Experiential Learning

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My Position Statement

Having completed my high school studies at the English Grammar School in Cyprus which I enjoyed very much since it involved the fundamental resources that I required in order to study a degree abroad. I have decided to apply for a position as a student at the University of East London (UEL). London has a very long tradition in the world of Business Finance and, in my opinion, the metropolis of the world has always been the centre of thrilling developments which as a child I have been watching and admiring.

As two years of military service are compulsory in Cyprus, to challenge myself and follow my personal ambitions I decided to join the Navy Seals which is the most disciplined and hardest section of the army. I then joined the navy as I was interested in that part of the army as well and then joined the mechanised units to gain more experience. Completing my military course was the right decision as I gained a lot of strengths. This role assisted me in achieving and enhancing group work and communication skills. In working together as a group we also learned to support and encourage each other (a necessary skill in the business world) and to achieve the maximum level of our competencies in order to get through our army training. I learned the importance of punctuality when I was in the navy seals where I was required to be always on time in order to avoid any punishment and penalties that could have resulted in my expulsion from the army, or in some cases to be severely mentally and physically abused. However some of my weaknesses that included short temper and reacting to orders from my captain who seemed useless to me. Another weakness of my character that I have come to realise during my military service was my lack of patience and self confidence when it came to dealing with unknown situations and tasks that I was not fully aware of, for example learning different battlefield strategies required during action.

During my military service I also got involved in organising parties and events with a colleague of mine which assisted me in advancing my leadership abilities and improving my position of responsibility. With this experience I realised another of my weaknesses, that of being self-opinionated and argumentative when organising things.

After I was discharged from my two years of military service, I then applied for a job as a temporary assistant property consultant. The experience that this work offered me was vital as it taught me how to cope in real life situations where people partly depended on me. I have learned and experienced managing parts of the promotion of property portfolio of the company, company structure, appreciation, formulating sales strategy and residual values. Admittedly I have realised how little I knew and how much I still need to learn. I admired watching the decision makers in action and their positive aggressive thinking.

As for my free time, sports were a part of my life as I did a lot of swimming and competitive boxing excelling in 65kg weight and joining the Cyprus national boxing team. I also enjoy socialising, meeting new people, travelling, and discovering different cultures. Even though I am very sociable and like to meet different people, I try avoiding people that are hypocrites, have no vision or goals in their lives as they can influence me in a negative way and prevent me from completing my goals.

To conclude I have deep interest in how the world of business finance operates. This is something that intrigued me since I was a child and it is my personal ambition to qualify and work in the United Kingdom, and hopefully in the future, to accomplish my long term goal in expanding my family's business in Cyp

Comments on skills and initial self targets

The skills audit handout gives you a detail analysis of different abilities that an individual may possess, by completing this handout I came to realise many strengths and weaknesses of my character.

I consider myself relatively good in analysing skills due to the fact that when it comes in identifying similarities and differences, I can easily cope with assignments that relate towards this. As I was assigned to complete an essay based upon similarities and differences of a manager, in a large and small business, I managed to complete without any dilemmas.

There was recently a group presentation of a module that I am studying which required different tasks for each group member to be carried out. My role was conducting a research on the company's marketing mix which involved searching relevant information and cataloguing it. I trust that within the limited resources that were available to me I related my findings to the company relatively well.

Admittedly I always like working with other people in completing certain tasks as other people have different ideas and perspectives on how a work should be submitted. By putting down different ideas this assists in generating similar ideas that may be used in completing the task. Sometimes conflicts may occur when the group is working together since everybody has a certain way of presenting their ideas.

The quality of work that needs to be completed in relation to high school studies varies in the way of writing and the verbal skills required. As a result I am not being fully aware when submitting a good piece of work.

Working with a group gives me confidence that the work is divided into sections that group members feel comfortable dealing with. When working individually, however, a person may come across difficulties and has only himself to rely on for dealing with the issues that he faces. By managing my time and setting my priorities straight I usually meet and handle all the problems that I encounter, however when it comes in meeting unexpected queries I find it very difficult since time is working against me and cannot resolve those appropriately. I plan on improving myself by considering all of the factors including the unexpected ones and face the problem rather than going around it.

When it comes to following instructions to resolve a problem, I believe that I am relatively good because I listen carefully to what the instructor or any other person explaining the problem has to say. Then by writing down the problem I break it into steps which I can easily comprehend and by following my steps methodically will bring me to the desired outcome. I find it difficult however in assessing the complexity of a problem because I keep asking myself several questions and keep on daydreaming of the theory behind a problem rather than solving it. Consequently instead of putting theory into practise I keep on wondering, which slows me down from solving the problem. Now that I am aware of what is causing me from assessing the complexity of a problem my aim is to find a way from preventing the same mistake, by focusing on the main core of the problem rather than giving attention on minor issues that are not really related to it.

In relation to communication and presentation I believe that I recognise key issues well for the reason that when a tutor is explaining a topic I know something important is mentioned when the volume of the tutor's voice is changed. In addition when I read I attempt to look for the key words that are mentioned in the text in order to understand and be able to explain in my own words the passage's meaning. When answering a question I usually drift out of the subject and sometimes I elaborate on points that are irrelevant to the question, I do this because there are times that I do not break the question down. I have trouble when presenting my work written and verbally. This is because I was living in another country where English language is not compulsory. Even though I have difficulties in speaking the English language and takes me more time in completing a task compared to a UK resident this helped in improving my body language when having a conversation. I intend however to attend English language support classes in order to improve my English verbally and achieve a better understanding in how written work should be formatted.

My IT skills have improved a lot since studying for ECDL assisted me in a great scale. I can therefore produce this document without difficulties occurring. Even though I have basic knowledge when using a computer I am unaware to some extend the problems I could meet using a computer.

To conclude I believe completing the skills audit handout helped me not only in realising the strengths and weaknesses I have, but also gave me a more detailed analysis on how I can improve them. While completing this handout, I have identified the reasons behind my adequately high skills and my skills that need a deeper improvement.

SMART Action Plan

By completing my skills audit, I revealed two of my skills that need to be improved significantly, one being that I hardly meet deadlines and improving my verbal skills. Due to the fact that I cannot organise my time effectively to meet deadlines, I considered an idea of creating a calendar that will meet each activity of the week. The calendar will be created on the 2nd of February Monday, one week before my second semester to certify that I will input my university's timetable by that time and the extra curricular activities I will be involved into. I will conduct the calendar in a way that ensures I divide each activity for the period of time that represents it. By checking my calendar every night I make sure that I keep progress with my time table every day. I also have to come up with different “back up”? strategies when meeting unforeseen queries. By “back up”? strategies I mean being deprived of socialising or even reducing my time of sleep. I will know when I have achieved my goal when I am not being deprived of my sleep and by completing my assignments several days before the deadlines.

By doing this I will be able to show my work to tutors and receive important feedback on how I will be able to improve my work. By implementing the above strategies I trust that my learning will improve radically.

A reason why my verbal skills are not improved dramatically is because that even if I live on campus, I tend to hang out more with people from my country and so I do not practise my verbal skills as much. I plan relating them to my calendar so I can have a balance of time when socialising with people of my country and people from campus. Socialising with fellow students of my dorms will help me to improve my English as I will be compelled in talking in English.

Evaluation of Progress

By carrying out the tasks that are related to my SMART action plan I believe that I will benefit in improving both of my skill's weaknesses.

By associating time with English speaking students made me realise that my English has been significantly improved. I trust that now when speaking verbally I talk without any restraints than before, even though I conduct few grammar mistakes when speaking. In addition to this, it has helped gaining confidence in completing tasks and assignments faster as I tend to write down my thoughts and then elaborating on them. Having conversations with English speaking students who interrupt me when being grammatically wrong and correct me by explaining to me my mistakes. This assists me in enhancing the English language better. By creating a SMART action plan this will help me in my future learning, in the way that now I will be more organised and I will be able to meet all of my obligations in a given time.

Meeting my SMART actions plan's requirements is very significant as it will not deprive me of meeting my deadlines of assignments. If I had constructed a SMART action plan before this assignment, then I would not rush as I rush now to submit assessments on time.

Following my SMART action plan for the second semester will be my first priority for the reason that by following my action plan, I automatically ensure that all other priorities are met.


Coming from a two year gap of studies since I had to meet with my army obligations back in Cyprus, I realised the need of emphasising on my meetings with my personal tutor in order to serenely return to my educational studies and improve my studying skills and orientate in my new environment.

My first meeting with my tutor was on the 29th of October. At the specific date, I presented some of my work (C.V). Positively the studying methods I used to study were not wrong. While receiving help on how to improve my C.V, I was also instructed on the material I had to study.

Opinions and comments on 29/10/08 were carefully used for my own benefit to improve my studying skills.

The next meeting was on 10th of December 2008, a meeting considered of vital importance in my own personal point of view. Based on an essay I presented, I was guided on where and how to use specific techniques in my writings. Additionally I was guided to “create”? a diary where my ideas would be listed in a way that would be of significance assistance on improving my organization.

Following my second meeting I knew how to tackle my “problems”? of organization and writing. I tried on implementing with the “techniques”? guided and follow my tutor's suggestions. Constitutive progress in all aspects (pointed out in 10/12/08) was reached.

My third and final meeting took place on 17th of December 2008, I presented my essay using guide lines and techniques taught where I attempted in meeting the expected standards of this specific assignment.

Although I failed on answering the essay effectively and wrote mostly irrelevant material as my personal tutor stated, I was also given positive signs of improvement since it was said that my writing skills improved and are superior compared to my speaking skills.

It was obvious to me that I needed more studying as far as in comprehending the question. It also proved to me that I improved my writing skills with the appropriate guidance I put myself along with hard work. Thus I strongly believe that despite the fact that my essay might have been irrelevant to the subject, previous mistakes were not repeated and that's a positive sign.

My personal tutor advised me in speaking more with English-speaking people so that my speaking in English could be improved since it was made clear to me that as far as writing is concerned I do not posses a lot of issues. On the other hand, as far as my verbal skills, problems of expressing myself arise. This is probably due to the fact that there is not much time to think as in writing. In order to deal with this problem, I blindly followed the advice mentioned above.

Comparing my skills in the beginning of the academic year with now, I believe that I have noticeably improved my writing and verbal skills. Each meeting had its own significance. After each meeting I attempted in following the “instructions”? given to me and implementing them on my assignments. Being able to reflect on my mistakes I learn how to avoid repeating them. Achieving this objective, I will keep moving on the track of improvement.


I aspire to be involved in the world of finance and thus choosing the Business Finance degree at the University of East London will assist me in achieving my goal. Hence my goal is to become a successful business financial consultant at first, and in the future achieving my long term goal to expand my family's property business in the future.

Education and Qualifications:

September 2008 - University of East London

Business Finance (BA Honours)

September 1999-June 2006 - The Limassol Grammar School

A§ 2006 School leaving Certificate (Apolitirion)

A§ 2006 A-Levels: Greek (B), Economics (B) Mathematics (E),

A§ 2004 GCE O-Levels: 6 O levels including English (C) and Greek (A)

Work Experience and positions of responsibility:

August 2008 - Evelthon Developments Ltd, Cyprus

Temporary Assistant Property Consultant

A§ Real Estate Planning and Development

A§ Managing the promotion of a property portfolio of the company in Limassol

July 2006-2008 - Cyprus National Guard, Cyprus

A§ Navy Seals special forces soldier (group work abilities, disciplined hard military training)

A§ Mechanised Infantry soldier (leadership abilities, communication skills)

2005-2008 - PNC (Petros and Chris) party organisation, Cyprus

Head Organiser

A§ Enhancing my public relation skills amongst with interpersonal communications skills

A§ A-Z organisation of the events

IT Skills

A§ Internet

A§ Microsoft Office Word

A§ Microsoft Office Excel

A§ Microsoft Office Outlook

Personal Details

A§ Excellent Health, Non- Smoker

A§ EU Driving License since Oct 2005

A§ As for my extra curricular activities, sports played a significant role in my life. I did a lot of swimming and competitive boxing excelling in 65-69kg weight.


Work/employment - Evelthon Developments Ltd, Cyprus

Name: Charis Economides

Position of Responsibility: Marketing Director

Phone Number: +35799621082

Comments on my C.V

The first draft of my C.V. was “perfect”? from my point of view. My first meeting with my tutor however, made me realise how little I knew in conducting a C.V. and how much I still have to learn. There were little details that as a student would have never been able to give notice as opposed to my tutor's experience where she spotted those errors straight away. Little details included like bullet points that were different in one heading and in addition the layout of the C.V. had to be improved; for example, the space between paragraphs. The draft included information that I thought was relevant to what an employer is seeking such as the modules I am currently undertaking in the first year. My tutor revealed “little tricks”? of her own on how to manipulate the wording of a sentence while retaining the same meaning. At the end of my meeting with my tutor I became conscious that details count in a C.V in order to make it stand out from the rest.




With reference to at least two theories, analyse what is meant by learning styles. Identify your own learning style, then define and justify the strategy you will adopt to gain the most benefit out of your studies.

It is important for students to comprehend the different learning styles that exist in order to be able to use them and assist them with their future studies by exploring their influences. There are many theories on how learning styles are defined. People tend to think of the word ‘learning' as a way of gaining new knowledge or abilities. Even though there is not a single definition of what a learning style is, in order to explain what is meant, firstly there must be a clear understanding of the theories this essay will be examining. After identifying my own learning style, see below, through a number of on-line tests and by investigating fully the learning theories, this essay will explain how it is possible to adapt different scenarios in my studies and how they will assist me in my future learning. This assignment will be looking into experiential learning and V.A.R.K learning theories that reflect on how different learning styles are adapted.

Experiential theory is based upon the theory that people learn by observing, what is taught in practical sessions and it also suggests that individuals may improve themselves by learning from their mistakes and their experiences. Kolb's ‘learning cycle' reflects on this theory. Kolb's diagram signifies the following four phases: concrete experience, where the learner has an experience in a task that will lead to reflective observation, in this phase the learner observes, thinks carefully and deeply in order to understand the experience. The next phase is abstract conceptualization, where the individual intends to adapt a theory on what was observed. The last phase of Kolb's theory and this is where the circle is completed is active experimentation, where the individual plans on testing a hypothesis and/or acts to produce a new experience. Kolb states that a learner may start from any phase but follow the sequence of the phases as it is presented in the following diagram:

Kolb's theory states that if a phase of this circle is not met by the learner, then learning cannot take place. For example by experiencing something without considering the reflection of it, may result in repeating the same action repeatedly without understanding how the learning may be enhanced.

Honey and Mumford (1982) interpreted Kolb's learning model to four similar learning styles each substituting to one of Kolb's stages.

Honey and Mumford also stated that human beings tend to have a preference in the different kinds of learning, depending from their circumstances and the way they experience the learning. They argue that individuals shift between their different styles of learning rather than staying in one or even combining two of them in order to input the information they gain more effectively.

In addition Honey and Mumford argue that even though the stages are presented in this series, they believe that a learner may start from any phase, encircle the stages constantly, and stop once they enhance the task but follow the series of the stages as it is shown here:

Honey and Mumford (1992) stated and identified learning styles as “a description of the attitudes and behaviour which determine an individual's preferred way of learning”?

They identified and translated the four learning styles into Kolb's stages as follows:

“Pragmatists”?, are individuals that learn best when putting theory on practical issues and apply fresh ideas, this style of learning reflects on ‘active experimentation'.

A “reflector”?, is someone that learns through researching, analysing and evaluating the learning he experienced; this style represents the ‘reflective observation'.

A “theorist”?, is an individual that likes to interpreter his learning into his own theories by following a procedure that will fit into his scepticism; a theorist learning style stands for ‘abstract conceptualization'.

“Activists”?, are active learners that enjoy being involved in the experience; this learning style corresponds to ‘concrete experience'.

After completing several self awareness tests, I have identified my learning style as that of a reflector. Reflectors like to review their experiences and look at them from different angles. They also possess some weaknesses, such as holding back from being involved into group presentations. Reflectors tend to spend too much time in gathering their thoughts together and fail to notice and concentrate on essence of discussion at a given time. As a reflector I have to be able to adopt different strategies that will assist me in my future learning. What follows is a list on how my learning may advance.

As a student when going to seminars I may have to ask myself what I become aware of and what conclusion can I draw from different perspectives. Another way I can progress myself is by creating a diary on my computer and spend a small amount of time per day in reviewing and writing down the facts of each day. Admittedly, I can practice by participating in other people's group's sessions, whose discussions may not have any relation to me. Notice the communication between the members of the group. Paying attention in who makes the most effective comments and who is quieter as well as who is more judgemental, opinionated or loyal to his original thoughts.

When a new assignment is given to me, I have to be able to set a programme with targets and periods of time for collecting relevant information.

When reading the other learning styles however, I believe that I am a bit of a pragmatist as well as I possess some of its characteristics and I also learn when concentrating on doing practical issues.

In addition to the above theory this essay will also be examining the V.A.R.K theory.

Fleming and Mills (1992) based their theory on four different learning preferences; they believed that one of these four learning styles reflected on learners.

V.A.R.K stands for visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic.

Visual - these are learners that prefer by watching something visual such as videos , as their brain tends to remember and learn more when having pictures in their heads.

Aural - these are learners that learn best when listening as they can memorise what is taught more easily.

Read/ write - individuals who are more capable of learning when they read rather than listen or watch, for the reason that they understand a task better by taking notes.

Kinesthetic - people who are hyperactive and cannot stay at one place for a long time, they best learn when they are actively involved in doing physical and practical tasks.

According to Fleming and Mills, a person learns best by one of the above categories.

There is a VARK questionnaire that provides learners who use it the learning preferences that are most suited for them. The result of the test showed that I have a mild Kinesthetic learning preference. This means that when handling physical tasks I learn best because there are no restrictions in my movement and I am capable of handling objects very well. Basically I need to perform tasks practically to understand what I am doing. Since I am not an aural learner I now understand why I find it difficult when attending a lecture in writing down notes. I have to categorize different scenarios where I can progress my learning.

Some of the ways which will help me are by forming activities, using illustrations and learning hand gestures that accompany my written notes. By doing this I may experience learning and I trust this is the best way for a kinesthetic to learn. Since I have a kinaesthetic learning preference I must improve as well the other learning styles in order to comprehend better a task when studying, for example taking time to write down notes (Read/Write learning style). In addition, by having discussions with another kinesthetic learner we can exchange ideas and tips on how to improve our studying. A kinesthetic learner learns best when constructing or using models that reflect his studies, an example may be using a new mobile phone instead of reading the instructions of it.

I plan on using all of the above strategies now that I know how I prefer to learn, and hope that this will be useful guiding me towards better understanding.

I believe however as I was completing the test that the test results must not be treated as absolute. As I recall before starting the test, the instructions stated that more than one answer may be used for each question. There were several questions that all of the answers could be selected, by selecting all of the answers then the outcome of my result would be different. One example is as following:

You have a problem with your knee. You would prefer that the doctor:

described what was wrong.

used a plastic model of a knee to show what was wrong.

gave you a web address or something to read about it.

showed you a diagram of what was wrong.

Personally, I prefer the doctor carrying out all of the above tasks in order for me to have a better perspective of what injury I have. If I was to select all of the above options the result of my learning preference would be changed.

Understanding these theories students may find ways to tackle issues by using many different strategies, which apply to their learning preferences and enhance their knowledge by understanding subjects better.

To conclude, all the above theories I discussed in this paper are just theories and my state of comprehension and understanding of a problem and how I contribute to a solution will fluctuate between the different learning preferences, depending on experience, age, successes and failures and nature of the problem.


  • Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2008, December). Experiential Learning (Kolb) at Learning-Theories.com. Retrieved December 18th, 2008 from https://www.learning-theories.com/experiential-learning-kolb.html
  • Coffield F. (et al). (2004). Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ). In: Unknown Learning Styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review. [Online www]
  • [https://www.nwlink.com/~Donclark/hrd/styles/honey_mumford.html] [https://www.lsda.org.uk/files/PDF/1543.pdf] London: Learning and Skills Research Centre. p.156-160. (Dec 18th 2008)
  • Bastable B. Susan. (2007). Interpretation of the Use of Learning Style Models and Instruments. In: Unknown Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and learning for Nursing Practice. 3rd ed. Unknown: Jones and Bartlett. p.136-138.
  • D. Fleming N (2006) VASK Questionnaire, [Online www ]https://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=questionnaire ( Dec 18th 2008)
  • Pearson Education, Inc. (2008) [Online www]
  • [https://wps.pearsoned.co.uk/ema_uk_he_cameron_bustuhndbk_4/75/19427/4973363.cw/index.html] (Dec 18th 2008)
  • Catherine McLoughlin. (1999). ‘Designing learning materials: A procedural approach to integrating learning styles research into instructional materials.' in Australian Journal of Educational Technology 18th Dec 2008 [Online www]: https://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet15/mcloughlin.html.

TurnitinUK Originality Report

With reference to at least two theories, analyse what is meant by learning styles. Identify your own learning style, then define and justify the strategy you will adopt to gain the most benefit out o by PETROS AVGOUSTI

From " Essay on learning syles" (SM1007 - 2008-9 Sem A, Studying for Business)

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3% match (student papers from 20/03/07)

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Thomas F. Hawk. "Using Learning Style Instruments to Enhance Student Learning", Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 1/2007

< 1% match (student papers from 20/08/08)

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paper text:

With reference to at least two theories, analyse what is meant by learning styles. Identify your own learning style, then define and justify the strategy you will adopt to gain the most benefit out of your studies. It is important for students to comprehend the different learning styles that exist in order to be able to use them and assist them with their future studies by exploring their influences. There are many theories on how learning styles are defined. People tend to think of the word ‘learning' as a way of gaining new knowledge or abilities. Even though there is not a single definition of what a learning style is, in order to explain what is meant, firstly there must be a clear understanding of the theories this essay will be examining. After identifying my own learning style, see below, through a number of on-line tests and by investigating fully the learning theories, this essay will explain how it is possible to adapt different scenarios in my studies and how they will assist me in my future learning. This assignment will be looking into experiential learning and V.A.R.K learning theories that reflect on how different learning styles are adapted. Experiential theory is based upon the theory that people learn by observing, what is taught in practical sessions and it also suggests that individuals may improve themselves by learning from their mistakes and their experiences. Kolb's ‘learning cycle' reflects on this theory. Kolb's diagram signifies the following four phases: concrete experience, where the learner has an experience in a task that will lead to reflective observation, in this phase the learner observes, thinks carefully and deeply in order to understand the experience. The next phase is abstract conceptualization, where the individual intends to adapt a theory on what was observed. The last phase of Kolb's theory and this is where the circle is completed is active experimentation, where the individual plans on testing a hypothesis and/or acts to produce a new experience. Kolb states that a learner may start from any phase but follow the sequence of the phases as it is presented in the following diagram: 4Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Active Experimentation Abstract Conceptualisation Kolb's theory states that if a phase of this circle is not met by the learner, then learning cannot take place. For example by experiencing something without considering the reflection of it, may result in repeating the same action repeatedly without understanding how the learning may be enhanced. Honey and Mumford (1982) interpreted Kolb's learning model to four similar learning styles each substituting to one 6of Kolb's stages. Honey and Mumford also stated that human beings tend to have a preference in the different kinds of learning, depending from their circumstances and the way they experience the learning. They argue that individuals shift between their different styles of learning rather than staying in one or even combining two of them in order to input the information they gain more effectively. In addition Honey and Mumford argue that even though the stages are presented in this series, they believe that a learner may start from any phase, encircle the stages constantly, and stop once they enhance the task but follow the series of the stages as it is shown here: Honey and Mumford (1992) stated and identified 7learning styles as “a description of the attitudes and behaviour which determine an individual's preferred way of learning”? They identified and translated the four learning styles into Kolb's stages as follows: “Pragmatists”?, are individuals that learn best when putting theory on practical issues and apply fresh ideas, this style of learning reflects on ‘active experimentation'.A “reflector”?, is someone that learns through researching, analysing and evaluating the learning he experienced; this style represents the ‘reflective observation'. A “theorist”?, is an individual that likes to interpreter his learning into his own theories by following a procedure that will fit into his scepticism; a theorist learning style stands for ‘abstract conceptualization'. “Activists”?, are active learners that enjoy being involved in the experience; this learning style corresponds to ‘concrete experience'. After completing several self awareness tests, I have identified my learning style as that of a reflector. Reflectors like to review their experiences and look at them from different angles. They also possess some weaknesses, such as holding back from being involved into group presentations. Reflectors tend to spend too much time in gathering their thoughts together and fail to notice and concentrate on essence of discussion at a given time. As a reflector I have to be able to adopt different strategies that will assist me in my future learning. What follows is a list on how my learning may advance. As a student when going to seminars I may have to ask myself what I become aware of and what conclusion can I draw from different perspectives. Another way I can progress myself is by creating a diary on my computer and spend a small amount of time per day in reviewing and writing down the facts of each day. Admittedly, I can practice by participating in other people's group's sessions, whose discussions may not have any relation to me. Notice the communication between the members of the group. Paying attention in who makes the most effective comments and who is quieter as well as who is more judgemental, opinionated or loyal to his original thoughts. When a new assignment is given to me, I have to be able to set a programme with targets and periods of time for collecting relevant information. When reading the other learning styles however, I believe that I am a bit of a pragmatist as well as I possess some of its characteristics and I also learn when concentrating on doing practical issues. In addition to the above theory this essay will also be examining the V.A.R.K theory. Fleming and Mills (1992) based their theory on four different learning preferences; they believed that one of these four learning styles reflected on learners.V.A.R.K 5stands for visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. Visual - these are learners that prefer by watching something visual such as videos , as their brain tends to remember and learn more when having pictures in their heads. Aural - these are learners that learn best when listening as they can memorise what is taught more easily. Read/ write - individuals who are more capable of learning when they read rather than listen or watch, for the reason that they understand a task better by taking notes. Kinesthetic - people who are hyperactive and cannot stay at one place for a long time, they best learn when they are actively involved in doing physical and practical tasks. According to Fleming and Mills, a person learns best by one of the above categories. There is a VARK questionnaire that provides learners who use it the learning preferences that are most suited for them. The result of the test showed that I have a mild Kinesthetic learning preference. This means that when handling physical tasks I learn best because there are no restrictions in my movement and I am capable of handling objects very well. Basically I need to perform tasks practically to understand what I am doing. Since I am not an aural learner I now understand why I find it difficult when attending a lecture in writing down notes. I have to categorize different scenarios where I can progress my learning. Some of the ways which will help me are by forming activities, using illustrations and learning hand gestures that accompany my written notes. By doing this I may experience learning and I trust this 1is the best way for a kinesthetic to learn. Since I have a kinaesthetic learning preference I must improve as well the other learning styles in order to comprehend better a task when studying, for example taking time to write down notes (Read/Write learning style). In addition, by having discussions with another kinesthetic learner we can exchange ideas and tips on how to improve our studying. A kinesthetic learner learns best when constructing or using models that reflect his studies, an example may be using a new mobile phone instead of reading the instructions of it.I plan on using all of the above strategies now that I know how I prefer to learn, and hope that this will be useful guiding me towards better understanding. I believe however as I was completing the test that the test results must not be treated as absolute. As I recall before starting the test, the instructions stated that more than one answer may be used for each question. There were several questions that all of the answers could be selected, by selecting all of the answers then the outcome of my result would be different. One example is as following: 1You have a problem with your knee. You would prefer that the doctor: described what was wrong. used a plastic model of a knee to show what was wrong. gave you a web address or something to read about it. showed you a diagram of what was wrong. Personally, I prefer the doctor carrying out all of the above 3tasks in order for me to have a better perspective of what injury I have. 3If I was to select all of the above options the result of my learning preference would be changed. Understanding these theories students may find ways to tackle issues by using many different strategies, which apply to their learning preferences and enhance their knowledge by understanding subjects better. To conclude, all the above theories I discussed in this paper are just theories and my state of comprehension and understanding of a problem and how I contribute to a solution will fluctuate between the different learning preferences, depending on experience, age, successes and failures and nature of the problem. Bibliography Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2008, December). Experiential Learning (Kolb) at Learning-Theories.com. Retrieved December 18th, 2008 from https://www.learning-theories.com/experiential-learning-kolb.html Coffield F. (et al). (2004). Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ). In: Unknown Learning Styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review. [Online www] [https://www.nwlink.com/~Donclark/hrd/styles/honey_mumford.html] [https://www.lsda.org.uk/files/PDF/1543.pdf] London: Learning and Skills Research Centre. p.156-160. (Dec 18th 2008) Bastable B. Susan. (2007). Interpretation of the Use of Learning Style Models and Instruments. In: Unknown Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and learning for Nursing Practice. 3rd ed. Unknown: Jones and Bartlett. p.136-138. D. Fleming N (2006) VASK Questionnaire, [Online www ]https://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=questionnaire ( Dec 18th 2008) Pearson Education, Inc. (2008) [Online www] [https://wps.pearsoned.co.uk/ema_uk_he_cameron_bustuhndbk_4/75/19427/4973363.cw/index.html] (Dec 18th 2008) Catherine McLoughlin. (1999). ‘Designing learning materials: A procedural approach to integrating learning styles research into instructional materials.' in Australian Journal of Educational Technology 18th Dec 2008 [Online www]: https://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet15/mcloughlin.html. Word Count: 1543 (Excluding Bibliography, In-text Referencing and essay title)


  • Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2008, December). Experiential Learning (Kolb) at Learning-Theories.com. Retrieved December 18th, 2008 from https://www.learning-theories.com/experiential-learning-kolb.html
  • Coffield F. (et al). (2004). Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ). In: Unknown Learning Styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review. [Online www]
  • [https://www.nwlink.com/~Donclark/hrd/styles/honey_mumford.html] [https://www.lsda.org.uk/files/PDF/1543.pdf] London: Learning and Skills Research Centre. p.156-160. (Dec 18th 2008)
  • Bastable B. Susan. (2007). Interpretation of the Use of Learning Style Models and Instruments. In: Unknown Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and learning for Nursing Practice. 3rd ed. Unknown: Jones and Bartlett. p.136-138.
  • D. Fleming N (2006) VASK Questionnaire, [Online www ]https://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=questionnaire ( Dec 18th 2008)
  • Pearson Education, Inc. (2008) [Online www]
  • [https://wps.pearsoned.co.uk/ema_uk_he_cameron_bustuhndbk_4/75/19427/4973363.cw/index.html] (Dec 18th 2008)
  • Catherine McLoughlin. (1999). ‘Designing learning materials: A procedural approach to integrating learning styles research into instructional materials.' in Australian Journal of Educational Technology 18th Dec 2008 [Online www]: https://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet15/mcloughlin.html.
  • https://www.nwlink.com/~Donclark/hrd/styles/honey_mumford.html
  • https://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=questionnaire
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Experiential learning. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved March 20, 2025 , from

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