (16) of members which are appointed by the Minister of Works Malaysia i. e. five members holding the office in Public Service of Malaysia, five registered quantity surveyor that have at least six years working; involve with Malaysian construction industry and this five consist of four from consulting practice and one from private sector. One from any institution of higher learning, one from nomination of Board of Architect, and one from Board of Engineers and two ore are nomination from the president.

Furthermore, each of the members in the BQSM is appointed in term according to the QS Act 1967 (Revised 2002) normally in 3 year’s stages. In addition, this board also will act as a body for registration of quantity surveyor and practice firms consulting of quantity surveyor. This board is a body corporate body with unending chain and common seal and which may sue and be sued. According to Section 4 under QS Act 1967 (Revised 2002), there are several function of the BQSM stated like the quantity surveyor must be a registered with the board first before working and apply all the quantity practice to the community. The board has the authority either to approve or disapproved the registration of a quantity surveyor and/or the practice i. e. the firm itself. BQSM also will act like an advisor to the quantity surveying firm practice such as in case related to the issue of registration of the quantity surveyor. For example, the written notice will be send from BQSM to the misconduct quantity surveyor regarding either warning, summon or other actions that can be taken. The rate for professional charge each quantity surveying practice will be revised time to time, with the approval of the Minister of Public Works. The scales of fees and charge for the provision of consulting quantity surveying services will be in board control.

Next is to settle the disputes that arise in the quantity surveying profession. Moreover, the board also has the power to appoint the committee or arbitrator in order to settle that dispute. The disputes here mean only relating to professional conduct or ethics of registered, registered graduate or temporary registered quantity surveyors.

Another function of BQSM is to act as a stakeholder in a contract for consulting quantity surveying practice in Malaysia. After that, the board is the one who will decide and determine what the codes are and conduct for the quantity surveyor. Therefore these codes will be the rules and the guide for each registered members. The BQSM also functioned in giving the quantity surveyor any information regarding the industry by held the various programs i. . developments programs in order to make sure the practice by the members are archive the standard require as a quantity surveyor.

For example, the BQSM sometime conduct a seminar on the cost control and QS profession at the universities to give students clear and details information regarding the QS world. Before someone qualified to be a fully register quantity surveyor. He or she must enter and pass all the tests and exams that be conducted by the BQSM. The exam will be held by the board every years normally. Next, the examiners also will be the responsibility or the BQSM to decide i. e. he board will appoint persons or a body or institutions to be the examiner. Furthermore, the board also has the power to appoint whoever they want in giving recommendation regarding the examinations for the purpose of qualifying for admission to the profession. As we know, the construction involved many professions and each of them have their own board that supervise and organized like Board of Engineer and Board of Architect. In these boards, there a person that is from BQSM members that appointed by the board itself i. e. registered quantity surveyor to act on behalf of the BQSM in that organization. Furthermore, this not only focus ton these two boards only, but whatever board that are related to the profession of quantity surveying. The BQSM also concern about the studies programs and the students itself especially the students that are study in the quantity surveying practice.

Therefore, to make sure they pass and graduate without having any difficulties, the board can provide the scholarship for any of them that interested to get the scholar from the BQSM. Next is to authorize any person to investigate the commission of any offence under this Act or any rules made under this Act i. . the Quantity Surveyors Act 1967. In the other hands, the ISM is an organization that combine all the surveyors profession like quantity surveyor, land surveyor, building surveyor, general practice surveyor and so on under one name i. e. ISM. ISM consists of four surveying divisions such as Building Surveyor, General Land Surveyor, Property Consultancy and Valuation Surveying and Quantity Surveyor. The main reason of ISM was made is to secure the advancement and facilitate the acquisition of that knowledge which constitutes the profession of a surveyor in the industry. Firstly, to make sure that the surveyors profession are widely known and recognized as a professional profession level same as other profession in the construction industry like architect, engineer, contractor and other specialist. Next is to encourage the works of the surveyors up to excellent level and satisfied the needs and requirement of the industry nowadays. Furthermore, another main function this institution is to combine and gather all the surveyors’ profession together and then become a centre of the excellent for them i. e. assist and guide the surveyors until their success in their profession. Another function ISM is to promote and improve the standard of the professional practice and also ethics of the surveyors by organized development programs either in collaboration with BQSM or not.

The welfare and rights of the surveyors also will be taken in account by ISM which is similar with BQSM. ISM also will be responsible for expanding the surveyors practice i. e. by incorporating related disciplines into our profession. Therefore, the surveyors’ profession not only widely related but also become a well known profession later on. No matter what will comes later on, both body which are BQSM and ISM is there to promote the general interests of the profession and to maintain and extend its usefulness for the public advantage. So, both of them are importance for surveyors especially for quantity surveyors which is a person who have a widely knowledge and expertise not only in the construction industry but also other industry like private practice, government sectors, educational institutions, construction companies, property developers, banks and financial institutions, industrial companies and other commercial companies. Therefore with so many services that a quantity surveyor can deliver to the public, he or she should have these body to protect and make sure their works in accordance with the industry. Question 2 Nowadays, quantity surveyor (QS) is played important roles in the construction industry in order to fulfill the clients’ needs and requirements. This job’s value as a quantity surveyor is similarly and equally with engineer and architect in the construction work. If the architect do the design and artistic works and engineer with his/her civil and mechanical and electrical design aspect, the QS will be the person who will quantified all the amount of the works for both parties in form of quantity and rate. Furthermore, the unique of this profession is not only that, but also act as a person that in charge of the contracting matters in the constructions like a lawyer or arbitrator but in another point of view i. e. the basis is the same which is to advise the clients and parties that involve in the contract. Therefore, with all the responsibilities and knowledge that QS has, they will be placed in a strong position to take a leading managerial role throughout the development of a project.

For example, they are able to assess the implications of changes in design, site conditions and working arrangements and give the client accurate budget and time estimates. However, to be fully registered QS are not as easy as we think.

There are several methods and procedure to be followed in order to get that title. These procedures are stated in the Quantity Surveyors Act 1967. Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/ O level or equivalent Diploma in QS from approved Institution of Higher Learning Degree in QS from approved Institution of Higher Learning Route to register as a registered quantity surveyor with BQSM First of all, for a graduate quantity surveyor to be a registered quantity surveyor, he or she shall know what are the requirement and procedure to become a fully registered quantity surveyor. First step he or she shall follow is to be a registered graduate quantity surveyor and to be a register graduate QS, the requirements as follows:- 1) Must be a Malaysian citizen or a permanent resident of Malaysia (Section 10(3) of the Act) 2) Holds a qualification in quantity surveying recognized by the Board (Section 10(1)(a) of the Act) 3) Passed the requisite elective subjects (if required) 4) Fulfills any topping-up condition imposed by the Board The qualification from the higher learning institution normally differs and revised every year in order to make sure the output i. e. the graduate is qualified enough. So, the graduate should check and make sure the qualification they get is certified and recognized by the board. When the qualification is recognized, he or she can apply to become a registered graduate quantity surveyor. The procedures for a graduate student to follow to be a registered graduate member are stated by BQSM. The registration can be made either by online or by manual by using Form A. There are several form and supporting documents needed:- 1) Certified copy of SPM/STPM/ A-Level certificates or equivalents 2) Certified copy of Degree/Diploma/Certificate 3) Certified copy of full examination transcript from first year to final year of Degree/Diploma/ Certificates 4) Passport-size photo in formal attire ) Copy of identity card (I. C. ) 6) A non-refundable processing fee of RM50. 00 and registration fee of RM50. 00 in the form of crossed cheque/ money order/ postal order/ bank draft made payable to “LEMBAGA JURUUKUR BAHAN MALAYSIA”. 7) Address of employment and a copy of company’s letterhead (if applicable) 8) Duly completed Education History Form. In addition, the copy of academic qualifications, I. C and any other supporting documents must be certified by a Registered QS or ISM member like the example below:- [pic] The graduate must stated all the information of the qualifications like educational history and other. If the form were not incomplete, the board will inform the applicant to rectified and verify again.

However if completed, 4 months will be taken by board to decide the result and after 1 months, the applicant will be inform and he or she will get a registration number as a registered graduate quantity surveyor stated in Form C. After being a register graduate, he or she can apply for register quantity surveyor after fulfill the following requirement and procedure:- 1) Must be a Malaysian citizen or a permanent resident of Malaysia (Section 10(3) of the Act) ) Must works as a quantity surveyor with under supervise of registered QS or ISM member to the satisfaction of the employer minimum 2 years period after registered as a graduate QS in any departments, authorities or institution approved by board 3) In case not in employment of any of the departments etc, employment as a quantity surveyor performing quantity surveying duties to the satisfaction of the employer, for a minimum period of two years after registration with the Board as registered graduate Quantity Surveyor in any firm or etc that having a principal, partner, director or a supervisor who is a registered Quantity Surveyor. ) Must have passed the Test of Professional Competence conducted jointly by BQSM and ISM. The test will comprise:- i) 2 years minimum period of professional experience mentioned before and approved areas of work under the supervision of a registered Quantity Surveyor. ii) Submission of practical tasks as directed by the Joint Test of Professional Competence Panel iii) A written test related to the professional experience that he has obtained and the Code of professional conduct iv) A professional interview conducted by at least two examiners appointed by the Joint Test of Professional Competence Panel from time to time ) Any other form of test or assessment of professional competence as the Joint Test of Professional Competence Panel may decide from time to time vi) Must have passed other appropriate form of test or assessment as the Board deems fit. Next is the procedure to register as fully registered QS where the applicant can either use via online or manual by using Form B. same as register procedure for registered graduate Qs, the supporting documents also required such as:-

• Certification of minimum two (2) years of working experience from employer in approved format [pic] Letter of approval from Joint Test of Professional Competence (JTPC) on successful completion of TPC or other form of approved certification.

• Passport-size photo in formal attire

• Name and address of employment.

• A non-refundable processing fee of RM50. 00 and registration fee of RM300. 00 in the form of crossed cheque/ money order/ postal order/ bank draft made payable to “LEMBAGA JURUUKUR BAHAN MALAYSIA”. In short, all the above are similar procedure like before i. e. registration for graduate QS. Furthermore, these supporting documents also must be certified by a Registered QS or ISM member in the same format. For the purpose of calculating years of employment, the commencement date of the two years period shall be calculated from the date of registration as a registered graduate Quantity Surveyor. The TPC shall be conducted jointly by the Board & ISM in accordance with the Rules & Guide to the Test of Professional Competence published jointly by Board and ISM. If the application is incomplete or does not satisfy the registration requirements, a notification shall be issued to the applicant for rectification. Complete applications shall be decided by the Board within four (4) months from the date of receipt of complete application. Applicants shall be notified of the decision of the Board in writing within one (1) month of the date of the decision. Successful applicant will be given a registration number. A certificate of registration in Form D shall be issued to successful applicant. In a nutshell, the procedures are almost similar only the type of form being used and the amount of fees only differ from each registration. ———————– Graduate Registration 2 years approved supervise experience (ASE) Test of Professional Competence (TPC) (written test, interview, work diary, log book, practical task) Fully Registration of QS

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